Universal Law is a creation of the Mother to align us with the Divine Mind, Heart and Will — how things work in the higher realms — the knowing of a higher level of ethics and lovingkindness.
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose helps us to understand the essence of who we have chosen to be and our sacred mission in alignment with the expanded vibrations and increased frequency on Earth now.
Our sacred purpose is the core of Who We Are, our joy, not something to be limited.
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show ~ The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose with Sanat Kumara
Meditation begins at 14:17, Sanat Kumara at 30:40 minutes
We are witnessing a global movement, our hearts, minds and will slowly coming into Divine Right Alignment, and the discovery of collective sacred purpose.
Collective Ascension is the embracing of heart conscious ways of being, joyful, peaceful assistance for the Mother in the restoration of Her Plan of Love (1), the rebirth of societies on Earth in Divine Alignment.
In the teachings through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, we learn all energy that emerges from the heart of One has sacred purpose, expression and direction — that every atom, every subatomic particle — everything throughout the Universe has sacred purpose.
As we move into the higher realms of consciousness, we are coming to understand heart consciousness, heart knowing, Divine Sacred Purpose.
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose helps us clarify our purpose, our expression in this lifetime, our alignment with the Love.
Align with sacred purpose and the feeling is of being in the Eternal flow,
in harmonious Divine Creation, in joy.
Often, along the way, we find obstacles to release, blockages that are not of love.
These obstacles, the false grids and our core issues, can be looked on as gifts, knowledge as to what is limiting us, so we may move into the flow of Divine Sacred Purpose.
Acknowledging and feeling our old emotions
is allowing ourselves to be healed, to be Loved, beloved.
Often we can feel — our ego can feel — afraid.
When we re-assure,
appreciate mental and
emotional bodies, our ego,
we begin to heal and to operate
in the higher vibrations and frequencies,
and the bringing of our ego into balance occurs,
allowing us to be the embodiment of our sacred purpose.
Feeling and letting go with forgiveness, compassion and gratitude our doubts, judgements, worries, addictions, limitations — understanding the false grids, entrenched old beliefs, and our core issues, mental emotional constructs not of love — helps move us into the flow of our Divine sacred purpose, the sheer energy of peace, Love, joy.
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose helps us to discover the uniqueness of who we have chosen to be, our mission, our purpose, our plan within the Mother’s Divine Plan.
Our Universal Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, Sanat Kumara (2) tells us that all energy that emerges from the heart of One, in whatever form, has sacred purpose, expression, direction connected to our completion and continuity.
He says the purpose of All existence is to Love, to be of joy, and find our way Home through the heart.
Home is understanding and knowing heart consciousness,
alignment with the Universal Laws, the Laws of Love,
and our Divine Sacred Mission and Purpose.
An Invocation for the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
I invoke Sanat Kumara, our Universal Logos, and Keeper of Universal Law
and the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose for clarity of my sacred mission and purpose,
Who I Am, my essence of peace, Love, joy, balance.
(1) The Mother’s Plan, Her Individual/Family Plan, Self is All:
To be our creator selves, assuming the mantle of our Divine Authority,
in charge of our life, thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours, steps, environments,
in alignment with the Love, the Divine Mind, Heart and Will, in service,
sacred purpose and harmony with each other.
(2) Sanat Kumara is also known as Ahura Mazda to ancient Persians, as the Ancient of Days to ancient Hebrews, as Subramanya to ancient Hindus, and as Quetzlcoatl, the one who gave the Mayans their calendar.
Sanat Kumara is our Universal Logos and Keeper of Universal Law.
“Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Sacred Law of Purpose, August 13, 2013, Part 1/2,” https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/17/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-sacred-law-of-purpose-august-13-2013-part-12/
“Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Sacred Law of Purpose, August 13, 2013, Part 2/2,” https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/17/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-sacred-law-of-purpose-august-13-2013-part-22/

Much gratitude to Linda Dillon,
channel for the Council of Love
Greater Understanding of
the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose with Sanat Kumara
Meditation begins at 14:17
Sanat Kumara at 30:40 minutes
Suzanne Maresca: Good morning and welcome to another offering of Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of “The Great Awakening” and myself Suzanne Maresca.
Today we launch our series exploring Universal Laws, starting with the Sacred Law of Purpose. Sanat Kumara will be joining us to offer us guidance on this first law which is defined as freedom to embody and be in alignment with our sacred selves.
The Universal Laws are a reflection of Divine Thought and Existence or basically, how things work. I imagine we’ll have quite a bit of adjusting to the way things work on Nova Earth as opposed to what we’ve gotten used to in the lower density 3D illusion.
I’m looking forward to this conversation because Sanat Kumara is one that I am only a little familiar with; maybe it’ll be like meeting an old friend. Lovely to be on the air with you, Linda.
Linda Dillon: Good morning, and good morning everybody. Well, I am really jazzed for us to be starting this series. And you and I, Suzi, have been talking about this for awhile. And it’s a piece, and I emphasize piece, of the New You work which we’ve been talking about.
We’ve done some work on Lift Your Spirit with Stephen Cook, so this is going to be – I don’t know, fourteen or fifteen weeks, that’s what they’re telling me as we go through each of the Universal Laws and really anchor in ourselves that deeper understanding of Universal Law, and as you said, at its most basic, Universal Law is how things work, and not just on Earth, but throughout the Universe – hence, the reference.
Last night, Steve Beckow said to me “Well, isn’t Universal Law simply God’s idea; he gets an idea and he sends it out?” And I hesitated and then I said, “Yep, I guess it is.” But it’s more than that.
It’s not just an idea. It’s the framework which Source – Mother/Father One – has laid down so that we can understand how things operate; so it’s our basic operating syste, and that’s important – that we not only adhere to, but align with it in terms of understanding how to create. So that’s sort of the back story in terms of how and why we are entering this series on Universal Law.
It’s not only that we can be good little workers, it’s so that we have that larger framework and that understanding, that grid of law, which is completely different than third-dimensional, so I’m excited.
SM: I’m excited too. During the Divine Qualities shows, I was always surprised with the new definition that would come in and it wasn’t exactly, certainly not counter to what I used to think, but it was an expanded version of what I used to think. And fifteen weeks worth is going to keep us busy for a while.
LD: I think so, and yes, that’s exactly what this is too. I think we all have these ideas of Universal Law and we bandy about those terms, but I don’t think, well I know that there isn’t all that much written about Universal Law, but this is really the expanded understanding and deep comprehension, soul comprehension, heart comprehension of what each law means.
Now, the focus of the next many weeks is for us to understand the thirteen Universal Laws that humanity is dealing with, and again, the emphasis on these Laws, which is what’s available to us and I guess our realm of understanding – we’re not home yet – but for us to know and be able to work with these thirteen Laws is because we are now raising our vibrations, being in the fifth dimension, have an expanded awareness and understanding of what’s possible, of our inter-dimensionality, and of our ability to return really in so many ways to our original form, which is a creator race. So, it’s big.
SM: It is big. It’s kind of like the Ten Commandments for Nova Earth.
LD: Thou shalt not. I don’t know, those kinds of commandments are….
SM: I don’t know. The commandments are a “thou shalt not” kind of thing – it should be “you shall” – you shall Love thyself.
LD: You shall Love thyself and that’s really the starting point about what we’re going to talk about this morning. The Law of Purpose. But I want to give our listeners a really quick rundown because as you said, with the thirteen blessings and virtues, the Divine Qualities, there were some surprises about what the Council of Love has designated as important. Now the work that we’re doing here is under the tutelage of course of the entire Council, but specifically under Sanat Kumara whom we also call Raj and who has come in this morning and started chatting with me, and encouraging me that this will be very low-key, it will be soft and gentle enough that people can let it drift into them. So that’s fabulous. But let me just give you that rundown.
The first of course is what we’re going to talk about today, which is the Law of Purpose. Second is the Law of Intent. The third is the Law of Within and Without, Above and Below. We’ve all heard that – “as above so below.” And you’re going to notice a theme here. The Universal Laws consistently work with bringing us to balance.
The fifth Law is the Law of Give and Receive. The sixth is Attachment and Detachment. The seventh is Unification. Eighth is Transmutation. The ninth is Instantaneous Transmission. The tenth is Dispensation. The Eleventh is Attraction and Repulsion. The twelfth is Elimination, which I’m sure we’re going to have lively conversations about; and the thirteenth is Completion and Continuity.
So, it’s an exciting list. And all of this is coming forth because of the new grid of humanity. Of the work that we’ve collectively already done, all the energies that the increasing frequencies and vibrations we’ve incorporated into our sacred beings over the last couple of years. So it’s part of the Universe and the Mother’s saying “okay, now here is the unfoldment of the plan and here are the rules of the game so that you can understand how to go forward.”
SM: Looking at these, quickly scribbling my notes here, all these things that are really big, I don’t want to say issues, but big concepts – the whole idea of instant transmission, that’s another one. Were you talking about telepathic communication with that one?
LD: Exactly. And the Law of Elimination, the understanding that in fact we also have the ability with certain protections built in of course, to dis-create, to eliminate what has been or what is.
LD: You may notice that each of them really speaks to, or most of them speak to the issue of balance. And the other thing that we’re going to find, just as we did with the blessings and virtues, is that as we progress you’re going to see that this is literally a framework, a tapestry. So it’s not “I’m just working with this one Law” – it’s working with a Codex. It’s working with the entire Body of the Law.
SM: It’s a holistic approach.
LD: It’s a very holistic approach and as I was preparing for this morning, the Council and actually Sanat Kumara/Raj was also indicating to me the very deep connection, just not make it more confusing, the very deep connection between individual Universal Laws and the various dimensions that we work on and that we work with.
So, for example, when we’re working with the Law of Purpose, which we’re going to get to, its reference point if you were looking at a chart as it were, is that the reference point for that would be the first dimension. And the first dimension out of the twelve that are available to the human species is the dimension of ideas and it’s where we go to understand or what we pull into ourselves because we don’t really go anywhere, where we situate ourselves in order to understand the original idea of who we are.
So a big piece of this Universal Law is us also coming to understand not only the grander bigger framework of how things work throughout the multiverse, but also us understanding as the reflection of that Law who we are in each of those situations. Clear as mud, huh.
SM: No it’s a beautiful thing; I’m looking forward to the exploration and the unfolding of all of this. It’s wonderful.
LD: I’m really up for a meditation. What I’d like to do is this: the Law of Purpose is understanding who you are. And then living in alignment of your purpose with the plan and the purpose of Love and therefore the Divine Mother, and what I find and what I hear so often from our listeners is that sometimes people aren’t really clear yet about what their purpose is.
Now this Law is all about knowing your purpose and your own ability to choose and to self-determine.
So what I’d like to do is to take us on a journey to start this wonderful series to explore and to come to know our sacred purpose. And then of course I’m sure, well I know, Sanat Kumara is going to have a lot to say; in fact, he’s really the one giving you this meditation.
Golden Meditation 14:17
So, we all know the drill, so let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath and relaxing, letting go of the day, letting go of the week ahead, letting go of your to-do list, and simply thanking yourself for giving yourself this gift, this gift of time, this gift to simply be in your sacred journey, in your sacred self.
The ray of Sanat Kumara is a brilliant gold, that light, shiny brilliance as if you’re gazing at the sun on a mid-summer day. Now be careful with your eyes and relax.
Relax into your chair, your sofa, your car seat, the floor, your bed, just relax and begin with me, to breathe that brilliant gold and feel the warmth, and the brilliance of that energy, and the energy of Sanat Kumara who is our Planetary Logos, and what that means is, he is the Overseer, Supervisor of the Unfoldment of the Plan of Gaia so he serves us and he serves Her, and he serves the Mother because of his commitment and his Love of this planet and for each of us.
So feel your jaw and the back of your neck relax. Bring your shoulders down from around your ears.
Feel your breath slowing as you sink into your chair, until you feel like you couldn’t move if you wanted to, that you weigh 2000 pounds but your body is at peace, and exactly where it needs to be.
Open your crown chakra, that soft spot on the baby’s head, and allow those beams of sunlight, of golden radiance come on into you, filling your head, your throat, and down into your heart, your solar plexus, your tummy, your spine, filling your central column around your spine and simply be.
Let go of the random thoughts. Let them float across your screen, your mind, like fluffy clouds, and breathe gold. Deeper.
Now feel yourself sinking and coming to rest in the fullness of your heart so that all the energy from above, not only from your head but even higher, all that golden radiance is coming in and anchoring in your heart, and you’re pulling up the gold from the Council Fire of Gaia, those rich, golden flames, and pull that up through the souls of your feet, your shins, your knees, your legs, your reproductive area, your tummy, up into your heart as well, and simply be in your heart.
Everything we do with the Council Of Love and everything we do as we move into the higher realms of consciousness, it is anchored in your heart so we are learning to think, to see, to know with our hearts, so take another deep breath of golden Love and feel that Love cocoon you and nurture you and eradicate all doubt, all fear, all hesitation. Let it go.
Too often we’re afraid, we doubt ourselves if we can make it.
You wouldn’t be here if you couldn’t complete your journey in the way that you desire, so go deeper into your heart, and in the center of your heart I want you to see the tiniest pinprick of white light, just a dot of white light, and you’re curious because you’ve never noticed this before and you’re looking at it and you want to go exploring.
Feel, see, and go through that pinprick of white light.
Go into your heart, into the inner chambers. You can do this. Fly, and breathe, and what you see on the inside of your heart are these wonderful golden chambers, these golden walls, brilliant luminescent, shining.
So just take a second and situate yourself, and as you stand there in a sense of awe and amazement, wonder, you notice that on the walls of your heart, on these golden walls, there are inscriptions. They are in writing and symbols, and things you don’t even understand as yet.
Long ago, before you came, you insured, in tandem with your Guardian Angels and your guides and the Mother that your sacred purpose would be inscribed on the walls of your heart so that you would always know, and when the time was right, the fullness of that knowing would come to your conscious being so take a moment and walk over and read.
What have you written on the walls of your heart
with regards to your specific, unique, sacred purpose?
It may not be reams of written material, it may be one word or one symbol, one picture, or you may simply intuit it as Sanat Kumara, right now, implants this within your knowing.
Simply allow that knowing to come. We are all here and helping you.
Welcome it and breathe. Deeper.
Do not limit yourself, and this purpose. This sacred mission is the core of Who You Are and Who You Have All Ways Been so enjoy it. Enjoy this information and this knowing, and allow, and if it’s a term such as pathfinder or healer or artist or communicator, ask for expansion of that knowing.
Ask to be directed to the explanation on the walls of your heart so that you have a little more detail about what that looks like.
Take a minute.
This is an important piece of information about Who You Are, about the magnificence of your being, and have no doubt — you are magnificent!
Now take that knowing, the wonder and the beauty of this insight, into you and go back and see that pinprick of light and taking and anchoring this, fly back through that portal, but stay in your heart.
Feel yourself once again in your chair or on your sofa or on your bed, and anchor that knowing in your conscious being, and treasure it, and come back to this meditation again and again and again to just gather more and more information on your sacred purpose.
It Is All There.
30:40 Sanat Kumara/Raj: Greetings, I Am Sanat Kumara and yes, I invite you, I urge you to call me Raj.
Welcome my beloved friends, my family of Earth, of Gaia, and far beyond.
Welcome, sweet angels of light, starseeds, earthkeepers, hybrids, pathfinders, showers of the way, portals, gatekeepers, pillars, you’re all of these things and so much more, and I am pleased to step forward in this way and to serve you, yes, to tutor you, to teach, but also primarily simply to help you remember because, dear hearts, all of this information, this deep fundamental knowing, has been anchored within thee for eons.
Some of you are newcomers to Gaia, newcomers to Earth, but you are not newcomers to the Universe, and you have come in your mastery, not only to anchor the shift and the Ascension of humanity but in that, and part of that Ascension, is the adherence of the human collective to higher Law, to original Law, to the only Law that has meaning and that is the Law of the Universe, what you would think of as the framework of operations from Mother/Father One.
It is not simply how Gaia and those upon her work, create, and bring forth Nova Earth. It is also the way your star brothers and sisters and those far beyond operate. It is the Laws that St. Germaine, Jesus Sananda, Saint Theresa, Saint Francis, the archangels and of course myself, all adhere to – Universal Law.
It is the alignment – in one way for you to think of it – it is the alignment with the Divine Mind, Heart and Will. It is your way home.
Yes, the inter-dimensional reality is strong upon Earth at this time, and it is being restored rapidly every single day, but what we speak to you of this day is not simply what is occurring and what is the framework for Earth, for each of you, but for All.
That is important for you to understand.
I am sent this day to explain to you not in a general overview but in specific detail how things work, and it is my joy, my golden joy, to be able to do this, to know that your hearts and mine, your bodies, are not only just ready to hear and incorporate this understanding but that you demand it.
You have released the old third, you have released those laws, formal and informal, because what are dictums of society and false grids, except laws that have gained ground and are illusions.
As you are releasing all of that, you need to understand it is not just fruitful, it is necessary to understand the reality of how things operate, how things work.
Originally, human law was a reflection of justice, of Divine Justice, which is nothing more than fairness, balance. They were intended to be simply a codification in human wealth, yes wealth, of understanding how to operate, to be a reflection of exactly what Suzanne has said; thou shalt:
Love your neighbor as yourself.
These are the Laws of Love.
Well, that got a little decimated upon the planet.
Now we do not suggest that you go out and you break every human law available. That would not be wise counsel, but each of you also has reached the point that you also know and understand that you are adhering to a higher level, a cleaner level, of Love, of ethics, of integrity, and behavior, but this is not simply to keep behavior loving.
It is also to help you understand and begin to create, and that is why we have begun this day in this magnificent series, if I do say so myself.
We want to explain your Law of Purpose.
Everything throughout the Universe has purpose, and you can break it down and you can put it under a microscope but every atom, every subatomic particle, everything has purpose, and that is something, to a great extent not by you, my beloved light-workers, but by the general population, that has been forgotten.
So it is my job and yours to remind them.
The Law of Purpose includes, embraces, embodies self-determination and choice.
Now within that, when you are in alignment with the Mother’s Plan, there really isn’t a lot of choice, but of course there are variations.
How does this Law work?
Understand what I say, that the Law of Sacred Purpose is the same for the atoms that compose a table, a planet, the hair on your head or the lack thereof, your blood, your skin, your heart, your mind, and your entire being.
So you are an integrated person, a human, that has many of these fibers and particles coming together in Divine Purpose to serve you, to assist you in the fulfillment of Who You Are, of what your promise is, of what your heart’s desire is, and what you choose to do.
Now, how does this work? And I want to be a very practical teacher.
You know, this learning that I share with you has been incorporated on my planet of Venus for a very long time, but in the beginning we had the same struggles, we had the same questions, we had the same queries and doubts, but do not worry about this.
Leave the worry to us today and simply allow this knowing to flow within thee, and to be anchored deeply not only within your heart but within your very bones.
Now I want to use that practical example that I referred to. Knowing your alignment with your sacred purpose is like red light, green light.
You often say “I feel like I’m in the flow when I’m trying to create what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling, how I’m pursuing things. It’s simply clear sailing.”
When it is clear sailing, it’s because you are in alignment with your sacred purpose.
Now I’ve put a proviso on this. It means that it’s clear sailing because you have also relinquished fear and doubt and worry, anger, limitation; but that’s a whole other discussion, but I must add it here for you to have the broader understanding.
When it’s a red light, when you feel that you’re pushing against the tide, against the current, that nothing seems to go right, that’s because, nine times out of nine times, it’s not in alignment with your sacred purpose, with your heart.
Beloved angel, you’re taking a left turn when you should have turned right.
This is not a monumental mistake or crime. You simply backtrack, regroup and turn right. It doesn’t need to ever be high drama. All those stoppages are simply you, yourself, your higher self, your universal self, your stranger, your guides, telling you this is not what you want to do.
And it can be simple as I want to go to the store and buy this, and it doesn’t work and it doesn’t work and you go to the store twenty two times and you always forget to buy that item. It can be as simple as thinking that you want to fall in Love with a certain person and no matter how much you see them, no matter how much you date, no matter how often you go out on adventures that spark isn’t there.
It can be as simple as your thought patterns:
“I’m fat, I’m ugly, I’m unlovable, I’m unloved, I’m really not worth anything.”
This is horrendous, and never, never could that be in alignment with your sacred purpose.
All Law, all Universal Law, including especially the Law of Purpose, is birthed from Love, plain and simple.
There is not a Law that is not of Love, and therefore any thought, any action, every opinion that you have that is less than, is not in accordance with Universal Law and not in accordance with the Law of Purpose.
That is why it is so important, my dear friends, to know, to come to understand and be joyful in the knowing of your sacred purpose.
It is unique and particular to you. You are the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan for Gaia, just as the trees, the mountains, the grass, the oceans are.
It’s a harmonious creation and fulfillment.
But it’s difficult for you to proceed and you have done so bravely and courageously and with enormous fortitude. But it is hard if you are swimming around in the dark, is it not?
So come; come and sit with me in that sacred chamber of your heart and let this knowing of your sacred purpose in alignment with the Law of Sacred Purpose let it come forth and let yourself rejoice because that is your purpose. It is to be Love, to be joy, to be of one.
I am here with you, and I am here to answer your questions.
SM: Welcome, Raj. Thank you for joining us this morning and sharing this information. I appreciate being able to speak with you. With purpose being the freedom to step into who we truly are, would you please speak to the whole point of the Earth experiment? Has it been for the experience of diving into density and making ourselves grow? Through finding our way back to finally emerge from the lower dimensional illusion? When we do, I think there’s going to be a party of epic proportions.
Raj: There most certainly will be, as there was long ago on Venus, which is also a Planet of Love.
As you know, we are creating a Universe of Love, a Multiverse of Love. Now, the sacred purpose of Gaia was never density. Understand what I say because this is where we are going to expand and throw out some outmoded ideas.
The third dimension was simply so that you angels and star beings could come to Earth and have a physical experience. Whether it was for 30 seconds or three thousand years. It was simply intended in the Mother’s plan to be a planet of play for her angels.
Now when the humans assumed form, and we are talking a progression over millions of year, the density rather than being in joy, we are just even talking about the density of physicality, became enormous.
Now is this an error in the Mother’s plan? No.
So let us fast-forward. The humans were practicing creation.
So when we speak to you of creation, this is nothing new.
You have created greed, control, lack, limitation, hatred, war, famine, all of these things are creations.
Now are they of love? No.
Therefore, they cannot be sustained.
When you create something, when you collect the molecules and they’re not in accordance not only with your sacred purpose but with the Mother’s Purpose that she has assigned Her Grander Plan, if it is not in alignment it will not be sustained, and when we speak of the Law of Elimination, we will go into that further.
Now fast-forward even more. Did you come to Earth and into this density and your mastery in this lifetime – and by the way each of you have had many lifetimes. You did not simply begin to assume your mastery in the last hundred years — you have been working on this for quite a while, if not on Earth, then elsewhere.
You have come to dispel the density, so not to be caught in the quagmire, the mud of that density; not to lie down and be sucked into a sinkhole.
No. You came to abolish the density, and to assist the Mother and Gaia in the Restoration of Her Plan, and in the restoration of that Plan is the plan of you.
This is a chapter of your existence, and granted it is a very exciting chapter, a chapter that includes adventure and Ascension and creation and return to One, but it is only a chapter.
So, you say:
“Well then, why do we experience, why do I feel so pulled down by the density?”
Well, dear heart, if you do not experience it, how do you break it? And that is why so many of the light-workers, light-holders, Love-bearers do experience the density.
If you say to me:
“SK, how come some are completely oblivious not only to the density, to the heaviness of such false grids and paradigms, the vasanas, how do they not know?
“Why do they not seek freedom?”
Because they are not awake. Because the density is like a cloak that they’ve embraced, and that they hold near and dear.
Does that make it real? No.
How is that for an explosive start my friend?
SM: Oh, I think it’s magnificent. Thank you so much. I was wondering if you could speak to what you said earlier on An Hour With an Angel, about the rest of the Universe waiting for Earth to complete her Ascension process so that they can also make their jump to whatever their next level is, and why Earth?
Raj: Because it is her sacred purpose. If you go back to original purpose, to the sacred purpose of Gaia, when the Mother said in Her Infinite Creation:
“I would like a place for my angels to play,”
Gaia who, up until that time, was in the form and the energy and the fullness of being an archangel, said,
“Mother I will do it. It would be fun for me.
“I will assume this physical reality form.
“I will not forget Who I Am, but I will play at this for awhile, and I will have such diverse beauty even more – listen to what I say – even more and greater beauty than an archangel.”
And so the Mother gave her, infused her, with her idea; with the energies to bring forth this planet of ultimate beauty.
But it was never part of the plan that Gaia would simply be Eternal, that she would always be in this form or that the humans would be here indefinitely, forever.
It was intended to be evolution, soul evolution, and as the density upon the planet became heavier, the adjustments to the Mother’s Plan and the intensity of her energy to Gaia, to Earth, to humanity to ascend to come back full circle to where they were intended to be, grew.
That is why we say that it is not simply an Ascension into the fifth-dimensional reality.
It is to continue on and it is the freedom in form to be able to experience the different realities and dimensions.
Now when that is anchored, the pattern, the repatterning, the grid, the model is set, and those planets who have had their own hurdles will then take the pattern, the energetic imprint of Gaia, and be able to utilize that and the energetic imprint of humanity and be able to utilize that with their own populations so that they may rise back to the place of Love, back to a place of greater consciousness.
And I wish to speak to that because Love is the form of consciousness.
It is complete consciousness, and do not confuse consciousness and heart consciousness and Love consciousness with intelligence.
There are planets that are phenomenally advanced and highly intelligent, but they have not perfected the anchoring of that Grid of Love, and that is the sacred purpose of Gaia and all upon her.
It is the beauty of Love, and yes, they are waiting in the wings.
SM: I have to say that hearing about how it was not in the original plan for the Earth to be so abused and put upon, it brings up grieving for me and sadness. I know that kind of feeling doesn’t serve, but clearly there is also a very large benefit to experiencing the density that we’re pulling ourselves out of.
Raj: And do not underestimate grieving.
Do I wish for you or any of you to live in sorrow? Absolutely not, but to acknowledge one’s heart sorrow is to allow it to go. It is to allow it to be healed, and there has been a great deal of grief and sorrow, a sadness upon your planet and certainly amongst humanity.
You cannot witness the atrocities to Gaia and the atrocities of war, famine, the meanness, the cruelty to each other; you cannot witness that and be in your heart and not feel grief and sorrow, but the key is to let that go.
To raise yourself into the Love, to acknowledge not in fault or blame or guilt, but to not be foolhardy and say:
“Well I will just pretend that didn’t exist or that didn’t happen.”
No, this contributes to the understanding and it contributes to the collective will to shift, to not be in that place of destruction.
SM: Thank you for that. I feel pretty solid on the energy work that I’ve been doing but lately it’s been kind of a blank feeling, like a silent interlude that leads to something that hasn’t been spoken yet into being. Perhaps in the past I would have thought that each of our individual agreements moving forward would have been made. But is this the point where our agreements are getting close to being satisfied and we get to make new ones?
Raj: Yes and no.
But let us go to the yes first because that is what you all need to hear. Yes, your agreements are about a hairs-breadth away from fulfillment.
Now does this change the core of Who You Are? Your original idea? And your sacred purpose?
No, because that sacred purpose in a multitude of definitions is the Essence of Who You Have Chosen To Be.
Even if you are a ball of sheer energy, your essence is phenomenally beautiful but also defined; it is your uniqueness.
So let us use this example: you’re about to complete your mission here, and yes, some of you will decide to stay, not only for hundreds but for thousands of years. You want to see the rebirth of Gaia, the cities of light, you want to see the Love blooming in every form.
But say there are some of you who will say:
“No, I’m leaving; I’m going to be that ball of energy and I am going to spiral throughout deep space waving to the Mother, knowing that it’s not quite yet time to go home and I’m going to assume another form. Maybe I’m going to be Andromedan. Maybe I’m going to be a comet. Maybe I’m going to be a planet. Maybe I’m going to be a dolphin on Sirius, or a whale.”
So yes, the option for renegotiation shall we say – without leaving your form in terms of dying – is right there.
Does this answer your question?
SM: Yes it does. I’m personally looking forward to shapeshifting and doing whatever feels good to me in the moment.
Raj: You know, this was part of the joy that in your original form, angelic or otherwise, that you could pop into Earth and try on a human form, male, female infant, adult, elder.
There are some of you that have joyfully become a full mountain range, a drop of water in the ocean, or the entire ocean.
So you have had those options and the ability to pop in and out, jump in and out, and try on these forms the same way children play dress-up.
That was the intent so you are exactly on track, dear heart.
SM: Wow. Thank you, I so look forward to it. So, callers get ready. Are you ready, Raj?
Raj: I am ready. I have been waiting for this.
SM: Area code 248, Jillena you are on the air.
Jillena: Hello, Raj. And Suzi and Linda. Am I ready? I’m looking at this becoming more aware than I have.
Yet, I don’t have a clear understanding of the creation codes and Universal Law, and the thirteen virtues and blessings, although I have maybe a head start more than most. But I’m realizing that by coming into a deeper understanding of these things, things will become clearer.
And where I’m rather stuck at the moment is looking at the old 3D and knowing that it’s still referred to as a hologram and that we are now anchored in a higher dimension, shall we say.
Looking at how this comes together, what I’m trying to say is, I’m not so much looking for myself as a person and what my purpose is, I’m just looking at how to balance all of these major components. I’d like to be operating in the more creative, creation mode, but I’m also experiencing the old 3D and straddling between all of these. Could you perhaps put a little more clarity on these?
Raj: Yes, you are straddling between dimensions because you are assisting with the completion, shall we say, of the old third. Now, let us go back to basics.
To be on Earth means that you have the availability within the realm of human experience of twelve dimensions, including the third.
Now, during this time of illusion and during this time of change many have divorced themselves from the third dimension and said, “I never want to go there again” but of course they are referring to the false third, to the false illusions that grew up in the third dimension.
The third dimension as it is being cleaned up is where you can experience not only free choice but physicality, and in physicality have the experience of all the various dimensions.
So there is a push/pull and, dear heart, and you are not alone in this. This is not unique to your situation and it is exactly what has been experienced in the past as well.
So the part of you that is saying,
“I don’t want to be in the old third. I know that it is fading. I know that it is not real. Oh and by the way I go to work there because that is where the work is but I hate it.”
That is why Archangel Michael has been so clear with all of you that part of your Ascension process is making peace not only with the old third but also coming to embrace what we would call and refer to as the new cleaned-up third.
When you close your eyes and you think of beauty — and this is particularly true of you, sweet Jillena — do you not see the fairies resting on the flower petals? These wonderful sparks of light flying free?
Do you not see and feel and smell the pine forests and the dampness of earth near the creek? The richness of the soil in spring?
The sweetness of a baby’s giggle? Of their first steps and first words?
These are of the third dimension.
You do not wish to eradicate those joys.
They are a gift directly from the Heart of the Mother.
So you are allowing the old third. . . you are a systems buster and I say that as one myself and all of you are in this boat with me.
You are breaking the systems and the illusions of the old third, but you are not eliminating the experience of the beauty of Gaia which is the clean third-dimensional experience.
And from that place, in body, then you really operate anchored in the fifth but still are having a physical experience being able to embrace the magic, the alchemy of the fourth, the beauty elsewhere, the creativity of the eighth, the mastery of the eleventh, so do not think that you aren’t on track.
Is it a lot to incorporate? Yes, and that is why I have asked Linda and Suzanne to contribute, to donate, to commit to these four months with me.
Now, we will have fun. And as you start to apply these thoughts, you will see the sky and far beyond are not the limit.
The key here is that as you go forward as you doubt yourself and say:
“Oh, I am not in my mastery yet.”
And I correct you and say:
“Yes, you are. Accept it.”
And the key is Loving yourself.
SM: Okay, so we’re on to another caller. Area code 510, are you with us?
Caller 510: Thank you. Good morning, Raj. Please scan my being fully, read my heart and mind. I would really like to better understand the Law of Purpose in relation to, not I, but the Christ in me.
Everyone I speak to says it’s not possible but my desire is to surrender my life and being completely to the Divine Plan; that it is my free will that I can only do or be nothing other than be in perfect alignment.
Spirit can work with me freely so whatever needs to be done to achieve the great work whether I ask or am consciously directed or not, that I can sit down and converse with my guides every morning and truly consciously co-create with spirit in what we create here. But everyone says this is not appropriate and it’s not possible and so on. I find it’s difficult to put into words but if you can speak to whether this is right or possible I would be very grateful.
Raj: It is not only possible, dear heart, it is the Plan.
It is not simply your individual sacred plan that you be in alignment with Divinity and with your Divinity. It is what Ascension is about, and make no mistake about it, some of you feel the anchoring in the higher dimension of the fifth more clearly than others, but that is the same as saying that some people have a better sense of smell than others. It doesn’t mean that the majority of you don’t have noses.
The purpose, the collective purpose of humanity, and within that the collective purpose of humanity at this juncture of what you think of as “time” is Ascension and what is Ascension?
It is moving into heart consciousness.
It is the restoration of Love.
It is the alignment with sacred purpose and what is that? It’s how we began.
It is the alignment of your heart, your mind, your will
with the Heart and Mind and Will of Mother/Father One.
Universal Law is not complex. It is about that alignment.
It simply tells us the how to, so we would never encourage you to be dismissive of people but we would strongly encourage you to be dismissive of false ideas.
Caller 510: I understand the idea of alignment but in practical terms, does that mean that I can have a full conversation like this on a regular basis if you like, and why is that so difficult now? It seems impossible without Linda’s assistance.
Raj: This is the situation of surrender, and of allowing it to emerge, and so it is also a matter of allowing it to emerge not only from your subconscious and unconscious but into your conscious.
You are only thinking that this cannot happen.
It most certainly can and you are receiving messages, insights, direction, guidance, and every now and then a very strong nudge, all the time.
No, I am not urging you to practice patience.
I am urging you to sit down and allow these presences to make themselves known. It is not only possible, it is what not only what you desire, but that we desire as well.
We are meeting in the middle.
Caller 510: Thank you. Well, I just wondered if he could speak for everyone, this idea of surrender, because I try really hard, I think everyone does, and the question of try and surrender, that paradox; maybe he could just speak a little bit more about surrender and what does it feel like.
Raj: Surrender is the complete opening of your heart.
Now very often the human being and particularly because the references has been used in terms of war or conflict, surrender tends to be linked with defeat and in fact surrender is victory.
Now, who or what are you surrendering to.
You are surrendering first and foremost to your beloved sacred self, to your sacred purpose.
So surrender.
I will give you a visual: it is lying on the floor or on your bed arms and legs akimbo and saying:
“I give up. I surrender.”
Now you have all, every one of you, had moments where you have felt this way, but what it has been attached to has been this feeling of defeat – “I can’t go on anymore.”
Try this in terms of simply surrendering the way you would do in an incredible Love relationship, the kind you either have or that you dream of, and you are creating in this very moment by the way.
Lie on your bed, and say:
“I surrender and I will hear and I will allow.”
Do not even try the automatic writing or the verbal channeling.
Surrender and let the voices come or the understandings speaking to your heart come.
Now there are a few of you in this time of transition who have agreed not to be able to have those conversations, and they are rare. We are talking a handful of people on the planet.
Now why would you do that? One is so that you stay in your body; that as soon as you are reunited with our energies that you would fly home, and the agreement is that you want to stay in your body until the job is done. This is rare.
The second is that you are teaching patience fortitude and the miracle of faith that you have faith despite having a conversation.
But I say to you, dear listener, you are not one of those people, so lie on your bed surrender, and let it come. I will be your guide.
Caller 510: Thank you.
Raj: You are welcome, and Jesus Sananda will be there, as well.
SM: We have time for one more caller. Area code 303, are you with us?
Caller 303: Thank you. Well, I have a practical question. I’m kind of straddling the fifth and the third. Can I get your advice on how be in the fifth, following our purpose and doing our souls’ work while taking care of ourselves in a third-dimensional way?
Raj: This is a practical question but it also a very important one, so thank you.
First of all, you are firmly planting your feet in Gaia, deeply embedded in the heart of Gaia so every day a minimum of once a day because you are on this journey with Gaia.
You go down, you drop your cord out of your root chakra, you see yourself going down through the layers of her directly to the heart of Gaia.
You give her your cord, you give her your heart, and you remain firmly anchored in Gaia. That is how you remain fully-anchored in the fifth.
Then, what you are doing and I would urge each and every one of you to not spend all your day working in the old third, because it is exhausting. It does not give you incredible joy. It does not give you incredible freedom.
So do your work there but then also play in the renewed third and that means being outside enjoying the beauty, the bunnies, the deer, the dogs, the cats, the grass, the dirt, nature, the sky.
Travel inter-dimensionally because your sacred purpose is not simply tied to cleaning up the third. It is not simply come to be the clean-up crew.
Are you the clean-up crew? Yes, but you also get time off.
So you would tend to the necessities, knowing that you are creating more than enough, amply what you need for yourself, for your family, for your Loved ones, and for your community, but don’t anchor there.
See that you are leaning over reaching into the third but you are not staying there. You are not living there because you cannot live in the mist.
SM: Thank you. So, Area code 704 are you with us?
Caller 704: Hello. I think I’m somewhat like your last caller. I was just relying on keeping my energy high and not getting sucked into 3D because I have a plan for how to get out of my current 3D situation. It relies on me not getting stuck in ego so I guess I’d like some advice on that.
Raj: You have brought up a good point. That is ego.
The key to not getting stuck in ego is to simply Love it, Love it, and then Love it some more.
We are not out to destroy ego, but we are here to assist in bringing of ego into balance.
Ego is that part of yourself, a delightful part of the personality, that tends to need, especially during this time during transition, a tremendous amount of reassurance, and when you reassure the ego, when you reassure your mental and emotional body that they are not being shut down, then they allow you to operate in the higher vibration.
So tell it, talk to it, reassure it, Love it, appreciate it and then set it aside.
Caller 704: That makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
SM: Raj, I’m thinking next week we’re going to be doing Intent. Have you got a minute for a closing comment?
Raj: I would like for you to think during this week about your sacred purpose and then we will travel forward about how the Law of Intent translates the knowing and the embrace of that sacred purpose into the beginning of creation, which is intention.
It is in alignment with All, but it is in alignment with what you want, with what you desire and what you choose to pursue. I cannot wait.
SM: I am looking forward to that as well. Thank you so much for joining us for this morning!
Raj: You are so welcome, all of my beloveds. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon, August 17, 2013****
From The Importance of the Universal Laws, page 238:
The Universal Laws are simply the Laws of this Universe. They are the understanding of how your Universe works and operates, but the basis of all of these Laws is Love.
There cannot be a Universal Law that does not have its foundation in Love. That is the core and the substance of the multiverse, of the omniverse.
I wish to speak to you about the Law of Purpose. The Law of Purpose is the Law that commands and requires and gives each of you the freedom to be in alignment with your sacred self and to be the embodiment of your sacred self.
Many of you have thought of this and seen a glimmer of this in your desire, in the political movements upon your planet for self determination, for freedom, but this is a precept.
It is a Law
that when you choose to align
and exercise the freedom,
to be the totality of Who You Are,
to be the full expression of your Divinity
and to embody that,
then it is the Law
that the energy must follow this decision,
this choice.
There is a great deal of discussion upon the planet about free will and about the nature of free will and that this is a free-will zone.
We would never have it otherwise for this is a unique quality; but the biggest element of free will is the choice, the decision to be the freedom of your being.
Once you do this, once you invoke this Law
— yes through intent, through stillpoint
and bringing it forward through action —
then you are commanding,
demanding the Law
to allow you
the freedom to do this.
Many of you are stuck, my dear hearts, and that is why I am being so emphatic about this.
You think that you are controlled by the old paradigms. Well, of course, you are not and they fade rapidly, but you also have these ideas, and we call them ideas, ideations, belief systems, that you are restricted by what you believe is your mission and service and purpose.
But the very Law of Purpose
is the Law of Freedom
for you to be the Totality of Who You Are.
It is not time-lagged.
It is immediate.
As soon as you claim that freedom,
then it is so.
Now you may have some mental and emotional adjustments to do and I will help you with this, for, yes, you have been in shackles a long time, so the idea of complete freedom for some of you is terrifying.
You really aren’t quite sure what to do with it, and that is why we ask you, we invite you to dream, and we invite you to dream big.
There is nothing small about any of you.
You have been birthed from the Heart of One.
You are a mirror of the Divine.
Yes, you have assumed form and you have assumed form during this miraculous time of Ascension.
So you say to me “SK, how do I invoke the Law of Purpose. How do I invoke the freedom to be the entirety of my sacred self?”
You do so humbly, but you do so joyfully.
You do so in thanksgiving and awe,
but you do it simply by invoking the Law,
by going to that place within your heart,
of formulating the intent that you are living in alignment,
in perfect alignment with the Law of Purpose.
It is your freedom ticket, dear hearts.
It always has been.
Now this is a Law that does not simply apply to you or to your planet or to the collective of the human race. It applies Universally. I have declared this long ago and I Am the Embodiment of My Sacred Self. All the Ascended Masters are.
And what are you except masters?
The Mother has referred to you as her Ascension Angels and this is a beautiful term that captures and reflects to you, your potential. So what I am doing, before I go any further, I am making a solemn commitment to each of you.
If you are not certain how these Laws, that I am discussing with you work, then call me.
Invoke my name. Invoke my energy. Invoke my wisdom.
I Am Here to help the planet fulfill all of your dreams and the Dream of the Mother.
I will help you with these Laws. I will show you the way.
I will reveal the Laws to you as you are ready, as you are prepared.
So I do not ask you to run before you can walk, but this sacred Law of Purpose, it is a starting point, and it is a finishing point because it is the claiming of Who You Are.
April 28, 2012
From the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose: Universal Law is a creation of the Mother to align us with the Divine Mind, Heart and Will — how things work in the higher realms — the knowing of a higher level of ethics and loving-kindness.
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose helps us to understand the essence of who we have chosen to be, our sacred mission in alignment with the expanded vibrations and increased frequency on Earth now.
Our sacred purpose is the core of Who We Are,
our joy, not something to be limited.
Discovery of sacred purpose can emerge from meditation. Hearing terms such as pathfinder, artist, healer or communicator is good indication of sacred purpose, Sanat Kumara (1) says through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love.
We can ask for expansion of that knowing, details of what that looks like, the magnificence, wonder, beauty of what that is.
Our sacred purpose is something to contemplate, meditate on often, to gather more and more information about — that deep fundamental knowing — and is in our hearts, has been anchored within us for eons.
As a human collective we are learning to adhere to Higher Law, Original Law,
to the only Law that has meaning and that is Law of the Universe,
the framework of operations from Mother/Father One.
It is our way Home.
What is occurring on Earth at this time — the framework for Earth — is for each of us, but it is also for All.
Sanat Kumara, our Universal Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, says it’s important we understand this and that he is here to explain, in specific detail, how things work.
It is his golden joy, his sacred purpose, to be able to do this, and he says in our hearts, minds and bodies we do know this, that we are very ready to hear and incorporate these understandings.
Sanat Kumara says human law was once a reflection of Love, Divine Justice, Fairness, Balance, of how to operate, but that went terribly awry.
As we are releasing the illusions of the old third dimension we are at the same time reaching that point of knowing where we can adhere to a higher, cleaner level of Love — ethics, integrity and behaviour.
SK says we are here to keep our behaviour Loving
but also to understand how to create.
The Universal Law of Purpose:
Everything throughout the Universe has purpose. Every atom and subatomic particle, everything has purpose. (This is something that has been forgotten.)
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose includes, embraces, embodies self-determination and choice.
Within that, in alignment with the Mother’s Plan, there isn’t a lot of choice, but there are variations.
How this Law Works
The Law of Sacred Purpose is the same for the atoms that compose a table, a planet, the hair on our head or the lack thereof, our blood, skin, heart, mind, our entire being.
We are an integrated person, a human that has many of these fibres and particles coming together in Divine Purpose to serve us, to assist us in the fulfillment of Who We Are, what our promise is, what our heart’s desire is, what we choose to do.
On Venus, where Sanat Kumara is from, this learning has been incorporated for a very long time but in the beginning they, too, had the same questions and struggles.
SK says for us to leave the worry to him, and to simply allow this knowing to float within us, to be anchored deeply not only within our heart, but within our very bones.
Daily meditation, sitting still, is important for the integration of this understanding and knowing, the integration of these energies.
Alignment with Sacred Purpose
We create flow, alignment with sacred purpose, by letting go (forgiving our self) our core issues of sorrow, shame, anger, fear and the entrenched beliefs, the hatred, judgement, doubt, worry, anxiety, worry, limitation, control.
When things seem not to be working, we feel like we are not in the flow, we are at a ‘red light’ that is indication we need to look deeper within — to align with our heart consciousness, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude for self and others — not the old patterns of lack of self-worth, lack of self-love, “I’m not good enough” or other similar thoughts.
No need for high drama but to backtrack, regroup, until we are in the flow — ‘green light’ again — with our self, higher self, Universal Self, guides, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude.
Every thought, action, opinion that is not of peace, love and joy is not in alignment with Universal Law.
Universal Laws are birthed from Love.
Every Universal Law is Love.
Our forgiveness, compassion, gratitude — peace, Love, joy — for everyone we have met and meet on our journey is being in alignment with sacred purpose.
Understanding the joy, the gratitude for the knowing of our sacred purpose, is important.
We, in the knowing of our sacred purpose,
are the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan for Gaia,
just as all of nature is harmonious creation, fulfillment.
We make it difficult for ourselves if we are not clear what our sacred purpose is.
Sanat Kumara welcomes us to sit in the sacred chamber of our heart with him and allow the knowing of our sacred purpose to come forth in alignment with the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose.
Our sacred purpose is unique to each of us and SK is here to answer our questions.
He says:
Rejoice in the knowing of — the gratitude for — our sacred purpose.
It is of Love, of joy, of One, and with this
are creating a Universe of Love,
a multiverse of Love.
The sacred purpose of this planet, Gaia, was never density.
In the Mother’s Plan, Gaia was to be a planet of play for Her Angels.
Originally, the third dimension was for a physical experience that could be as short as thirty seconds or as long as three thousand years.
When we as humans assumed form, over millions of years, the density became enormous, but was this was not an error in the Mother’s Plan.
We, as humans, have been practicing creation, greed, control, lack, limitation, hatred, war, famine, for all of these things are creations.
Are they of love? No, and therefore, they cannot be sustained.
When we create something, when we collect the molecules and they are not in accordance, not only with our sacred purpose but with the Mother’s Purpose that She has assigned Her Grander Plan, if it is not in alignment, it will not be sustained.
We have come to Earth, into this density in our mastery, not only in this lifetime but many lifetimes. We did not simply begin to assume our mastery in the last hundred years. We have been working on this for a long while, and if not on Earth, then elsewhere.
We have come to dispel the density, so not to be caught in the quagmire, the mud of that density, not to lie down, and be sucked into a sinkhole.
We came to abolish the density, to assist the Mother and Gaia in the Restoration of Her Plan, and in the restoration of that Plan, is our plan.
This is a chapter of our existence — a very exciting chapter — a chapter that includes adventure and Ascension, creation, Return to One, but it is only a chapter.
We ask, “Why do we experience, feel so pulled down by the density?”
In answer:
Without experience, it is difficult to break it. This is why so many of us have experienced and experience the density.
Many humans are completely oblivious to the heaviness of the false grids, the paradigms and they do not seek freedom because they are not awake, because the density is like a cloak to embrace, to hold near and dear.
This does not make it real.
The rest of the Universe is waiting for Earth to complete her Ascension process — Gaia’s sacred purpose — so that they can also make their jump to their next level.
When the Mother said in Her Infinite Creation, “I would like a place for My Angels to play,” Gaia, who up until that time was in the form, the energy, the fullness of an archangel said:
“Mother I will do it. It would be fun for me. I will assume this physical reality form, I will not forget Who I Am but I will play at this for awhile, and I will have such diverse beauty, even more.”
So the Mother gave her, infused her with Her Idea, with the energies to bring forth this planet of ultimate beauty, but it was never part of the Plan that Gaia would simply be Eternal, that she would always be in this form, or that the humans would be here indefinitely, forever.
It was intended to be evolution, soul evolution, and as the density upon the planet became heavier, the adjustments to the Mother’s Plan and the intensity of Her Energy to Gaia, to Earth, to humanity to ascend — to come back full circle to where they were intended to be — grew.
our journey,
for us to continue on,
for us to be able to experience
the freedom of form, different realities, dimensions.
When this is anchored, the pattern, the re-patterning, the grid, the model of Love is set, then other planets in this Universe with similar struggles can take the energetic imprint of Gaia, of humanity, so they, too, may rise back to the place of Love, back to a place of greater consciousness.
Sanat Kumara Tells Us
“Love is a form of consciousness.
“It is complete consciousness, and do not confuse consciousness and heart consciousness and Love consciousness with intelligence.
“There are planets that are phenomenally advanced and highly intelligent, but they have not perfected the anchoring of that grid of Love.
“That is the sacred purpose of Gaia and all upon her.
“It is the beauty of Love, and yes, they (the other planets) are waiting in the wings.”
Ascension work is not for any of us to live in sorrow, but to acknowledge our heart sorrow, then to allow it to go, to be healed.
The atrocities to Gaia, war, famine, the meanness, the cruelty to each other, we cannot witness, be in our hearts, and not feel grief and sorrow.
The key is to let that go — to forgive our selves and everyone — to raise ourselves into the Love, to acknowledge not in fault, blame, guilt but also not to be foolhardy and say, “Well I will just pretend that didn’t exist or that didn’t happen.”
Acknowledging our grief — speaking up
helps with our understanding and
contributes to the collective will to shift,
to not be in that place of destruction.
The core of Who We Are, our original idea, our sacred purpose in its multitude of definitions, is the Essence of Who We Have Chosen To Be.
Even if we are a ball of sheer energy,
our Essence is phenomenally beautiful, but also defined.
It is our uniqueness.
Some of us will decide to stay for hundreds, for thousands of years to see the rebirth of Gaia, the cities of light, to see Love blooming in every form.
But some of us who will say,
“No, I am leaving. I am going to be that ball of energy and I am going to spiral throughout deep space waving to the Mother, knowing that it’s not quite yet time to go Home, and I’m going to assume another form. Maybe I’m going to be Andromedan, maybe I’m going to be a comet, maybe I’m going to be a planet. Maybe I’m going to be a dolphin on Sirius, or a whale.”
The option for renegotiation, without leaving our form in terms of dying, is right here.
Shapeshifting and doing whatever feels good in the moment was part of the joy of original form, angelic or otherwise, that we could pop into Earth try on a human form, male, female infant, adult, elder, even a full mountain range, a drop of water in the ocean, or the entire ocean.
These options, the ability to pop in and out, jump in and out, and try on these forms the same way children play dress-up, that was the intent.
To be human, and to be on Earth, means that we have the availability within the realm of human experience of twelve dimensions, including the third.
During this time of illusion and during this time of change many have divorced themselves from the third dimension and said, “I never want to go there again” but of course they are referring to the false third, to the false illusions that grew up in the third dimension.
The third dimension, as it is being cleaned up, is where we can experience, not only free choice, but physicality, and in physicality have the experience of all the various dimensions.
This is not unique to our situation and it is exactly what has been experienced in the past.
When we say, “I don’t want to be in the old third. I know that it is fading, that it is not real, oh and by the way, I go to work there because that is where the work is, but I hate it.”
That is why Archangel Michael has been so clear with all of us that part of our Ascension process is making peace, not only with the old third, but also coming to embrace what we would call, and refer to, as the New cleaned-up third.
When we close our eyes, and we think of beauty, are there fairies resting on the flower petals, those wonderful sparks of light flying free?
Do we see, feel, smell the pine forests and the dampness of Earth near the creek, the richness of the soil in spring, the sweetness of a baby’s giggle, of their first steps and first words?
These are of the third dimension, joys not to be eradicated,
gifts directly from the Heart of the Mother.
We are systems busters, breaking the systems and the illusions of the old third, but not eliminating the experience of the beauty of Gaia which is a clean third dimensional experience.
From that place in body we have a physical experience, able to embrace the magic, the alchemy of the fourth, the beauty, the creativity of the eighth, the mastery of the eleventh.
Is it a lot to incorporate? Yes, but we are to have fun, and when we start applying the Laws, we see there are no limitations.
The key here is, as we go forward,
as we doubt ourselves saying, “I am not in my mastery yet”
SK says, “Yes you are. Accept it and the key is Loving your self.”
The Plan — not simply our individual sacred plan that we be in alignment with Divinity and with our Divinity — is what Ascension is.
The Collective Purpose of Humanity, of Ascension
It is moving into heart consciousness, the restoration of Love.
It is the alignment with sacred purpose.
It is how we began, the alignment of our heart, mind, will, with the Heart and Mind and Will of Mother/Father One.
Universal Law is Not Complex
It is about alignment; it is how to never be dismissive of people, but to be dismissive of false ideas.
We can surrender, allowing alignment to emerge, not only from our subconscious and unconscious, but into our conscious.
We are receiving messages, insights, direction, guidance all the time, and every now and then, a very strong nudge.
Surrender is the Complete Opening of Our Heart
Very often the human beings, and particularly because the reference has been used in terms of war or conflict, surrender tends to be linked with defeat, when in fact, surrender is victory.
Who or what are we surrendering to?
We are surrendering to our beloved sacred self, to our unique Divine Sacred Purpose.
A visual is lying on the floor or on our bed, arms and legs akimbo, saying, “I give up. I surrender.”
We have all, everyone of us, had moments where we have felt this way, that feeling of defeat, “I can’t go on anymore.”
A Way to Surrender
Surrender the way we would do in an incredible Love relationship, the kind we either have or that we dream of.
Lie down and say, “I surrender. I will hear. I will allow.”
Let the voices come and the understandings speaking to our heart.
The Ego
The key to not getting stuck in ego is simply to Love it.
Love it, and then Love it some more. We are not out to destroy ego. We are here to assist in the bringing of ego into balance.
Ego is a delightful part of the personality that tends to need, especially during transition, a tremendous amount of reassurance.
By reassuring the ego, our mental and emotional body that they are not being shut down, we can operate in the higher vibration of clarity.
Our sacred purpose is unique to each of us, part of the grand mosaic of the Mother’s Plan.
Rejoicing in the knowing of, in gratitude for,
our Divine Sacred Purpose, we are here to create
a Universe of Love, a multiverse of Love.
Sanat Kumara:
“All energy that emerges from the Heart of One,
in whatever form, has sacred purpose, expression,
direction that is connected to your completion and continuity.
“The Sacred Purpose Law is the understanding in the Universal sense
that the purpose of all existence is to Love, to be of joy,
and find your way back Home.
“But in that and within that — so there are many clauses to this Law — is,
What is your sacred purpose? How does your purpose, your expression
in this lifetime as a fragment of your broader journey,
align with the Law of Love?”
Invocation for the Law of Sacred Purpose
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Law of Sacred Purpose
for activation and clarity, with my self in alignment with All,
in the embodiment of Love, of Divinity, of creation,
of Ascension in physicality on Gaia,
inter-dimensionally Now.
Page 238, Sanat Kumara on 3 Universal Laws: The Law of Purpose
The Law of Purpose is the Law that commands and requires and gives each of you the freedom to be in alignment with your sacred self and to be the embodiment of your sacred self.
Many of you have thought of this and seen a glimmer of this in your desire, in the political movements upon your planet for self determination, for freedom, but this is a precept; it is a Law that when you choose to align and exercise the freedom, to be the totality of Who You Are, to be the full expression of your Divinity and to embody that, then it is the Law that the energy must follow this decision, this choice.
There is a great deal of discussion upon the planet about free will and about the nature of free will and that this is a free-will zone.
We would never have it otherwise for this is a unique quality; but the biggest element of free will is the choice, the decision to be the freedom of your being. Once you do this, once you invoke this Law — yes, through intent, through stillpoint and bringing it forward through action — then you are commanding, demanding the Law to allow you the freedom to do this.
Many of you are stuck, my dear hearts, and that is why I am being so emphatic about this. You think that you are controlled by the old paradigms.
Well, of course, you are not and they fade rapidly, but you also have these ideas, and we call them ideas, ideations, belief systems, that you are restricted by what you believe is your mission and service and purpose, but the very Law of Purpose is the Law of Freedom for you to be the totality of Who You Are.
It is not time-lagged. It is immediate. As soon as you claim that freedom, then it is so.
Now you may have some mental and emotional adjustments to do and I will help you with this, for, yes, you have been in shackles a long time, so the idea of complete freedom for some of you is terrifying. You really aren’t quite sure what to do with it.
And that is why we ask you, we invite you to dream, and we invite you to dream big.
There is nothing small about any of you.
You have been birthed from the Heart of One. You are a mirror of the Divine.
Yes, you have assumed form and you have assumed form during this miraculous time of Ascension to do just that, to affect such fundamental change upon your planet that it will be completely unrecognizable to what you knew even a year ago.
So you say to me, “SK, how do I invoke the Law of Purpose. How do I invoke the freedom to be the entirety of my sacred self?”
You do so humbly, but you do so joyfully; you do so in thanksgiving and awe; but you do it simply by invoking the Law, by going to that place within your heart, of formulating the intent that you are living in alignment, in perfect alignment with the Law of Purpose.
It is your freedom ticket, dear hearts. It always has been.
Now this is a Law that does not simply apply to you or to your planet or to the collective of the human race. It applies Universally.
I have declared this long ago and I Am the Embodiment of My Sacred Self. All the Ascended Masters are, and what are you except masters?
The Mother has referred to you as her Ascension Angels, and this is a beautiful term, that captures and reflects to you your potential.
So what I am doing, before I go any further, I am making a solemn commitment to each of you. If you are not certain how these Laws that I am discussing with you work, then call me.
Invoke my name. Invoke my energy. Invoke my wisdom. I Am Here to help the planet fulfill all of your dreams and the dream of the Mother.
I will help you with these Laws.
I will show you the way. I will reveal the Laws to you as you are ready, as you are prepared.
So I do not ask you to run before you can walk, but this sacred Law of Purpose, it is a starting point and it is a finishing point, because it is the claiming of Who You Are. (3)
(1) “Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose with Sanat Kumara, Part 1/2,” August 13, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/13/heavenly-blessings-the-universal-law-of-sacred-purpose-with-sanat-kumara-part-1-2/
“Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose, Part 2/2,” August 13, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/13/heavenly-blessings-the-universal-law-of-sacred-purpose-with-sanat-kumara-part-2-2/
(2) The Mother’s Plan, Her Individual/Family Plan, Self is All:
To be our creator selves, assuming the mantle of our Divine Authority,
in charge of our life, thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours,
steps, environments,
in alignment with the Love,
the Divine Mind, Heart and Will,
in service,
sacred purpose, harmony with each other.
(3) On the Importance of the Universal Laws, page 238, Steve Beckow, Vancouver 2017, channel, Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/OntheImportanceoftheUniversalLawsR10.pdf