September 11, 2018
Cantor Lee Degani: Dear God,
It’s about Hurricane Florence…
by Cantor Lee Degani,
Dear God,
It’s Me Again, Lee. This time it’s about Hurricane Florence. It just seems so crazy that hurricanes have been on my mind as I have been thinking about Hurricane Irma these past few days. I have been telling you how grateful I am that we got through it with minimal damage! And now just a year later Hurricane Florence has my attention. Even though the hurricane is not coming towards Florida I am asking You to please protect all beings in her path!
And yes, I know I have to do my part. For we are Co-Creators. Your Divine Light is within me. When I am in Sacred Partnership with You, I have the power to create miracles. And when many of us come together with the same intentions, our prayers do truly manifest! You have brought these truths to us in all of the religions, in all the spiritual teachings, it is within the deepest knowingness of each one of us…
August 18, 2018
Be Kind: Finkelstein Sisters Inspire Kindness
in Napa County Through Second Annual Walk
By Samie Hartley,
Thank you to Petra for sending this wonderful news.
Hundreds of supporters gathered in Yountville to walk to the Veterans Home of California on Saturday in support of Be Kind Napa.
Hundreds of supporters walked through the streets of Yountville on Saturday morning to spread a simple message: be kind.
The Be Kind Napa movement, spearheaded by Talulah and Ruby Finkelstein of Napa – ages 11 and 9 respectively – continued its mission to make the world a kinder place with the second annual Be Kind Walk that took demonstrators from the steps of the Yountville Community Center to the Napa Valley Museum at the Veterans Home of California – Yountville property nearly a mile away.
August 17th, 2018
Bob Jackiewicz:
Anchoring into the Light of All That Is;
Living with the LaHoChi Energies
I’d like to share an experience I had last weekend at a 13th Octave LaHoChi retreat that was taught by Eilis Philpott of Soul Healing Journey, LLC. [1.]
[ If you’re not familiar with the 13th Octave or LaHoChi see below.] [2]
What a transformative weekend! The energetic downloads were life-changing and the initiation, self-empowering.
During group contemplations, we listened to guided and audio meditations that led us into ourselves visiting the Love of All That Is.
For me, the energies embedded in those excursions were anchored into my body[ies] in a most profound and permanent way.
August 11th, 2018
Cantor Lee Degani:
The Name on the Chair
By Cantor Lee Degani, Congregation Shirat Shalom
Throughout the years we have had various children do a particular project. It involves having the Bar or Bat Mitzvah teen remember a child who died in the Holocaust, one who didn’t have a chance to come of age. It is such a beautiful mitzvah project and one that has always touched my heart! But this past weekend something was different.
There are several organizations that arrange for Bar or Bat Mitzvah “twinning” with a Holocaust child. This family chose “Remember Us.” I always love how they try to match the name of the child with the Bar/Bat Mitzvah child’s English or Hebrew name. In this case Abigail’s middle name is Eliza as is her Hebrew name. She received the name Liza Akerman to remember.
Abigail and her mother researched to find out as much as they could about Liza. They learned she was born in Kishinev in 1931 and died in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky 12 years later. There isn’t any mention of her mother but Liza, her father Dudl, grandmother and two sisters were in concentration camps during the war. All perished.
Nick Polizzi of Sacred Science:
A Breathing Exercise To Take You Higher
By Nick Polizzi, March 2, 2016
A few years ago, one of my teachers taught me a powerful breathing exercise that I’d like to share with you today.
Variations of this technique have been used for millennia to induce altered states of consciousness and connect more deeply with the divine.
On the surface, it’s hard to fathom how breathing alone can take us to such great heights. I had doubts myself – until I gave it a try.
As it turns out, I hadn’t given my lungs enough credit – the experience was cathartic in ways that defy description.
Today, July 27th, 2018, is a day of new beginnings. . . Nova Earth, Great Awakening, decoding of the metaphor.
Full Blood Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse — Nova Being and Nova Earth of Love, Rebirth, Recovery, Discovery of SACRED PURPOSE, COMMUNITY IN ACTION.
July 21st, 2018
Tale of Grandma Defeating Rabid Bobcat
with Bare Hands
This larger-than-life tale of a warrior grandmother defending herself against a rabid bobcat is not just an inspirational goldmine.
46-year-old DeDe Phillips was standing in the driveway of her Hart County home in Georgia when she saw a mangy bobcat approaching her.
Sensing that it was rabid, Phillips took a determined stance to defend herself—while not waking her grandchild sleeping inside.
She succeeded quite spectacularly.
Watch Seth Meyers re-tell the story below:
(Video contains mild cursing that is bleeped out.)
Bumper sticker on her truck:
Women Who Behave Rarely Make History!
July 18, 2018
Bob Jackiewicz:
The Body of Electricity that Forgives
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs…” [1 Corinthians 13]
The body houses physiological, electrical components that react or respond to stimuli, to energy.
My imperfect understanding of the nervous system’s emotional and psychological backdrop is limited.
An oversimplified interpretation of how that energy interacts would be that the brain sends electrical impulses using synapses, neurons, neurotransmitters, etc. to systems in the body.
Electricity here alludes to the body’s energies and the Law of Attraction.
With intent we can change the energized self-talk story told, or the perceptual report about external circumstances that’s reacted or responded to, and change the energetic makeup that is constructed through perception.
More posts by Bob Jackiewicz:
- There’s More to Me That Meets the Eye [or Any of the Physical Senses]
- The Beginning of Forgiveness
- Heeding the Call
- The Two Wolves Parable
- Working With the Breath
- Going Inwards
- Feeling into It
- Breathing into the Heart Zone
Eilis McNulty Philpott:
13th Octave LaHoChi Healing Retreat
LaHoChi Practitioner Training Retreat in Colorado
Boulder, Colorado — August 9-12, 2018 — with Dr. Eilis McNulty Philpott
From Dr. Philpott’s website, Soul Healing Journey:
“LaHoChi is a powerful hands on healing technique that brings in a very high frequency of light.
“The ‘La’ in LaHoChi refers to the Light, Love and Wisdom coming from the Christ frequency or higher.
“The ‘Ho’ means the movement of this energy, and the ‘Chi’ is universal life force.
“As such, LaHoChi energy can be summarized as ‘healing light of the highest frequencies, filled with life force, moving with the combined intentions of spiritual and human beings to wherever it needs to go.’
July 2nd, 2018
Cantor Lee Degani:
A Message from Beyond
By Cantor Lee Degani, Congregation Shirat Shalom
I know, I have written about it previously. But each time Rabbi David and I continue to be in awe that there is never a Torah portion by accident.
Each B’nai Mitzvah child is meant to receive a specific one!
This time I initially didn’t know the child that well. The family lived out of town and had been referred to us. I didn’t think we could help as we weren’t available on the date that was already planned for the child’s Bar Mitzvah. I remember being surprised that the mother changed the date without even meeting us. It wasn’t until later that I understood why the new date was so important, of G-d’s hand at work. It meant the child would receive the specific Torah portion of Naso containing the Priestly Blessings.
May 31st, 2018
Cantor Lee Degani:
My Mother’s Divine Plan
I call it the Driving Force and also the Divine Force.
When it comes I have no choice but to follow it. It came the Friday morning before Mother’s Day.
I was planning on spending the day with my mother in her rehab facility where she was recovering from a fall. But the Driving Force said, “Go Now! Do not go later as planned!!”
I was frantic as I was driving! When I arrived the ambulance was on its way. The paramedics asked “Which hospital?” I thought, “No wonder the Divine Force wanted me to get there! It was so I could pick the best hospital!”
In a short amount of time the two doctors came to me. My mother would die within a few hours without surgery! My brother was on speaker phone. “No,” we said! “Her heart doctor said no surgery! Find another way!” The two doctors were upset. “You want your mother to die? You want to put her in hospice?”
My brother and I wondered later why as two intelligent beings we didn’t stop and ask for more information, of what the consequences would be. We have made certain promises to our mother. But the emotions had taken over.
See also by Cantor Lee Degani: The Pastor’s Bar Mitzvah Prayer
June 29th, 2018
Bob Jackiewicz: There’s More
to Me That Meets the Eye
[or Any of the Physical Senses]
There’s more to me that meets the eye [or any of the physical senses].
So, where’s my focus? What’s that perceived relationship I hold about “me” and the external world?
An intentional shift in awareness reflected by the application and use of the personal pronoun “I” is what I’m exploring.
I’ve been intuiting lately that, to be present in the higher realms, shifting to the more expanded perceptual concept of “I Am” from the more probable usage of the personal pronoun “I”, is indispensable.
More posts by Bob Jackiewicz:
- The Beginning of Forgiveness
- Heeding the Call
- The Two Wolves Parable
- Working With the Breath
- Going Inwards
- Feeling into It
- Breathing into the Heart Zone
June 26th, 2018
Bob Jackiewicz:
The Beginning of Forgiveness
As higher frequency energies penetrate our universe feelings rooted in perceptions of self, of others, of the world noticeably surface offering no lag time.
You perceive, judge and feel external circumstance almost instantaneously.
Much chaos is being catalogued “within” by a nervous system responding or reacting to stimuli “without”, to external stimuli.
That chaos often overstimulates the nervous system of the unaware.
The standard operating procedure used to discover the source of feelings that surface is to look outside the self, externally, for the cause, not within.
More posts by Bob Jackiewicz:
- Heeding the Call
- The Two Wolves Parable
- Working With the Breath
- Going Inwards
- Feeling into It
- Breathing into the Heart Zone
Iris Arla Moore: Our Golden Dreams
As we sit on the precipice of change,
Overlooking the garden we have created,
It is complete and beautiful..
Beyond words.
~ Filled with abundance and freedom for all
~ Joyful beyond measure
We feel our dreams dancing
Into the great orchestra and harmony
Of our tomorrow now.
Rocks have turned to crystal
And we drink every color of the rainbow.
Love is the canopy…
Love Awakened in all of life
In this illumined garden
Forever Blooming in splendor
Beneath our feet
And in our hearts.
Poem is copyright 2016 by Iris Arla Moore
And may be shared with this credit.
Iris Arla Moore: The Keeper of Joy
Iris Arla Moore’s book: Blossoms of Light, An Oasis For the Soul
June 5th, 2018
Godfrey Sequeira: The Power of Prayer
“We should not fear to pray in our weaknesses, but pray with more sincerity & confidence that the power of the Almighty will be at its best in our weakness & make us strong to receive His Compassion, Blessings & Mercy…. with Love….”
Hi…. This is Godfrey… Once again with you all….
When we pray something always happens…..
Prayer has the power of making our world slow down, take a pause, when moving too fast….
The Bible says: …. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results … (James 5:16)
June 1st, 2018
Godfrey Sequeira: Sharing and Caring
Hi… This is Godfrey…. With you… In Love… Sharing & Caring….
Love… Is the perfect balance that can be achieved by forgiving ourselves & others….with Love….
Life is many things rolled into one … offering us a variety of options on how we want to live it ….
So it all depends on us the path we choose to begin our journey in life according to the desires of our heart … Which may differ from person to person his upbringing & his preferences as he sees the world through his eyes….
As human beings …. We are born with gifts of different kinds that help us in our day to day needs such different parts for different functions ….
The gift of Eyes …. Which can see a person suffering in terrible pain… But to the eyes of the person looking …. He just sees a human in distress & walks away without any feelings …
While Another person also looks at the same person suffering … & he stops for what his eyes see …
But for what his heart feels for that person’s suffering …. & he extends his hand in an act of kindness to listen & help his fellowman in sharing his suffering … By helping him ….
An involuntary act of Love straight from the heart …
“Love one another as I have Loved you..”
May 30th, 2018
Godfrey Sequeira: Prayers for Others,
Life and Gratitude
Hi… This me… Godfrey…
What is life full of care…
We have no time to stand & stare…
No time to stand beneath the boughs…
& stare as long as sheep or cows…
Rightly conveyed by the poet in his poem so long ago & which is applicable to us even in today’s life that we live…
Just think…
In today’s world with everything depending on competition, speed & technology… Where is the time to see who is there besides us… or inquire on how our neighbour, friend, family member or own mother, father, children or wife are as the speed we are travelling in this life is blinding us to see & feel the real world we live in…
This world has become so materialistic that it is indeed very difficult to cope up with our basic upbringing of Thanking & Praising God for in his mercy & blessing we live to see a new day…. or night…. we have completely forgotten that there is someone up there who loves us & takes care of our daily need…
Day in & day out… Everyday…
May 29th, 2018
Godfrey Sequeira: Prayers and Hope
It has been a long journey for me in spirituality….
When I was a child I was always taken to church whenever my parents could but it was my grand mother who instilled a strong faith in me with her stories on how God is a loving father how he cares for us & blesses us in our time of need…..awed by the size of the Church…
The Priests, the teachers in school & in Church where we attended classes on religion… Everything was either good or was bad…
In the 50s & 60s we were so tuned to the facts by what we were taught stayed in our minds that everything bad done with proper knowledge was a sin & punishable in case of death either in purgatory or in hell… so it was in this environment that I grew up… till after going to a series of experiences to hell & back did I understand its true meaning…
On how prayers can even in our darkest hour to bring us light of hope….
May 26th, 2018
Steve Beckow:
Walking through a Vasana of Father Hatred

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia
Vasanas run very, very, very deep.
To think that we’ve gotten to the bottom of one after processing it once is probably dreaming.
I’m still dealing with my father hatred – indeed patrilineal hatred (throw in Grandpa for good measure).
The reason I raise it is that I’m sitting here, in this cloudless spring day, beautiful blue sky over English Bay, and I feel angry.
Why do I feel angry?
And what I get is an entire script that I’d like to run for you now.
by Iris Arla Moore
Oh my Beloved God,
Let me be the keeper of your JOY !
Let it overflow in my soul,
So that all be lifted where I go.
Let me keep it in my cells,
That they be happy, healthy and immortal
In their growth and eternal youthfulness.
Let me keep it in my brain,
Where it shall spread and grow
To keep my body and my life moving
Ever onward into the great expanding JOY
Of forever.
Oh my Beloved God,
Let me be the keeper of your JOY.
Copyright 2015 by Iris Arla Moore
Thank you, Iris.
So beautiful.
For more inspirations by this author, you may want to read her book:
Blossoms of Light, an Oasis For the Soul
found on the internet and in some stores.
The publisher’s website:
“Iris Arla Moore: The Journey and the Promise,”, January 1, 2015
“Iris Arla Moore: The Bridge,”, August 18, 2013
By Iris Arla Moore — Blossoms of Light: An Oasis for the Soul,
Shree Rajneesh, Osho:
9 Lessons
May 3, 2018,
Shree Rajneesh is an Indian mystic and spiritual leader. Widely known as Osho, Rajneesh taught about meditation, love, and courage.
For him, every human being is capable of enlightenment, which can be achieved through unattachment from social conditioning and the false sense of identity.
He suggested that instead of reacting, one should respond to life wholly without allowing oneself to be limited by small patterns of thinking.
Osho’s contributions to enlightenment are seen in the following lessons he teaches:
1. Experience life fully.
“Experience life in all possible ways, good and bad, bitter and sweet, dark and light, summer and winter. Experience all the dualities. Don’t be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.”
Experiencing life in all its facets is loving your fate, the amor fati that Friedrich Nietzsche talked about.
When you soak yourself fully to the experience, you understand more of the feelings rather than have vague ideas about them.
Like the Earth that allows each season to pass smoothly, you also have the choice to let every season of your life shapes you into the best version of yourself.
by Janine
Thank you, Janine.
By Janine
I Wrote this for YOU
I wrote this for YOU
By my SElf
What if……
I am living heaven on earth right now
What if……
My heart was exploding with love for All that IS
Right now
What if……I knew what I felt to be true
What if……
Every moment I take a breath I feel gratitude for all life and it’s incredible wonder
What if …….everything I saw was sooo beautiful
What if ….everything I heard was soooo beautiful
What if …..the feeling inside of me was as real as the feeling outside of me
What if ……I just loved every single soul I encountered….for no reason other than I just truly and deeply loved them
What if……every flower I saw felt like a true blessing to behold
What if…….I truly believed in a planet of pure LOVE
What if……my KNOWING felt stronger than all my beliefs
What if …….I saw a future generation filled with pure love and pure light for each other and the entire Mother Earth too
What if …..this was something I have always known and always felt to be TRUE for me
What if….it really did not matter to me anymore what others saw or felt or believed
What if…… I felt as if every facet of my diamond Self was polished and shining bright
What if ……this was all my true understanding coming from deep within my Self
Thank you, Janine.
So lovely.
April 9th, 2018
Seeing the Light Pouring Down

From “Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War” on Wikpedia. Click on picture to see information.
April 5, 2018
The war in Syria is an ongoing struggle with battles still raging since March 15, 2011. There are many countries involved. Please join in the exercise below — the Light pouring down, Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth, of Justice, of Peace — and being the Peace ourselves in every part of our lives.
Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos, channeled by Linda Dillon, for the Council of Love, had this to say about Syria in August 2013:
“There is no war above. Period. It is a place of harmony.
“It is not a place of turmoil. It is not a place of anger, frustration. That does not exist, therefore there is no room for it below.
“So what you see is the alignment, as if there is a cloud of Heaven above Syria, and the Light is pouring down, and that light is filled with Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth, of Justice and of Peace, and from each of your hearts, you have the capacity to send directly to the Heart of Syria, of Egypt, Iraq, Iran, that Sense of Peace.
“When you become outraged at atrocity – and you are correct it is outrageous – but when you join into that energy of drama, then you are contributing to it so you have need to align with the Divine Qualities and with Divine Law, and in that way do not underestimate your strength.
“Collectively you have the power to stop these factions fighting in this very moment. You send the energy of peace and you hold that vision, and you do not tolerate or engage in any other vision.” (1)
(1) “Sanat Kumara, Raj, Explains the 3rd Universal Law of Within and Without, Above and Below,” August 31, 2013, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,
Bob Jackiewicz:
Heeding the Call
March 17, 2018, by Bob Jackiewicz
I’ve read suggestions about recording insights, inspirations, epiphanies, or “aha” moments so they aren’t forgotten and can be referenced.
The information contained therein may be linked to past-life experiences helping to establish a thread of remembrance.
Perhaps they’re “light codes” buried in the energetic body’s memory that will aid in the ascension process.
More posts by Bob Jackiewicz below.
Bob Jackiewicz:
The Two Wolves Parable
March 17, 2018, by Bob Jackiewicz
For those who haven’t read the parable I’ll share it here:
The Tale of Two Wolves
A grandfather is talking with his grandson and he says there are two wolves inside of us which are always at war with each other.
One of them is a good wolf which represents things like kindness, bravery and love. The other is a bad wolf, which represents things like greed, hatred and fear.
The grandson stops and thinks about it for a second then he looks up at his grandfather and says, “Grandfather, which one wins?”
The grandfather quietly replies, the one you feed.
In a few months I’ll have reached a ten year anniversary marking the end of a five decade long relationship primarily with alcohol but that also saw other substances.
Other posts by Bob Jackiewicz :
Bob Jackiewicz:
Working With the Breath
March 16, 2018, by Bob Jackiewicz
I’m discovering different meditation and breathing techniques that are every effective in bringing me to a place within that reflects and supports the perception of that new reality.
This guided meditation by Krishnamacharya appeals to me for that reason. I’ve come to enjoy this meditation by following the direction given to the breath.
“Inhale, and God approaches you.
Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you.
Exhale, and you approach God.
Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God.”
Bob Jackiewicz:
Going Inwards
By Bob Jackiewicz, March 13, 2018
A shift in consciousness is happening on the planet and it’s happening to me.
I’ve come to comprehend that, generally speaking:
- I‘ve been trained to look outside of myself for satisfaction and self-validation.
- I’ve been trained to seek and trust confirmation that supports a world where external circumstance provides seeming authentication.
Other posts by Bob Jackiewicz, :
Cantor Lee Degani:
The Pastor’s Bar Mitzvah Prayer
By Cantor Lee Degani, Congregation Shirat Shalom, January 4, 2018
It is over three years now since the mother first called but only now that I publicly share the story….
She began by telling me she would just speak from her heart. Her family was very active in a non denominational church in Kentucky which very much honored the Jewish people as Jesus was Jewish. She and her husband wanted their son to learn Hebrew and become a Bar Mitzvah, the rite of passage for Jewish teenagers. This would help them all as Christians to understand the roots of Jesus.
Bob Jackiewicz: Feeling into It
By Bob Jackiewicz, March 1, 2018
Some meditation and spiritual practices come with instructions. “Feel into it” or “Relax into it.”
Ever wondered what they meant? Basically, take your time.
I find that if I rush a practice the stillpoint vanishes. I drift or jump from the heart space to the intellectual head space.
Bob Jackiewicz:
Breathing into the Heart Zone
By Bob Jackiewicz, February 27, 2018
Wisdom of the ages regularly advises “going within” to find “God”, the Infinite One, the I Am. Meditation opens the heart thus allowing this pursuit.
When inside the heart-zone distractions do not present. Each breath brings more quiet, more peace, feelings of harmony and balance. Not each day, though, is the trip to this land the same. Some days it is relatively easy and with others it takes a while.
Love and Peace for all Global Military Operations
January 12, 2018
Calling all meditators to hold the highest vision for all war, all military operations not of love, also for the growing of poppies for street drugs, around the planet.
Mapping a World From Hell
Excerpted from a post by Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch, January 4, 2018
A glance at the map (below) tells you that the war on terror, an increasingly complex set of intertwined conflicts, is now a remarkably global phenomenon. It stretches from the Philippines (with its own ISIS-branded group that just fought an almost five-month-long campaign that devastated Marawi, a city of 300,000) through South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and deep into West Africa where, only recently, four Green Berets died in an ambush in Niger.
This map was produced by the Costs of War Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs.
No less stunning are the number of countries Washington’s war on terror has touched in some fashion. Once, of course, there was only one (or, if you want to include the United States, two). Now, the Costs of War Project identifies no less than 76 countries, 39% of those on the planet, as involved in that global conflict. That means places like Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya where U.S. drone or other air strikes are the norm and U.S. ground troops (often Special Operations forces) have been either directly or indirectly engaged in combat. It also means countries where U.S. advisers are training local militaries or even militias in counterterror tactics and those with bases crucial to this expanding set of conflicts. As the map makes clear, these categories often overlap.

Matej Divizna/Getty Images
Who could be surprised that such a “war” has been eating American taxpayer dollars at a rate that should stagger the imagination in a country whose infrastructure is now visibly crumbling? In a separate study, released in November, the Costs of War Project estimated that the price tag on the war on terror (with some future expenses included) had already reached an astronomical $5.6 trillion. Only recently, however, President Trump, now escalating those conflicts, tweeted an even more staggering figure: “After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!” (This figure, too, seems to have come in some fashion from the Costs of War estimate that “future interest payments on borrowing for the wars will likely add more than $7.9 trillion to the national debt” by mid-century.)
It couldn’t have been a rarer comment from an American politician, as in these years assessments of both the monetary and human costs of war have largely been left to small groups of scholars and activists. The war on terror has, in fact, spread in the fashion today’s map lays out with almost no serious debate in this country about its costs or results. If the document produced by the Costs of War project is, in fact, a map from hell, it is also, I believe, the first full-scale map of this war ever produced.
From Poppy to Heroin:
Taliban Move into Afghanistan Drug Production

(FILES) This file photo taken on April 11, 2017 shows Afghan farmers harvesting opium sap from a poppy field in the Gereshk district of Helmand. The Taliban — which banned poppy cultivation when it ruled Afghanistan — now appears to wield significant control over the war-torn country’s heroin production line.(AFP)
Hindustan Times, August 8, 2017
The Taliban — which banned poppy cultivation when it ruled Afghanistan — now appears to wield significant control over the war-torn country’s heroin production line, providing insurgents with billions of dollars, officials have told AFP.
In 2016 Afghanistan, which produces 80 percent of the world’s opium, made around 4,800 tonnes of the drug bringing in revenues of three billion dollars, according to the United Nations.
Vice News: Heroin

An Invocation
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Elimination
for all global military operations not of love.

The Mother’s Blue Diamond energy of hope, LOVE AND PEACE
Building Nova Earth:
What is Forgiveness?
January 6, 2018
Working etherically with areas around the world engaged in war, I discovered reflections of that conflict in me.
There is an account of Dr. Hew Len experimenting with the Hawaiian practice of Hoʻoponopono, reconciliation and forgiveness, (1) using the mantra, ‘I Love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you,’ on mental patients, so I decided to try this with several war zones around the world, from the Middle East to North Korea.
In the understanding of the inter-connectedness of everything — self is All — I assert we are responsible for what we see in the without.
Building Nova Earth:
Facing into Violence, Clarity of Intention
January 3rd, 2018
December 18th, on AHWAA, Archangel Michael through Council of Love channel, Linda Dillon, asked us to send an aspect to Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Israel, Turkey or Saudi Arabia, not to go there physically, but to send a mighty warrior aspect:
“Not to partake in the melee, but to simply be the beacon of peace, the beacon of Love, the beacon of hope in at least one of these upheaval war-torn places.”
He said to hold a position in a place of power or a place of poverty and squalor, and to think of ourself with his sword and shield, or a beacon of light, transmitting the energy of peace.
I journeyed — scroll here to December 29th — to ‘see’ the aspect I placed in Yemen at Port Hodeidah where there are blockades for basic supplies, food, needed by the people.
December 26th, 2017
Love and Peace Within for the Middle East
On An Hour With An Angel, December 18th, Archangel Michael asked us to send an aspect of ourself to Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Israel, Turkey or Saudi Arabia, not a physical aspect, but a mighty warrior aspect of ourself:
“Not to partake in the melee, but to simply be the beacon of peace, the beacon of Love, the beacon of hope in at least one of these upheaval war-torn places.”
He said to hold a position in a place of power or a place of poverty and squalor, and to think of ourself with his sword and shield, or a beacon of light, transmitting the energy of peace.
Below Archangel Michael goes into detail about the lack of peace what he calls “an unholy and ungodly mess” — tribalism, hatred, greed, protectionism, separation, isolation, lack, limitation, abuse of power, control — in the Middle East:
“The Middle East which is simply what? It is an area of Gaia that has been sectioned off and divided up into little squares or oblongs. This is not of truth. It is of tribalism. It is of hatred and greed. It is of the ultimate form of protectionism, of separation, of isolation, of lack and limitation.
“And what does this create? It has created an unholy and ungodly mess in which every faction, every faction is jockeying for power. And we say power, not in the true divine sense of stewardship or leadership or the right use of the will. We might as well say ‘abuse of power’ because it is about control.”
December 24th, 2017
Calling All
8 minutes at 8PM
holding inner balance
for wildfires in California.
Thomas Fire is the Largest Blaze
in California History
By Nicole Chavez, CNN, December 23, 2013
The Thomas Fire is now the largest wildfire in California’s modern history after torching 273,400 acres.
The blaze has surpassed the size of the Cedar Fire near San Diego, which destroyed 273,246 acres in 2003, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, also known as Cal Fire.
December 21, 2017
Gender Equality, Balancing Our Selves
August 2014, Archangel Gabrielle gave us an in depth discussion of what she terms gender equality, the integrated balance of our Divine Masculine and our Divine Feminine, complete harmony with the Divine Self.
“There is no creature, no kingdom, no being, no humanoid structure that does not embody both the masculine and feminine of themselves and of divinity, of the One. And that is the beauty of this creation, and that is the beauty, the harmony, the sweetness, the gentleness, the strength of each of you, my beloved friends. It is glorious that you carry both.
“Now, when you have chosen this incarnation, this embodiment, you have also chosen your gender. And you have chosen your gender for a whole plethora of reasons, one of which is your comfort zone. For many of you, you simply prefer, enjoy to a greater degree, being male or female. And is it not delightful that you choose?
“Now, there are very few ― and I mean a handful ― of human beings, whether they are starseeds or hybrids, Earth-keepers, who have not incarnated as male and female, because it is part of that coming to wisdom, to enlightenment, to know the experience, the joy, the challenges, of both realities.
“So it is not for your understanding to say, ‘Well, I am male. I am always male.’ No. At some point there would have been an incarnation as the alternate, shall we say, gender.”
December 19th, 2017
Calling All Rainmakers for Help
with the Wildfires in California
Calling all rainmakers, 8 + minutes @ 8PM.
Inviting everyone to join with Frog, the water element, Gaia, and the Council of Love creating cleansing rains for the raging wildfires in California.
With our new golden grid from Archangel Gabrielle, we are the embodiment of Love.
We can co-create Love in the form of rain.
Also, please join with Archangel Uriel, and Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, in the meditation below, in the invocation with Sanat Kumara, and writing Love on the fires with St. Germaine and the Violet Torch.
December 9th, 2017
Love and Peace for the Middle East
The Middle East is not confusing — judgements/blockades on supplies for millions of starving Yemenis, no apology/war between Palestine and Israel, no forgiveness/the Syrian refugee crisis — from a higher dimensional point of view.
But when will this come to an end?
From September 28th to October 10th of this year, 40 thousand Israeli and Palestinian women marched for 14 days, for peace.
November 22, the presidents of Turkey, Russia, and Iran met to find a solution for the six long years of hostilities in Syria that have cost nearly half-a-million lives.
Saturday, December 9, Iraqi Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, announced that the three-year war aimed at driving Islamic State out of Iraq has been successful and come to an end.
What More We Can Do?
December 7, 2017
Highest Vision for the Congo
The Congo. . . what comes to mind?
Rubber plantations, the jungle, childhood studies and stories?
Located in the heart of the continent of Africa, the Congo today is a place of conflict, rape, war, the pillage of their minerals.
The information gathered below is very disturbing.
What Can We Do?
To my understanding, how we feel and regard ourselves within contributes to the whole.
When we treat ourselves with respect and honour, Love, everything transforms.
December 2, 2017
Building Nova Earth: 12-02-17
With thanks to Linda M. for drawing my attention to the Amazon information.
In the world today, as of Black Friday, the first post below states, “Amazon’s stock value, CEO Jeff Bezos’ wealth surpassed the $100 billion mark.”
The second post says that “an undercover investigation by the SundayMirror newspaper has exposed brutal working conditions” at one of Amazon’s warehouses in England.
We can send Love to Jeff Bezos, to Amazon and his warehouses, those around him, and at the same time be the change ourselves — detaching from the old ways because they do not work — creating the new.
November 29, 2017
Highest Vision for Nova Earth:
Project Peace and Love 11-29-17
We invite everyone to join us nightly, 8PM — wherever you are on planet — holding the highest vision of peace: harmony, balance, joy, freedom.
The more enlightened a society we become, the more socially responsible we are, and truly joyful.
The Council of Love tells us through channel, Linda Dillon, in her book, The New You, Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness, joy is:
“To be fully thankful, grateful and One with the gift of life purpose and spirit. To be a reflection of the perfection of the creation of self and All.
“To live in and remain with the heart for All time.”
As more and more women step into leadership positions the ways of community, truly taking care of each other, emerges.
With the rise of the Divine Feminine and the ways of Love, bullying of all kinds will cease.
Below are four encouraging posts and how the quality of joy, the 5th dimensional growth patterns, and the Universal Law of Give and Receive help us to construct the new.
November 27, 2017
John Volken Academy: Therapeutic Community
for Drug and Alcohol Addiction
In 2014, John Volken, founder of the John Volken Academy was awarded the Dalai Lama Humanitarian Award in recognition of his outstanding work creating three therapeutic communities for drug and alcohol addiction recovery.
He has constructed academies in Surrey, BC, Canada, in Seattle, Washington, and Phoenix, Arizona with his own wealth.
Each academy has conjoined work environments for the participants to have on-the-job training.
Recently, Steve and I had the honour of touring the premises in Surrey, BC, and also the 60,000-square-foot store that is connected, called PricePro, with groceries, household goods, and furniture.
We were really impressed with the incredible dedication and care that has gone into this academy for ones who are struggling with issues of addiction.
November 23, 2017
The Balance of Give and Receive
This American Thanksgiving week, gratitude to Gaia, our Earth Mother, and our Divine Mother within, is highlighted.
In the spirit of giving, a message from Lord Maitreya several years ago asked us on behalf of the Mother, to fill all beings and to energize all of Earth with the Mother’s Blue Diamond:
“Greetings, I Am Maitreya, beloved brother of the future, old friend of the past, welcome dear hearts. I come this day with duel purpose, to ask you on behalf of the Mother,
‘How is it going with the filling of all beings with the Blue Diamond, with the energizing of all of earth with the Blue Diamond?” (1)
In the balance of receiving, May 2017, Universal Mother Mary reminded us to welcome this beautiful gift within us:
“Sweet angels, welcome your Divine Mother within.
“Welcome your blue diamond nurturer, and let her and I and Gaia assist you, nurture you, heal you, uplift you, restore you, reconstitute you.” (2)
Thank you, Gaia, for all you do for us
Thank you, Divine Mother, within
The balance of giving and receiving. . . within and without
the Mother’s Blue Diamonds for all beings
and to energize all of Earth
(1) “Lord Maitreya Reminds us to Share the Mother’s Blue Diamond and Compassion With Humanity:, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, March 5, 2012,
(2) “Universal Mother Mary’s Mother’s Day Message,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, May 14, 2017,
November 24, 2017
Peace Around the World: 11-24-17
Around the world we are seeing encouraging news.
Food blockades are being lifted in Yemen. Turkey, Russian and Iran are pledging peace and trials are happening for the Boko Haram militants in Nigeria.
November 19th, 2017
8 Minutes @ 8 PM: Highest Vision for Nova Earth
Project Peace and Love 11-19-17
With gratitude to Dottie for drawing my attention to the quote below.
Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, reminded us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, of this very basic message, April 2016:
“There is room enough in each of you to love everybody.”
He told us, “In my role as your Planetary Logos, I return to talk to you – to be your wayshower, to be your teacher, your healer, your mentor, your coach – because this is my desire. This is my role; this is the fulfillment of my promise.
“Now, it is not only that my heart belongs to the Mother/Father One that I choose to do this; it is because my heart belongs to each and every one of you.
“That is the nature of my being. And that is the nature of your being. There is room enough in each of you to love everybody.” (1)
November 12th, 2017
Holding the Highest Vision for Nova Earth: Project Peace and Love
Inviting everyone to join us, 8 @ 8, to hold the highest vision for humanity and our Nova Earth.
A 7.2 magnitude earthquake occurred along the border of Iran and Iraq Sunday, killing dozens of people and injuring hundreds.
Healing In Balance:
Loving Perpetrator and Victim Equally
Recently, Ashley Judd came forward with allegations against Harvey Weinstein.
In a YouTube dated October 27, 2017, she is interviewed by Diane Sawyer for ABC Nightline.
Ashley says to Harvey, “I Love you, and I understand that you are sick and suffering. There is help for a guy like you, and it is entirely up to you to get that help.”
Diane says that that statement will surprise a lot of people, but Ashley says, “It’s Who I Am.”
Join with our Somalian Sisters & Brothers
Wearing Red Headbands for Unity
Modern Slavery: How We Are Connected
Erasing Borders with Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael: “I request on behalf of the Mother and the Company of Heaven, I wish you to begin to erase borders. And you can see it as a child’s exercise, to take out of a map and with the child’s pencil eraser begin to erase the borders. But do it all over Gaia. Begin to erase the borders.” (1)
Writing Love Everywhere. . .
St. Germaine has asked us to write Love on many things, from bodies of water to jugs of water, across the sky and inside our homes.
We can write Love on the 22 million refugees, the flooding in Asia, the war in Yemen, the opioid crisis, the desperation in Venezuela, the disarray in Africa, Harvey Weinstein, a neighbour down the street, our families. . .
L o v e
In August of this year, St. Germaine reminded us to write the word L o v e with his Violet Flame to communicate the energy of transformation, transmutation, and the anchoring of the I Am:
“Long ago I have asked you to write ‘Love’ in the water, whether it is a pristine river, whether it is a fishing hole, whether it is the Atlantic or the Pacific, or simply a jug on your counter, in your bath water. Write ‘Love’ and do so my beloved ones, with my Violet Flame, violet ink, use my ray. And then write ‘Love’ in the air, in the very air. Write it across the sky…use your finger and write in the air, in the water, in the air inside your home. Write ‘Love’ on your thigh. Write ‘Love’ on your tummy. Write ‘Love’ on your best friend or your partner’s heart.
“I am renewing my request to use my Violet Flame and to write ‘Love’ everywhere and to communicate. That writing is un-erasable, it is immutable, and it is the wave, the sound, and the energy of transformation, transmutation, and the anchoring of the I Am.
“Write ‘Love’ on your cat and dog and horse…it is a reminder to Gaia and to the kingdoms that you have not forgotten them and that you share the same mission and purpose. They know and they know that you know, but it is like someone saying, ‘I Love you’ as Mi-ka-el has talked about this very week. You may know someone Loves you, but do you not wish to hear it? Do you not wish to feel it, to receive it, to have it refreshed and renewed? Of course you do.” (1)
Please join us writing LOVE everywhere. . . victims and perpetrators
Corey Feldman: Child Abuse in Hollywood
The Rise of ‘The Weinstein Effect’
Documentary Just Released Online Blows Lid Off Hollywood Pedophilia:
“This is the Tip of the Iceberg”
Those Who Have Publicly Accused Harvey Weinstein of Sexually Harassing or Assaulting Them
Jackson Katz: Violence against women — it’s a men’s issue
The Unexpected Paradigm-Shifting Power of #MeToo
Katie Packer Beeson: #MeToo
#MeToo: Women Speak Up on Sexual Harassment
From a Woman who Wrote “MeTo”: 5 Ways to Encourage the Men we LOVE to Harness their Superpower
An Invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Elimination
to eliminate my hatred.
Insight and cartoon by Eric Klein:
(1) “St. Germaine – Write Love Everywhere” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, August 8, 2017,
N’We Jinan: We Are the Medicine
Sept 28th – Oct 10th Thousands of Palestinian
and Israeli Women March for Peace
Leymah Bgowee’s 2011 Nobel Peace Lecture
Yael Decklebaum: Women of the World Unite
Calling Everyone to Create Highest Vision:
LOVE & PEACE everywhere
St. Germaine reminds us:
to write L O V E
building a force-field of Love and peace around the planet
for the Middle East and all countries at war,
for homelessness, hunger, and drug addiction issues
in Vancouver’s DTES, Highway of Tears, and elsewhere. . .
Conversations That Matter: New approach needed to opioid crisis
John Volken Academy: Changing Lives
City on drugs: the dark pull of the Downtown Eastside, a radio show
Opioids, addiction and our troubled history with pain, a radio show
for the Hunger Across Africa
L O V E & P E A C E for Yemen,
One-eyed unity with injured Yemeni girl
Witnessing Yemen’s desperate suffering
Posting the Mighty Ones
By posting the archangels,
making a healing/creation chamber,
we raise vibrations and frequency,
bringing the balance of the higher realms
into the here and now.
Healing for Yemen, starvation in Africa,
Vancouver’s DTES, all extreme conditions. . .
We post Archangel Michael with his Blue Flame of Truth
to colour the entire Eastern side of Yemen, Africa, the DTES. . .
those entire sides with saffire blue
for protection, change, faith, serenity.
I Am Trust, I Am Hope, I Am Forgiveness, I Am Peace
Then we ask Archangel Michael to please stand
with your Blue Flame of Truth, of Infinite Potential,
at the southeastern corner place.
Next we post Archangel Raphael with his Emerald Flame
and to colour the entire southern side of Yemen, Africa, the DTES. . .
emerald green for compassion and Love, Who We Are.
I Am Compassion I Am Charity I Am Love
We ask Archangel Raphael to please stand
with your Emerald Flame,
at the second corner, the southwest corner place.
Next we post Archangel Uriel, with his gentle Silver Flame
and to colour the entire western side of Yemen, Africa, the DTES. . .
with shiny silver for truth, beauty, connectedness, abundance.
I Am Forgiveness, I Am my Divine Authority
We ask Archangel Uriel to please stand with your Silver Flame
at the third corner, the northwest corner place.
Next we post Archangel Jophiel with his sack of Jophie Dust
to colour the entire northern side of Yemen, Africa, the DTES. . .
magenta for compassion, beauty, wisdom.
I Am Compassion
We ask you to please stand at the northeast corner place.
We also ask you, Archangel Jophiel, to please shower
your Jophie Dust on all humanity on Gaia.
To complete we ask Archangel Gabrielle to stand
with her lilies and her burnished golden trumpet
in the middle of Yemen, Africa, the DTES, all extreme conditions.
Her lilies and trumpet are the power of golden truth,
healing, worthiness, gratitude, joy.
I Am Gratitude, Joy, Sacred Purpose
Conscious Awareness of Wholeness.
Thank you
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Jophiel
and Archangel Gabrielle
We are One.
Standing on guard. . . we are the Love, peace, trust
An Invocation for Highest Vision
I invoke Mother/Father One, the Mighty Ones, Gaia, the Council of Love, Grener of Ashira of Neptune, Commander Ashira and the Ambassadors from 12 Galaxies here to assist with our Ascension, Sanat Kumara, St. Germaine, Jesus Sananda, the Magdalena, Saul, Matthew, Saint Bernadette, Saint Francis, Saint Theresa, Kwan Yin, the Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lao Tzu, El Morya, Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Dwjal Khul, Ranjit, Albert Einstein, Ghandi, Wakanataka, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Chief Sitting Bull, Chief Cochise, Chief Red Cloud, Chief White Cloud, Chief Joseph – Geronimo, the Fairies, Sprites and Devas, the Elementals, the Elements, the Mighty Collectives of Transmuters from the Kingdoms, all the Kingdoms, Hermes, Hercules, our Gods and Goddesses, our Guides and Guardian Angels, the Blue Lightening Angels, our Universal Selves, the Healers of Tralana, the Halion Engineers, all angels and archangels, and all Universal Law, all Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities, all dimensional growth patterns for perfect Divine Alignment, balance in all realms, our physical, mental, spiritual, emotional bodies, our institutions, all situations on Gaia.
There is no struggle. There is no want. There is no need. There is simply gratitude for Gaia, for every being, for the Mother’s Clarity, Purity, Dispensation of Grace, Wonder, Awe, Her Tsunami of Love, the Tsunami of One from the Ascended Masters, and for the sheer energy, Porlana C from our Star Brothers and Sisters, balance.
There is change, transmutation and elimination of all belief systems not of love, individual, family and global patterns of lack and limitation, loss, abandonment, isolation, separation, loneliness, lack of self-worth, lack of self-love, all violence against Gaia, our beautiful planet, who has been terribly abused, and all women — sexual, predatory and physical violence, suppression, mutilation, killing, beating because they are women — all control, the business of war/military/prisons, all weapons factories, all weapons of war, transportation of weapons, the dark web, greed, gambling, subliminal, violent messages in music and film, drug trafficking, pedophilia, sex trafficking, human trafficking, slavery, child labour, ‘restavek’, ‘bonded labour’, all poverty, homelessness, hatred, negging, bigotry, bullying, competition, side-barring, pollution, radiation, the toxins, the disease, the chemicals that poison our land, our animals, our air, and foul our oceans, elimination of all man-made creations not of love.
Elimination of War (info from Wikipedia)
There is joy for sacred purpose, ecstasy, bliss, harmony, balance with serenity, fortitude, patience, humility, piety, devotion, apologies and forgiveness, Karmic Dispensation, truth, light and Love and the Love, knowing I Am and the I Am, compassion, tenderness, passion, kindness, strength with gentleness, gratitude, Infinite potential, wonder, awe, clarity, prudence, temperance, moderation, laughter, innocence, trust, faith, miracles, connectedness, unity, purity, wisdom, beauty, grace, true and exact expression of Divine spirit and will, charity, hope, the knowing that abundance is our birthright, gender equality within and without, the balance in understanding and knowing the Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities, Universal Laws, and Dimensional Growth patterns. Our tri-flames within our heart chakras are balanced.
There is perfect health, balanced bacteria within/without, pure environment within/without, pure food and water for all the kingdoms, for all beings, home-grown food, personal gardens and community gardens everywhere, oil pipelines become water pipelines, regeneration, youth and vitality.
There is sacred space for everyone, free energy, free medical with understanding and knowing of the healing power of the Divine Rays, Colours, all science working in Divine Alignment for health and everywhere needed, free education and childcare for everyone, mindfulness, and meditation practice in schools, understanding and knowing of sacred purpose, the Universal Laws, Divine Qualities and dimensional growth patterns, how things work in the higher realms.
There is Divine Right Alignment all over the internet, all social media, in the entertainment, publishing, and news industries.
There are therapeutic communities for females to heal, come to balance, for those struggling with addictions and therapeutic rehabilitation in our prison systems until there are no prisons. There is freedom for everyone.
There is understanding and knowing of abundance in all forms, especially spiritual currency, the Love, openness of self-worth, receptivity, our ability to give and receive, willingness to move forward, our currency of Love, deservingness, the worth to experience, to create, and play, completion. Minimum wage is raised to a living wage, and there is Universal Basic Income, sharing of money, conscious capitalism, balanced finances and governance everywhere on Gaia.
I hold for the Collective the willingness to receive.
There is Gaian global citizenship, cities of light with conscious design, no borders, freedom for everyone, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine balance, conscious awareness of our wholeness, conscious listening to guidance/intuition, heart consciousness which leads to the joy of knowing sacred purpose, our Ascension, knowing God is Love, that we are Loved.
There is joyful co-creation with the Divine, joyful community and unity, family, trust, peace, Love, joy, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude for everything, kindness, tenderness, gentleness to self, therefore to everyone, self-worth and self-Love, hearts opening everywhere right Now on Gaia, completion of the Mother’s Divine Plan, Her Family Plan with Her Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe, miracles everywhere, everything in balance.

A basic income for everyone? Yes, Finland shows it really can work
Democracy needs a redesign, says Rudy van Belkom
Watch Fun Reactions Over Couple’s Decision to Adopt 4 Orphan Siblings
Prosperity, an amazing movie!
Can Designer’s Change the World?
Designs in EDIT’s Prosperity for All Exhibition tackle “world’s greatest problems”
Ohio State to Make College Tuition-free for Low and Moderate Income Residents
Team Modi wants the moon, the sun, and the stars but it doesn’t have the right spacecraft
It’s sinking—no, it’s not: India’s top politicians are speaking up about the economy
Forgiving Everything and ‘Being Right’:
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment asks us to observe, consciously breathe into, and bless everything with feeling, attaching to the truth, to the expression of our heart’s desire and to the highest vision for All.
With detachment from old ways of being, from ‘being right’, from thinking we are in control, it becomes natural to attach to forgiving and blessing everything, and holding the highest vision.
In the Mother’s Tsunami of Love is Her Gift of Clarity to help us see clearly what is out of Divine Alignment — within and without — to eliminate the false grids and transform our core issues.
Invoking the Law of Attachment and Detachment helps us to understand, bless, forgive, hold the highest vision for All, and detach from everything not of love.
Commemorating August 16th and 17th,
The Harmonic Convergence of José Arguelles
Wednesday, August 16th, and Thursday, August 17th, commemorate dates that visionary, José Arguelles, proclaimed a time of change — a new evolutionary cycle — was to begin on Earth.
Back in 1987, he initiated a globally synchronized event, pre-internet, for many to gather together in prayer, meditation, to celebrate the coming transformation of Earth, calling it The Harmonic Convergence.
What an extraordinary man, and such a beautiful way, to describe humanity coming to balance in harmony and unity, forgiveness and gratitude, peace and Love, convergence, creating the New.
The Council of Love through channel, Linda Dillon, calls this our Nova Earth.
Inviting each of you
8PM, August 16th and 17th,
— for 15 minutes —
to hold your highest vision
for our Nova Earth
with Gaia, our Gaian community,
and the Higher Realms.
Michael Jackson: Heal The World, lyrics
When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love, then peace will reign. (1)
Archangel Michael
that sense of the need to be right,
because the need to be right is what leads to wars.”
-Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos,
Think about what I say Love feeds and grows Love. It is the essence of All, and the more it is fed and nurtured, the greater it grows. (2)
Universal Mother Mary
(1) Archangel Michael: Continue to Dream Big Despite What Is Happening Around You, September 4, 2014,
(2) Universal Mother Mary ~ Resurgence of the Tsunami of Love, May 13, 2017,
Project Peace & Love POSTS
June 8, 2017
The Violet Flame: Operation Torch
for All War Within and Without
As Keeper of the Violet Flame, St. Germaine urges us to torch everything not of love — in meditation and daily life — within and without.
St. Germaine says with the energy of the Violet Flame, which can be the Bonfire, the Torch or the Single Flame, we can change a Universe, let alone a planet, or an individual.
The Violet Flame helps us to make peace with our fears, our ego, forgive everything.
June 1, 2017
Expansion of Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder
and Awe in the Mother’s Tsunami of Love
The Mother has activated Her Tsunami of Love for greater gentle awakening and revitalization. She is asking us to float, to bathe, in Her Love, and feel the expansion of Her Gifts of Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe.
Please join with us 8 minutes (or longer) at 8PM
every night or whenever your schedule allows.
In this resurgence of Her Tsunami of Love is reconstitution, recalibration, nurturing and comfort, with the Mother reminding us of the importance of gentleness, within and without.
“My request to thee is come into the gentleness. I do not wish to sweep you away but I do wish to wash you clean, to refresh you, to renew you.
“So, come to the water’s edge, allow yourself to float on my love, to be, literally, a part of my nurturing, my comfort.” (1)
May 30th, 2017
Increased Frequency, Expanding Vibrations: How Ancient Sites & Rejuvenation Align with Love!
The Mother is encouraging us to bask in the gentle waves, gentle vibrations, the renewed resurgence of Her Tsunami of Love.
When we surrender to Love, we relax, and the vibrations in our fields expand with the increased frequency of the energies being sent to us.
Ashira helped us to understand time and vibrations when he spoke on Heavenly Blessings, April 2014:
“What you think of as time and what we use as time are different and this is part of the inter-dimensional shift, but your, what you think of as timeline — think of it in terms of a ruler — you tend to give yourself about three inches out of a foot and it’s very static. It is high/low, high/low, high/low.
“It is very staticky, whereas we take the whole ruler, the whole twelve inches and it is long, long, waves.” (1)
The frequency of the Tsunami of Love, the Tsunami of One, and the Galactics’ Porlana C is helping the vibrations in our fields expand into the longer wave pattern.
May 28th, 2017
At 8PM daily, bask in the waves of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love for 8 mins.
Please note that if the group meditation times do not fit your schedule, we can jump-time, forward or backward, from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time.
For example: “I jump-time to the group time of 8 Minutes at 8 PM”
The Mother is reactivating the power of Her Tsunami to power wash away any little grains of sand or particles within us. She says Her Tsunami is a return on the favour of all of us coming together in the Love:
“I am reinvigorating, I am reactivating, and I am bringing forth my Tsunami of Love. It has been the beginning and it is the end.
“No, not the end of life or civilization or existence, but think of it as an opening bracket and a closing bracket, and in between, you have had, of course, many of my waves – it never stopped – of my Tsunami of Love, penetrating each and every particle of your being.” (1)
What has been happening is we’re becoming consciously aware of Who We Are even while feeling miserable, distrustful, disconnected, amidst all the “dis’s”:
“What we have been doing is blending and blurring what you have thought of as your conscious/subconscious/unconscious.
“So things that have been previously heretofore buried perhaps in your unconscious or conscious minds are coming to the surface and being seen, acknowledged – dealt with! – as a conscious being, because your need for these — artificial really — separations is gone.
“So you’re consciously aware of ‘. . . here I am feeling miserable and distrustful and disconnected and all the dis’s’ and you think: ‘What is going on?’
“Well, that is what is going on. You are consciously, as a supreme being, fully aware of who you are and what’s going on within!” (2)
8 minutes at 8PM, ongoing daily
She gives us these instructions:
“Feel yourself walking into the water, lying on your back, buoyant, buoyant in this salt water. And as soon as you’re able, flip over on your back and feel the gentle waves, the gentle waves of our Mother Ocean, but also the gentle waves of the Mother’s Tsunami, the Tsunami of Love. Let yourself get comfortable. Yes, there’s an element of trust and the empowerment of your sacred self, of the assumption of your divine authority, your ability to choose how you experience this.” (3)
We’re advised: “If at any time you ever feel that the water is turbulent, that you’re caught in an undertow, that you feel that you’re too deep, allow the Mother to come and place Her hands underneath you and buoy you up and bring you to that place of safety, of comfort, where you know you are in Her arms and that you are nurtured and loved and completely safe. And float in joy.” (4)
The Tsunami of Love with the Mother. . . then Plea for Peace with Archangel Michael. . .
“When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love, then peace will reign.”
Archangel Michael
Please note that if the group meditation times do not fit your schedule, we can jump time, forwards or backwards, from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time.
For example: “I jump-time to the group time of 9PM, Plea for Peace Now!”
(1) “Mother Mary ~ Resurgence of The Tsunami of Love”, May 13, 2017,
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) “Allow Yourself to Float on My Love”, May 21, 2017,
(4) Loc. cit.
May 24th, 2017
During our ongoing 8 minutes of meditation at 8 PM meditation — starting Sunday, June 28th, in concert with the recent escalation of the Divine Mother’s Tsunami of Love — we will be encouraging everyone to join the Mother at the bottom of the ocean to allow Her Tsunami to wash through us again and again.
“I wish to meet you in meditation at the bottom of the ocean, the life-blood of my sweet Gaia. I wish to expand you and all of you, not merely here and there but all of you. I call to you, come join me, allow my gift, my essence to wash through you and then wash through you again and again and again.” (1)
The Mother would like us to stand, just as we do with Archangel Michael — holding on to something, such as the back of a chair — during our 8 minutes at 8 PM.
The Mother says She wants to hear “the song of your soul again”!
“My beloved ones, you are born from Source. You are born as kernels of Light, of kernels of Love from my very being, from my core and you never have been and you never will be anything less than that. In fact, sweet Angels of Light, your vision of self, yes, even those who have been diligent and work with the wisdom vision, your vision of self is myopic. It is limited and I am coming to wash away that illusion that you may see and be and fly with me as a Collective, as a whole.
“Now how do I do this? I do this through the Tsunami of Love that you may be cleansed, penetrated, stable, anchored, flying, that you may jump across the waves and dance and sing for I wish to hear your song, the song of your soul again.” (2)
Come join us in the deepest part of the Ocean of Love.
(2) Loc. cit.
“When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love, then peace will reign.”
Archangel Michael