Third Eye Chakra
We are not here to deny our feelings ever.
But identifying them, and understanding whence they come from – how they are connected to the past – is key.
In life we tend to create and re-create uncomfortable situations, situations that surround and corral us.
Not wanting to look at childhood trauma where boundaries have been crossed, along with suppression of the feelings connected, can be the reason why we recreate uncomfortable situations.
Part of the teachings in the Universal Law of Elimination through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, is the power of “No.”
When we recognize and say “No” to the repetitive, meaningless lessons connected to lack of self-love and self-worth, knowing we are not here to eliminate people or circumstances, we begin to understand how things work in the higher realms based on the Universal Laws of Love, of Divine Qualities, knowing and trusting our value.
To help us say “No” here’s an invocation from the Law of Elimination:
For my life, circumstances, chosen path
I call upon SK and the Law of Elimination
to eliminate that which is not for my highest good
or the highest good of everybody concerned,
the repetitive, meaningless lessons.
Always after invoking there is need to sit quietly to ‘hear’ the wisdom of the higher realms – to ‘see and feel’ the connection to the past, realizing it is about our self and our choices, not about what we ‘feel’ are the outer enemies or discordant energies.
What elimination truly means is forgiveness, forgiveness of the past – the lack of which has helped create the present.
We tend to re-create similar situations over and over until we balance the past knowing the Mother’s Forgiveness, that self-Love, and that Love for others.
Anchored in that Love uncovering, discovering self-worth, that gratitude for the wisdom gained from all experiences – good, bad and ugly, we create greater balance.
It feels counter-intuitive but blessing self, the old feelings and situations not of love, balances us so we do not create more situations not of love.
This is core responsibility work, that therefore helps the whole, family and friends to community.
In a past reading with the Arcturians through Sue Lie, I was asked to look at Victorian ways; growing up there was a fair amount of concern, family tradition around good manners connected to blame, fault, guilt and shame.
I have been ‘seeing’ where these feelings originated by invoking the Laws and listening to my guidance.
Invoking SK and the Law of Elimination, using compassion, being the Observer of the present and past situations, then being forgiveness and blessing everything, I eliminate, say “No” to what is not of love, the repetitive meaningless lessons.
The re-creation of old similar situations drops away because now my self-Love and self-worth, boundaries based in forgiveness, compassion and gratitude, are firmly established.
The Law of Elimination is connected to our 3rd eye in the middle of our forehead.
As this ‘eye’ opens, we view what is transpiring on planet from a higher perspective.
For example with this news: Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty of helping Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse girls, we begin to ‘see’ as the higher realms ‘see’ – without judgement, without reaction, without expectation – that we truly have need of change within our court and prison systems, to a more therapeutic model.
We ‘see’ that everyone, abuser and victim, is in need of trauma therapy, of knowing the Laws of Love, of our inherent value.

Non-judgement is LOVE
As we let go the old ways with Love remembering to forgive and bless self and others with the compassion of the higher realms, we will not recreate the old ways of sorrow and shame, guilt and blame, the old court and prison system.
Trusting in the Mother’s Plan (that God isn’t punishing)
understanding Her Universal Laws of Love and Divine Qualities
~ knowing our Love and worth, our value and everyone’s value ~
we create the New.
I invoke Archangel Michael:
Make it below as it is above,
that truth will and does reign,
that peace will be