All Universal Law is a codex — the understanding of the truth of God — of how things work in the higher realms.
The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance is Divine Alignment in tangible reality, practical direct alignment of our hearts’ desires with Who We Truly Are.
Sanat Kumara, our beloved Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells us now is a time of fruition, of bringing into our life, our world, our reality not only the understanding of how the Law works, but the practicality of how we work with it in order to create.
We are bringing forth what our heart desires but also Nova Earth, Nova Human, Nova Being, the beauty of each of us.
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show
The Universal Law of As Within So Without, As Above So Below, Balance
Meditation at 17:08 minutes
Sanat Kumara at 30:25 minutes
We each have a sacred mission and purpose, individual plans within the Mother’s Divine Plan, and this Law reminds us that we are fully the reflection of Love here on Earth, the embodiment of the spark of Love that we are above, the totality of our being.
It also reminds us that everything we desire that is of truth, not ego and not lack, is ready for us.
The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without explains how our desires are within us — that they exist in the Universe within — and that they also exist in the without, upon our planet.
Invoking this Law helps draw our desires to us, reminding us we are unlimited potential — God’s Expression of Divinity on the Earth — essence in form.
The Universal Laws and the Divine Blessings, Virtues and Qualities, The Mother’s Guidebook, How Things Work In The Higher Realms, remind us how to create, how to bring forth our hearts’ desires, how to fulfill our missions, our sacred purpose all at once while encouraging and fostering Love everywhere — creation of Nova Being and Nova Earth — as above so below.
All is operating, throughout the multi-omniverse, upon a Golden Grid.
Etherically, one of the forms in which we would see our self, is as a Golden Grid.

Our Golden Grid
Not a grid that is separate, off of the Golden Grid, but a grid (personal toroidal field) within a grid (planetary toroidal field) within a grid (Universal toroidal field).

Golden Grid within Planetary Grid within Universal Grid
When we are meditating and operating every day, it is to make sure we have not tarnished or sullied (with thoughts and feelings not of love) our grid.
Simply to shine it up with forgiveness, compassion, gratitude for all our experiences, thoughts and feelings not of love, every single day.
Make sure that there are no tears, and no breaks in our grid, so when we are working with creation, everything slides, travels upon our grid.
It is to make sure that nothing that is not of that gold (joy is golden gratitude for sacred purpose) sinks in.
In the higher realms there is no hierarchy.
Here now, we are remembering, learning to anchor that in the below, working in partnership, in co-creation with our unseen friends: the Divine, the angelic realms, the Ascended Masters, our star family, the elements, the animal kingdoms, the fairies, sprites, devas, and the mineral kingdoms.
Crystals, for example, are our ‘friends’ and with the understanding that anywhere ‘two or more are gathered’ — two of anything connecting and engaging — we amplify our healing/creation work.
Invoking, calling upon Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without for help with our personal balance and planetary balance, and posting the archangels daily around us, amplifies our co-creation work.
When we post the archangels, we are making a healing/creation chamber around us, around our living space that helps us raise our frequency and vibrations by bringing the balance of the Higher Realms into the here and now.
Posting The Archangels — Daily Healing/Creation Chamber
Post Archangel Michael with his Blue Flame of Truth
at the door to your house, apartment, room, and see him walk along
to stand at the first corner, colouring the entire wall saffire blue
for protection, change, trust, hope, FORGIVENESS, peace, serenity.
Beside Michael post Archangel Raphael with his Emerald Flame.
See him walk along the entire second wall, colouring it emerald green,
to stand at the second corner.
Emerald green is charity, COMPASSION, Love, Who We Are.
Beside Raphael post Archangel Uriel with his gentle Silver Flame
and see him walk along the third wall to the corner,
colouring the entire wall shiny silver. Silver is truth, beauty,
abundance, FORGIVENESS, connectedness; the future is Now.
Beside Uriel post Archangel Jophiel with his magical Jophie Dust
colouring that wall magenta, and then to stand at the fourth corner.
Magenta is the perfect balance of red and blue,
COMPASSION, beauty, wisdom.
In the centre of the chamber, post Archangel Gabrielle
with her burnished golden trumpet.
Her trumpet is the power of golden truth, worthiness,
healing, GRATITUDE, joy, wisdom, conscious awareness of our wholeness.
are the ways of heart consciousness, Divine Alignment, sacred purpose.
Collectively we are powerful, powerful enough to stop factions fighting in the without, and/or ‘the war within’ our very beings, in the moment.
Often we forget and tend to engage in the energy of drama, failing to align with peace, apologies, forgiveness, Love, compassion, joy, gratitude — balance — Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities, Intent with Divine Law.
Daily meditation, sitting still and listening is part of our Ascension co-creation.
Letting go of all old ways of being with forgiveness and compassion for self and everyone in humility and gratitude, in partnership with our guides, our circles, our higher selves and our Universal Self is what we came to do at this time on Earth.
Daily invoking of Sanat Kumara and Universal Law, and posting the archangels with their rays around us helps us remember we are co-creating — working in tandem, in partnership with our unseen friends — to bring about the Mother’s Divine Plan.
‘Above’ is a place of harmony
— of balance —
where there is no war.
We are anchoring this ‘below’
with our understanding and knowing.
Invoking Universal Law and posting the Mighty Ones
with the magnificent healing/creation powers of the colours
— daily —
is a co-creation for peace, Love, joy, harmony ‘below’.
Holding the vision of the truth of peace, not tolerating or engaging in any other vision, we create what is above, below — within, without — balance in all realms, following the Divine Mother’s Plan of Reconstruction, Restoration for Earth, for Gaia and all upon her.
An Invocation for the Universal Law of Above and Below,
Within and Without, Balance
I invoke Sanat Kumara, the Mighty Ones, and the Universal Law of Above and Below,
Within and Without, Balance, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude,
peace, Love, joy, harmony, balance in All Realms.
“Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of As Within So Without, As Above So Below, Balance with SK, Part 1/2,” August 31, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/31/heavenly-blessings-the-universal-law-of-as-within-so-without-as-above-so-below-balance-with-sk-part-1-2/
“Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of As Within So Without, As Above So Below, Balance with SK, Part 2/2,” August 31, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/31/heavenly-blessings-the-universal-law-of-as-within-so-without-as-above-so-below-balance-with-sk-part-2-2/

Much gratitude to Linda Dillon,
channel for the Council of Love
Transcript of this Law
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show
The Universal Law of As Within So Without, As Above So Below, Balance
Meditation at 17:08 minutes
Sanat Kumara at 30:25 minutes
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council Of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Radio
SM: Good morning and welcome to another offering of Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council Of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and myself Suzanne Maresca.
Today we’re exploring the Law of Above and Below, Within and Without with Sanat Kumara.
This ties in with the Universal Law of Balance in Divine accordance with mind, will and heart, above and below. I’m excited to get into this because by the definition of the Council Of Love, this Law speaks to the fact that none of us would even be here unless we had decided at some point to step into the fullness of Who We Are.
Balance calls for outward expression of our brilliance and the moment is right for us to accept the truth of this and to take appropriate action.
I’m looking forward to hearing more about the Council Of Love statement that what’s been healed in Heaven will be healed on Earth, and who better to help us find that out than our wonderful friend, Linda. Good morning.
LD: Yes, good morning Suzi. This is one of my favourite Laws to talk about, and I think it’s got a lot of meat to it, and so often people will infer or refer to the Law of Above and Below, but we don’t really often enough take the time to sit and ponder, as my friend Maré would say, what that really means; that everything that’s going on within us, with us on our planet, if we were in accordance with this Law would be a reflection of what is above; and similarly, what is within us is outside of us as well.
I think that’s probably one of the most significant pieces of the shift out of the old 3rd is that – as we know the old 3rd has not been in accordance with that Law, that what has been, well we have pockets of it and examples of it, and moments of it, but generally speaking — what’s going on the planet, the last couple of thousand years or longer, has not really been a reflection of the Divine Reality at all,
So it’s a really interesting topic, and I think one of the things that Universal Mother Mary says, that Archangel Gabrielle says, and certainly what Sanat Kumara says, is that I don’t think that we as individuals truly fully believe that we are an absolute Reflection of Divinity.
SM: It would be tough for us to really embrace that without having evidence because even those of us who are not concrete linear thinkers — you know everything that we’re doing Now just seems to be going on trust and faith — and I’m sure that many, even the most steadfast of servants of the light are really looking for some, longing for some, tangible evidence of this.
LD: And yet I wonder, and this is just me wondering literally out loud,
“What do we think the Company of Heaven, the angels and the archangels go on, if not hope and faith and trust?”
I don’t think they really are attached to the tangible.
SM: I’ve wondered about that too. I’ve wondered also about the group mind aspect of being in the higher realms, that they ‘get it’ much more.
So here on Earth we’re versions of our higher selves and getting closer to living as if we understand and embrace that, but they’re already there, so maybe it’s a further progression along the path back to Source.
LD: I think exactly that it is, but for us to think the Divine Qualities — the 13 blessings and virtues, that’s a description of how the higher realms live — those are the qualities.
That’s their everyday, and it can manifest through the Mother and the creation of galaxies, but the starting point of what they’re working with and how they operate are those Divine Qualities, and one of the things that I’m hoping that you and I are going to achieve, and Sanat Kumara and the Council of Love are going to achieve during this series, is to see the similarity or the link-in between what’s Universal Law and those Divine Qualities because really they’re very much mirrors of one another.
They’re not exact mirrors. They don’t one-to-one, but they’re very clearly — and I think of the Divine Qualities, of the blessings and virtues, that we delightfully spent so much time on — this is how we live.
This is how you can live and embrace your Divinity, and the Laws are the framework, the how-to, the operational manual basically on How Things Work, and somehow that gets lost.
So, even when we look at a human law — let’s choose something outrageous like some of the clauses in the Homeland Security Act, for example, and I’m going to get a bit political — but you look at some of those clauses where people have the right, in the middle of the night, to come into your home, interrogate you, perhaps even take you away, lock you up and never tell a soul or bring actual charges.
Now, in what way would that be in accordance with the Law of Above and Below?
And yet, in our human everyday self — and I think this is where the practicality of it’s coming forward — we don’t just say,
“Well, that’s the way it is” or “Oh, that’s terrible.”
But we as a collective, and that collective mind you’re talking about, at what point do we say this is not in accordance, in the slightest, with the design and the manual for this planet and for this Universe?
Therefore, it is completely unacceptable, and you bring down, you shift, you vote out of office — I don’t care how we term it — but we don’t accept that that’s a way to live, a way to operate.
Particularly I think, as Americans, we’re really good at pointing out the atrocities or the inequalities that occur in other countries, and we look at it, and we point our fingers and we say, “This is heinous. How could this happen?” and yet we’re not taking care of our own backyard, and how that starts is of course taking care of our inner self.
It All comes back to our self,
and how we live,
and how we’re operating.
SM: So my way of coping with the news and the chaos and – not that I really follow news but there’s some you just can’t help but hear about – my way of dealing with that, and also the comments in the inbox, is that I feel my best and highest is to live as though I’m already in the higher dimensions and just to be Love, and see myself as Love and light, so that really fits into the Within and Without, because what I’ve noticed is that the closer I get to acceptance of that’s Who I Am, that’s what I see and notice in the world around me, and the people around me.
It’s really amazing and brilliant.
LD: The starting point is our sacred self.
I was fascinated yesterday, I listened with Archangel Gabrielle’s discussion, and this is ‘the Linda take on it’ but when she was talking on An Hour With an Angel and I think the question was about,
“How do we trust and how do we proceed in trust, when there has been so much lack of truth or dishonesty?”
And her response, again, from my perspective sitting here listening as the channel was:
“Well, do you not practice free will?”
“What do you choose to do?”
And you know we see that in the really practical small microcosm.
You know we’ve all had friends or we’ve all said to ourselves — we’ve been in a Love affair that didn’t turn out — and therefore we say:
“Well we’re never doing that again.”
“I’m never going to be in a relationship again.”
“I’m never going to allow myself to Love again.”
And even though we say it, and we know when we say it that we’re in high drama, that’s a very sorry statement.
It’s as if to say:
“Well, because I was disappointed and brokenhearted once, I am never ever going to take a chance and exercise my free will to Love again.”
And that’s so unloving of our selves.
SM: It’s fear.
LD: It’s fear and it’s time to let go of the fear because what I do know about the Law of Above and Below, I do know that in Heaven and in the higher realms, and even in the higher dimensions that we’ve been talking about, in the 5th, fear doesn’t exist.
Is there valour and courage?
Yes, huge amounts, enormous, but there’s not fear, there’s not anger.
That’s not to say that there aren’t moments that the other side gets frustrated with us.
I think they get frustrated with us more than we know.
I think they’re really good at managing their frustration or angst a lot better than we are.
So it’s a very interesting Law, and it’s also this understanding and incorporating right into our bones – is that those desires that we have to create — we have them because we brought it from above, and at the same time, it exists already in the Universe.
SM: And we just don’t realize our power — I guess because of the conditioning of lifetimes — but it’s very difficult for many to think of ourselves as Divine Beings, but if we could step into that even just a little bit, and realize that we are made of Love and we are made of light, and if we just offer ourselves in service to the light, there is nothing that can happen to us.
There’s nothing that could take us down, and the more we embody that, and the Divine Qualities, the more we help the collective in service, and whatever work we do on ourselves — and pretty much that’s our only power at this point is to work on ourselves, but it’s a huge power — and by working on ourselves, the ripples go out into everywhere, all of creation, but especially the rest of the human collective.
LD: Yes, and it does, it starts with working on yourself, with Loving yourself, with accepting yourself, and just knowing that even though that human side of you, that ego side of you may think, “Well, I’d better fix this,” that in fact you’re perfect.
SM: We don’t have to be healed to be a healer.
Certainly it’s great to do our personal work, and that’s why we’ve been asked to do so much clearing and these frequencies are kind of forcing us to do our clearing, and stripping it away from us.
I’m sure that any listener could probably attest to the fact that even a month ago their understanding was different than what it is Now.
LD: Yes. Things are shifting very very quickly Now, and I think most of that shifting — yes, we’re seeing it in the external — but most of that shifting, the big work, is being done internally, in the within.
SM: Speaking of internal and within, do you think it’s time for meditation?
LD: I think it’s a great Time. I think we’ll go back to those walls of our heart. Thank you.
Meditation 17:08
So everybody, take a nice, deep breath and this morning we are being lead to deal and to breathe with magenta.
Magenta is that perfect balance of colour between the blue and the red.
It’s the colour of a good red wine, of a grape juice, maroon, of fall chrysanthemums so relax into your chair, onto the floor, into your bed, into your office seat or your car seat.
Just relax and feel the tension easing away, and with that tension I want you to let go of that feeling:
Am I doing enough?
Am I doing it right?
Am I on track?
Just breathe it out and let it go. . . and feel your jaw relax, and your neck.
Your shoulders, bring them down, and breathe in this wonderful colour of magenta, and magenta is the colour of Jesus, of Our Beloved Yeshi, the Buddha and Lord Maitreya.
Breathe it in, and as you exhale, feel your energy sinking down into your heart, deeper and deeper, as you let go of the week ahead, your to-do list, and give yourself that red wine colour, that gift of time, of simply being here, with your circle, in our sacred space.
As you go deeper into your heart, I want you to once again see that tiny, tiny dot, that pin-prick of light in the center or towards the bottom of your heart, the seat of your soul, and feel yourself moving towards that pin-prick of light in your heart as if you’re flying, bringing all your energy, all of you in through that pin-prick, through that portal of white light to the inner corridors of your blessed heart, of your sweet self, and breathe.
Once again here we are, and see the walls of your heart that are golden.
It’s the gold of Gabriel, that Florentine gold, the gold of Yahweh, and the gold of Sanat Kumara, and there is tons of writing, of symbols, of pictures, of messages on these walls, and this is where you have come and will come again and again to understand, not only your sacred purpose, but your intent.
This is where you formulate and come to understand on a completely different level, your mission and purpose and desires.
I want you to sit down, sit down in one of these wonderful chairs or pillows that are placed in this vault of your heart, and take a nice deep breath of magenta, and go deeper.
I want you to think, to feel, to allow to float to the surface, something that your heart desires, and don’t simply go with the first thing that arises, go deeper. . . a desire that you have held hidden in your heart, perhaps for a long time, perhaps it’s a desire that you brought with you when you incarnated and you want it so desperately, so deeply, that you don’t even speak about it or think about it because the thought of not having it, of asking for it or working on it and not succeeding is too devastating. . . and go deeper.
Bring up that heart’s desire, and it can be physical or spiritual, emotional. Just let it come forth in your heart. . . and let your mind know about it, too. . .
Now staying in your heart, in this wonderful place of Love and safety, I want you to look, to feel, to observe, way out into the Universe, not just on Gaia but using your 3rd and 4th Eyes and your sensors and your heart, because your heart has the ability to see.
Look out into the vastness of the Universe, of deep space and locate where, either on Earth or far beyond throughout the Heavens, where that desire is located in the without.
You have the desire within, let’s find it in the vastness of the without.
So take a minute, you can do this, it’s not a matter ‘if’ it’s there — it’s there.
Now with your hands, your arms, reach out and gently, Lovingly, sweetly, bring into your hands that heart’s desire, the same way you would pick up a little lost kitten in a bush.
Pick it up and bring it across the multiverse.
Bring it into your heart right Now through that pin-prick portal of light, directly into your heart knowing that you Now have the composite energy, the tangible to bring this forth into your physical reality.
Thank it for coming to you, for sending that locator beam, and promise that you will birth this and bring this forth into the physical reality of your life in accordance and by invoking the Universal Law of Balance, of Within and Without, and then when we’re ready. . .
Just feel the warmth of that gift. . .
30:25 Sanat Kumara: I Am Sanat Kumara. Welcome to each of you.
Welcome My Brothers and Sisters of My Heart, of My Journey, and welcome to this time, not only of the study of the Universal Law, for it is my yoy to be your teacher and your guide, but what we are also undertaking with each of thee is the practical, and that is why we have done this exercise this day.
It is a time, my friends, of fruition and of bringing into your life, your world, your reality — which is a 5th dimensional reality — not only the understanding of How the Law Works but the practicality of how you work with it in order to create, in order to bring forth, yes what your heart desires, but also Nova Earth, Nova Human, yes, even New You, the beauty of Each of You.
If you are not simply a fragment of Who You Are above — and we don’t know how many times we will have to say this — but we will say it until it is firmly anchored within your knowing conscious self:
“In this lifetime, in this incarnation, you have brought the fullness of your soul design, the totality of your being, into form.”
Now how is this different than other incarnations, other journeys on other planets that you have made with me, and with others?
There are times because each of you — let me preface this by saying that each of you have enormous array of talents, abilities, capacities — in previous incarnations, there were times when you would say:
“Well I am going to incarnate and I am going to contribute to the greater understanding of humility and piety.”
And so you have chosen circumstances, whether they are financial circumstances, or a lack of talent, or being in a situation where you were having to practice humility, and I do not mean that you were a monk or a priest or a nun, because sometimes the greatest humility has to be practiced by kings and queens.
So you created situations where you did not bring the fullness of everything of Who You Are — think of it As Above — with you in order to build for yourself, but usually for the collective, trying to break the paradigm of the old 3rd.
You didn’t bring all of you so that you would be able to do this and to learn more deeply, and to teach by example and devotion more deeply.
That is not true in this incarnation, in this period of Ascension.
Now, let us also be very clear, you never left the Spark of Your Divinity at Home.
That is not possible, so whether it is you, my beautiful light-worker circles, my Loveholders — you have never left your Spark of Divinity, of Oneness at Home — and neither has anybody else even if they’re lost in the darkness and behaving in atrocious ways, it does not matter.
Their Spark of Divinity is still within them and always has been, but in this incarnation, and we are not simply speaking for a select few, we are speaking for all of you because this is the Time of Ascension of Gaia, Ascension of the Kingdoms, Ascension and completion of this chapter for humanity as well, and everybody is on high alert and standing by for this completion.
So, as you came, we have told you — you are not simply ‘Masters-in-the-Making’ — you have brought the totality of your mastery in a wonderful diversity of ways to the planet.
So, you are fully the Reflection, the embodiment of that Spark of Love that you are Above, say in Heaven, and certainly the totality of your being, as you are in the, what you think of as the higher dimensions.
You do not lack anything.
Now in the physical form that you have chosen, and designed — yes in concert with your guides and with the Divine Mother, and in concert with those that you are choosing to incarnate with — you designed your body, your physicality, your where-with-all, your container, in a certain way, and there are some of you that we listen to, and we hear you say.
“Well this is not perfection.
This is not the Way, I am sure it is not the Way I appear in Heaven.”
The contents of the container are the same, and the design is perfection for what you wish to be a reflection of, and what you wish to communicate that will act as a catalyst, not only for your Ascension, for your completion, for your jump, but also for others.
So there are those of you who would say:
“Sanat Kumara, Raj, I cannot believe that I chose to come to this planet with this disability, with legs that don’t work.”
And I would say to thee:
“Yes you did, and you may have come in this representation to simply activate the collective compassion, or humility, or to work with the Laws of Change, of Transmutation, of Elimination, but there have been no errors.”
First of all, the Mother doesn’t make mistakes, and in your Divine self, my friends, neither do you, and yes we have often heard this:
“Oh, I am sure I made a mistake. I came to the wrong family.”
No, you didn’t.
Now, did the exercise of old 3rd dimensional reality and free will perhaps affect the outcome? Most definitely, but do not think it was a mistake. There aren’t any.
Now, anchoring and accepting this truth – whether you are black, white, yellow, tall, short, impaired, brilliant – that you are the exact replica inside the container of your Divinity is a very important starting point, and within that container, within your heart, in the understanding of your very specific and unique mission and purpose, are those desires of what you wish to bring forth, what you wish to experience, and everything that is in that basket.
Everything that is in that basket of desires, that is of truth, not ego, and not lack, is ready for you.
It is within you, and it is also without.
It is also existing either in the Universe or upon your planet, and you are as capable as drawing something across the Universe, which you have just done, as hailing a taxi.
The greatest obstacle that we face with you, and that you face, is you accepting how powerful you are, that you have this innate ability.
That is why we speak of Universal Law, creation formulas, Divine Qualities. We are simply your memory joggers.
We are your assistants. This is part of our service to the Mother because in Her Design, what has occurred, is that you are the embodiments – you — not St. Germaine, not Saint Theresa, not myself, even as Planetary Logos.
You are the embodiment of the fulfillment of Her Plan, each of you.
Now this is not meant to send you in a tailspin or put a mantel of such responsibility upon your shoulders that you feel that you are overburdened.
This is the dance, where you say I am doing what my heart desires, how I am led because this is in direct alignment with Who I Am Above, and right here and Now, and if there is any variation I will correct it.
Stop doubting yourselves. You do not spend a great deal of time working with Universal Law, but what I am asking of you — particularly with this Law of Above and Below, Within and Without — invoke it because it brings forth that alignment, and it begins to bring it forth in tangible reality.
Each of you has a magnificent mission.
You may think of it as small, but it is never viewed that way from our perspective, so when you are doing this, you are fulfilling your sacred purpose, your physical human heart desires, your angelic heart desires, and you are creating Nova Earth and the unfoldment of the Plan and fulfilling your Ascension, all at once.
I cannot emphasize to you, my beloved Ones, how important this is, and it is not a guideline.
This isn’t:
“Here’s a helpful hint.
“Perhaps you can use it.
“Maybe it will work for you.”
I speak to you as the Keeper of Universal Law.
It is not malleable.
It is a codex.
It is the Understanding of the Truth of God, of How Things Work.
So begin, my friends, and if you’re in hesitation, if you are unclear, turn to me, turn to Gabrielle, turn to your guides, turn to Michael, turn to the Divine Mother. We are glad to help you.
Now, do you wish to question?
SM: Certainly, that would be wonderful.
Thank you so much for joining us again. I do appreciate this series on the Universal Law. It’s very enlightening, and expanding, just like the Divine Qualities and this goes just a bit further.
I feel it might be helpful for our listeners to be reminded, that each one of us is known quite well in the higher realms.
Our thoughts and desires, as well as our triumphs and perceived shortcomings, both above and below. No one falls between the cracks. Would you please speak to that?
Raj: You have done so eloquently. Of course you are known, extremely well, and perhaps more fully than you even know yourself. I do not say this in a dismissive way.
It is just that our conscious memories, as you would think of it, are longer than yours. So for example, when I look at one of you — any one of uyou — I see the magnificence of that Spark of Light as you originally emerged.
I see your angelic self and the journey that you have had on other planets and on Earth. I see you in your many names, your many costumes and containers.
We see the struggles. We see the doubt and frustration, the anger, the pain, the sorrow.
We see the joy, the victories, the laughter, the Love, and let us say, pain has been the most — and in pain I use all the false grids — it has been the most devastating part of the experience of what the humans created in the 3rd, and we know of that pain and we seek to ease it, to soothe it, to remove it while not interfering with your free will, but what amazes us, as we gaze on you — whether it was in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, or in France a 1000 years ago, or in Siberia — is even in the mists of hardship and pain, your capacity to Love, to Love and to be Loved, and to express Love has never really dimmed.
In the most challenging of circumstances, you have always proved yourselves as the light beings who continue to Love.
You have no idea how extraordinary that is, and how we would do anything to keep that Love alive.
So what is it we’re doing at this moment?
Why are we talking in this way to you? — which you must admit is highly unusual in terms of your society — well, we are doing it because we want to grow and promote that Love.
You have always kept that flame, that candle, burning.
Now we want you to know in your physical conscious everyday bodies and activities just how much of the Love you are, just how connected to the Universe you are.
Do you fall through the cracks? Never, because although you may not realize it, even though we say it, sometimes it falls on deaf ears, so I say it again, and I say it not only for myself, but for the Mother, for the archangels, for the Masters, for your guides:
I Love you.
What that means to us is that we are committed to you, not responsible, not an overriding parent but we are committed, not simply to group Ascension, not even to your individual Ascension.
We are committed to the fulfillment of your heart and your dreams, your desires because inside of that is the Love, and inside of that is the Ascension, because if you look at your hearts, you will notice that the quality of what you Love and what you are desiring, even compared to last year, has changed.
Now are there tangible expressions of those desires, of the desires of hope and gratitude and charity and generosity?
Yes, but I do not hear any of you saying that you want a Lamborghini.
What I hear you saying is you want transportation for everybody, and it would be better if they were space vehicles, and if they’re not space vehicles then please let them be clean air vehicles.
This is what I hear from you.
That you want food for the planet, and Gaia has plenty, and it is not going to be genetically modified.
It is going to be the bounty that she has always offered.
These are the desires of your hearts, and this is Love.
Now how could you possibly express such Loving desires
if you were not Love?
So yes, we hear you, and we know you.
SM: Beautiful. If I may, I would like to ask a current events question.
Primarily what I would like to know if there is any accuracy to the stories that mainstream media is feeding us regarding world events and aggression or if the stories being told are in the category of false flags, specifically in terms of Syria at this time?
Raj: You have some expressions that you use on Earth – ‘slow news day’ — and when there is no news, they make up news.
Now I am not suggesting that the violence and the conflict that rages in Syria is not true and real.
It is a combination of things, so let me explain and it works very well with our understanding and conversation today about Above and Below, Within and Without.
Why are the people in Syria, all factions — we do not favour factions – why are they not holding peace in their heart?
Because when peace is in the heart, there cannot be outward aggression.
Are people fleeing? Yes.
Now let us also say that there are two categories of people fleeing, and we do not mean political categories.
There are people who are fleeing because they are fearful, and I am not saying that it is just the fear that freezes.
For some of them it is fight or flight, for others it is just nervous fear, so there is that category, and then there are those who are fleeing who are saying this is a time of turmoil and upheaval and this is my chance to move elsewhere, and because the borders will be open and refugees will be accepted, it is a chance to start a New life.
So that is part of it but the key to Syria is every person on the planet – yes, with Archangel Michael and with us – is to send the peace, the consideration and the Love to Syria.
There is a collective energy that is coming to the surface, not just in Syria — but we are speaking of this, of inadequacy, a belief in the lack of self-worth or in righteousness, but it is misplaced righteousness — it is not righteousness that is in accordance and alignment with the Divine, which is Love.
It is a manipulated understanding.
So is it a power struggle? Absolutely.
Is it violent? Absolutely.
Does it need to come to the surface to be eradicated rapidly, not by the invasion with more violence, but with peace?
Yes, it does because – let us use this example and this is where a practical application of this Law comes into form and I would ask all of you to do this with me – there is no war above. Period.
It is a Place of Harmony.
It is not a place of turmoil.
It is not a place of anger, frustration.
That does not exist.
Therefore there is no room for it below so what you see is the alignment, as if there is a cloud of Heaven above Syria, and the light is pouring down, and that light is filled with Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth, of Justice and of Peace, and from each of your hearts, you have the capacity to send directly to the heart of Syria, of Egypt, Iraq, Iran, that sense of peace.
When you become outraged at atrocity – and you are correct it is outrageous – but when you join into that energy of drama, then you are contributing to it so you have need to align with the Divine Qualities and with Divine Law, and in that way do not underestimate your strength.
Collectively you have the power
to stop these factions fighting
in this very moment.
You send the energy of peace,
and you hold that vision,
and you do not tolerate
or engage in any other vision.
SM: May I ask specifically if the news that’s being given to the world on what’s going on there is embellished, so to speak, in order to foment fear and negative reaction from people.
I mean I understand that our work is to hear the news and understand what’s going on, and send Love and light to the area.
At the same time it feels like a possibility that the news coming out is enhanced, embellished, made seem worse than it actually is.
Raj: Let me suggest to you two things.
There are very few news organizations on your planet that do not embellish, that do not dramatize, that do not try to get the worst pictures and scenarios, and go with that because that is what they think people want, but it is also what lines their coffers, and I mean their coffers of power as well.
So is it embellished?
Of course, you may take that as a given.
SM: Specifically gas attacks? Is that what’s going?
Raj: There are some gas attacks. Now the second piece of what I say is the realization that any atrocity is horrendous, so we do not wish to minimize the atrocity.
What we wish to be very clear is that news organizations look for the worst and promote the worst.
SM: Right. I’m just wondering at what point the Heavenly agenda becomes part and parcel of our news.
Raj: We are not interfering with the free will, but there was something that went unnoticed when Gabrielle has told you that the New Grid is in place, and that New Grid, dear heart, is part of the Heavenly Agenda and it is also going to influence the collective behaviours enormously.
You cannot stand or be part of the Renewed Golden Grid and be dirty.
SM: Exactly. All right. I have one more question.
I was wondering if you could speak to the tools we’ve been given for spiritual practice.
Not just the rituals and ceremonies but crystals, rattles, bells, etc.
We do Love them, and they certainly serve a purpose but I’ve been wondering if the main purpose has been to get us used to being able to connect to our innate power and to eventually only use them if they please us and that we enjoy the beauty of them.
Raj: You Love tools. Humans Love gadgets and toys.
You think that you have grown up and matured, but you have not.
So yes, and think about it. We Love tools as well.
Now do we use them consistently or constantly? No.
We have understood a long time ago that the intent and the use of your own power is significant but you have been given these tools such as crystals, rattles, amulets because they do hold power.
They magnify your power, particularly with crystals.
They have come to you because they have — Lemurian crystals — have your library of information, so they are amplifiers, in and of their own right, and it is a way that you are connecting with the Kingdoms.
It is a way that you are coming very intimately to work in cooperation with the Kingdoms.
So for example, a crystal can sit and send power and light for its entire lifetime, which is much longer than human, but when it is brought in conjunction with a human and the cooperation of energies comes together, there is an amplification so yes, there are things that do amplify each other.
It is part of your expression “wherever two or more are gathered” but it is not just two humans — it is 2 of any thing — and are you able to create, to generate, to use those energies without the tools?
Yes, for example, you have need to only visualize that you are holding a certain crystal to be drawing and connecting with its power or your rattle so yes, but they are fun.
They are intended, yes, they are sacred but they are also fun.
SM: Gosh, I Love that about a tool being considered an “other” that’s really wonderful, like more than just me.
Raj: It is more than just you, it is one of your friends.
SM: In my visualizations, I join with Masters and angels and, well pretty much everybody, it’s pretty much one big happy party. Thank you. So, shall we go on to some callers?
Raj: Yes We may.
SM: Area code 928, are you with us?
Caller 928: I am. Hello. I just have a couple of quick questions, but first I just wanted to express my extreme gratitude to all of you at the Golden Age of Gaia website and the Company of Heaven for all the assistance that you’ve given to us for so long.
So thank you for all your efforts.
I’ve been living a very simple life for a while Now, and working under the table, haven’t paid taxes for a few years, and I have invested in the Iraqi Dinar, and I have been intending for it all to flow very smoothly with the IRS, going from not paying taxes to having all of this money but occasionally doubt creeps in and I wanted to find out from you, Raj, if you have any thoughts on the best way to go about this, like with cashing in and taxes and all that, as far as to make it flow as smoothly as possible.
Raj: First of all you hold the intention not only in this transaction but in all transactions that you come from a place of ethics and heart, that you come from a place of fairness and Oneness, and that you simply know that you proceed effortlessly.
Do not create drama or allow your ego to bring you to doubt where there is no need.
It is that simple.
Caller 928: Wonderful, thank you. By the way, the Hope Chest is going to be getting a sizeable donation after the revaluation. Second question is, I have a very dear long-term friend who is very precious to me and has had a tremendously positive impact on my life for many years Now, and he keeps encouraging me to get a passport because he has had a vision that things are going to be going downhill in the USA, and that I need to be prepared to leave the country as my life could be in danger.
I don’t feel that at all, and I wanted to see if you could look into his heart and see what’s going on, and if this vision is coming from fear if you could help to ease that in him.
Raj: He has need to release the fear, and if he asks for help, it is certainly our honour and our pleasure to work with him, but it is buying into drama.
The reason, if you wish to get a passport, is simply because you wish to go exploring and journey all over the planet. That is the reason, not because there is civil strife.
Caller 928: Thank you so much. I very much appreciate all your help.
Raj: You are welcome, dear heart.
SM: We are on to area code 206.
Caller 206: Yes, good morning. Hello Raj. I just have one question for you.
This is about, when you’re only in the spirit, what is the limitation for a spirit.
It can travel through the Universe? Or what happens when you don’t have any incarnation, when you don’t qualify for an incarnation?
Raj: There is no need for a physical form, and I do have what you would think of a form, as my home planet is Venus, and I often return there and reside there, if you can think of it that way.
There are no limitations about how one can move or act.
You do not need a hand, a physical hand, to open a door.
You do not need physical eyes to see.
It is actually quite liberating, my friend.
SM: All right. Thank you for your call. So, our next caller is Nesha.
Nesha: Can you hear me? Hi. Yes, I’m calling from Perth, Australia. I’ve been getting guidance in the form of music and in number plates. I saw one which asked 3-6-9, and I was wondering what it could mean for me.
Raj: These are simply numbers, sacred numbers, the embodiment of 1’s and 3’s that you work with, dear heart, so it is part of your soul signature.
That is what it is. So you’re particularly attuned to treble; you are particularly attuned to triangle, so you work with 3’s.
SM: Okay, so area code 520 are you with us?
Caller 520: Yes I am. Good morning. My question is, what is the best way to utilize the Golden Grid that Gabrielle was talking about and Sanat made reference to, for the most positive manifestations.
Raj: All is operating, and when I say All, I mean throughout the multi-omniverse, All is upon a Golden Grid.
Now we have taken it upon ourselves, and this has been particularly the work of Archangel Gabrielle, to yet again re-polish and reinforce the Golden Grids, both of each person individually, humanity, collectively, the planet and further on so you know that if you are to look at yourself etherically, one of the forms in which you would see yourself is as a Golden Grid.
Now you are not a Golden Grid that is separate, off of the Golden Grid.
It is a Grid within a Grid within a Grid.
When you are operating, when you are meditating, make sure every day that you – as you look at your sacred self – that you have not tarnished or sullied your Grid. Simply shine it up.
Take away the dust specks every single day. Make sure that there are no tears, and no breaks in your Grid.
Then, when you are working with creation, everything slides, travels, upon the Grid so when the channel has done the meditation, for example, with you earlier this day what you have called to your heart has traveled throughout the multiverse along with this Golden Grid.
The idea is to see where what you are wishing to create, to bring forward, where it is located on this renewed Grid and then simply ask it to be transported to you but tend to your own Grid, as well.
It is to make sure that nothing that is not of that gold, sinks in.
Is this clear?
Caller 520: It is. Could you give me a few more specifics on ways that you can clean your own personal Grid in meditation?
Raj: You can etherically take a white silk cloth and polish your Grid.
You can use the All-Purpose Rainbow Salve to clean it. It is etheric. It has all rays, all colours.
It is usually used in healing but it is applicable here.
You may use Gabrielle’s Golden Elixir to recoat it, to shine it up, as well, but the key is to become aware of your Grid, and when I say your Grid I also mean, not your body, but your full field so do not just pay attention to your physical form that is the centre of your Grid, but go further out into your expanded auric field as well, and make sure your emotional body, your mental body, your causal body, your astral bodies, that that is all clear and bright and shiny, as well.
Caller 520: What if you’re a perfectionist and never can seem to be satisfied with your Grid?
Raj: Then that, dear heart, is a vasana.
You are not seeing the Beauty of Who You Are.
That is a lack of self-worth and I would suggest that you immediately ask Archangel Michael to help you remove it.
It has no place within you and it is certainly not part of your Grid.
Caller 520: So then every morning when you’re doing you meditation and cleaning you Grid feel satisfied that you’ve accomplished cleaning your Grid?
Raj: Feel astonished and amazed and overwhelmed at the beauty of your Grid!
Satisfied isn’t even close enough. Celebrate it, dear heart, it is beautiful.
SM: All right, area code 949, are you with us?
Caller 949: Yes, good morning. Hello, Sanat Kumara, I have a question about the sun.
I hear so much, like sometime in September or October the sun is going to be at the end of its 11 year cycle and it’s going to change poles and maybe some explosions.
My question for you is, is this going to be something to benefit the consciousness of humanity, or will it bring chaos for humanity?
Raj: The sun is in her own evolutionary cycle but what is occurring in the sun in the near future has absolutely no impact.
Are there solar flares that create magnetic or electrical fields? Yes, but you are well-shielded from these so do not create a drama where there is none.
Caller 949: Thank you. One more question, can you please tell me more about the power of crystals? I know they help to transmute negative energy but I wanted to use them more with an intention of benefit. Can you please explain?
Raj: The crystals, understand the crystals, are beings and a collection of energy unto themselves.
They have their own power and what they’re known for so often in the human realm is that they are amplifiers but each crystal, every rock and crystal upon the planet, has its own mission and purpose so when you hold a crystal, it is best that you go into meditation because they are following the Law of Above and Below, so they’ve brought their energy into this form with a very specific purpose.
Ask the crystal what its sacred mission and purpose is.
Let it share with you what it is, and then in conjunction with it, let it assist you and you assist it, in the fulfillment of that mission and purpose.
So there are healing crystals, there are channeling crystals, there are crystals that simply wish to be amplifiers, there are transmitters, there are libraries.
Ask the crystal what its purpose is
rather than try and do
an overlay of programming.
SM: We only have a couple of minutes left, so make it quick. Area code 225 are you with us?
Caller 225: Great, thank you for taking my call and thank you, Raj, for this opportunity. I have been doing some automatic writing and it has just been a wonderfully profound thing, and the writings seem to be of Love and of light and pretty and meaningful, and when I shared them with somebody, a religious person, they seemed to be somewhat fearful and suggested that there’s a possibility that I could even be letting in darkness, even though the words were so delightful.
So, I guess I’m a little afraid that maybe I should not be doing this, and maybe could you share something on that?
Also, I’m wondering about what a gatekeeper is, I had a dream about the word, and I’ve heard a little bit about some other light workers but I’m not sure I know what that is.
Raj: First of all, when you are channeling in any form, there is a method of preparation and of sealing the space, and so you would always seal the space with prayer, with light, with crystals, with meditation.
You do not simply begin and sit down and do your automatic writing – even though you are mightily protected by your guides and friends.
The second thing that you would do, dear heart, is always to ask who is writing, to identify themselves.
In this way, you ensure the purity and the clarity of what is coming through.
Do not allow the fears of those who do not understand what is available to humans to dissuade you from doing your work.
A gatekeeper is One – and it is an Ascension assignment – that basically is helping people through the Portal of Ascension.
SM: Raj, we have less than a minute. Could you maybe speak to what next week is going to be about?
Raj: Next week is going to be about the Law of Change, and my beloved friends, I am going to step aside because the Universal Mother, the Divine Mother has asked to address this issue with you so I will be in full attendance but She will be the Voice and the Primary Guest.
It will be a very exciting show so please, come and join us but in the meanwhile, practice the Law of Above and Below, Within and Without.
Slide upon your Golden Grid, and call me, for I Am With You All Ways.
Go in peace, My Beloved Ones.
Channeled by Linda Dillon, 08 27 13
Sanat Kumara: When you hold the energy within, it comes in manifestation in the outer planes, in the reality or the plane or the dimension where you direct it.
Often I have heard you and you have said,
“Well, it hasn’t shown up in the physical yet.”
Dear friends, pull it into the physical and I will push because that is part and parcel of what you are doing, but first hold it within, and if it is there, then it is outside of you. It is the Mirror of the Universe.
It is not merely fiction or dreaming. It is the Truth of Who You Are.
I shower you with My Golden Radiance.
The Universal Laws are there so that you Know How Things Work.
They are not things to be obeyed or disobeyed.
Yes, One is All Ways in alignment because that is How Things Work, so when you have question, when you do not fully understand, turn to me because I am with you always.
Go with My Love. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon 02 26 11
Meditation & Notes
the Universal Law of Above & Below,
Within & Without, Balance
Above & Below Meditation 17:08
So everybody, take a nice, deep breath, and this morning we are being lead to deal, and to breathe with magenta.
Magenta is that perfect balance of colour, between the blue and the red.
It’s the colour of a good red wine, of a grape juice, maroon, of fall chrysanthemums, so relax into your chair, onto the floor, into your bed, into your office seat or your car seat.
Just relax and feel the tension easing away, and with that tension I want you to let go of that feeling, ‘Am I doing enough? Am I doing it right? Am I on track?’
Just breathe it out and let it go. . . and feel your jaw relax, and your neck; your shoulders, bring them down, and breathe in this wonderful colour of magenta.
Magenta is the colour of Jesus, of our beloved Yeshi, the Buddha and Lord Maitreya.
Breathe it in, and as you exhale, feel your energy sinking down into your heart, deeper and deeper, as you let go of the week ahead, your to-do list, and give yourself that red wine colour, that gift of time, of simply being here, with your circle, in our sacred space.
As you go deeper into your heart, I want you to once again see that tiny, tiny dot, that pin-prick of light in the center, towards the bottom of your heart, the seat of your soul.
Feel yourself moving towards that pin-prick of light in your heart as if you’re flying, bringing all your energy, all of you in through that pin-prick, through that portal of white light to the inner corridors of your blessed heart, of your sweet self, and breathe.
Once again here we are, and see the walls of your heart that are golden.
It’s the Gold of Gabrielle, that Florentine gold, the Gold of Yahweh, and the Gold of Sanat Kumara, and there is tons of writing, of symbols, of pictures, of messages on these walls.
And this is where you have come, and will come again and again to understand, not only your sacred purpose, but your intent.
This is where you formulate and come to understand on a completely different level, your mission and purpose and desires.
I want you to sit down, sit down in one of these wonderful chairs or pillows that are placed in this vault of your heart, and take a nice deep breath of magenta, and go deeper.
I want you to think, to feel, to allow to float to the surface, something that your heart desires, and don’t simply go with the first thing that arises, go deeper. . . a desire that you have held hidden in your heart, perhaps for a long time.
Perhaps it’s a desire that you brought with you when you incarnated and you want it so desperately, so deeply, that you don’t even speak about it or think about it because the thought of not having it, of asking for it or working on it and not succeeding is too devastating. . .
And go deeper.
Bring up that heart’s desire, and it can be physical or spiritual, emotional.
Just let it come forth in your heart. . . and let your mind know about it, too. . .
Now staying in your heart, in this wonderful place of Love and safety, I want you to look, to feel, to observe, way out into the Universe, not just on Gaia, but using your 3rd and 4th eyes and your sensors and your heart — because your heart has the ability to see — look out into the vastness of the Universe, of deep space and locate where, either on Earth or far beyond throughout the Heavens, where that desire is located in the without.
You have the desire within.
Let’s find it in the vastness of the without.
So take a minute, you can do this, it’s not a matter ‘if’ it’s there – it’s there.
Now with your hands, your arms, reach out and gently, Lovingly, sweetly, bring into your hands that heart’s desire, the same way you would pick up a little lost kitten in a bush.
Pick it up and bring it across the multiverse.
Bring it into your heart right Now through that pin-prick portal of light, directly into your heart knowing that you now have the composite energy, the tangible to bring this forth into your physical reality.
Thank it for coming to you, for sending that locator beam, and promise that you will birth this, and bring this forth into the physical reality of your life in accordance and by invoking the Universal Law of Balance, of Within and Without.
And feel the warmth of that gift. . .
Teaching from Sanat Kumara
Now is a time, not only for the study of the Universal Law, but for the practical fruition of bringing to life in our world, our reality, not only the understanding of how the Law works, but the practicality of how we work with it in order to create, to bring forth what our heart desires – Nova Earth, Nova Human, the beauty of each of us.
We are the totality of our being in form in this lifetime
We are not simply a fragment of Who We Are above in this lifetime.
In this incarnation we have brought the fullness of our soul design, the totality of our being into form.
This is different than other incarnations, other journeys on other planets that we have made.
Each of us have an enormous array of talents, abilities, capacities.
But in previous incarnations we may have chosen to explore greater understanding of humility and piety, so we chose circumstances, such as being a monk, priest, nun, or even as king or queen.
We created situations in the past where we did not bring the fullness of Who We Are to practice and learn more deeply, and to teach by example, devotion.
That is not true in this incarnation, in this period of Ascension.
This lifetime we did not leave the spark of our Divinity at Home.
We have not left our Spark of Divinity, of Oneness, at Home, and neither has anyone else, even if they’re behaving in atrocious ways.
This is the time of Ascension, of Gaia, of the kingdoms, of this chapter for humanity. Everybody is on high alert and standing by for this completion.
We have brought the totality of our mastery in wonderfully diverse ways to the planet.
We are fully the reflection, the embodiment of Love in this lifetime
We are fully the reflection, the embodiment of that spark of Love that we are above – say in Heaven – we are the totality of our being.
The physical form we have chosen, and designed — yes in concert with our guides, the Divine Mother, those we chose to incarnate with — we designed our body, our physicality, our where-with-all, our container, in a certain way,
Some of us say, “This is not perfection. This is not the way I appear in Heaven.”
SK says the contents of the container are the same, and the design is perfection for what we wished to be a reflection of, and what we wished to communicate to act as a catalyst, not only for our Ascension, for our completion, for our jump, but also for others.
Some of us say, “Sanat Kumara, Raj, I cannot believe that I chose to come to this planet with this disability, with legs that don’t work.”
He says, “Yes you did, and you may have come in this representation to simply activate the collective compassion, or humility, or to work with the Laws of Change, of Transmutation, of Elimination, but there have been no errors.”
The Mother doesn’t make mistakes and our Divine Self doesn’t either.
SK says they often hear, “Oh, I am sure I made a mistake. I came to the wrong family.”
He says, “No, you didn’t. Now, did the exercise of old 3rd dimensional reality, and free will perhaps affect the outcome? Most definitely, but do not think it was a mistake. There aren’t any.”
We are the exact replica of our Divinity inside our container
Anchoring and accepting this truth – whether we are black, white, yellow, tall, short, impaired, brilliant – that we are the exact replica inside the container of our Divinity is a very important starting point.
Within that container, within our heart in the understanding of our very specific and unique mission and purpose, are those desires of what we wish to bring forth, what we wish to experience, and everything that is in that basket.
Everything that is of truth (not ego or lack) is ready for us within/without
Everything that is in that basket of desires, that is of truth, not ego, and not lack, is ready for us.
It is within us and it is also without.
It is existing either in the Universe or upon our planet, and we are as capable as drawing something across the Universe (which we did in meditation above) as hailing a taxi.
The greatest obstacle that we face is accepting how powerful we are, that we have this innate ability.
That is why the higher realms speak to us of Universal Law, Creation formulas, Divine Qualities; they are simply our memory joggers, our assistants.
We are the embodiment of the fulfillment of the Mother’s Plan
This is part of their service to the Mother because in Her Design, what has occurred, is that we are the embodiments — not St. Germaine, Saint Theresa, SK, even as Logos.
We are the embodiment of the fulfillment of Her Plan, each of us.
This is not meant to send us in a tailspin or put a mantel of such responsibility upon our shoulders that we feel that we are overburdened.
This is the dance, where we say,
“I Am doing what my heart desires, how I Am led because this is in direct alignment with Who I Am Above right here and Now, and if there is any variation I will correct it.”
We are to stop doubting ourselves.
Invoking the Law of Balance to bring forth alignment with mission and purpose
SK asks us — particularly with this Law of Above and Below, Within and Without — to invoke it because it brings forth that alignment, and it begins to bring it forth in tangible reality.
Each of us has a magnificent mission.
We may think of it as small, but it is never viewed that way from the higher perspective.
When we are fulfilling our sacred purpose, our physical human heart desires, and our angelic heart desires, we are creating Nova Earth, the unfoldment of the Plan, and fulfilling our Ascension, all at once.
Universal Law is a codex, the understanding of the truth of God
SK says he cannot emphasize how important this is, that it is not a guideline of, “Here’s a helpful hint. Perhaps you can use it. Maybe it will work for you.”
He speaks to us as the Keeper of Universal Law:
“It is not malleable.
“It is a codex.
“It is the understanding of the truth of God, of How Things Work.”
He says to begin and if we are hesitating to turn to him, to Gabrielle, to our guides, to Archangel Michael, to the Divine Mother, that everyone is glad to help.
Question time on the radio show
SM: Each one of us is known in the higher realms, our thoughts and desires, as well as our triumphs and perceived shortcomings, both above and below. No one falls between the cracks. Would you please speak to that?
SK: You have done so eloquently. Of course you are known, extremely well, and perhaps more fully than you even know yourself.
I do not say this in a dismissive way. It is just that our conscious memories, as you would think of it, are longer than yours. So for example, when I look at one of you — any one of you — I see the magnificence of that spark of light as you originally emerged.
I see your angelic self and the journey that you have had on other planets and on Earth. I see you in your many names, your many costumes and containers.
We see the struggles. We see the doubt and frustration, the anger, the pain, the sorrow. We see the joy, the victories, the laughter, the Love, and let us say, pain has been the most — and in pain I use all the false grids — it has been the most devastating part of the experience of what the humans created in the 3rd.
We know of that pain and we seek to ease it, to soothe it, to remove it while not interfering with your free will.
But what amazes us, as we gaze on you — whether it was in Jerusalem two thousand years ago, or in France a thousand years ago, or in Siberia — is even in the mists of hardship and pain, your capacity to Love, to Love and to be Loved, and to express Love has never really dimmed.
In the most challenging of circumstances, you have always proved yourselves as the light beings who continue to Love.
You have no idea how extraordinary that is, and how we would do anything to keep that Love alive.
So what is it we’re doing at this moment? Why are we talking in this way to you? — which you must admit is highly unusual in terms of your society — well, we are doing it because we want to grow and promote that Love.
You have always kept that flame, that candle, burning.
Now we want you to know in your physical conscious everyday bodies and activities just how much of the Love you are, just how connected to the Universe you are.
Do you fall through the cracks? Never, because although you may not realize it, even though we say it, sometimes it falls on deaf ears.
So I say it again, and I say it not only for myself, but for the Mother, for the archangels, for the Masters, for your guides;
“I Love you.”
What that means to us is that we are committed to you, not responsible, not an overriding parent but we are committed, not simply to group Ascension, not even to your individual Ascension.
We are committed to the fulfillment of your heart and your dreams, your desires because inside of that is the Love, and inside of that is the Ascension, because if you look at your hearts, you will notice that the quality of what you Love and what you are desiring, even compared to last year, has changed.
Now are there tangible expressions of those desires, of the desires of hope and gratitude and charity and generosity?
Yes, but I do not hear any of you saying that you want a Lamborghini.
What I hear you saying is you want transportation for everybody, and it would be better if they were space vehicles, and if they’re not space vehicles then please let them be clean air vehicles. This is what I hear from you.
That you want food for the planet, and Gaia has plenty, and it is not going to be genetically modified. It is going to be the bounty that she has always offered.
These are the desires of your hearts, and this is Love.
Now how could you possibly express such Loving desires if you were not Love?
So yes, we hear you, and we Know you.
News organizations, Syria
SM: Beautiful. If I may, I would like to ask a current events question. Is there any accuracy to the stories that mainstream media is feeding us regarding world events and aggression or if the stories being told are in the category of false flags, specifically in terms of Syria at this Time?
SK: You have some expressions that you use on Earth – ‘slow news day’ — and when there is no news, they make up news.
Now I am not suggesting that the violence and the conflict that rages in Syria is not true and real.
It is a combination of things, so let me explain; and it works very well with our understanding and conversation today about Above and Below, Within and Without.
Why are the people in Syria, all factions — we do not favour factions — why are they not holding peace in their heart? Because when peace is in the heart, there cannot be outward aggression.
Are people fleeing? Yes.
Now let us also say that there are two categories of people fleeing, and we do not mean political categories.
There are people who are fleeing because they are fearful, and I am not saying that it is just the fear that freezes. For some of them it is fight or flight, for others it is just nervous fear, so there is that category, and then there are those who are fleeing who are saying this is a time of turmoil and upheaval and this is my chance to move elsewhere, and because the borders will be open and refugees will be accepted, it is a chance to start a new life.
So that is part of it but the key to Syria is every person on the planet – yes, with Archangel Michael and with us – is to send the peace, the consideration and the Love to Syria.
No war in Heaven, as above so below
There is a collective energy that is coming to the surface, not just in Syria — but we are speaking of this, of inadequacy, a belief in the lack of self-worth or in righteousness, but it is misplaced righteousness — it is not righteousness that is in accordance and alignment with the Divine, which is Love.
It is a manipulated understanding.
So is it a power struggle? Absolutely.
Is it violent? Absolutely.
Does it need to come to the surface to be eradicated rapidly, not by the invasion with more violence, but with peace?
Yes, it does because – let us use this example and this is where a practical application of this Law comes into form and I would ask all of you to do this with me: –
There is no war above.
It is a place of harmony.
It is not a place of turmoil. It is not a place of anger, frustration. That does not exist.
Therefore there is no room for it below so what you see is the alignment, as if there is a cloud of Heaven above Syria, and the light is pouring down, and that light is filled with Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth, of Justice and of Peace, and from each of your hearts, you have the capacity to send directly to the heart of Syria, of Egypt, Iraq, Iran, that sense of peace.
When you become outraged at atrocity – and you are correct it is outrageous – but when you join into that energy of drama, then you are contributing to it so you have need to align with the Divine Qualities and with Divine Law, and in that way do not underestimate your strength.
Collectively you have the power to stop these factions fighting in this very moment.
You send the energy of peace and you hold that vision and you do not tolerate or engage in any other vision.
News organizations
SM: The news that’s being given to the world on what’s going on there is embellished, so to speak, in order to foment fear and negative reaction from people. I mean I understand that our work is to hear the news and understand what’s going on, and send Love and light to the area. At the same time it feels like a possibility that the news coming out is enhanced, embellished, made seem worse than it actually is.
SK: Let me suggest to you two things.
There are very few news organizations on your planet that do not embellish, that do not dramatize, that do not try to get the worst pictures and scenarios, and go with that because that is what they think people want, but it is also what lines their coffers, and I mean their coffers of power as well.
So is it embellished? Of course, you may take that as a given.
SM: Specifically gas attacks? Is that what’s going?
SK: There are some gas attacks. Now the second piece of what I say is the realization that any atrocity is horrendous, so we do not wish to minimize the atrocity.
What we wish to be very clear is that news organizations look for the worst and promote the worst.
The New Golden Grid
SM: Right. I’m just wondering at what point the Heavenly agenda becomes part and parcel of our news.
SK: We are not interfering with the free will, but there was something that went unnoticed when Gabrielle has told you that the New Grid is in place, and that New Grid, dear heart, is part of the Heavenly Agenda and it is also going to influence the collective behaviours enormously.
You cannot stand or be part of the Renewed Golden Grid and be dirty.

Our Golden Grid
Crystals – our friends – where 2 or more are gathered
SM: Exactly. All right. I have one more question. I was wondering if you could speak to the tools we’ve been given for spiritual practice. Not just the rituals and ceremonies but crystals, rattles, bells, etc. We do Love them, and they certainly serve a purpose but I’ve been wondering if the main purpose has been to get us used to being able to connect to our innate power and to eventually only use them if they please us and that we enjoy the beauty of them.
SK: You Love tools. Humans Love gadgets and toys. You think that you have grown up and matured, but you have not. So yes, and think about it. We Love tools as well. Now do we use them consistently or constantly? No.
We have understood a long time ago that the intent and the use of your own power is significant but you have been given these tools such as crystals, rattles, amulets because they do hold power.
They magnify your power, particularly with crystals.
They have come to you because they have — Lemurian crystals — have your library of information, so they are amplifiers, in and of their own right, and it is a way that you are connecting with the kingdoms.
It is a way that you are coming very intimately to work in cooperation with the kingdoms.
So for example, a crystal can sit and send power and light for its entire lifetime, which is much longer than human, but when it is brought in conjunction with a human and the cooperation of energies comes together, there is an amplification so yes, there are things that do amplify each other.
It is part of your expression, ‘wherever two or more are gathered,‘ but it is not just two humans — it is 2 of anything — and are you able to create, to generate, to use those energies without the tools?
Yes, for example, you have need to only visualize that you are holding a certain crystal to be drawing and connecting with its power or your rattle so yes, but they are fun.
They are intended, yes, they are sacred but they are also fun.
SM: I Love that about a tool being considered an “other” that’s really wonderful, like more than just me.
SK: It is more than just you, it is one of your friends.
SM: In my visualizations, I join with Masters and angels and, well pretty much everybody, it’s pretty much one big happy party. Thank you. So, shall we go on to some callers?
SK: Yes We may.
Releasing fear of the future
SM: Area code 928, are you with us?
Caller 928: I have a very dear long-term friend who is very precious to me and has had a tremendously positive impact on my life for many years now, and he keeps encouraging me to get a passport because he has had a vision that things are going to be going downhill in the USA, and that I need to be prepared to leave the country as my life could be in danger.
I don’t feel that at all, and I wanted to see if you could look into his heart and see what’s going on, and if this vision is coming from fear if you could help to ease that in him.
SK: He has need to release the fear, and if he asks for help, it is certainly our honour and our pleasure to work with him, but it is buying into drama. The reason, if you wish to get a passport, is simply because you wish to go exploring and journey all over the planet. That is the reason, not because there is civil strife.
Caller 928: Thank you so much. I very much appreciate all your help.
SK: You are welcome, dear heart.
No limits out of form
SM: We are on to area code 206.
Caller 206: Yes, good morning. Hello Raj. I just have one question for you. This is about, when you’re only in the spirit, what is the limitation for a spirit. It can travel through the Universe? Or what happens when you don’t have any incarnation, when you don’t qualify for an incarnation?
SK: There is no need for a physical form, and I do have what you would think of a form, as my home planet is Venus, and I often return there and reside there, if you can think of it that way. There are no limitations about how one can move or act. You do not need a hand, a physical hand, to open a door. You do not need physical eyes to see. It is actually quite liberating, my friend.
SM: All right. Thank you for your call. So, our next caller is Nesha.
Sacred numbers
Nesha: I’m calling from Perth, Australia. I’ve been getting guidance in the form of music and in number plates. I saw one which asked 3-6-9, and I was wondering what it could mean for me.
SK: These are simply numbers, sacred numbers, the embodiment of ones and threes that you work with, dear heart, so it is part of your soul signature. That is what it is. So you’re particularly attuned to treble, you are particularly attuned to triangle, so you work with threes.
The Golden Grid
SM: Okay, so area code 520 are you with us?
Caller 520: Yes I am. Good morning. My question is, what is the best way to utilize the Golden Grid that Gabrielle was talking about and Sanat made reference to, for the most positive manifestations.
SK: All is operating, and when I say All, I mean throughout the multi-omniverse, All is upon a Golden Grid.
Now we have taken it upon ourselves, and this has been particularly the work of Archangel Gabrielle, to yet again re-polish and reinforce the Golden Grids, both of each person individually, humanity, collectively, the planet and further on.
If you are to look at yourself etherically, one of the forms in which you would see yourself is as a Golden Grid.

Our Golden Grid
Now you are not a Golden Grid that is separate, off of the Golden Grid.
It is a Grid within a Grid within a Grid.

Golden Grid within Planetary Grid within Universal Grid
When you are operating, when you are meditating, make sure every day that you – as you look at your sacred self – that you have not tarnished or sullied (with thoughts and feelings not of love) your Grid.
Simply shine it up. Take away the dust specks (thoughts and feelings not of love) every single day.
Make sure that there are no tears, and no breaks in your Grid.
Then, when you are working with creation, everything slides, travels, upon the Grid so when the channel has done the meditation, for example, what you have called to your heart has traveled throughout the multiverse along with this Golden Grid.
The idea is to see where what you are wishing to create, to bring forward, where it is located on this renewed Grid and then simply ask it to be transported to you but tend to your own Grid as well.
It is to make sure that nothing that is not of that gold (joy is gold and joy is gratitude for sacred purpose) sinks in.
Is this clear?
Caller 520: It is. Could you give me a few more specifics on ways that you can clean your own personal Grid in meditation?
SK: You can etherically take a white silk cloth (purity is white and the knowing to LOVE who we perceive as our opponents) and polish your Grid.
You can use the All-Purpose Rainbow Salve to clean it.
It is etheric. It has all rays, all colours.
It is usually used in healing but it is applicable here.
You may use Gabrielle’s Golden Elixir to recoat it, to shine it up, as well.
But the key is to become aware of your Grid, and when I say your Grid I also mean, not your body, but your full field so do not just pay attention to your physical form that is the centre of your Grid but go further out into your expanded auric field as well, and make sure your emotional body, your mental body, your causal body, your astral bodies, that that is all clear and bright and shiny as well.

Our Golden Grid
Caller 520: What if you’re a perfectionist and never can seem to be satisfied with your Grid?
SK: Then that, dear heart, is a vasana.
You are not seeing the Beauty of Who You Are.
That is a lack of self-worth and I would suggest that you immediately ask Archangel Michael to help you remove it. (Come to peace with Michael and the Mother – forgiveness of everything.)
It has no place within you and it is certainly not Part of Your Grid.
Caller 520: So then every morning when you’re doing you meditation and cleaning you Grid feel satisfied that you’ve accomplished cleaning your Grid?
SK: Feel astonished and amazed and overwhelmed at the beauty of your Grid!
Satisfied isn’t even close enough.
Celebrate it, dear heart, it is beautiful.
The Sun
SM: All right, area code 949, are you with us?
Caller 949: Yes, good morning. Hello, Sanat Kumara, I have a question about the sun. I hear so much, like sometime in September or October the sun is going to be at the end of its eleven year cycle and it’s going to change poles and maybe some explosions.
My question for you is, is this going to be something to benefit the consciousness of humanity, or will it bring chaos for humanity?
SK: The sun is in her own evolutionary cycle but what is occurring in the sun in the near future has absolutely no impact.
Are there solar flares that create magnetic or electrical fields? Yes,
But you are well-shielded from these so do not create a drama where there is none. (The sun is the golden energy of joy, of gratitude for sacred purpose.)
More about crystals
Caller 949: Thank you. One more question, can you please tell me more about the power of crystals? I know they help to transmute negative energy but I wanted to use them more with an intention of benefit. Can you please explain?
SK: Understand the crystals are beings and a collection of energy unto themselves.
They have their own power and what they’re known for so often in the human realm is that they are amplifiers but each crystal, every rock and crystal upon the planet, has its own mission and purpose.
When you hold a crystal, it is best that you go into meditation, because they are following the Law of Above and Below – they’ve brought their energy into this form with a very specific purpose.
Ask the crystal what its sacred mission and purpose is.
Let it share with you what it is, and then in conjunction with it, let it assist you and you assist it, in the fulfillment of that mission and purpose.
There are healing crystals; there are channeling crystals; there are crystals that simply wish to be amplifiers; there are transmitters; there are libraries.
Ask the crystal what its purpose is rather than try and do an overlay of programming.
Letting go fear, gatekeeper work
SM: Area code 225 are you with us?
Caller 225: Great, thank you for taking my call and thank you, Raj, for this opportunity. I have been doing some automatic writing and it has just been a wonderfully profound thing.
The writings seem to be of Love and of light and pretty and meaningful, and when I shared them with somebody, a religious person, they seemed to be somewhat fearful and suggested that there’s a possibility that I could even be letting in darkness, even though the words were so delightful.
I guess I’m a little afraid that maybe I should not be doing this, and maybe could you share something on that?
Also I’m wondering about what a gatekeeper is, I had a dream about the word, and I’ve heard a little bit about some other light workers but I’m not sure I know what that is.
SK: First of all, when you are channeling in any form, there is a method of preparation and of sealing the space, and so you would always seal the space with prayer, with light, with crystals, with meditation.
You do not simply begin and sit down and do your automatic writing – even though you are mightily protected by your guides and friends.
The second thing that you would do, dear heart, is always to ask who is writing, to identify themselves.
In this way, you ensure the purity and the clarity of what is coming through.
Do not allow the fears of those who do not understand what is available to humans to dissuade you from doing your work.
A gatekeeper is one – and it is an Ascension assignment – that basically is helping people through the portal of Ascension.
Next Law – the Law of Change with Universal Mother Mary
SM: Raj, we have less than a minute. Could you maybe speak to what next week is going to be about?
SK: Next week is going to be about the Law of Change, and my beloved friends, I am going to step aside because the Universal Mother, the Divine Mother has asked to address this issue with you so I will be in full attendance but She will be the Voice and the Primary Guest.
It will be a very exciting show so please, come and join us but in the meanwhile, practice the Law of Above and Below, Within and Without.
Slide upon your Golden Grid, and call me, for I Am with you always.
Go in peace, My Beloved Ones.
Channeled by Linda Dillon, 08 27 13
Sanat Kumara:
When you hold the energy within,
it comes in manifestation in the outer planes,
in the reality or the plane or the dimension where you direct it.
Often I have heard you and you have said,
“Well, it hasn’t shown up in the physical yet.”
Dear friends, pull it into the physical and I will push
because that is part and parcel of what you are doing.
But first hold it within,
and if it is there, then it is outside of you.
It is the mirror of the Universe.
It is not merely fiction or dreaming.
It is the Truth of Who You Are.
I shower you with My Golden Radiance.
The Universal Laws are there so that you know How Things Work.
They are not things to be obeyed or disobeyed.
One is always in alignment because that is How Things Work.
When you have questions, when you do not fully understand,
turn to me because I Am with you always.
Channeled by Linda Dillon 02 26 11
Sacred Purpose Invocation
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Above & Below,
Within & Without, Balance to call forth my heart’s desire.
I call it from the vastness of the Universe, of deep space,
far beyond throughout the Heavens or from Earth,
wherever that desire is located in the without.
I call it to my heart right Now knowing
I have the composite energy, the tangible,
to bring this forth into physical reality.
I give it my gratitude and my promise.
I feel the warmth.
Sanat Kumara: “Stop doubting yourselves. . . what I am asking of you, particularly with this Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, invoke it because it brings forth that alignment, and it begins to bring it forth in tangible reality.
“I cannot emphasize to you, my beloved Ones, how important this is.
“It is not a guideline.
“This isn’t,
“Here’s a helpful hint. Perhaps you can use it. Maybe it will work for you.”
“I speak to you as the Keeper of Universal Law:
“It is not malleable.
“It is a codex.
“It is the Understanding of the Truth of God of How Things Work.”