Recently, I ‘caught’ yet another illness.
As is my training from my Circle, I ask what it is connected to.
And again it is deeper understanding of lack of self-love and worth, but this time it was specifically for another.
Okay, I can do this! I’m so tired of getting sick.
I am generally really healthy, but starting in 2023, my sickness started with throat issues, that I thought were connected to speaking a lot, doing readings.
But no, underlying that was a deep need to do a physical cleanse ( has been my resource).
Then, I ‘attracted’ a cough that wouldn’t let up. I don’t think I’ve ever been so worried. It just wouldn’t leave.
Finally, when I had the energy to ask what it was connected to, I found I was coughing up the past, again connected to my lack of self-worth and love.
As we do this deeper work within ourselves, it is important to get through it, and come back to our natural state, which is the high frequencies of Love and gratitude, for our self and guides, for the Mother/Father One (which relates to our family of origin and close partners—no matter what has happened) so that we are the peace within ourselves for our planet.
In the 13th Octave Ascension Meditation (1), a channeling through Linda Dillon, these words are spoken, to be felt and integrated:
Feel your heart and your soul open to this experience, this preparation for deep inside you you know, you have always known that this is the time when your beloved brother James, James the Apostle, the brother of Jesus, will come for you and you will go together into the 13th Octave, to the place of wholeness and healing, to the place of receptivity, of Divine Union.
See James arrive, James the Apostle of Love with his sparkling black eyes and his dark, dark curly hair and a face that lights up as he sees you. You had almost forgotten, he’s your oldest, dearest friend, brother of your journey, of your soul.
Feel him take your hand in gentle embrace and feel the joy in your reunion, the anticipation of what lies ahead. Go with him. You are walking down a pathway of gold, rich, burnished and beautiful (joy is this colour).
Directly in front of you there is a bridge and the bridge is made up of rainbows of all colors, all rays, the handrails are filigree silver (silver, with tinges of pink and lilac, is the colour of truth in the higher realms).
You recognize this bridge as your connection to the Universe, to the One, and you are happy to be crossing over; you’re skipping, you’re playing and don’t forget, turn around and invite your dog, your cat, your children, your friends, your neighbours to join you on this journey.
Wait up for them for a minute, James is patient.
So, we are inviting everyone—and sometimes we are transmuting old energy on behalf of our family—helping them along the path.
Sanat Kumara had this to say in Universal Law of Sacred Purpose teaching:
The purpose, the collective purpose of humanity, and within that the collective purpose of humanity at this juncture of what you think of as ‘time’ is Ascension—and what is Ascension?
It is moving into heart consciousness.
It is the restoration of Love.
It is the alignment with sacred purpose and what is that?
It’s how we began.
It is the alignment of your heart, your mind, your will with the Heart and Mind and Will of Mother/Father One.
Universal Law is not complex. It is about that alignment.
It simply tells us the how-to.
So, we would never encourage you to be dismissive of people, but we would strongly encourage you to be dismissive of false ideas.
False ideas—sickness is a false idea!
We are not meant to be sick. We are meant to be perfect health.
Asking what false idea the ‘sickness’ is connected to—awareness sets us free—we eliminate the thought forms, ‘the idea of the sickness.’
And know, that as we do this work, our energy of awareness, of healing, can go to the ones who are not resisting it, and then eventually, as we hold the door open, it goes to everyone on planet.
The way I see St. Germaine’s definition, it reminds me to look back and neutralize how I feel about the past—everything is connected to the past.
We have all played the good, the bad and the ugly, so if we find ourselves judging another, we may have played that role in another lifetime (and we are having a hard time forgiving our self).
Now is not the time not to judge anyone—to discern and be prudent, we have free choice what we wish to engage with—but to hold in our hearts peace, Love and joy, so as a Collective we become that.
2025 is a 9 year, that deeper surrender into our Divinity, the ability to bless the entire journey, just as our angel selves do.
And we don’t have to be perfect at this—we are works in progress in this big soup together.
(1) “The 13th Octave Initiation with Jesus Sananda,”
(2) “The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose,”