How our 13 Chakra System within holds
13 Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities,
13 Universal Laws & 12 Dimensions

“I receive, I allow, I accept, I give, I Am Gratitude“
Sanat Kumara, Universal Law of Give and Receive
Information below adapted from copyright free Heavenly Blessings Radio Show
Sanat Kumara through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, April 28, 2012:
The Universal Laws are simply the Laws of this Universe. They are the understanding of how your Universe works and operates.
The basis of all of these Laws is Love.
There cannot be a Universal Law that does not have its foundation in Love. That is the core and the substance of the multiverse, of the omniverse.
Sanat Kumara: Creation,
Universal Law and the Divine Qualities
13 Universal Laws Explained with Audios
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose with audio
How the Law of Sacred Purpose Relates to the 1st Dimension and Compassion
The Universal Law of Intent with audio
How the Universal Law of Intent Relates to Humility and the 2nd Dimension
The Universal Law of As Within So Without, As Above So Below, Balance with audio
The Universal Law of Change with audio
How the Universal Law of Change Relates to Awe and the 4th Dimension
The Law of Change: Internalizing Rejuvenation and Restoration
The Universal Law of Give and Receive with audio
How the Law of Give and Receive Relates to Joy and the 5th Dimension
Giving Away the “Crabbies!”– the Hatred — the Universal Law of Give & Receive
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment with audio
The Universal Law of Unification, Unity with audio
The Universal Law of Transmutation and Dissipation with audio
The Universal Law of Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation with audio
The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation with audio
Forgiveness of all Karmic Debt Meditation, Audio & Slides
The Universal Law of Attraction and Repulsion with audio
The Universal Law of Elimination with audio
Light as a Feather with Porlana C, the Law of Elimination & Soul Conversations
Universal Laws that Speak to Forgiveness, Non-Judgement of Everything
Practicing Non-judgement to No Reaction, No Expectations
The Laws of Love, Knowing & Trusting our Value
The Universal Law of Constancy and Continuity with audio
Soul Conversations to Help Bring EveryOne into Alignment
Using Universal Law Invocations for a Changing World
Sanat Kumara: You’re Ready to Build Societies in Adherence with the Law transcript & audio
Sanat Kumara, the Divine Plan, and Universal Law
Sanat Kumara: Universal Law Operating System for Nova Earth
It Is a New Day: Sanat Kumara on Pope Francis, the Process of Ascension, the Earth’s Place in Ascension, Etc.
Sanat Kumara: Creation, Universal Law & the Divine Qualities, AHWAA, Nov 30, 2017
Sanat Kumara: Universal Law is Not the Jail Cell, but the Releasing Key
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show: Abundance with Sanat Kumara
St. Germaine: What Is LOVE Really?
St. Germaine: On Using the Violet Flame
Jesus: Being In Infinite Forgiving & Forgiveness
St. Francis: What Makes You Feel Joyous?
12 Dimensions Explained with Audio
Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe Part 1 and Part 2 with audios
Archangel Gabrielle: Self-worth, Gratitude & the Wonders of the 1st Dimension (audio)
The Nature of Life & Dimensions on Earth
AAM, April 2013: Within each dimension there are 12 planes of existence. Now, these are not hard and fast, because it is not physical, but you can be at one and a half or five and a half, or four point three, for example, but yes, you are expecting this sense of Nirvana and bliss and capacity as you are beginning to enter into the 5th — well, your feet are on Gaia. Therefore you are in the 5th.
Now, let me give you a visual. There are circuses and clowns where they will be upside down. Their feet may be on the ladder rung, but they are upside down, reaching down, and it looks as if they are falling down the ladder rather than traveling upward. Many of you are like that.
Now, I do not suggest you are clowns? I am teasing you. But you are — your feet are in the 5th, but you are reaching back, arms akimbo, into the 3rd, the old 3rd, and assisting many who are… the other ones who are trying to climb the ladder.
So, yes. Is this a sense of increasing knowingness? If you wish to think of the 5th dimension, think of it as a quality of knowingness, and the ability to deal, to create, to manage and to manifest change.
One of the first ways in which you know that you are firmly in the 5th is that sense of detachment, of joy for no reason.
A Chart: The Knowing of Wholeness
13 Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities Explained with Audios
Compassion with audio
Compassion is Loving Self/Others
Compassion for Hatred
Awe with audio
Everything is Unfoldment & EveryOne is Awesome
In that place of BALANCE is inspiration,
that feeling we are exactly where we need to be
where everything needed will show up in Divine Timing.
Community, the balance of give & receive,
the charity of forgiveness & gratitude,
Love & worth for self/others.
Purity with audio
Purity is Who We Are
Truth (Part 1) with audio
Truth (Part 2)
Truth (Part 3)
Truth (Part 4)
The truth:
We are worthy of Love,
every expression,
& we are never alone.
Reverence for All Life is Wisdom with audio
Daily Posting of the Mighty Ones
Around our Living Space
Kathleen: Let Go: Trust + Forgiveness = the Love
Kathleen: Forgiveness, Compassion and Gratitude for the Balance of Peace, Love, Joy
There is no such thing as mistakes.
The only mistakes humans make is in judgement,
when they judge themselves or others to be less than,
when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.
~ My Principal Guide
The Purpose of Universal Law: Balance
At this time of Ascension on Earth, the Mother has gifted us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, 13 Universal Laws.

Universal Law explains very simply how things work in the higher realms. Studying and practicing these wondrous Divine Laws — Laws of Love — are a way to balance, within and without.
Sanat Kumara, our beloved Planetary Logos is the Keeper of Universal Law, and in 2013, SK, the Mother and the Buddha explained these Laws to us through Linda Dillon.
The Law of Sacred Purpose teaches us that we each have Divine Sacred Purpose, and that our purpose can be joyfully uncovered, discovered, as we let go, surrender with forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, the old ways of the entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and our core issues.
The Law of Intent reminds us to bring to right alignment — balance — all thoughts, emotions, and actions every moment of every day, to be the kind, loving, unitive beings that we truly are.
The Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance teaches us that what we are holding within is often reflected to us in our external reality. The subconscious and unconscious entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and mental emotional constructs of our core issues re-create realities not of love. As within, so without.
With awareness of old ways of being, the Law of Above and Below, Within and Without helps us understand and know with forgiveness, compassion, gratitude we come to balance — Nova Being and Nova Earth — as within, so without.
The Law of Change reminds us that everything is in a constant state of change — the Infinite and Eternal Flow — that we can let go of the old ways not of love more easily from our centre, in balance, understanding and knowing that the Mother’s Constant Flow of Love is never-changing, and even though we may have countless lifetimes, assuming different forms with different characteristics, our core, the essence of Who We Are, that Divine Spark of Mother/Father One, does not change.
The Law of Give and Receive states that as we give we must receive. That is the Law. It is finding that balance within the uniqueness of our being and adhering to it, being in the Eternal flow of Love, related to our joy, especially gratitude for self and everyone, this planet and the Divine Mother, harmony. This Law is an extension of the Law of Balance.
The Law of Attachment and Detachment teaches us to attach to the highest vision for All, the Love. When we attach to ‘information gathering’, then detach from everything not of love, and attach to the highest vision for the being, the situation, for everything, we create the New.
The Law of Unification, Unity is the knowing that all are Loved equally — unification is the fibre, the matrix of Who We All Are — that we are balancing in the centre, letting go the old systems not of love, remembering our brotherhood, sisterhood, heart connection, community, global family, peace, Love, joy, harmony, that we are One.
The Law of Transmutation (& Dissipation) is a way for us to transmute — change (disappear) — old ways of being, old energy not of love, situations, back to original purity. We find at the kernel of mostly everything is Love.
Also, sending Love, along with the Mother’s Clarity, is a way to transmute and transform, helping us come into alignment for our Ascension.
When we send Love — that is what the Law and what creation and healing is about — we are sending clarity to the individual, situation or collective — we are sending it with the purity of intent, purity of Love.
The Law of Instantaneous Transmission is our activation, by conscious choice, of what we choose to experience and what we choose to bring forth, the transformation of our sacred self. We are turning on, in conjunction with the Mother, the perfection of our soul design, the expression of greater Love, creating a “ripple effect” for the entire planet, and far beyond.
We are activating what has been present always but not turned on.
The Law of Karmic Dispensation helps us understand that the Mother forgives absolutely everything, but that it must be requested. We, too, can be that constant state of forgiveness, be as forgiving as She is, etherically or in person. With apologies and forgiveness, compassion and gratitude we create Nova Being and Nova Earth. This Law is a Gift of New Beginnings! (Be sure to do the meditation.)
The Law of Attraction and Repulsion teaches us we can attract anything we desire — our core is Love and worth, Love attracts Love, worth attracts worth — and repulse (forgive) what is not of love and worth. We see repulsion (forgiveness of everything) beginning to happen in the gun, sexual violence and gender inequality movements: “Enough is enough.”
The Law of Elimination is one to use for thought patterns within of bigotry, hatred, limitation, control — all judgement — then for the without, pollution, radiation, war, the toxins, disease, chemicals that poison our land, our animals, our air, and foul our oceans.
We are eliminating man-made, human creations not of love — never people — where there is no kernel of Love at the core. This Law is closely connected to the Law of Dispensation, forgiveness of everything, compassion from a place of gratitude.
The Law of Completion and Continuity explains that as we complete levels of learning, there is completion, but that there is always more, that we are Infinite and Eternal.
Universal Law invocations are a way to balance everything, a way to co-create Nova Earth with the higher realms.
We can call on, invoke Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, for help with any troubling situation, personal or global. This is his Divine Sacred Purpose.
Here is an example of an invocation for balance:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Above and Below,
Within and Without, Balance for _____________________________.


Non-judgement is LOVE
May we let go
everything not of love,
with non-judgement – the LOVE.
Examples of Universal Law Invocations
Beginning the day, therefore everyone’s day. As we do this for ourself, we do for All:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Laws of Balance,
Change and Transmutation for this day
for anything that is not of truth and Love within my realm,
and therefore upon the planet of entire Gaia.
There is no struggle. There is no need. There is no want.
There is simply ecstasy, bliss, harmony, balance.
Uncomfortable unloving feelings towards self, resistance, unworthiness, anger, panic, fear. In the position of silent observer, we can allow the Divine to help with our understanding and knowing of the false grids and our core issues, for conscious awareness of our wholeness. We can invoke Universal Laws for change, transmutation, and elimination, for everything not of love.
I invoke Sanat Kumara, his Golden Scales,
and the Universal Laws of Change,
Transmutation, and Elimination
for ________________.
A conversation with a dearly beloved, expressing heart fullness, Loving, cherishing and caring:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Laws of Balance,
Give and Receive, Unity for ___________________.
Abundance in all forms, spiritual currency, the Love, physical currency:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Laws of Intent, Balance,
Instantaneous Transmission, and Continuity and Completion,
self-worth, receptivity, ability to give and receive,
willingness to move forward, my own currency of Love,
deservingness, worth to experience and to be able to create and play,
willingness to give and receive abundance, and for completion.
We are holding for the Collective the willingness to receive Love.
Preparing a meal:
I invoke Sanat Kumara, Gaia, the elementals
and the Universal Law of Give and Receive
so that this food and water I am preparing
is activated to its full potential for myself and who I Am serving
and therefore all food and water on the planet are activated to full potential.
I Am the Eternal Flow of give and receive, kindness, and gratitude.
This is so all receive the blessings. Everything in creation is codes, and the core code is Love, so when we receive the blessings from Gaia, from the elementals, from the food itself, the Love is flowing. If something has been sitting on the shelf for a day or two, it is reactivated to its full potential.
The joy creating a meal is a million-fold greater and when the food is served, whether it is to self, family, a pet, it is a gift because it is in alignment with the Law.
I am receiving, I am giving, I am receiving,
I am giving gratitude, I am receiving back gratitude,
I Am the Eternal Flow.
Inviting everyone to join:
8 Minutes @ 8PM
creating the highest vision of balance
a gentle, kind, tender, nurturing
planet of peace, Love, joy.
My Joy:
An invocation before going to sleep:
I am going to sleep and tonight I am transmuting
everything inside of me that is not of harmony and balance.
I am letting it simply be transmuted as I sleep.
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Transmutation.
There is no struggle. There is no need. There is no want.
There is simply ecstasy, bliss, harmony, balance.