September 13th, 2018
8 Minutes @ 8 PM September 13, 2018:
LOVE for Hurricane Florence
September 2018, Hurricane Florence is spinning wildly off the Atlantic Coast. People are being strongly encouraged to leave the danger zone. Many brave souls, often due to financial issues, are courageously staying, facing the storm.
On the surface, in our Earthly realm, it’s not practical to be in close with unpredictable winds and rain, destruction and flooding.
Patriarchal control, the beliefs that God is punishing, of bigotry, hatred, and limitation, create great imbalances within/without, dis-ease, sorrow.
A daily relationship with God, knowing the balance of the Mother and the Father, eliminates the belief in separation, of a punishing God, and many find physical protection in the LOVE, the miracle of the balance within.
Standing back, trusting in the Divine Plan, observing without emotional attachment, and sending LOVE into all situations not of love, especially patriarchal control, is a way to integrate the old with the New, to diminish the damage, years of patriarchal control upon Gaia.
Sending LOVE to everyone
in and around Hurricane Florence
The Mother’s Blue Movement, self-Love
and the Golden Love, the Balance of the Father, self-worth,
is the Emerald LOVE of the 13th Octave,
sacred partnership within,
Read more here: 8 Minutes @ 8 PM Daily
August 17th, 2018
How Things Work in the Higher Realms:
Compassion for Hatred
Past and present, we have been, and are, witnesses to behaviour not of love.
Now is the time for conscious change to LOVE within/without.
How do we LOVE everyone when we do not trust certain behaviour patterns?
For example, those engaging in pedophilia, drug addiction, or leaders abusing power?
Are those behaviours in the without — the ones that trigger us — metaphors, reflections of hatred of self within?
August 16th, 2018
How Things Work in the Higher Realms:
Greater Awakening
Things can seem chaotic on this beautiful planet with flooding and the wildfires, refugees and the opioid crisis, in different areas.
With greater awakening within — change, transmutation, and elimination of the old ways of being, the beliefs and issues — we see that inner change, in reflections of perceived chaos, without.
From creative chaos, a new way can emerge, come into being, the New Way that seems invisible, but is really LOVE.
Community can arise from chaos, neighbour helping neighbour, whether it is a refugee or opioid crisis, a flood or fire, humans naturally reach out to help each other in kindness.
August 10th, 2018
How Things Work in the Higher Realms:
Compassion is Loving Self/Others
Did you know we take 17 – 30,000 breaths and have 50 – 70,000 thoughts a day? (1)
As we become more and more conscious of our thoughts, emotions, actions, we realize that each day there are thousands of opportunities — connected to our breath, our thoughts — to be the blessing of compassion, the Mother’s Loving Movement.
To allow understanding and the knowing of how things work in the higher realms to flow through us. . .
Thousands of opportunities to bless our self/others,
rather than to judge our self/others.
Self is All.
When we do not engage in drama or disarray, within/without, we are being the virtue of compassion, the Father’s Wisdom.
August 3rd, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Gender Equality Begins Within
Gender equality begins within.
Within our emerald heart chakra is our tri-flame, the Mother’s Blue Flame, our own pink flame with it’s silver core, and the Golden Flame of the Father.
These flames when burning brightly, equal in strength and vitality, are gender equality within.
With equal Love for our Divine Mother, our feminine energy and our Divine Father, our masculine energy, in peace and the forgiveness, LOVE and the compassion, joy and the gratitude we are BALANCE, gender equality within.
August 1, 2018
The Compassion Road: Love and the Love
When we truly LOVE our self, our ego, there is no separation within/without from One, Source.
There is the knowing of the Mother’s Love and the Love of the Father.
On all levels — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual — old entrenched beliefs in punishment are not of truth.
Sanat Kumara, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love: “We see disease as an external event that is internalized grief, mourning, sadness, disenchantment, war.” (1)
There is space for being in the Now,
where the emptiness allows for inspiration,
place of peace and serenity, where ego is Love,
place of forgiving and forgiveness where God is Love,
place of compassion, gratitude for everything life teaches.
We are the Mother’s Movement of Love with the wisdom, the Love of the Father, where the Mother and the Father are ONE. I Am because we are.
July 30th, 2018
The Compassion Road:
The Wisdom of Bat
Yesterday, at Sunday’s monthly circle meeting, one of us talked of an encounter with a bat.
Jamie Sams and David Carson’s, Medicine Cards, wisdom handed down from the Choctaw, Lakota, Seneca, Cheyenne, Cherokee, Iroquois, and Mayan traditions, has this to say about Bat, a poem:
“Sacred bat. . . flew to me,
From the darkness of the cave,
Womb-like reflections,
Answers it gave.
Birth, death, rebirth
Cycles of the whole. . .
just eclipsed,
The journey of the soul.”
Up-side-down or contrary bat tells us if we are blocking our self, we are blocking the generations to come.
July 28, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Changing Fear to Courage, Love
Recently, my friend had a dream, where we met at some kind of event.
I had a script with the roles for each to play and I’d brought some food. She said I was so hungry I couldn’t wait to eat and I devoured a big piece of chicken!
Wondering what it was about I listened and saw that working with the Universal Laws helps in discovery of sacred purpose, “the roles we play.”
Devouring chicken: What am I chicken of, afraid of?
July 14th, 2018
The Compassion Road: Bullying, Trauma,
PTSD, Loneliness and Suicide to LOVE
On July 6th, 2018, former Canadian RCMP officer, Krista Carle, committed suicide. She was known for speaking out about bullying and sexual harassment within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Former RCMP Officer Who Spoke Out About Force’s Culture Takes Her Own Life
Working for the RCMP for 19 years before taking medical discharge in 2009 following sexual harassment on the job in Alberta, Krista killed herself on Vancouver Island, BC, leaving behind two teenagers being raised by their father.
“Carle apparently lost her will to live against the ‘PTSD demons’ after daily harassment that went on for years, starting with graphic pornography left among her belongings, lewd questions about her personal life, and forcible kissing.”
July 4th, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Community and Balance
The Mother has often referred to Her Plan for our Ascension on Earth as the Family Plan, community, taking care of each other, where none are homeless, in poverty, in lack of anything.
As we remember sacred union, the Mother’s Nurturing Love and the Love, the Knowing of the Father, heart union, heart consciousness, we are coming to Divine Alignment.
One with Mother and the Father, however we conceive of this, utilizing our Divine Authority, we are remembering our original purity.
The Mother’s Plan
Her Individual/Family Plan
Self is All
To be our creator selves, assuming the mantle of our Divine Authority,
in charge of our life, thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours, steps, environments,
in alignment with the Love, the Divine Mind, Heart and Will,
in service, sacred purpose, harmony with each other,
knowing abundance is our birthright.
We are eliminating the old beliefs, the false grids of hatred and bigotry, control and limitation, lack and separation.
June 30, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Archangel Michael and the Blue Flame of Truth
An Everyday Exercise with Archangel Michael
Anchored in our hearts in meditation, Archangel Michael,
through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love,
asks us to take the Blue Flame of Truth
and burn away doubt, denial,
limitation everyday.
Sitting, allowing the Blue Flame
to expand and expand and consume us,
as if we are the Blue Flame. . .
We are like a sponge allowing our Infinite potential
from throughout the universe, the multiverse,
the ominverse and the Source to fill us.
Feeling this sense of expansion.
Anchored in our heart centre, we ask:
“Today, Michael, what is the expression of my Infinite potential?”
June 23rd, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Stop, Drop (into the heart), Receive (Love) !
Was your June 21st, Summer/Winter Solstice — depending on where we are — a normal day?
Did anything unusual happen?
I’m writing this so I remember.
Early in the day I was triggered by something, that in hindsight is quite funny, but when it happened didn’t seem that way.
The day was quite normal except for a heightened sense of awareness of discomfort. By the time evening rolled around, I was in an extreme state.
It was so intense I was awake the entire night — the past rising up — me engaging with drama I thought I had processed.
What I learned upon review of this night of elimination of deep subconscious issues including hatred, limitation and control, in opening to receive healing I give away the old, and balance occurs with my gratitude, joy.
I receive I accept I allow I give I Am Gratitude
I receive (the Mother’s Love) I accept (the Love of the Father, the knowing in the stillness)
I allow (the burning sensation) I give (away the old)
I Am Gratitude
I Am Joy
Receiving the Mother’s Love, Her Movement of Healing and accepting the Love of the Father, the conscious knowing in the stillness, I heal.
June 17, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Father’s Day, Suicide, and BALANCE

Almost all my life I have gone through episodes of depression, some more extreme than others.
I never thought I would make it to 20, then 30.
40 was particularly difficult, and lately now in my 50’s, I’ve found it even more so.
It seems the greater my understanding of how things work in the higher realms, the deeper I delve into my depression.
In a nutshell, what makes me feel like leaving is ‘perceived ruin’ — feeling like “I’m a disappointment to the Mother,” deep core issues of extreme sorrow and fear for self, financial difficulties, obstruction of my creative ideas, me not completing my mission and purpose for the Mother — that there is no answer, I’m alone and separate from everyone, there is no way out, no solution but death, no courage to face my fears.
June 12th, 2018
The Compassion Road: Highest Vision

I have a vision for our new world, Nova Earth, that I’ve been working on, adding to, as I become.
Having a vision helps keep me focussed, to not give up, no matter how difficult it may seem, to remember we are here to change, transmute and eliminate all things not of love.
I see a world where everyone gets along, working, playing together in community, in peace, Love and joy, the completion of the Mother’s Divine Plan, Her Family Plan.
An Invocation for Highest Vision
I invoke Mother/Father One, the Mighty Ones, Gaia, the Council of Love, Grener of Ashira of Neptune, Commander Ashira and the Ambassadors from 12 Galaxies here to assist with our Ascension, Sanat Kumara, St. Germaine, Jesus Sananda, the Magdalena, Saul, Matthew, Saint Bernadette, Saint Francis, Saint Theresa, Kwan Yin, the Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lao Tzu, El Morya, Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Dwjal Khul, Ranjit, Albert Einstein, Ghandi, Wakanataka, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Chief Sitting Bull, Chief Cochise, Chief Red Cloud, Chief White Cloud, Chief Joseph – Geronimo, the Fairies, Sprites and Devas, the Elementals, the Elements, the Mighty Collectives of Transmuters from the Kingdoms, all the Kingdoms, Hermes, Hercules, our Gods and Goddesses, our Guides and Guardian Angels, the Blue Lightening Angels, our Universal Selves, the Healers of Tralana, the Halion Engineers, all angels and archangels, and all Universal Law, all Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities, all dimensional growth patterns for perfect Divine Alignment, balance in all realms, our physical, mental, spiritual, emotional bodies, our institutions, all situations on Gaia.
June 11th, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Abundance is Our Birthright!
At 1:45 AM I woke up and heard the word “lazy.”
Hmmmmm. . . I resisted it! What? Me, lazy? Then went on to list all the ways I’m not lazy, including how nasty to be saying that to me! Hah!
Obviously, uncovered within was ‘a core issue of lazy’ from childhood — I can see a minds-eye picture of the past — lurking, that in the moment brought up resistance, and showed me what I have need to LOVE more within.
Thank you guidance! I forgive myself for not expressing and experiencing my self as Divine.
After my rant — which if I had been conscious and LOVED/SEEN ‘lazy’ for its message would have dissipated the fear — I meditated and used my breath to centre, to balance.
June 9th, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Depression, Suicide and Hope
Lately and not so lately, well-known people who we call celebrities, are committing suicide. . .
As one who has struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts for much of my life, and fear of talking about it, I’m finally coming to see that speaking up could lighten the load.
My heavy load, when I’m in the throes of an ‘episode,’ is I want to end my life, I want to give up. Everything appears futile.
I spiral into a place of despair, hopelessness — repeated unloving mind statements about my self — patterns that feel very hard to overcome.
I’m far far far away from my heart and the peace, Love, joy that is present there. I can’t stop reliving past trauma with fear of the future. I dissociate from my joyful everyday self.
My thought patterns are of sorrow, hatred, limitation, fear, control, that huge sense of futility.
Usually I hide this behaviour, somehow get through it, and don’t talk about it because of the shame I feel.
Lately, though, I’ve spoken a little more, slowly coming out of my cave of darkness, with a great deal of Divine Help.
June 2nd, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Deeper Love
Deeper into the self is clarity of what to forgive myself for, ability to Love myself more, ability to extend myself in balance.
I Am Peace
I forgive myself for not expressing and experiencing my self as Divine
I forgive myself for all my hatred of self, for all my shame,
for all my family shame, for all society shame
for not taking Loving care of each other,
for not Loving everyone equally,
especially the ones in most need,
for all my lack of forgiveness of self
I Am Love
I Am Compassion for myself
I Am Joy
I Am Gratitude for myself,
for sacred purpose, the entire journey, for everything
I Am my Blue Flame of Truth,
Peace, forgiveness of everything
I Am my pink flame of self-Love
I Am my gold flame of self-worth,
Joy, gratitude for life purpose
May 28th, 2018
The Compassion Road:
The Blessing and Virtue of Compassion
Each blessing and virtue is Infinite and Eternal, the perfect balance of the Mother’s Blessing, Ability, Vibration, Movement, and the Father’s Virtue, Sense, Frequency Born of the Stillness.
The Buddha, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, says compassion starts with ourselves, with “thousands of opportunities everyday” (1) to recognize Divinity, such as forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, within and without.
Our conscious thoughts, emotions, and actions in Divine Right Alignment, connected to our breath, thousands of breaths of air each day (2), the Pattern of the Mother, Her Movement, Her Breath, can be with practice, an example of our ability to be compassionate with ourselves and with All.
When we offer Love and wisdom, are supportive of another of their truth without judgement, attached to the Love, and remaining detached with understanding of the false grids and our core issues, we are using our ability, the blessing of compassion.
We are demonstrating trust in the Divine, that we each have guidance and a plan within the Mother’s Divine Plan (3), a chosen path, a way to deeper wisdom.
May 21. 2018
The Compassion Road:
Gratitude for Friends
On Nova Earth everyone is friends.
Each of us born of the same spark of the Mother, we are brothers and sisters.
We call the Galactics, our Galactic Brothers and Sisters, and I’d like to say:
I am enormous gratitude to them for so much and especially a ‘big shout-out’ for their technology.
From the internet to Skype it is incredibly easy to connect.
On FaceBook I’ve fallen in LOVE with my friends all over the world!
Tanzania to Nigeria to Egypt to Italy to America to Canada to Scandinavia to Europe to Brazil to Mexico to Asia to India . . . my FB friends are right there, our community.
The world is at our fingertips.
Thank you, with much LOVE to the Galactics, all my friends!

May 13th, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Happy Mother’s Day
The Prayer of the Mothers
From the north to the south,
From the west to the east,
Hear the prayer of the mothers.
Bring them peace, bring them peace.
The beautiful song below, Prayer of the Mothers, is an alliance between singer-songwriter Yael Deckelbaum and a group of courageous women leading a movement called Women Wage Peace.
This movement emerged the summer of 2014 amidst an escalation of violence, military operation Tzuk Eitan, between Israel and Palestine.
In 2016, October 4, Jewish and Arab women began the March of Hope.
Thousands of women marched from the north of Israel to Jerusalem — a call for peace — that reached it’s peak October 19th with 4,000 women, half Palestinian and half Israeli, in Qasr el Yahud on the northern Dead Sea.
That very same evening 15,000 women protested in front of the Prime Minister’s house in Jerusalem.
The marches were joined by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Leymah Gbowee, a Liberian activist responsible for leading the women’s movement, Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace, that helped bring an end to the Second Liberian Civil War in 2003.
In this song, Prayer of the Mothers, Yael combines a recording of Leymah, sampled from a youtube video in which Leymah sends her blessings to the Women Wage Peace movement.
Prayer of the Mothers
May 8th, 2018
Free Pdf: 21 Days of Forgiveness
Forgiving ourselves for not expressing and experiencing our selves as Divine is an inside job.
Things comes up to trigger us, seemingly out of the blue, yet all in Divine Order.
As we are ready, the teachers, the opportunities, the situations transpire for us to be more and more forgiving, compassionate, in gratitude to our selves and others.
Our darkest hours — our finest hours — our most difficult situations bring forth deeper understanding of self.
In January of this year, I began 21 Days of Forgiveness for Peace on Gaia, Valentine’s 2018, with Archangel Michael and the Council of Love.
A journey of discovery.
Here are the 21 posts, as a free pdf, for anyone interested.
Shall we set a goal
for world peace next year?
Peace on Gaia Valentine’s 2019
Thank you to Archangel Michael, the Council of Love, Linda Dillon, for all you do.
With my peace, Love, joy,
April 30, 2018
The Compassion Road:
The Generation that is Wounded and Healed
Why is there such an extreme addiction problem in North America and other parts of the world?
Last year, 2017, Canada and the United States lost almost 70,000 to the opioid crisis.
What causes addiction to pain, even death?
From studies, we find early life trauma, often sexual abuse, at the root of extreme addiction issues.
This debt of shame, very difficult to look at and more difficult to feel, interplays with the entrenched belief that “God is punishing” and core issue of “I’m a disappointment.”
As humans we are not generally taught to feel our emotions or face into the past.
We tend to reach out to find something to numb our pain, from reading a book to smoking to drinking to drugs.
April 17, 2018
The Compassion Road:
The Mother’s Plan Begins Within
Yesterday I was inspired to delve into this question:
“What is the Mother’s Divine Plan?”
My immediate thought was our Collective Ascension, the entire planet, all 7 + billion of us, a huge, grand plan.
What I found was very unexpected!
Working towards wholeness, peeling away the false grids, the entrenched beliefs, we find at our core there is no strife, no separation anxiety, no lack of self-love, no lack of self-worth, no worry, no broken trust with anyone, and especially not with the Divine.
God is not punishing.
April 15th, 2018
The Compassion Road:
Blessing Everything
The Forgiveness Road is the Compassion Road is the Gratitude Road — peace, Love, joy — the wide line in the middle of our beings, Divine Right Alignment.
When the Buddha taught us the Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment (1), he emphasized the importance of detachment — being the observer and blessing all — in the constant flow of our hearts.
Fully anchored as the observer, we are in detachment, simply watching.
April 7th, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Facing our Shame
It’s a word we tend to shy away from.
Who wants to look at shame?
On planet in our external reality we see it everyday.
What is war, gun violence, the manufacture of weapons, the refugee crisis, but our shame?
What is gender inequality, modern slavery, violence against women, but our shame?
What is the opioid crisis, but our shame?
April 6, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Transforming Our Shame
Often we are our shame without even realizing it.
It settles on our very expression, across our nose and into our eyes, silently affecting everything — a core issue, sorrow, fear — “I’m a disappointment.”
We become so used to shame, we’re conditioned, we don’t even notice it, but when I say the word, “shame,” I feel it.
April 5, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment helps us step back from drama, to let go all emotions that do not serve us.
But what is letting go?
Letting go, for me, is being in the Mother’s Flow of Love, our currency of LOVE, readily apologizing, forgiving our selves or another for the past, being compassion and offering gratitude.
We let go with our currency of Love, Lovingkindness.
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment teaches us:
to attach to information gathering, discernment
to detach, let go, from all thoughts, emotions, actions that are not of love, with apologies and forgiveness, humility and compassion, in gratitude and Lovingkindness
to attach to holding the highest vision for everyone and everything
As within so without
Lovingkindness reigns
for all of us brothers and sisters
April 1, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
I Am Love
“God is punishing,” an entrenched belief, and “I’m a disappointment,” a core issue, we struggle with as humans here on Earth.
In daily news, we see war between countries, gun violence in schools, the opioid crisis — close to 70,000 died last year from overdose in Canada and the United States — discord in relationships and at work, pain, illness, dis-ease, poverty, homelessness, disarray everyday.
The picture can look pretty grim.
Would you believe me if I said all this can be changed within?
Simply sitting still, finding where we “believe” in the old entrenched systems and what our core issues, our sorrows and fears are, we change — awareness sets us free — and the outer picture changes.
The more of us doing this work, this inner work, our external reality can come into balance.
As within so without.
March 31, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Loving All Aspects Equally
I have been visualizing perfect vision for my self and all people of Earth.
Within that is the ability to Love and forgive all our aspects equally.
What does that mean?
Our aspects are our past experiences including all ‘scenic detours’ in this life and past lives.
When we can integrate — with pure Love and forgiveness for not expressing and experiencing ourself as Divine Perfection — those parts of the past, Loving everything equally with gratitude, we are Home.
When we can be joy, gratitude, in every moment for all experiences — knowing joy is our birthright — we are Home.
Gratitude for those ‘scenic detours,’ the false grids, the old belief systems of futility, oppression, self-cruelty, anxiety, worry, doubt and our core issues of sorrows and fears — truly understanding and knowing there are no mistakes — we are Home.
March 28, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Generosity to Self
How many of us think of ‘generosity’ as giving to others, being kind and generous?
In Wikipedia, I found this describing ‘generosity,’ a short history of the word:
“Over the last five centuries in the English speaking world, generosity developed from being primarily the description of an ascribed status (social status assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life) pertaining to the elite nobility, to being an achieved mark of admirable personal quality and action capable of being exercised in theory by any person who had learned virtue and noble character. . . . open–handedness, and liberality in the giving of money and possessions to others.” (1)
Through channeled messages we hear about a flow of abundance.
What if this ‘flow of abundance’ begins with a flow of LOVE for self?
Being in the flow of forgiving the self for everything?
Relating the word ‘generosity’ to Universal Law, with its purpose being balance — as within so without — the practice of generosity, within to self as well as without to others, makes sense.
March 26, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Kindness is Wealth
Within kindness is the understanding of “ENOUGH” and knowing forgiveness.
October 19, 2013, when Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos, taught us the Universal Law of Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation, I was one of the callers with a question about abundance on Heavenly Blessings radio show with host Suzanne Maresca and channel for the Council of Love, Linda Dillon:
Kathleen: Hello Linda, Suzanne, Sanat. I’d like to thank you, Sanat, for speaking to us about these Laws. They are so helpful. I have a question about currency, our human love of money, currency, the currency of life. I was wondering if you could give us a practical application of the Law of Instantaneous Transmission to bring about personal financial abundance. Is this a flag we can lift?
Raj: Welcome dear heart, you are not activating an external flag: that has yet to come. But understand, what you are activating is your design that allows for worthiness, for abundance, and for completion.
March 25, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Apologies to Self
What are apologies to self?
Why would I apologize to my self?
If we are in a time of Karmic Dispensation is there a need to apologize?
Isn’t everything forgiven?
I have found when I identify how my actions, my emotions, my thoughts are not in Divine Alignment, and rectify it with an apology to self, there is healing, less and less fear within.
There is sacred union with self, tenderness, gentleness, kindness to self, and therefore in the Infinite and Eternal Flow with others.
March 18, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Facing into Pain
In British Columbia, Canada, 1422 people died from drug overdose, in 2017.
“According to the B.C. Coroners Service, of those victims, 82 per cent were men, 88 per cent were alone in a residence at the time of death, and over half were 30 to 49 years of age and Fentanyl was detected in 81 per cent of the total fatalities.” (1)
Mostly men are dying alone in B.C.
What does that say about our society?
Stigma, connected to drug addiction, is forcing men to do drugs alone, not reach out for help?
Sorrow, anger, fear. . . not understanding the healing in feeling the pain. . . wanting to numb the pain with drugs?
March 16, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
We Are Our Own Guru
In Native American lore, wolf is a symbol of teacher.
When wolves were introduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995, they brought balance on many levels, back to the park.
The wolves “transformed not just the eco-system, this huge area of land, but its physical geography.”
The wolves brought ‘peace to the valley.’
We, the people, are here Now to bring ‘peace to the valley,’ peace to Earth.
We are the Wolf, the Love.
March 13, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Everything is in Divine Order
I’m attached to the Highest Vision of Peace Love Joy, hence my co-creation with the higher realms, 8 Minutes @ 8PM, with an open invitation nightly to everyone, to join in.
My highest vision is a world where lovingkindness reigns with the creation of societies, communities, that work for all.
Facing into what’s happening on planet — school shootings, war, the opioid crisis, what isn’t working — not burying our heads in the sand and pretending it’s not happening we say, “Enough” and begin creating what does work.
March 10, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Understanding Hatred
The higher we fly into the bliss, the deeper we can go, to access what doesn’t work on this planet.
Hatred is an emotion, an old emotion, that is not talked of much or much wanted to be deeply felt.
Hatred can feel like anger.
In the dictionary:
“Hatred or hate is a deep and extreme emotional dislike, especially invoking feelings of anger or resentment.
“It can be directed against individuals, groups, entities, objects, behaviours, or ideas.
“Hatred is often associated with feelings of anger, disgust and a disposition towards hostility.”
Deep in my hatred, I heard myself say:
I ‘hate ______’ (people).
I ‘hate ______'(behaviours).
Hating another is never in Divine Right Alignment.
‘Hating’ another — we are all sparks of the Mother — goes against Universal Law.
No matter how heinous the behaviour, all are forgiven.
March 8, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Forgiveness of Everything Creates Peace
What is letting go but forgiving everything?
Forgiveness eliminates all feelings of lack.
Triggers, situations not of love external to us, can be confusing.
When viewed as gifts, we can see these situations, triggers, as opportunities to come to greater forgiveness.
An apology to self or to another for judging what has occurred creates miracles.
Forgiveness of everything
creates peace within and without.
Imagine if everyone forgave every situation not of love that has occurred in this lifetime.
Childhood traumas to teenage angst to the rollercoaster ride of being twenty or thirty or forty and beyond — all forgiven — what would be left?
Bliss, ecstasy, harmony, balance
are the rewards.
March 5, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Peace is Fearlessness
What are we afraid of?
“Being right” about situations keeps us stuck in a state of fear, the old third dimension.
Apologizing to ourselves for everything, apologizing to others, forgiving everything, we are a state of grace, a place of peace.
In peace there is no judgement, no sorrow, no anger, no fear.
Peace is that place of truly believing — KNOWING — there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Peace is being able to walk into a room where we don’t feel comfortable.
Peace is being able to stand up in front of an audience and speak.
Peace is having no fear to apologize, to ask for an apology, to forgive everything.
Peace is being at peace with everyone and everything.
Peace is the courage to say let’s do this together:
“I apologize to you and I ask you for an apology.”
I Love you and myself
I forgive you and myself
I apologize to you and myself
I Am the Infinite and Eternal Flow
of Forgiveness, Apologies, and Gratitude,
Peace, Love, and Joy
There is simply ecstasy, bliss, harmony, balance.
It can feel difficult in uncomfortable situations, talking in front of a group, apologizing to others.
It can feel difficult to let go, forgive ourselves for our need of approval, fears of failure, of defeat, of moving forward, of loving another again. . .
Letting go — forgiving our selves for “being right” about our fears — we come to a state of peace.
Peace is fearlessness, forgiving ourselves for everything, KNOWING, truly believing there is nothing to fear and thinking, feeling, acting from that place.
Peace within
and without
is peace
The Nova Earth we are building is a place of no fear, no fear to walk anywhere, no fear to talk to anyone, no fear to do anything.
Nova Earth is a place of no hierarchy, a place where all are brothers and sisters.
Join me on the Forgiveness Road to peace, that place in the heart of no fear.
March 3, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Rejuvenation and Apologies in Perro
Feeling bliss, ecstasy and joy, the rejuvenating states of the higher realms, can be difficult because we like to hold on to “being right.”
How do we let go of “being right”?
Letting go is forgiving everything, apologizing for the past.
Forgiveness and apologies to self and others, brings us, and situations to balance in joy.
We are fully capable of accessing the wondrous feelings of the higher realms, our rejuvenation, when we let go “being right” with apologies and forgiveness.
February 28, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
War Within and Without
We know there is war on this planet.
We see it everyday in the news in Syria, Yemen, the Congo. . . but have you ever stopped to consider that we could be contributing to these wars without even realizing it?
Yes, us.
As Within, So Without.
This is a Divine Truth and a Universal Law, the Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance.
The concept is very simple.
Please join wherever you are
change within = change without
LOVE, PEACE & JOY for everyone
February 26, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Apologies and Humility
Lao Tzu, known for his balance and his gnarled stick, explains humility through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, as “the willingness of your being to extend yourself to others realizing that in that you are simply extending yourself to All.”
During his lifetime, long ago in China, he said it was important for him to serve the poor, the rich, the powerful and the meek:
“And I would tell you that my joy came from serving those in the villages because they would listen to me, not simply to listen to my words, but listen to my heart and to truly receive what I had to offer, which was love; for the healing energy of all things is love.”
February 24th
The Forgiveness Road:
Asking for Divine Help with Apologies
In this time of new beginning, Nova Being and Nova Earth, apologies and forgiveness are not something to be afraid of.
From my experience over the last three years, working with myself and others with apologies and forgiveness, my only fear was fear itself.
F alse
E xpectations
A bout
R eality
Holding onto false expectations, being right, allows old ways of being to persist.
I’m here — we all are — to create the New.
Deciding to consciously heal, to offer an apology or to forgive, oneself or another, is a Divine Creation.
As we do this within and without, we change our reality.
February 22nd, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Eliminating Judgement
Shooters gunning down children, war, pedophilia, the opioid crisis — how do we forgive?
We know a place of balance is in detachment and attachment to the highest vision.
But what if the action is so heinous, we get caught in the wheel of judgement, anger, hatred, fear. . . ?
Archangel Michael, February 12th on An Hour With An Angel told us:
“Forgiveness is not about liking everybody. It is about being the Love.” (1)
I’m feeling judgement for external patriarchal control, in the without, not the people, but the behaviour, the actions.
But as within, so without. . .
So what am I judging within?
Where is my own control within?
What am I afraid to forgive?
My own experiences
not of love?
February 20, 2018
The Forgiveness Road: I Hate
I hate ____________ fill in the blank.
I hate patriarchal control.
I can say I hate men.
But that’s not it.
I hate that it feels like “God is punishing.”
But what is hatred?
When we judge ourselves or others to be less than, what is that but hatred?
Judging ourselves? Hating ourselves. . . within, without?
What are we doing?
February 18, 2018
The Forgiveness Road:
Questions to Self
Events in the news, our communities, with family or friends can be catalysts for us to feel triggered.
Something outside of us has activated, triggered uncomfortable feelings within us.
Where did these feelings come from? How were they created?
This planet has a history of violence, inequality, suffering that can begin upon birth here.
We have created these feelings that are not of love with our human behaviour.
What to do?
I have been guided to question myself when triggered by something external to me.
Questioning the self helps get to the root of why we are triggered and bring us back to balance in the heart.
February 17, 2018
The Forgiveness Road: Self Hatred,
the Mother’s Clarity and Prudence
On the last day of 21 Days of Forgiveness I heard, “The road to peace is forgiveness.”
So beautiful and now the new title for forgiveness posts.
And thank you to Suzanne and Linda for Heavenly Blessings, Valentine’s Day special program (1), Jesus Sananda speaking to us of Love in the most eloquent way, encouraging us to listen to his message many times.
Love, for me, is everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.
At the end of the 21 Days of Forgiveness postings, deeply buried hatred was emerging.
As we do this work, the reason it feels like it can go on forever, is because there are so many layers to get through. . . before we find the real gunk.
February 13th
21 Days of Forgiveness: Eliminating Hatred, Conscious Creating
Who’d have ‘thunk’ on Day 21, after 21 Days of Forgiveness, I’d be writing about hatred.
20 days and to end with “I hate. . .” Hmmm.
Most of us on this planet, male and female, hold the old entrenched belief that “God is punishing” but pay little attention to it, really don’t want to look it.
I have to say it’s liberating 🙂 to say out loud, “I hate ______” with detachment, not much emotion.
I’m on my ‘balcony within’ with the Mother and the Father, as I write.
Feeling a mild sense of futility, detached from the drama of hatred, fear, sorrow.
I also know consciously stating this deep hatred, futility, means there’s imbalance — my tri-flame is not balanced — not enough Love (forgiveness) to the masculine flame or not enough Love (forgiveness) to the feminine flame, therefore not enough Love to my Self in the middle, the pink flame.
SK has told us we intend on the other side to be the expression of LOVE in every lifetime, but that can go awry, so the grids build up lifetime to lifetime.
We’ve arrived here, this Ascension lifetime, with work to do, apologizing, forgiving, coming to gratitude for everything.
So here I go again with this ongoing work:
I Love you, myself
I apologize to you, myself,
for everything not of love I have done
during my lifetimes on Gaia
I forgive you, myself,
for my recalcitrance, hatred, futility
I Am the Infinite and Eternal Flow
of Apologies, Forgiveness and Gratitude,
Love, Peace and Joy.
February 12th
21 Days of Forgiveness: Love Letter
A Love letter to my Self
Dear Heart, Self,
I LOVE you.
I apologize to you for the entrenched belief that I have been consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously holding, that “God is punishing.”
I see now:
I Love you, my Self
I forgive you, my Self
I apologize to you, my Self
Mother/Father One never meant for life to be a struggle, to think that I needed to plan for disaster, for lack.
I see now, lack of love within creates the perception of lack.
Lack of apology and forgiveness to you, my Self, and others creates lack within/without.
February 11th
21 Days of Forgiveness:
The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation, our Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara tells us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, is a gift of new beginnings. (1)
He says it is a gift of forgiveness, the opportunity for us to forgive those who have harmed us, but it is also for us to forgive ourselves.
Because this Law is a gift freely given, in the balance, we must freely receive it as well.
An Invocation
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
to wipe the slate clean of all things I have done or not done,
of all debt that I owe and that is owed to me. I request this Karmic Dispensation.
When invoking Sanat Kumara and Universal Law, we see how beneficial it is to have a consistent daily meditation time.
Heart listening, in meditation, is how we hear, know, find our next steps, where the excitement of discovery of how things work in the higher realms is.
February 10th
21 Days of Forgiveness:
From Sorrow comes Sacred Purpose
Father/Mother One, God, does not judge anything.
Judgement is a human creation not of love, just as fear is.
The opportunity now is to face all fear, with understanding that there is nothing to fear, but fear itself.
I apologize for everything I have done
that was not in Divine Right Alignment
in this lifetime and all my past lifetimes.
From this place of forgiveness and gratitude for my feminine aspects, my masculine aspects, my self:
We are Lightworkers, systems busters. . . here to eliminate belief systems and core issues not of love on behalf of many.
February 9th
21 Days of Forgiveness:
Creating Peace with Waldorf and Statler
I have a funny story. . . about peace negotiator, William Ury, the Muppets, Waldorf and Statler, and the Council of Love’s Karmic Dispensation Meditation channeled by Linda Dillon.
In 2013 when I was introduced to the Karmic Board Meditation in Linda’s New You Webinar, I was non-plussed when Statler and Waldorf appeared as the beings I saw on the Karmic Board.
It made me giggle and wonder. . . Here I was trying to be all serious and there’s Waldorf and Statler looking at me. . . I remember willing them away ‘thinking’ there was something wrong.
Fast forward to last year, 2017, and find myself listening to William Ury (41:55 – 44:22, “observation without judgement from the heart) talk about finding the “balcony within” as a way to negotiate peace.
Jumping back from drama is a way to remain calm not only in our external reality, but even more importantly, within.
This is where I began to see
the wisdom of Statler and Waldorf.
They sit on a balcony at the theatre
watching the show 🙂 🙂
February 8th
21 Days of Forgiveness:
Encircling Gaia in the Mother’s Flow of Love
In “The Jesus Book: Messages for the 21st Century” by Linda Dillon is a powerful vision.
Jesus asks us to see ourselves as a circle of seven billion around Gaia in the Mother’s Flow of Love.
One circle holding hands.
When I close my eyes, I see us — all of us, even the most recalcitrant — holding hands encircling Gaia.
Jesus, in his vision, encourages us to see the Mother’s Tsunami of Love as a trickle that becomes a river, gaining force, and as we are all holding each other up, the Masters are holding us up, too.
As the the Mother’s Flow of Love increases, our knowing increases and the Ascended Masters help us to embrace forgiveness of everything, to remember Who We Are, brothers and sisters.
Where there has been injury, our understanding expands so we see forgiveness is the letting go, that it is only fear that leads to judgement of others and self.
February 7th
21 Days of Forgiveness: The Balancing of our Tri-flame
This lifetime, we are ascending in form.
The issues that trouble us, we have the opportunity now, to bring them to balance.
Forgiveness of everything — all health, relationship, financial woes — balances our tri-flame.
Troubling issues generally track back to the original triangle of father/mother/child.
With this understanding, when we flow gratitude and forgiveness to the flame that is related, we come to balance in the feeling of the Love:
Balancing our Tri-flame
Love, forgiveness and gratitude for our Divine Feminine
(everything related to feminine/mother issues) — blue flame
Love, forgiveness and gratitude for our Divine Self/Child
(everything related to self/child issues) — pink flame
Love, forgiveness and gratitude for our Divine Masculine
(everything related to masculine/father issues) — gold flame
The more we are in gratitude to our selves
the more gratitude is returned to us.
From my understanding there is no ill health in forgiveness and gratitude, no lack of any kind.
There is no lack in any of the Divine States.
Forgiveness of everything is a Divine State of Being.
In perfect gratitude is perfect health, everything balanced.
When all our adventures, all relationships, all male issues, all female issues are forgiven, we easily progress to gratitude — gender equality within, balance (no lack of finances, health, in relationships) — from the moment we wake in the morning.
It seems to be a very natural progression. . .
Sleep in peace — forgiveness of everything, Love
Wake in joy — gratitude for everything, sacred purpose
February 6th
21 Days of Forgiveness: Surrender and Accountability
The power in Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now! Meditation lies in surrender and following that, accountability, Divine Right Alignment.
Surrender, feeling our sorrow, shame, anger, fear — reliving the past — going deep into the suffering takes courage.
Archangel Michael asks us in his meditation to surrender to his Blue Breeze, and according to my understanding, that means allowing ourselves to feel our sorrow, shame, anger, fear:
“Open, and might I say in the spirit of this undertaking, surrender to the Blue Breeze. . .”
He also reminds us, peace/forgiveness is gentle, kind, Loving and considerate, to Love and forgive, ourselves and others:
“I am very gentle with thee because I want you to know, even as we begin: Peace is gentle, peace is kind, peace is Loving and considerate.”
I Love you and myself
I forgive you and myself
I Am the Infinite Flow of Forgiveness
I Am the Eternal Flow of Gratitude
February 5th
21 Days of Forgiveness: The Wisdom in Feeling
The Buddha, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, talked to us about the Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment (1) in this way:
“You bless each person, not simply with compassion, but with the Love of your heart.
“You do not attach to either your vision or theirs.
“This is a very important understanding for humanity that has an infamous tendency to get caught up in the drama of both their own lives, and certainly of others as well.
“That is why it is so critical at this juncture that you truly learn to be the observer because when you are fully anchored as the observer you are in detachment.
“You are simply watching, and when I use the word ‘watching’ — I certainly do not simply mean with your eyes or even your etheric eyes — I mean with your heart.” (1)
February 4th
21 Days of Forgiveness: Ho’oponopono and the Law of Attachment and Detachment
Simple Steps to Healing: Ho’oponopono
I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You
by Dr. Joe Vitale
Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients – without ever seeing any of them.
The psychologist would study an inmate’s chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person’s illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.
When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself?
How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane?
February 3rd
21 Days of Forgiveness: Letting Go, Being Love
Thank you to Val for inspiring this post.
It feels like we have been working on our issues forever, but we also know we are all here to experience Ascension, the return of Love on Gaia now.
What I’ve noticed — when the energy being sent to Earth expands and increases, as it has in the last while, especially since Jan. 27th — is the false grids, the old entrenched beliefs and our core issues that we haven’t come to peace with can be intense.
The old ways of being that are not of love can make us feel like giving up.
From my understanding, when we find ourselves suffering, we are recreating the past.
Sitting in meditation in the Violet Bonfire of St. Germaine, allowing the old emotions to be deeply felt, the tears to flow, here is a question I was guided to ask:
“How is this old energy connected to the past?”
Divine Feminine abuse, patriarchal control, is the sorrow of humanity.
Greater understanding helps us to let go. . . to forgive everything.
February 2nd
21 Days of Forgiveness: Shame and the Mother’s Clarity
“I’m a disappointment” is a core issue many of us can relate to.
Ever since I can remember, I’ve been repeating phrases not of love to myself consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously.
A question to ask ourselves is, “What is my shame?”
“I’m not good enough” or “I’m never enough” is my shame.
In this time of Ascension, it seems that no matter how many old issues I release, there’s always another one. . .
“I want out” and “I don’t care” are other phrases from early childhood and as a teenager I have found myself saying, that are not in right alignment, not in Divine Alignment.
Lack of boundaries are connected to shame, as well.
February 1st
21 Days of Forgiveness: Asking for Apologies
Coming to balance within is a process.
Three years ago I was guided to ask for apologies for long ago situations.
I remember, at the time, being a bit incredulous that this was even possible.
One after another — there were three — I asked, and after it was done, I wondered what had taken me so long.
The Mother had this to say in a reading through Linda Dillon after I had asked for the third apology:
UMM: You have learned the power of forgiveness and compassion.
Apologies — receiving a genuine again “I’m sorry” — when someone says that truly from their heart, it is a request for forgiveness, and so in the person receiving the apology, it is not only the transmutation, and what I would call the rectification of an injury, it is an expansion of the receiver to then from a higher realm grant forgiveness and feel compassion.
K: It feels like the release of addiction to pain.
UMM: That is correct because as it comes in, it is transforming … it is the acknowledgement, it is the healing of the wounded warrior.
January 31st
21 Days of Forgiveness: From Suffering to Wisdom
The vibration and frequency of Love being directed at Gaia from the Mother, the Galactics, and the Ascended Masters are driving up everything that is not of love within us.
Sitting with our suffering, not running away from it — allowing our self to feel the mental emotional physical spiritual pain of our past — however we do this, is the healing.
From our suffering comes wisdom, so as ones on the forefront of Ascension, we can reach out to help others shift to Nova Being and new ways of society, Nova Earth.
The suffering can be accessed in meditation in the heart.
Sitting still, going within, feeling any discomfort, irritation, and asking, “How is this discomfort connected to the past?” will bring up pictures.
January 30th
21 Days of Forgiveness: Gender Equality Within
A few days ago I witnessed an event that catapulted me into my past.
It brought up memories I thought I had processed.
To the surface came raw emotions that felt very real.
When I had regained my balance 🙂 what I realized in meditation, feeling that traumatic time again from my past, allowed for greater forgiveness of self, greater gratitude for self.
Our self-Love, gratitude for everything,
and self-worth, forgiveness of everything, creates balance.
The mantra changed from you and myself
to you, myself — One
I Love you, myself
I forgive you, myself
I Am the Infinite Flow of Gratitude
I Am the Eternal Flow of Forgiveness
When there is lack of flow with relationship(s), health, finances, we can look within to see where there is lack of flow with our self.
January 29th
21 Days of Forgiveness: Sacred Union with Self
Our Beloved Divine Mother: “Let us go to the day of love. Every culture on this magnificent planet has days of celebration. And I tell you, we delight in most of them.
“The only ones that sometimes puzzle us, shall we say, are those when you do self-flagellation, because it refers back to blame and fault and guilt and being unloved.
“There is a difference between saying to yourself, to another, to the universe, “I apologize, I am sorry,” and beating yourself up emotionally, spiritually or otherwise.” (1)
Finding ourselves running that old tape in the brain, ‘beating ourselves up,’ call on St. Germaine and his Violet Flame. Ask for help letting go, seeing what has need of forgiving.
Call on SK for sacred union with self:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Laws of Intent, Balance
Change, Attachment and Detachment,
Unification, Unity, Transmutation, Dispensation,
Completion and Continuity for sacred union with self.
January 28th
21 Days of Forgiveness: Fear of Failure and the Universal Law of Intent
Recently I found Will Smith talking about his favourite John C. Maxwell quote, “Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward.”
When we can, as Will says, “extract the lessons from the failure” or intend as I heard SK say to “fail in the right direction,” we let go of our core issue, fear of failure.
Fear of failure is fear of the unknown, of the past repeating, of asking for Divine Assistance with apologies, forgiveness.
Letting go ‘being right’ and stepping forth in co-creation with the Divine to apologize and forgive, miracles happen.
January 27th
21 Days of Forgiveness: The Power of the Violet Flame
Violet is all the colours and according to teachings of the Council of Love, the Violet Flame is for transformation and transmutation of anything that is not of love, for healing, forgiveness of self, others, and situations.
It is the fire within for burning away all karma, all history, past and present and future, but it is also inspiration, passion, freedom and creation.
St. Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame, tells us through Linda Dillon channel for the Council of Love:
“The Violet Flame is the essence of the unknowable at that point of conjunction and Love, creation with the Mother and a way for us to know the Love of the Father as well. (1)
January 26th
21 Days of Forgiveness: Interconnectedness
Each of us effects the entire planet in the interconnectedness of everything.
We are here now to be the change, to create peace everywhere we are.
Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, in his Plea for Peace Now! meditation says:
“It does not need to take nations making decisions. It does not need to take decades or years.
“What it takes is you claiming your creator self (forgiveness of everything) in sacred union with us, and deciding right Now:
‘Enough! We will proceed, and we will anchor, not merely as an act of will, as an act of creation, but an act of Love.’”
January 25th
21 Days of Forgiveness: Consistency
Why — consistently repeat — Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now! Meditation, invoke St. Germaine and the Violet Flame or Bonfire, and Sanat Kumara and Universal Law?
With consistency, repeated listening to Council of Love meditations and use of their tools, comes vibratory expansion and increase in our frequency — understanding and knowing — keys for our Ascension.
With daily consistency we become better able to understand and surrender the old patterns of behaviour, better able to let go of ‘being right’ with forgiveness and Love.
Our ego feels secure,
not afraid.
January 24th
21 Days of Forgiveness: As Within So Without
Today, January 24th, 2018, there are 21 days to Valentine’s Day.
In 2015, February 3rd to be exact, Archangel Michael asked us to co-create with the higher realms peace on Earth.
He said there would be victory — PEACE ON GAIA — on Valentine’s!
The question is which one? Which Valentine’s Day?!
We invite you to join us:
21 Days of Forgiveness
V a l e n t i n e ’ s 2018
are trust and forgiveness,
the doorway is Love.
– The Divine Mother
“The New You,” by Linda Dillon
Countdown to Valentine’s
21 Days of Forgiveness
Inviting you to join us
beginning January 24th
21 Days of Forgiveness
– daily ideas to help create –
V a l e n t i n e ’ s 2018
January 17, 2018
Transforming our Pain into Wisdom
In this Data, “Facebook revealed to CBS News that in the 24 hours after (Alyssa) Milano posted her Tweet, 12 million posts and comments went up, and 45 percent of all U.S. users had friends who’d posted #metoo.”
In the post, After #MeToo: Healing From the Trauma of Sexual Assault, we learn:
“Within two weeks following sexual assault, 94 percent of women will also experience post-traumatic stress disorder, reported the Journal of Traumatic Stress in 1992.”
“PTSD can affect an individual’s ability to work, to have close and meaningful relationships, and can trigger addictions and unhealthy behaviors. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs found in a study that women are twice as likely as men to develop PTSD.”
In the YouTube below, Meghan Patenaude says the best thing to say to a victim of rape is:
“I believe you. I’m here for you.”
In this YouTube, #DearDaddy, we see patriarchal society has helped create this planet’s history of rape:
If we ‘tuck these things under the bed’, pretend they don’t happen, it’s very difficult to create new ways, societies that do work.
Dr. Lauren Tober, Clinical Psychologist and Yoga Teacher, says:
“Many of us spend much of our life trying to avoid our own emotional experience.
“We can spend a whole lifetime doing that — the food that we eat, using drugs and alcohol, FaceBook, television, even going to a yoga class — anything we can do to try to stop feeling what we are feeling, and that’s really time-consuming. It uses up a lot of energy.
“Being willing to welcome any experience that arises within us, I believe is something is important for all of us to cultivate.”
Feeling for healing, combined with the ancient knowledge of The Tarot, we become our own alchemists.
Being, 2 The High Priestess, with a consistent practise of meditation and listening to our guidance, we can transmute pain into beauty, 11 Lustre, and self-worth, 17 The Star.
Each day we can choose to leave the old behind and create the new, 18 The Moon, to practise authenticity with our own innate courage.
Our suffering transforms into wisdom, 3 The Empress, by being the Love, forgiving others and ourselves.
A consistent daily practise of meditation, invoking Universal Law, calling upon the power of the I Am, the sacred flames and their Keepers, aids our ability to integrate and transmute the old, 14 Art, to balance our pain with forgiveness, 21 The Universe.
I Love you and myself
I forgive you and myself
I Am Forgiveness of Everything
From that place of forgiveness, harmony and balance — peace within — we can reach out to help others, 4 The Emperor, the leader.
Our sorrow can become
our sacred purpose,
our sacred joy.
Here’s an example of transforming pain to beauty:
An Artist’s Visualization of the Viral #MeToo Campaign

Erin Gallagher’s visualization of the spread of the #MeToo hashtag. Courtesy of Erin Gallagher.
In the global picture there are babies starving in Yemen and other atrocities happening. . .
From my understanding, everyone’s unhealed trauma contributes to the continuation of war, within/without.
Peace — harmony, balance and joy
for our entire Gaian family —
is transforming our pain
with forgiveness
into wisdom.
The Mother’s Eternal Flow of Forgiveness
is our Abundance
January 14, 2018
We all know this planet has a history of war, of chaos, of mayhem — that is still happening — within families and communities, between countries and nations.
In 2015, Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, gifted us with his Plea for Peace Now! Meditation, and told us it does not take nations making decisions to create peace. He says it is up to us.
Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos, through Linda Dillon, gave us a huge clue how to do this in his teaching of the Universal Law of Give and Receive when he said:
“Hold the sense of inner peace and eradicate by giving away, for the collective, that sense of ‘the need to be right’ because ‘the need to be right’ is what leads to wars.” (1)
What is “the need to be right”?
When we hold onto “being right” about anything we create war within/without.
The Mother is the Eternal Flow of forgiveness.
She forgives everything and we know we are the Embodiment of Her.
This is 2018, a brand new year!
Let’s embody the Mother and the Father, jump into the Eternal flow, forgiveness of everything, our abundance, our Love and gratitude for Gaia and our fellow Gaians.

The Mother’s Blue Diamond energy of hope, apologies and forgiveness, Love and peace
(1) “Sanat Kumara, Raj, Talks About the 5th Universal Law, the Law of Give and Receive,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, September 14, 2013,
Heavenly Blessings radio show, Law of Give and Receive
Meditation 11:51, Sanat Kumara 28:08
Building Nova Earth:
What Am I Saying to Myself?
January 10, 2018
On some level, am I believing that “God is punishing” and “I’m a disappointment” or another unloving phrase?
What am I unconsciously saying to myself?
Can you hear yourself?
Phrases like “I want out” and “I don’t care” can come from early traumatic life events.
These short phrases create negative and positive chaos in our lives, repeating patterns of situations, that are hard to understand.
Why did this happen?
Why do I have difficulty with this?
Unconscious phrases, like the ones above,
wreak havoc with our health, relationships, finances.
There is a way out of the prison of our old belief systems.
Invoking Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, works.
Sanat Kumara teaches us how things work in the higher realms, where all there is is Love and peace.
Here is a simple invocation to eliminate the entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and change and transmute our core issues, mental emotional constructs — those unconscious, unloving phrases — we say to ourselves daily.
An Invocation
I invoke Sanat Kumara and
the Universal Laws of Intent, Change,
Transmutation and Elimination for the false grids
and my core issues, the unloving phrases I say to myself.
Invoking this will bring up situations from the past where we decided “God is punishing,” “I’m a disappointment,” “I want out,” “I don’t care” or the many other permutations of these phrases. . . because of what happened to us.
With willingness
to sit still everyday,
same time, same place,
when we truly desire change
there is a way in to find the Love.
We each have guardian angels who want us to understand there is a way “out” of the pain by going into the pain.
By having the courage to go into the pain, we discover the Holy Grail, that we are Love and Loved!
The freedom comes in our willingness to feel the old feelings, that pain.
Doing this we become conscious of the unloving phrases we say and can see the repeating patterns of situations we have created.
Keeping a notebook handy to write the phrases down as we hear ourselves saying them, and the repeating past patterns of situations, really helps with our understanding.
Awareness sets us free.
The simple daily invocation above is a way to free ourselves from our addiction to pain.
We can start right now busting this old system
of oppression, judgement, anxiety, futility,
disappointment, sorrow, shame, fear.
Allowing feelings to be,
crying tears, feeling the hurt,
forgiving ourselves for everything,
looking at pain with new eyes, we heal,
and in the interconnectedness of everything,
our sorrow can become our joy, our sacred purpose.
Freeing ourselves from our addiction to pain — those unconscious phrases we say to ourselves — our hearts open and we discover a pathway in alignment with who we truly are.
From Child Sex Slavery to Victory
Anneke Lucas: My Healing Journey
The TedX below published June 26, 2017 is an illustration of an extreme journey of trauma and the power of going within to balance all levels — mental, emotional, physical, spiritual — and heal.
Anneke Lucas, today the founder and Executive Director of Liberation Prison Yoga, a non-profit organization based in New York, was born in Belgium where at the age of six she was sold into a sex trafficking ring.
Abused and tortured extensively before escaping at age eleven, she ended up in Los Angeles where she began looking within.
Here she talks about her journey, her sorrow that has become her joy, her sacred purpose:
An Invocation
I invoke Sanat Kumara and
the Universal Laws of Intent, Change,
Transmutation and Elimination for the false grids
and my core issues, the unloving phrases I say to myself.

The Mother’s Blue Diamond energy of hope, apologies and forgiveness, for the unloving phrases we say to ourselves, the false grids and our core issues.
January 2, 2018
Building Nova Earth:
Balance Within is Gender Equality
November 2017, Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos, talked to us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, about gender equality and how to achieve this with the use of Universal Law.
As lightworkers gifted with information of how things work in the higher realms, we are coming to understand when we invoke Universal Law, we are working on all levels at once, from personal to family, friends, community to countries and nations.
With the elimination of the entrenched beliefs and the transmutation of our fears and sorrows within, we are addressing the issue of gender inequality, at the same time.
As within, so without.
Balance ourselves, balance the world.
Balance within is gender equality.
Below are several posts I found from around the world, illustrating our progress with gender equality.
I discovered that Sweden is one of the world’s highest ranking countries for gender equality, that Bollywood stars are speaking up about sexual misconduct in their film industry, and that Minnie Driver told The Guardian that men “simply cannot understand what abuse is like on a daily level.”
I learned that more than 300 female actors, directors, screenwriters and other entertainment industry people have launched a new campaign for gender equality in workplaces across the U.S. and that #MeToo has joined forces with Unicef USA to create #HerToo for the girls and women who suffer in silence.
Finally, I found a story of a woman who uncovered journals that her mother had kept hidden, filled with incredible daily angst, illustrating the importance of speaking up, of not keeping secrets about how we truly feel. . . the war in the silence.
Balance within,
gender equality within,
is our Nova Earth.
“War” — whether it is between friends, within family, communities, countries or nations — is us “being right” about something and holding on to that, being a “dictator” within to our self or others.
Working daily with our tri-flame, we can become consciously aware of insidious masculine and feminine patterns within.
Here is a meditation by Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
Apologizing to, and forgiving our selves within, is a way to balance.
We can do that simply by speaking in meditation
about past incidents to our feminine within,
our masculine within,
and from there
to our self.
From that place of balance — forgiveness of everything within — it is easier to apologize to children, spouses, relatives, friends and neighbours for the past:
I Love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
Being in a constant state of forgiving is a Divine Quality.
In a personal reading through Linda Dillon, May 2015, the Mother explained to me that Nova Earth is built on apologies and forgiveness.
Balance is Love, honour, and respect
for our Divine Feminine within,
our Divine Masculine within,
all our aspects, our Self.
The integration of our aspects
is forgiveness of all our past lives
whatever our journeys have entailed.
The Mother forgives us for everything.
Our Ascension is us physically embodying
the Father and the Mother in form.
December 28, 2017
Building Nova Earth: Universal Law
and the Balance of Gender Equality
On An Hour With An Angel, November 20, 2017, Sanat Kumara, through channel for the Council of Love, Linda Dillon, explained how to use Universal Law to address gender equality.
He said that every single being is here to break the old paradigm, the abomination of abuse and control, to let go of fear itself, of gender inequality, in the creation of Nova Earth.
It seems more difficult for men because of traditional roles, but we are here to do this together, in the balance.
To dissolve gender inequality Sanat Kumara suggests we invoke Universal Law beginning with the Law of Sacred Purpose.
This Law helps us align with our soul design and “to be able to anchor and reflect the Divine Mother and the Divine Father, the wisdom, the action, the ability to birth and nurture and create.” (1)
SK recommends we also invoke the Laws of Intent, Change, Transmutation and Elimination for everyday things and large projects, “to absolutely break the back of this paradigm.”
He says we want to intend that gender equality be part of our everyday consciousness, for all abuse of authority, within and without, to be gone, and especially for when we do our work sending energy, that there is not a fragment of the old existing within us.
To help with this we also invoke the Law of Attraction and Repulsion to repulse any urge that it is acceptable “to do harm to another, to have ascendancy, or false control over another,” and for attracting equality, gentleness, compassion, the vision of fairness and kindness.
In the creation of equality we are working, too, with the Law of Unification, Unity because we are bringing everyone into the understanding that we are in unity, within ourselves, and as an integrated whole in community on planet, without.
Finally, utilizing the Law of Completion and Continuity, we are completing with gentleness the chaotic ways of human history, and continuing the creation of Nova Earth, Nova Humanity, Nova Society.
An Invocation
I invoke Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos,
and the Universal Laws of Sacred Purpose, Intent, Change,
Unification, Unity, Transmutation, Attraction and Repulsion,
Elimination, Completion and Continuity,
for repulsion and elimination of the old ways of gender inequality
and for perfect alignment with soul design, anchoring
and reflecting the Divine Mother and the Divine Father,
the wisdom, the action, the ability to birth, nurture,
create gender equality, Nova Being, Nova Earth.
We are building Nova Earth right now, with much help from the Mother and Her Gift of Clarity, creating what we truly desire.
It is important to be very clear on what we are bringing forth because we are doing this for the collective.
Archangel Michael, the Mother, and Archangel Gabrielle plead with us not to hurry.
They ask us to, “think of the creation of the Mother and the Divine Perfection of Her Plan, which is Infinite and Eternal,” to be very clear on our focus, clarity of sacred purpose in alignment with our Divinity, soul design.
Individually, and in the management of working groups, gender equality is a good example of a creation for Nova Earth because this way of being has need to be firmly anchored in all our hearts and minds.
Sanat Kumara tells us we have just begun to understand the power of the Universal Laws:
“Now, think of it and this is where I tease you by saying that you have only just begun to scratch the surface of the power of these Laws.
“You say the sacred purpose of this project is to eliminate gender inequality upon the planet, and you know and we most certainly know, perhaps even more than me, that this is a massive societal, institutional, religious, structural issue. And, it requires many different approaches.
“The approach that you would use in North America, where there has been greater latitude, and Somalia are very different. So, we are not suggesting to you that the scope of such a project is minor. It is not. But, let us invite you with us to even expand this.”
We are learning, as SK teaches us, that gender equality or inequality as a project for two, three, or twelve thousand is really eliminating and changing human behaviours so fear and abuse absolutely no longer exist:
“You are looking — you are two or three people, or you are twelve thousand people — and you are looking at this gender inequality or equality project. And underneath that, inside of that, the heart of that, is truly the elimination, the transmutation, the change of human behaviours, structures, institutions paradigms, that abuse no longer exists.
“You may choose, ‘I’m afraid of water’ or ‘I am afraid of heights’ but truly what you are dissolving is the fear. Truly inside of gender equality, the intention and the sacred purpose, is the absolute dissolution of abuse.”
With a focus on how women have been suppressed, repressed, abused — but really on the elimination of all suppression, repression, abuse — by invoking Universal Laws we are eliminating everything not of love, entrenched beliefs, fears and sorrows, and addressing the bigger problem of gender inequality, all at once.
Sanat Kumara tells us:
“You think, ‘Well how do we do this that we are focusing on how women have been terribly suppressed, repressed, abused, and yet we really want to resolve and dismiss and eliminate other forms of abuse?’
“You can do it all at once.
“You are bringing your focus to a specific, but underlying it you are addressing the bigger problem, and that is the power of the Law.”
Our Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, Sanat Kumara, invites humanity and our lightworker and loveholder community to more deeply embrace our capacity to create, using the power of the Universal Laws to bring about our Sacred Mother’s Plan of Love.
(1) “Sanat Kumara: Putting the Universal Laws in Context Part 1,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, November 20, 2017,
All quotes from above link.
December 18, 2017
8 Minutes @ 8PM: Mercy
for False Flag Operations, 9/11
June 19, 2016, Jesus Sananda talked to us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, about the nightclub tragedy in Orlando where 53 were injured and 49 alleged to have died.
Jesus helped us to understand, as witnesses of this seemingly senseless tragedy, that our tri-flames do not expire, that they are Infinite and Eternal:
“When one expires, you have many words for this… the body transitions, a person dies, they pass… but what it is is a laying down of the form, of the body, that you have chosen with us to travel with throughout a lifetime.
“The tri-flame does not expire. The tri-flame goes with you.
“It is Infinite and Eternal and as clear and as brilliant as your soul design. Yes, that beautiful snowflake that we have often compared your soul design to is unique, and unique to you.”
Jesus says our tri-flame does not change from lifetime to lifetime.
It is how we are known and recognized throughout the Universe; that the many bodies, many forms we have had, are what have brought us to this place of mastery, of wisdom. He goes on to say:
“I mention this about your soul design and about your tri-flame because so often when one dies, whether it is from what you term ‘natural causes’, which very often are quite unnatural, or from tragedy such as you have witnessed in Orlando, there is a sense of loss that that person, that group, that that individual you have known or not even known, is gone.
“Yes, the body is gone but the soul, the tri-flame, the design, it never dies, it never leaves, it continues on.”
Jesus, after the Orlando tragedy, wanted us to understand the power of the blessing and virtue of mercy, its colour, magenta-amethyst:
“Within this context and in this time of the Mother’s Tsunami of One, I wish to talk to you about mercy because there is need for mercy and you my bright angels have the capacity and the wisdom and the heart, the Love, to truly know and express and practice mercy.”
He asked us to think of mercy in this way:
“It is compassion + forgiveness + Love.
“Mercy is not merely the ability or the action, the heart knowing of forgiveness; it is a component.
“Similarly, it is not just compassion, it is not merely putting yourself as the observer in the other person or persons position. And it is not just Love, although Love is All, but I speak of Love in this regard also as an action, an expression, and an experience.
“These occurrences carry the quality… and I mean these tragedies, these situations of mass slaughter because that is what it is… they carry the energy of overwhelm and in that, conscious and unconscious, of lack of power, of feeling powerless and of feeling the sense of collective guilt and shame that such a thing could happen. And in that there is almost an autonomic reflex to attempt to distance yourself because it is so atrocious that you want to extend it away from your being.
“What mercy does, it has the same magnitude as overwhelm and it encompasses all of these feelings and it encompasses, embraces, everyone involved; those who have died, those who have expired, those who have been injured, those that have been present, the families, the extended families, the community, the perpetrator – his family or her family – their community, the media that cover it, the police.
“To be merciful is one of the deepest senses of being the observer, quasi-participant.”
He continues:
“When you hold and give at the same time, because mercy only becomes the fullness of its quality, of this element of mercy, when it is extended, when it is put into the flow. That does not mean intervention, that you are involving yourself, that is why I say quasi-participant, but you observe, you observe these situations.
“They are not examples, they are real and they are tragic because everyone suffers, no one is exempt.
“And so you observe the situation and you embrace the entire situation because all need this mercy, the forgiveness, the compassion, and the Love, which is the healing, and you enfold them gently in this quality of mercy that they will be comforted. And in that giving of comfort and mercy, you are comforted with mercy.
“You receive exactly and more than what you give.”
Jesus says in our film dramas, often people will plead for mercy, but he says truly, mercy is forgiveness, the understanding of compassion and the Love, ability to see the bright spark, the original soul design and tri-flame of everyone.
He asks us to:
“… send the mercy, and enfold all over the planet, everyone who needs this.
“But I also ask you, my family, to extend this mercy to yourself. So often you will say, ‘Well, I forgive myself; I have compassion for myself; oh, I love myself.'”
But Jesus Sananda says to:
“Expand it, combine it, and give to yourself my tender mercy. Let me comfort you that you may comfort others.
“This is the gift of my heart to you, to each of you this day. I Love you deeply. Farewell.”
Please join
8 minutes at 8PM,
in forgiveness, compassion,
and Love — which is the healing —
enfolding all gently in the quality of mercy,
the comfort for the victims and the perpetrators.
Peace for all humanity on Gaia.
Below are posts about false flag operations in history and confronting the truth of 9/11.
There Are Now So Many Admissions by Government Officials
of False Flag Terror that Only the Willfully Ignorant
Still Doubt the Reality of the Concept

Painting by Anthony Freda
Washington Blog, December 17, 2017
Presidents, prime ministers, congressmen, generals, spooks, soldiers and police admit to false flag terror
Scores of government officials throughout the world have admitted (either orally, in writing, or through photographs or videos) to carrying out – or seriously proposing – false flag attacks:
(1) Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is known as the “Mukden Incident” or the “Manchurian Incident”. The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found: “Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the ‘Incident’ was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army ….” And see this, this and this.
(2) A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked several attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. The staged attacks included:
- The German radio station at Gleiwitz [details below]
- The strategic railway at Jabłonków Pass, located on the border between Poland and Czechoslovakia
- The German customs station at Hochlinden
- The forest service station in Pitschen
- The communications station at Neubersteich
- The railroad station in Alt-Eiche
- A woman and her companion in Katowice
The details of the Gleiwitz radio station incident include:
On the night of 31 August 1939, a small group of German operatives dressed in Polish uniforms and led by Naujocks seized the Gleiwitz station and broadcast a short anti-German message in Polish (sources vary on the content of the message). The Germans’ goal was to make the attack and the broadcast look like the work of anti-German Polish saboteurs.
To make the attack seem more convincing, the Germans used human corpses to pass them off as Polish attackers. They murdered Franciszek Honiok, a 43-year-old unmarried German Silesian Catholic farmer known for sympathizing with the Poles. He had been arrested the previous day by the Gestapo. He was dressed to look like a saboteur, then killed by lethal injection, given gunshot wounds, and left dead at the scene so that he appeared to have been killed while attacking the station. His corpse was subsequently presented to the police and press as proof of the attack.
(3) The minutes of the high command of the Italian government – subsequently approved by Mussolini himself – admitted that violence on the Greek-Albanian border was carried out by Italians and falsely blamed on the Greeks, as an excuse for Italy’s 1940 invasion of Greece.
(4) Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting fire to the German parliament building in 1933, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson.
(5) Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev admitted in writing that the Soviet Union’s Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila in 1939 – while blaming the attack on Finland – as a basis for launching the “Winter War” against Finland. Russian president Boris Yeltsin agreed that Russia had been the aggressor in the Winter War.
(6) The Russian Parliament, current Russian president Putin and former Soviet leader Gorbachev all admit that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians in 1940, and then falsely blamed it on the Nazis.
(7) The British government admits that – between 1946 and 1948 – it bombed 5 ships carrying Jews who were Holocaust survivors attempting to flee to safety in Palestine right after World War II, set up a fake group called “Defenders of Arab Palestine”, and then had the psuedo-group falsely claim responsibility for the bombings (and see this, this and this).
(8) Israel admits that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this).
The U.S. Army does not believe this is an isolated incident. For example, the U.S. Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies said of Mossad (Israel’s intelligence service):
“Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”
And former Israeli Prime Moshe Minister admitted in his diary:
I have been meditating on the long chain of false incidents and hostilities we have invented, and on the many clashes we have provoked which cost us so much blood ….
(33) The U.S. falsely blamed Iraq for playing a role in the 9/11 attacks – as shown by a memo from the defense secretary – as one of the main justifications for launching the Iraq war.
Even after the 9/11 Commission admitted that there was no connection, Dick Cheney said that the evidence is “overwhelming” that al Qaeda had a relationship with Saddam Hussein’s regime, that Cheney “probably” had information unavailable to the Commission, and that the media was not ‘doing their homework’ in reporting such ties. Top U.S. government officials now admit that the Iraq war was really launched for oil … not 9/11 or weapons of mass destruction.
Despite previous “lone wolf” claims, many U.S. government officials now say that 9/11 was state-sponsored terror; but Iraq was not the state which backed the hijackers. (Many U.S. officials have allegedthat 9/11 was a false flag operation by rogue elements of the U.S. government; but such a claim is beyond the scope of this discussion. The key point is that the U.S. falsely blamed it on Iraq, when it knew Iraq had nothing to do with it.).
(Additionally, the same judge who has shielded the Saudis for any liability for funding 9/11 has awarded a default judgment against Iran for $10.5 billion for carrying out 9/11 … even though no one seriously believes that Iran had any part in 9/11.)
9/11 Father Seeks Justice:
The Bobby McIlvaine Act
December 17, 2017
The Bobby McIlvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act is draft legislation that would establish a Select Committee in either chamber of Congress to reinvestigate the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.
The Act is named after Bobby McIlvaine, who was tragically killed at the age of 26 while entering the North Tower of the World Trade Center and whose father, Bob, has been an outspoken leader in advocating for a new investigation.
Mr. McIlvaine and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth call on everyone who supports a new investigation to contact your members of Congress and urge them to introduce the Act. You can contact your members of Congress through our website at or directly on your own.
Contact information for your members of Congress can be found at
Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher
Speaks Out | 9/11 Evidence and NIST
Published on Mar 13, 2017
In August 2016, Peter Michael Ketcham, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), began looking into the reports his agency had released years earlier on the collapse of the World Trade Center. What he found shook him to the core.
In this poignant half-hour interview, Peter Michael Ketcham tells his story of discovering that the organization where he had worked for 14 years had deliberately suppressed the truth about the most pivotal event of the 21st century.
Through his willingness to look openly at what he failed to see in front of him for 15 years, Mr. Ketcham inspires us to believe that we can all muster the courage to confront the truth — and, in so doing, finally heal the wounds of 9/11.
Featuring: Peter Michael Ketcham
Producer: Ted Walter (AE911Truth)
Videographers: John Massaria and Richard Grove
Learn how you can make a difference at
The Mother’s Blue Diamond Energy of Hope

The Mother’s Blue Diamond energy equally for victim and perpetrator
Universal Mother Mary:
“Hope is not simply a human quality, child, for when we extend mercy or forgiveness we most certainly hope that you will accept it, we most certainly hope that you will continue on and that you will share that quality of forgiveness, of compassion and mercy, with every being upon the planet, and particularly your sweet self.
“You do not breathe without hope, you do not walk without a belief that there is mercy for all the times that you have not walked and fallen down. But when you are in this place of being and hope, when you are in the place of being and mercy, of being and forgiveness and compassion then you are in a state of grace, you are in the state of union, you are in the state of wholeness.” (2)
An Invocation
I invoke Jesus Sananda,
the blessing and virtue of mercy,
the compassion, the forgiveness, the Love,
enfolding everyone gently in the quality of mercy
healing comfort for those involved in false flag events.

Writing Love with St. Germaine and the Violet Flame Torch
(1) “Jesus Sananda’s Gift of Mercy,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, June 19, 2016,
(2) “Mary’s Plea ~ Hold the Hope,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, June 16, 2007,
December 14, 2017
Building Nova Earth 12-14-17: #MeToo,
Being the Constant State of Forgiving
#MeToo is a global movement, millions of women sharing their stories of sexual harassment, and abuse.
Remembering our perfection, wholeness, the peace and the Love, as the old comes up for release can be difficult.
Jesus Sananda, through Linda Dillon channel for the Council of Love, explains a way to that peace within and without by thinking and feeling forgiving — being both forgiving as an action and as a constant state of being:
“I come to speak to you this day about ‘forgiving’. Not forgiveness, but forgiving as an action and as a state of being, for as you advance and expand into the wonderful wholeness of your mighty self, your capacity to stay in the heart of forgiving is Infinite and that is important.
“It is critical and it is part of the shift to the place of Love. When you live in the place of Love, when you finally acknowledge and fully embrace that Love is all you are, it is all you ever have been, and all you ever will be.”
As Jesus Sananda teaches, overcoming trauma is possible with focussed intention, by staying in the constant state of forgiving:
“When you remain in the place of forgiving, in the heart centre of forgiving, you are able to forgive your sweet self and to see it in the light of expansion that it is; to see it as bringing to light something that you wish to expand into.
“Rather than lack, it is expansion.” (1)
When we extend mercy, Jesus says we are extending “compassion + forgiveness + Love.” (2)
Mercy — the forgiveness, the compassion, and the Love, which is the healing — enfold all with comfort, the victims, #MeToo, and the perpetrators.
Jesus says we receive exactly
and more than what we give.
We expand ourselves — by being the peace, the constant state of forgiving, and the embodiment of Love, seeing only Love, breathing only Love, speaking only Love, touching with Love, holding space with Love — with the intention for the entire planet to experience only peace and Love.
I invoke Jesus Sananda
and the Universal Law of Intent
to be the constant state of forgiving,
the embodiment of Love,
mind, heart, will
in alignment.
Below are three articles illustrating acts of forgiveness, compassion, mercy, Love, the speaking out about rape and sexual harassment.
Thordis Elva and Tom Stranger:
Our Story of Rape and Reconciliation
In 1996, Thordis Elva shared a teenage romance with Tom Stranger, an exchange student from Australia. After a school dance, Tom raped Thordis, after which they parted ways for many years. In this extraordinary talk, Elva and Stranger move through a years-long chronology of shame and silence, and invite us to discuss the omnipresent global issue of sexual violence in a new, honest way.
Thordis Elva is one of the two authors of South of Forgiveness, a unique collaboration between a survivor and a perpetrator of rape. She is also known to Icelanders as a writer, journalist, public speaker and Woman of the Year 2015. Nine of her plays have been professionally produced. Her book about gender-based violence, Á mannamáli (The Plain Truth) was one of the most awarded Icelandic books of 2009.
In 2011, Thordis Elva founded an equality campaign that sparked a national debate about equal rights. In 2012, she was commissioned to reinvent the approach to violence prevention and sex education in Icelandic schools. The resulting short films ‘Get Consent!’ (Fáðu já!) and ‘Stand Up For Yourself’ (Stattu með þér!), have won local and international awards.
Thordis Elva was elected Chairman of the Board of the Icelandic Women’s Shelter 2012-2014 and has served on government committees working with the issue of violence. She is a sought-after speaker on subjects like equality, sexual violence and non-consensual pornography, giving lectures to audiences such as the United Nations and the Nordic Council of Ministers. She currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden with her partner Vidir and their son.
After a history of working in outdoor recreation Tom Stranger’s focus shifted towards working with young people with complex needs-drug and alcohol rehabilitation, homelessness, neurological impairment and mental health challenges.
Building upon his BA of Social Science, Tom has recently completed and thoroughly enjoyed a Master of Cultural Studies at the University of Sydney. His personal history, professional experiences working in Community Services, and tertiary studies, have seen his interests narrow upon the heightened public discourse surrounding gender based violence. He currently lives in Sydney with his dear wife Cat.
Tom is donating what he receives from sales of South of Forgiveness to a women’s shelter in Reykjavik.
South of Forgiveness
One ordinary spring morning in Reykjavik, Thordis Elva kisses her son and partner goodbye before boarding a plane to do an extraordinary thing: fly seven thousand miles south to meet up with the man who raped her when she was just sixteen.
Meanwhile, in Sydney, Australia, Tom Stranger nervously embarks on an equally life-changing journey, wondering whether he is worthy of this meeting.
South of Forgiveness is an unprecedented collaboration between a survivor and a perpetrator, each equally committed to exploring the darkest moment of their lives. It is a true story about being bent but not broken, of facing fear with courage, and of finding hope even in the most wounded of places.
Pat Mitchell, former head of the PBS and current chair of the Sundance Institute, says this about South of Forgiveness:
“A profoundly moving, open chested, and critical book. An exploration into sexual violence and self-knowledge that can only shine a healing light into the shrouded corners of our universal humanity. There is a disarming power in these pages that has the potential to change our language, shift our divisions, and invite us to be brave in discussing this pressing, global issue.”
“Every man, woman and couple should read this book. And the woman and man that wrote it ought to be garlanded with medals. It’s an unprecedented achievement.”
– Sandi Toksvig, comedian and TV presenter
“A book that confronts the stigma of victim and perpetrator, a nuanced path through the minefield of sexual violence, how to confront and speak about these issues is one of the greatest challenges of our time.”
– Andri Snaer Magnason, author and Presidential candidate
“Written with sensitivity, courage and compassion, this book is a shared, outer and inner journey of recovery. In this intimate account of that journey, the story draws attention to one of the most overlooked perspectives regarding the act and meaning of rape: the shame of rape, harboured by the victim, belongs in fact to the perpetrator. Without any leanings toward self-indulgence, it is a deeply honest exploration of the dynamics of forgiveness and personal transformation. I felt as if I was with them (and their loved ones) on their journey. I will remember it and recommend it for a long time to come.”
– Ian McCallum, psychiatrist, environmentalist, writer and poet
#MeToo Movement
Named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year
Molly Redden and agencies, The Guardian, December 6, 2017
Magazine celebrates anti-harassment movement by naming ‘The Silence Breakers’ on its cover after millions shared stories of sexual assault
“The Silence Breakers”, the vanguard of a global movement by millions of women to share their stories of sexual harassment and abuse, was revealed on Wednesday to be Time magazine’s Person of the Year.
The announcement comes as many industries and power centers around the world are still reeling from an unprecedented reckoning with sexual harassment and abuse that came in the wake of the revelations about film mogul Harvey Weinstein in October.
Even as the image of Time’s cover spread across the internet, Weinstein faced a fresh lawsuit on Wednesday from six women and, separately, a group of female US legislators publicly demanded Senator Al Franken resign over accusations that he groped constituents and co-workers.
Time’s Person of the Year cover features Susan Fowler, a former Uber employee whose blog post about Silicon Valley sexism led to the departure of CEO Travis Kalanick; “Isabel Pascual”, a pseudonymous agricultural worker who has been stalked and harassed by her boss; and Adama Iwu, a corporate lobbyist who inspired dozens of women to expose sexual harassment in California’s state capitol.
There was also Ashley Judd, who was among the first women to accuse Weinstein of sexual harassment and Taylor Swift, who was celebrated for her testimony against a former DJ who she accused of groping. Just out of frame – only her arm is visible – is a hospital worker who wished to represent those who can’t speak out.
December 2, 2017
Letting Go Judgement,
Finding Sacred Purpose
With greater awareness of our wholeness and knowing the inter-connectedness of everything, we see letting go of old insidious ways, happening more and more.
We have seen women say, “Enough!” to sexual harassment in the #MeToo movement and the Canadian Prime Minister apologize to the Indigenous and LGBTQ2, healing occurring on many levels.
We, individually, are becoming more conscious of our internal states of being and how they affect us as a whole, collectively.
Taking responsibility for our judgements, turning them around, looking at ourselves in trust and forgiveness, disharmony within diminishes, opening the space for joy, for sacred purpose.
November 18th, 2017
From Judgement to Balance
Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, reminded us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, of this very basic message, April 2016:
“There is room enough in each of you to love everybody.“
He told us:
“In my role as your Planetary Logos, I return to talk to you – to be your wayshower, to be your teacher, your healer, your mentor, your coach – because this is my desire. This is my role; this is the fulfillment of my promise.
“Now, it is not only that my heart belongs to the Mother/Father One that I choose to do this; it is because my heart belongs to each and every one of you.
“That is the nature of my being. And that is the nature of your being. There is room enough in each of you to love everybody.” (1)
When we are in a place of balance within,
we are Love, and we can Love everyone.
Here is a little exercise that I found helped me:
When I filled in the circles a picture emerged.
I drew 3 circles on a piece of paper, and starting globally, I wrote what I feel is terrible, what triggers me.
War, starvation, rape, pedophilia, human trafficking, modern slavery, the refugee crisis, the opioid crisis, extreme addiction. . . there are so many issues, but I picked the ones that triggered me the most.
Next I filled in the family circle, what I felt most angered and triggered about, with family.
Finally, in the personal circle, I filled in judgements about myself, even an early traumatic incident.
When I did this exercise, I found correlations in the three circles — ‘metaphors/themes’ — lack of love in all my circles, illustrating how my within state of being is helping create the whole.
It pointed out if I’m feeling this way within, no wonder the reflection in the without can look chaotic.
As within, so without.
What to do?
I have to say my experience invoking Universal Law has been truly magical.
The fastest way to balance, Divine Alignment, on a personal level for me has been to invoke Sanat Kumara and Universal Law.
Invoking brings up the old so we can let go, and it can be done with relative ease, when we trust and forgive everything.
Calling upon the Mother and her Blue Diamond, St. Germaine and the Violet Flame, invoking SK and Universal Law we discover our ability to be in trust, forgiveness, and gratitude for sacred purpose, the Love, peace, and joy.
Our Ascension is a process of letting go and allowing the new to emerge, over and over. . .
My principal guide explained this in 2012 through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, so very apropos now when much is coming up around the globe:
There is no such thing as mistakes.
The only mistake humans make is in judgement,
when they judge themselves or others to be less than,
when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.
The glory of our Divinity is in letting go all judgement, in trust — saying strongly, “Enough” to behaviour not of love, cutting the cords to old energy — while forgiving and Loving self, forgiving and Loving everyone.
As within, so without.
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and Universal Laws of Balance,
Change, Transmutation, Elimination
to let go all judgement and doubt within,
in trust and forgiveness, victim and perpetrator.
As Sanat Kumara said, there is room enough in each of us, to love everybody.
(1) “Universal Law is Not the Jail Cell but the Releasing Key”, April 26, 2016, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,
November 15th, 2017
Let Go: Trust + Forgiveness = the Love
With gratitude to my friend, Su. Thank you for asking.
From my understanding, eliminating the old ways is a process that can begin (and end) by invoking Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, and the Universal Laws.
When we invoke the Laws, the old comes up to be looked at, experienced, let go.
As we do this work, we are bringing in the new, Nova Being, Nova Earth.
Here is a daily invocation to get started:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Laws of Change,
Transmutation, and Elimination, for the old ways of being.
The old will arise — feeling is healing — allowing this to happen is cathartic.
During this process we can also:
Look in a mirror daily and say to our reflection,
“I trust and forgive you foreverything . . .
all judgements of . . .”
Write Love with the Violet Flame
on the ‘you’ in the mirror,
on physical situations,
on photos — personal, family, global
In daily meditation listen for next steps,
Divine Inspiration
Letting go
is trusting
that all/our past
is/was in Divine order,
f o r g i v i n g everything
from a place of non-judgement.
Practicing c o m p a s s i o n
by apologizing to, and forgiving,
those in need of this, connected to us,
helps with the rectification of old injuries.
Trust + Forgiveness = the Love
Be the brightness of your pink!
With consistent daily meditation, invocation of the Laws, and p a u s i n g to feel the old as it comes up, (even setting a phone timer for every couple of hours to check in, understanding this is a process) we become Nova Being.
Now is the time to let go — trust and forgive everything — be the Love.
I Am Trust
I Am Forgiveness
I Am the Love

November 9th, 2017
The War on Drugs: Pain
American band, The War on Drugs, released a song called, Pain, August of this year.
Within the lyrics are the words, “I resist what I cannot change.”
From personal experience the hardest moments to let go — trust and forgive — are the most painful, the ones I really don’t want to look at, what feels the most shameful.
“Pull me close and let me hold you in,
“Give me the deeper understanding of who I am.”
When I have the courage, allow myself to remember and be with my pain, I free myself.
In the interconnectedness of All, when I do this and let go, space opens for others to do the same.
My pain is your pain is my pain is your pain until I let go. . .
[Verse 1]
Go to bed now I can tell
Pain is on the way out now
Look away, a domino falls away
I know it’s hard lookin’ in
Knowin’ that tomorrow you’ll be back again
Hang your head and let me in, I’m waitin’
So long
[Verse 2]
I was staring into the light
When I saw you in the distance, I knew that you’d be mine
Am I movin’ back in time?
Just standin’ still?
I met a man with a broken back
He had a fear in his eyes that I could understand
I can’t even shake the pain without breakin’
I’ve been pullin’ on a wire, but it just won’t break
I’ve been turnin’ up the dial, but I hear no sound
I resist what I cannot change
And I wanna find what can’t be found
[Verse 3]
I’m aware you’re tired and lost
Like a demon in a doorway, waiting to be born
But I’m here all alone, just beggin’
Pull me close and let me hold you in
Give me the deeper understanding of who I am
Yeah, I’m going back again, I’m waiting here
I’m just pullin’ on a wire, but it just won’t break
I’ve been turnin’ up a dial, but I hear no sound
I resist what I cannot change, own it in your own way
Yeah, I wanna find what can’t be found
I write Love with the Violet Flame
on that old house of pain.
An Invocation
I invoke St. Germaine and the Violet Flame
for me to accept and forgive everything,
to know my I Am, the I Am, the Love,
the Love of the Mother/Father One.
October 30th, 2017
I Can Choose
I can look out my window and see the weather, buildings, trees, cars, people.
I can see and read information on the internet, and learn and hear about many things, from good news to chaos.
In daily life I can choose to do many things in a day.
I can choose when something uncomfortable arises not to look at it, or to take the time to pause, and feel it.
I can choose to look into my past and feel the feelings connected to what is making me feel uncomfortable.
our discomfort,
is a h u m a n creation,
compounded over thousands of years,
because we have not taken responsibility for it.
Our response to uncomfortable feelings may be to push them aside, driving ourselves to be busy, reaching for something outside of ourselves to “make us feel better’ — our addictions — rather than to take responsibility for why and how our suffering is connected to the past.
Choosing not to look at how our discomfort is connected to our past, allows suffering to continue.
Our Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara has this to say:
“We have talked about the buried treasure beneath the barnacles and the debris, the mud and the sludge but, dear heart, who do you think created the mud and the sludge?
“So it is acknowledging individually that you contributed to the mud and the sludge, the barnacles, the debris.” (1)
I can choose to acknowledge that I have contributed to my suffering and the suffering of others.
I can choose to forgive, myself and others, and to apologize for what has transpired.
I can choose to be in gratitude for my journey knowing Love is everything — the good, the bad and the ugly — knowing my judgements are Love.
I can choose to forgive, be compassion, and in gratitude for everything, and know when I do this, my judgements, sorrows, and fears will diminish.
I Am My Divine Authority
Cartoonist, Eric Klein (2), illustrates this so well:
I can choose to be in the world, in my heart centre — my golden monastery within — and not of the old paradigm of suffering outside of the heart centre.
There are many, many people who are doing really amazing things for the world.
Here are some examples:
I see these groups lifting the ones in pain out of the suffering, agents of change, heart consciously in their joy, in service, their sacred purpose.
Lord Maitreya explains:
“We speak to you again of the need to understand how some have chosen to live and exist in places of chaos.
“Not because you have chosen to be in chaos, or to live chaotic lives, but because you have transmuted the energy and your sacred purpose is to remain that you may continue to transmute, to assist those who remain in the places that are wild, not only geophysically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. (2)
Gratitude is joy, a Divine State of Being.
Joy is gratitude for sacred purpose.
Understanding and knowing
our I Am is Divine.
I Am Joy
(1) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Law of Instantaneous Transmission, October 15, 2013,” at
(2) “This 5-year-old Comic not only Looks like Trump, but show us how we can Respond to his Presidency,” October 28, 2017, Elephant Journal at,
(3) “The Laws of Magnification and Transubstantiation,” July 13, 2015, at
October 26th, 2017
Are We “Over It”?

Eve Ensler of One Billion Rising has re-written an essay she wrote in 2012 that the Huffington Post ran. In the new post she says, “I am over rape.”
I wish we were.
How do we get “Over It”?
Archangel Michael in his Plea For Peace Now Meditation has the answer.
He says what it takes is (1) us claiming our creator selves in sacred union with them, the Higher Realms — as above so below, as within so without — and (2) deciding right now:
“We will proceed and we will anchor not merely as an act of will, as an act of creation, but an act of Love.”
Can we forgive everything as “an act of Love”? Can we forgive ourselves — as victims and as perpetrators — and then move on, detach from the pain?
For the last two and half years I have been asking for apologies and apologizing for unconscious behaviour, within and without.
Not exactly easy, but this is what has need to be done.
Individually, as we take responsibility — response-ability — for what has happened here, we affect the whole.
When we delve into our sorrow, anger, and fears, feel to heal, come to know the actions that can be taken and take them, including coming to a place of gratitude for everything, we can move on.
Join me and many doing this. We can be over rape.
Eve Ensler’s Post: Over It Redux*
October 11th, 2017
Sorrow, Fear, and Ennui
Often when sorrow comes up, I do not want to feel it, but in pausing and allowing the tears to fall, really feeling into them, I come to greater understanding.
The abuse of the Divine Feminine over thousands of years on this planet has created deep, deep sorrow, and fear in females and males.
Punishment, oppression, control, power-over creates havoc from war and starvation, to poverty and homelessness, the prison system and how we treat addicts, to all kinds of dis-ease and suffering.
Turmoil that we witness everyday, Archangel Michael says, has created in us a state of complacency, an almost state of ‘ennui’ and of feeling frozen, not knowing what to do.
Explaining this ‘ennui’ in a private reading with Steve, Archangel Michael says:
“One of the things that you are teaching and holding for the collective is that there is a give and take. There is a give and receive. There is a balance, an infinite balance throughout the Universe.
“And yet there is a consequence – outcomes, not punishment; do not think of consequence as punishment because it is not – but there is a consequence of various actions, reactions, input, output that occur. …
“But there is a complacency and so what is happening is you have a situation of complacency and almost ennui along with the turmoil.
“And for many, and I suggest even with you, is that it is creating a sense of being frozen, of not really knowing which way to turn.”
Understanding and feeling into my ennui is a key to the balance of everything, unity, and community.
Under my complacency, I witness myself reacting to ‘power-over situations’ with tears, anger, fear, physical sickness or escaping, self-medicating, such as drinking, over-eating. . .
I see myself triggered, feel like I’m being punished, and insidious reactions not of love.
I control, oppress, my inner reality with lack of self-love, lack of forgiveness of self and others, that creates ennui, being frozen, not knowing what to do.
In the higher realms all are taken care of.
Feeling, allowing, our sorrow, fear, and pain to express itself is healing alongside embracing ourselves and others with Love.
Love is balance, joy, sacred purpose, teamwork and circles, everyone getting along, constructing our Nova Earth without fear, sorrow, punishment, control, hierarchy or ennui.
September 23, 2017
Changing the World with I Am
When we discover and list the false grids ——> “God is punishing”, and our core issues ———> “I’m a disappointment” we see phrases that we can be unconsciously and subconsciously creating our life with, and therefore life on this planet.
They are phrases that start with “I’m” or “I” that were created during early childhood traumatic incidents.
By going into the past, calling on St. Germaine with his Violet Flame or Archangel Uriel with his Silver Flame, we can feel into the early traumatic incidents and hear the phrases we made up.
Here are examples of the false grids, entrenched beliefs that “God is punishing”:
I’m not loved
I’m not heard
I’m alone
We can unconsciously and subconsciously be saying these to ourselves, and creating much disarray with them.
These are statements
that can create “a punishing life”
therefore “a punishing world.”
Here are examples of our core issues, phrases beginning with “I”:
I hate myself ——> I’m a disappointment
I’m a failure ———> I’m a disappointment
I don’t care ———> I’m a disappointment
I want out ———-> I’m a disappointment
Again we see phrases that are not true and create relationship, health, and financial disarray when energetically combined with the false grid statements.
It is an adventure to find as many of these phrases as possible!
We created them and say them to ourselves unconsciously and subconsciously. . .
By going into our early childhood traumatic incidents — really feeling those events — we can hear the phrases we have made up.
How do we change the world?
When we change the false grids phrases
and our core issue phrases
to I Am statements
we balance ourselves
and therefore the world
Doing this we are bringing
the brain/mind
in alignment
with our heart
with our will.
I’m not loved ———> I Am Trust
I’m not heard ———> I Am Worth
I’m alone —————> I Am Love
I hate myself ———-> I Am Love
I’m a failure ————> I Am Worth
I don’t care ——-> I Am Forgiveness
I want out —————> I Am Trust
The keys to Heaven are trust and forgiveness,
the doorway is Love.
Open this doorway with your keys
((((((( I Am Love ))))))
and step into your new life.
The Divine Mother (1)
We change.
The world changes.
We are One
Self is All
I Am Love
God is Love
(1) The New You, Emerging Into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness by Linda Dillon, page 27
September 21th
International Day of Peace:
Creating Peace Within
Since 1982, International Day of Peace has been celebrated around the world on September 21st. Last year, an estimated 500 million people commemorated this day.
In the video below,
we find, Avon Mattison, founder of Pathways to Peace (1) birthing the idea of a day of peace with Ban Ki-moon, a South Korean diplomat and the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations from January 2007 to December 2016, asking humanity for a 24-hour global cease fire of all war, and for everyone to observe a minute of silence at 12 noon local time on September 21st.
At the UN, International Day of Peace was passed in 1981, and established in 1982.
In February, 2015, Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon channel for the Council of Love, pleaded with us saying, “It does not need to take nations making decisions. It does not need to take decades or years.” (2)
He said what creates peace
is us claiming our creator selves
in sacred union with them, the Divine.
August 28th
St. Germaine’s Violet Flame, the I Am:
Eliminating False Grids
Everyday we say phrases to ourselves that are not of love.
These phrases are created in early childhood during situations we feel are traumatic.
We repeat these phrases over and over. They become the entrenched beliefs and our core issues that we unconsciously and subconsciously create our reality with.
The entrenched beliefs and our core issues are not of truth; they are not of love.
At this time of Ascension on Earth we can understand and eliminate these false grids, the entrenched beliefs, so our core issues, mental/emotional constructs, diminish.
We can do this with the alchemical properties
of St. Germaine’s Violet Flame
and knowing the I Am.
Related post — St. Germaine’s Violet Flame, the I Am: Transforming our Core Issues
August 8th
Forgiveness and the Karmic Board
Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, recommends we take groups — countries, tribes, situations — along with us to the Karmic Board to allow them to receive karmic forgiveness. He said February 3rd, 2015 this would “contribute mightily to the peace brigade”:
“The terror – and there is no other word for it, especially if we have a conversation of frankness this day that includes speaking about darkness – the terror, that has reigned in the Middle East for a very long time, is dissipating.
“One of the reasons it is dissipating is the human acknowledgement, the human exhaustion, the human recognition that this does not work. It is not viable. It is not applicable.
“Does it allow the explosion of the worst part of the human psyche? Yes.
“Is it being remedied? The answer is, ‘Yes.’
“Now, long ago we have talked about doing the Meditation for Karmic Dispensation and most of you have done this.
“What we would recommend is that you do this meditation and you take — you can choose, you can take countries or tribes or situations — take them along with you to the Karmic Board, and allow them to receive the karmic forgiveness, erasure that can take place, and finish this off rapidly.
“That will contribute mightily to the peace brigade.” (1)
(1) “Archangel Michael: I Need Your Help”, “COL Tsunami of Love, Drought & Peace Meditations”, COL channel Linda Dillon, February 3rd, 2015,
Below are links to Council of Love Peace Initiative information.
Archangel Michael’s Strategic Peace Initiative, February 4, 2015, COL channel Linda Dillon
Co-create Peace on Earth Erradicate Darkness, February 11, 2015, COL channel Linda Dillon
July 28th
Coming To Balance
‘Being right’ can be an entrenched belief, but it is also a core issue. It is insidious.
Entrenched beliefs, the false grids, are lifted by Archangel Michael.
Core issues, mental emotional constructs, diminish with our understanding of them, seeing their repeating patterns, and realizing they are not of love.
As we come more and more into balance, there is no need to ‘be right’ in any area of our lives.
There is simply right alignment with Divine Mind, Heart and Will, our Ascension, coming to balance.
In balance, forgiving everything becomes what is right.
There are steps we can take, from apologizing to others for our unconscious behaviour, to extending forgiveness to others, to forgiving our very self for everything.
These steps take courage and timing.
Pulling cards, meditating, listening to guidance helps with direction concerning how to go forth with forgiving and forgiveness.
We don’t heal ourselves
and we don’t heal anyone else.
Healing happens in co-creation with the Divine.
Successful apologies happen with help from the Divine.
The first time I asked for an apology, I called in all the help I knew how to call on. After that one, a while later, I asked for another apology, and another.
Each were co-creations with the Divine, and I have to say I felt great release, as did the individuals.
I wondered why it had taken me so long to do this!
Yet, I do know why:
I was afraid and I never thought I could do it. . .
With Divine Help we can do what we are most afraid of.
From asking for and receiving apologies, the next step was for me, was to apologize for my unconscious ways.
This is ongoing for me. The deeper I go into myself, the more clarity I have.
Now I can see more and more clearly where I can apologize.
Some of us find it really easy to apologize for everything!
For me it is a practice not to ‘be right’, internally with myself, and externally with others.
I am learning how to do this, listening to my guidance, and then taking the action steps.
My way to balance, my Ascension work, is apologizing, and striving daily to be in the constant state of forgiving myself and others, compassion.
An Invocation:
I invoke St. Germaine and the Violet Flame for Divine Assistance
with apologies, forgiving, forgiveness of everything,
compassion and passion, the I Am.
July 15th, 2017
Something New: Weekly Cards and Tarot
Recently, I have been guided to begin posting some of the card spreads I pull, with my interpretations.
I extend an invitation out, to follow along, as I explore what transpires.
Invoking the Divine Beings with the Sacred Flames, and pulling cards daily has greatly expanded my understanding and knowing of the negative and positive false grids and core issues.
Letting go of the extreme old ways, addiction to pain, everything comes to balance individually — and therefore in accordance with the Universal Law of Balance, As Above So Below, As Within So Without — universally, our Universal self anchors closer.
My interpretations can be found by clicking on
the coloured circle with the words: Weekly Cards & Tarot
on my Home Page, Voice of Freedom.
Recently I learned of the passing of the son of an acquaintance. Sadly, he died from drugs, very likely fentanyl. The family is waiting on the coroner’s report.
Unbeknownst to many, for years now, there has been an epidemic of opioid deaths around the globe.
In 2016, in British Columbia, the province in Canada where I live, we had just under a thousand deaths.
This article published in April, 2017 in The Vancouver Sun, B.C. opioid crisis: Province on pace for more than 1,400 overdose deaths in 2017 says:
“Fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, is blamed for the spike in overdose deaths.
“Health Canada says fentanyl and its analogues are being detected in samples of cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine.
B.C.’s provincial health officer, Dr. Perry Kendall, says:
“Those dying at home are not stereotypical drug users, but professionals and parents afraid to make their addiction known.
“There’s a degree of stigma around dependence or use of illicit drugs, which I think prevents those people from wanting anyone else to know that they’re using,” he told The Canadian Press. “It’s really significant that only 10 per cent of observed overdose deaths actually happened in a public place or on the street.”
“Nine in 10 illicit drug overdose deaths occurred indoors, including more than half in private residences (54.1 per cent). No deaths occurred at either of Vancouver’s supervised consumption sites — InSite or the Dr. Peter Centre — or at any of the drug overdose prevention sites.”
This article in The Economist, America’s opioid epidemic is worsening, March, 2017, says:
“In 2015 more than 52,000 Americans died of drug overdoses, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. That is an average of one death every ten minutes. Approximately 33,000 of these fatal overdoses—nearly two-thirds of them—were from opioids, including prescription painkillers and heroin. Although the absolute death toll from opioids is greatest in big cities like Chicago and Baltimore, the devastation is most concentrated in rural Appalachia, New England and the Midwest (see map).”
My question is:
Could we as lightworkers,
who know of the Divine and Ascension,
do anything about this epidemic?
Mostly the young and middle-aged are dying in their homes. . .
constructors of Nova Earth. . .
From my understanding one of the quickest ways to inner peace — therefore global peace — is forgiving and forgiveness, being kind and compassionate, within and without.
I can say, for the last 2 years I have been Divinely Guided along a journey of apologies, forgiving and forgiveness, and felt a miraculous transmutation of ‘the old’ to joy.
Could Nova Earth, that new balanced reality we all desire — free from all war and chaos — be as simple as forgiving everything with apologies and forgiveness?
I invite you to
follow along with me
as I pull cards daily
to find balance, within,
therefore without.
An Invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Laws of Intent,
Balance, Change, Attachment and Detachment, Transmutation,
Attraction and Repulsion, Elimination, Completion and Continuity
for understanding and knowing the false grids and core issues connected
to the global Fentanyl epidemic, all dis-ease, all war within,
for the highest vision of global peace,
forgiveness of everything,
planetary balance.
July 7th, 2017
The Purpose of Universal Law: Balance
During the past week, Steve has been educating us about extreme gender inequality still present on this planet. The posts are horrific. To think that as a society we allow these atrocities to continue shows we are not very advanced.
At this time of Ascension on Earth, the Mother has gifted us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, thirteen Universal Laws.
Universal Law explains very simply how things work in the higher realms. Studying and practicing these wondrous Divine Laws — Laws of Love — are a way to balance, within and without.
Sanat Kumara, our beloved Planetary Logos is the Keeper of Universal Law, and in 2013, SK, the Mother and the Buddha explained these Laws to us through Linda Dillon.
The Law of Sacred Purpose teaches us that we each have Divine Sacred Purpose, and that our purpose can be joyfully uncovered, discovered, as we let go the old ways of entrenched beliefs, false grids, and understand our core issues.
The Law of Intent reminds us to remember and bring to right alignment — balance — all thoughts, emotions, and actions every moment of every day, to be the kind, loving, unitive beings that we truly are.
The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance teaches us that what we are holding within can be reflected in our external reality. Subconscious and unconscious entrenched beliefs, false grids, and mental emotional constructs, core issues, re-create realities not of love. As within, so without.
With awareness of old ways of being and understanding of the Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, we balance and our planet comes to balance creating Nova Being and Nova Earth. Love propagates Love.
The Law of Change reminds us that everything is in a constant state of change — the Eternal Flow — that we can let go of the old ways more easily from our center, in balance, understanding and knowing the Mother’s Constant Flow of Love, never-changing yet ever-changing.
The Law of Give and Receive states that as we give we must receive. That is the Law.
The Law of Attachment and Detachment teaches us to attach to the highest vision for All. When we attach to ‘information gathering’, then detach from everything not of love, and re-attach to the highest vision for the being or the situation, for everything, we create the New.
The Law of Unification, Unity illustrates that in the center, in balance, where all are Loved equally, there is no hierarchy, control, oppression. There is brotherhood, sisterhood, heart connection, community, family. We are One.
The Law of Transmutation is a way for us to transmute, change, old ways of being, situations, back to original purity. We find at the kernel of mostly everything is Love.
The Law of Instantaneous Transmission reminds us that our subconscious and unconscious entrenched beliefs, false grids and mental emotional constructs, core issues, are what hold us back from our creations being instantaneous.
The Law of Dispensation teaches us that the Mother forgives absolutely everything and that we also can be this constant state of forgiveness and forgiving that She is. Apologies and forgiveness are a way to create Nova Being and Nova Earth.
The Law of Attraction and Repulsion teaches us we can attract everything of Love — our core is Love, Love attracts Love — and repulse everything that is not of love.
The Law of Elimination is one to study carefully and use for extreme situations of gender inequality, hatred, racism, bigotry, control, greed, lack, limitation, pollution, radiation, war, and the toxins, the disease, the chemicals that poison our land, our animals, our air and foul our oceans. We are eliminating man-made, human creations not of love where there is no kernel of Love at the core.
The Law of Completion and Continuity explains that as we complete levels of learning, there is completion, but that there is always more, that we are Infinite and Eternal.
Universal Law invocations are a way to balance everything, a way to co-create Nova Earth with the higher realms.
We can call on, invoke, Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, for help with any troubling situation, personal or global. This his Divine Sacred Purpose.
Here is an example of an invocation for balance:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Above and Below,
Within and Without, Balance for _____________________________.
Thank you to everyone participating
in this week of gender inequality.
May we let go of everything that is not of love
finding balance as we co-create our Nova Earth.
I invite everyone to continue 8minutes at 8PM,
the highest vision for gentle, kind
tender, nurturing peace and Love.
July 4th, 2017
Balance Amidst Chaos
In our world there are still strong forces at play that are not of love.
Many of us, me included, have not fully understood what has transpired upon this planet, the extreme extent of gender inequality.
Steve has been bringing to our awareness, in the past few days, many issues that are very very difficult to fathom.
I invite each of us to pause, to send a prayer, a blessing, to use a Divine Tool or a Sacred Flame, say an invocation, for those still mired in the chaos and mayhem.
As we do this for those in the without, we could look within as well, in the balance.
Have we been contributing to this chaos
with our own judgements of self, our own chaos within?
The Divine Realms have been pleading us to use their Flames and Tools, to help us see our truth in order to create a New Reality for everyone.
It takes all of us, looking within, releasing everything not of love, and holding the higher vision for peace and Love to transpire on Gaia, for the creation of our Nova Earth, balance everywhere.
Please Join With Me
In An Invocation for Gender Equality
I invoke Mother/Father One, The Mighty Ones, Sanat Kumara,
St. Germaine, Jesus Sananda, The Magdalena, Matthew,
Lord Maitreya, El Morya, Kuthumi, Kwan Yin,
Saint Theresa, Saint Bernadette, Blue Tara,
White Buffalo Calf Woman, Gaia,
Commander Ashira, UFOG, the Healers of Tralana,
The Mighty Collectives of Transmuters from the Kingdoms,
and all Universal Laws, blessings, virtues, qualities,
and dimensional growth patterns
for gender equality everywhere on Gaia.
Clarity and Balance, The Highest Vision
July 1st, 2017
Clarity is one of the components of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love.
Clarity helps us come to balance so that we are able to hold the highest vision for All.
With clarity and balance, we understand and know Who We Are, Infinite and Eternal.
For example, to be practical, when I see an individual in disarray, possibly homeless on the street, instead of feeling helpless, with clarity I access my understanding and knowing in balance.
I torch the person sleeping in the alcove just off the sidewalk
with St. Germaine’s Violet Flame.
As I do this, I understand I am also torching myself.
That person is me.
We are One.
I feel compassion within and without, and I am triggered by this situation.
I feel sorrow and ask myself, “Why? How is this connected to the past?”
The false grids and my core issues hold duality in place.
With clarity — letting go of my old beliefs, and understanding of my mental emotional constructs — I find my centre, my balance.
With clarity, my wounding is healed, and that healing flows to everyone.
The action of torching creates conscious awareness of our wholeness for everyone on Gaia, all humanity.
The clearer I am within, the greater the effect without, with everyone around me and around the planet.
Forgiving ourselves for everything within, without judgement, our reality in the without balances and heals: This is how we create Nova Earth.
Forgive within,
take actions to forgive in the without.
No judgement within.
no judgement without.
Gratitude within,
gratitude without.
As within,
So without,
As above,
So below.
Heaven on Earth.
Everything is forgiven.
We are gratitude,
clarity and balance,
community and unity,
our highest vision.
I invite you to join with me
8 minutes at 8PM.
Daily Meditation Project Peace & Love
8 minutes at 8PM
A Week of Balance
Welcome to A Week of Balance, as above so below, as within so without, in tandem with Steve and the Golden Age of Gaia, starting July 1st.
Every evening we will be encouraging all of us to bask in the Mother’s Tsunami of Love and The Peace of Archangel Michael, to create individual balance and therefore planetary balance, for 8 minutes (or longer) at 8PM wherever you are on Gaia.
As we breathe in The Peace of Archangel and the Mother’s Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe of Her Tsunami, allowing everything that is not of love to dissipate, may we come to even greater conscious awareness of our wholeness.
Archangel Gabrielle through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, has given us a rich discussion of gender inequality which Steve and I will be delving into throughout the week.
I will be exploring what is transpiring for me daily and the Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance with Sanat Kumara as we bask — consciously breathing — in The Peace of Archangel Michael and the Mother’s Love, Her Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe.
In my post, The Mother’s Dream, is a Global Invocation for Planetary Balance. I invite everyone to join me holding the highest vision for our Nova Earth, our family.
Welcome to an incredible week!
June 11th, 2017
Inviting everyone, 8 minutes at 8PM to join in meditation for peace and Love for all humanity on Gaia.
Recently the Mother asked us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, to pray for the women and children of Iran and Iraq. Archangel Michael, through Linda, in His Plea for Peace Now Meditation tells us:
“Those, especially where war has become a way of life are tired, and they pray.
“They pray to all the various faces of Mother/Father One God in their own interpretation, but let me be clear they are all praying for peace.
“And you and I, my beloved friends, I don’t enlist you, but I plead with you, let us come together, and do this.
“It does not need to take nations making decisions. It does not need to take decades or years.
“What it takes is you claiming your creator self in sacred union with us, and deciding right now, ‘Enough.’” (1)
Enough of the war within that creates the war without.
Nova Being and Nova Earth are created with our clarity of mind, emotion, action, gentleness and kindness within and without.
Thank you for remembering.
When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love,
then peace will reign.
Archangel Michael
Think about what I say.
Love feeds and grows Love.
It is the essence of All,
and the more it is fed and nurtured,
the greater it grows.
Universal Mother Mary
(1) Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now Meditation
May 21st, 2017
Please join in meditation with Archangel Michael and the Mother,
8PM for 8 minutes or longer,
local time, wherever you are.
Thank you for remembering.
Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells us we have always known “the true meaning of peace”:
“Not necessarily peace, as peace and quiet, but peace. Not merely as safety and security, but the internal, brilliant — might I say blue glow of Love as an expression to come and go and be, whether it is quiet or raucous — to live in harmony, to live in balance, to experience the joy of being in form, as angel, as star being, as elf, as fairy, as dog, as cat, as elephant, as blade of grass.”
Archangel Michael says we yearn for peace — harmony, balance, joy — just as it is in the higher realms where there is no fear for safety, no starvation, no war, no hierarchy.
Yesterday I proposed that we Rain Love, in tandem with the higher realms, on the drug cartels and their shipping routes — in forgiveness with non-judgement — to help create peace on Earth, within and without, balance.
Thank you so much to all who participated.
Many have suffered and even died on Earth due to the oppressive reign of a few.
As lightworkers, knowing of the higher realms and our own Divinity, we can do much.
The very act of giving away, letting go of, our entrenched beliefs, false grids, especially oppression, helps everyone connected to us in our fields, family and friends around the planet – and even beings far beyond.
We can recognize oppressive behaviour in our judgement of self or others, all acts of control and punishment within and without, the feminine fear of abuse, all feelings of separation, the very old belief that God is punishing, and all lack, especially lack of self-worth and self-love.
When we can see ourselves consciously, and let all this go, we effect many.
Just as a drop in the ocean effects the entire ocean,
so do we, as messengers from the higher realms.
We may be few but we are mighty in our understanding and knowing with conscious awareness of our Divine wholeness.
Please join with
the Mother, Archangel Michael and the higher realms,
8PM for 8 minutes or longer. . .
An Invocation
I invoke Archangel Michael and his Blue Flame of Truth for understanding and knowing my Infinite potential, Who I Am.
May 11th, 2017
Please send Peace and Love to the communities in BC, Ontario and Quebec experiencing flooding, during our ongoing Project Peace and Love Meditation, 8 minutes at 8PM.
Unusual amounts of rain and melting snowpack is contributing to rivers and lakes overflowing.
On a personal note, I woke up with a bladder infection today, burning pain. To help with my healing, I flooded myself with water while feeling and looking at the pain, the false grids, and core issues connected to it.
All pain is our addiction to pain according to Archangel Michael, and he says,
“You can briefly identify, if you so choose — and I say that, it is in the choice, it is not in the necessity to identify, because quite frankly if it is not of the divine qualities, if it is not of the umbrella of love, then there is absolutely no point in spending one more moment on it. But the human nature is such, is still at this point, that you like to understand what you are up to, so go ahead. But use my Blue Flame of Truth when you are doing so, please, because I am honored and pleased to help you in this way.” (1)
In my daily life, I work in a book store, and our team has been struggling with how to address an ongoing problem of lack of gentleness and kindness in the workplace.
Yesterday it came to a head, and we addressed it as a group, because it was interfering with our forward movement together in peace and Love.
The bladder pain I experienced today, from my understanding, stems from the very old core issue of sorrow on Gaia, and old entrenched beliefs of control, anxiety, doubt, futility, that God is punishing.
Due to our lack of self-love and lack of self-worth, because of these beliefs, we can unconsciously project ways of being onto others that are not in alignment with the ways of being in the higher realms.
As we become more and more consciously aware of our Love and worth, the old ways of being diminish.
My bladder pain was my sorrow, connected to our sorrow as humanity — lack of peace, lack of forgiveness, lack of love, lack of worth — stemming from within.
Archangel Michael talks of the connection between abundance, deep regard for ourselves, and the building of Nova Earth:
“So when you think, “What have I done to earn abundance, to earn ease, to earn the ability to go forward in ways that I choose and desire and co-create?” think of what you have already accomplished. And in that, we do not want you to dismiss the fact that you are shifting inter-dimensionally, that you, with Gaia, are anchored inter-dimensionally in the 5th, that you are working and demonstrating and assisting the collective of humanity in the 3rd, that you are cleaning up the remnants of the old 3rd.
“So, begin there, and then let us fly together. The emphasis on what is resting within and therefore exhibited externally, in your social, political, economic, communal arena is very important. If you do not have regard — and I mean deep, reverent, love and regard, value — for yourself, for yourself as you are right now in what I call this suit of clothes, regard for the larger you, the eternal you, the infinite you, if you do not start there with love and reverence for yourself, how, how do you extend it out to others?
“How do you in any way, shape or form, pretend, or extend yourself in ways that are meaningful and solid? Because what we are discussing in terms of building and anchoring Nova Earth is firmness, not simply a passing trend or a flight of fancy; we are talking about the bedrock shift and change of what this planet is, does, exhibits, experiences, and how that is reflected through and with Gaia in you, in each of you.
“As you (Steve) know, as you have written, as you have shared, as you have heard from us, if you focus on the blessings and virtues, if you focus on the divine qualities, then you are insuring and becoming the truth of what you wish to experience and co-create in what you think of , emphasis on ‘think’, as the material world. Because, really, what is the material world? Most of it is an illusion anyway. It is simply a collection of atoms, of energy, that you are formulating into what you believe is solid form.” (2)
Archangel Michael goes on to say institutions, old beliefs, do not have solid form — just like I witnessed — when, we as a group at my work, stood up to lack of kindness and gentleness:
“Institutions do not have solid form. Belief systems do not have solid form. They appear, and you come to believe that they do, but they do not. They can build edifices, office buildings, institutional buildings to represent and house these belief systems, but the institutions, the systems themselves, do not have solid form.
“So, what do they have? They have the qualities. And many of them are disintegrating, even as we speak this night, because the qualities that have formed many of your old 3rd, earthly, old earth institutions, have been based on the illusions that you no longer serve to incorporate — control and lack, all the dis-es — disease, disappointment, despair.” (3)
Individual power to change the old becomes very powerful when we work together as a group. Archangel Michael has this to say:
“Let us speak to the formulation and the foundation of power. And we do not mean power in the sense that it has been used, as control scenarios. We mean power in the sense of an individual, and therefore a group, or a large collective, assuming a pathway. And it is a pathway of freedom, it is a pathway of self-determination, and it is pathway and a way of life, of existence, that is based on those divine qualities.
“So you may tire of hearing me say this. That does not matter. We are going to continue anyway, by saying that the beginning, the middle and the end of creating Nova Earth is the incorporation of these qualities within you. So, throughout your day, throughout your hours of waking and sleeping, you are asking yourself, “Am I feeling, am I experiencing, does this feel like serenity, purity, grace, consideration, temperance, prudence, joy?”
“And if it doesn’t, and you are doing this until it is absolutely second nature, if it doesn’t feel that way, you can take a moment and say, “Well, what does it feel like? Is it simply the old coming up for release? Is it an ancient vasana? Is it somebody else’s energy from the collective that I am helping to heal and cleanse?” (4)
My bladder pain was our pain.
Let’s heal this together.
Interestingly the flooding of my bladder pain with water, helped my pain go away.
Maybe we are witnessing flooding in Canada illustrating community coming together to help each other.
The water element is playing a large role in the healing of all drought on Gaia in the healing of humanity, self-worth, self-Love.
Do any of us drink enough water?
The Mother’s Water is Love.
Please send the energy of peace and Love for 8 minutes at 8PM to all humanity, in flood, in drought, wherever we are, and especially the institutions that are still operating in old ways of being.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
May 7th, 2017
Please join us in our Sunday meditation, Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now with many, above and below — 20:00 — (8:00PM) Sunday, local time, wherever you are.
Thank you for remembering.
Archangel Michael reminds us, “Peace is gentle. Peace is kind. Peace is loving and considerate. . . There is no violence, no war, no abuse that can ever be justified. There is no room for this on our beloved planet.”
He entreats us to send the energy of peace from our hands, our hearts, our very beings to ‘all who cower in the dark night of the soul’.
These beings can come across our path in line-ups, the work place, at family gatherings.
Many on planet are not understanding the shift to Love and peace that is occurring now.
These beings who are not feeling the Love can be gifts, reflections, often how we feel about ourselves and a way for us to discover peace within.
When we’re vulnerable and show our feelings, how we’re hurt by unkind words and actions, we all heal.
Witnessing fear, anger, words and actions not of Love is an opportunity for us to sit still and feel, understand and know our own sorrow, then allow it to dissipate with help from the Divine — Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth (1) — and come to peace within.
We can invoke, pray, meditate and use Universal Law to help with all situations not of Love.
We can also face into difficult situations — communicate the truth of how we are feeling — give apologies, ask for apologies, be the constant action of forgiving in the flow of Love and peace.
In the higher realms loving, peaceful communication is key.
As we master our own inner peace, we find ourselves reacting more and more truthfully, lovingly, for the good of the whole, without complaint.
Our sacred service in joy, in gratitude, to the Mother is to be the Love and peace for all upon Gaia, especially with the ones holding onto the entrenched beliefs and our deep core issues.
We are here to help with a gentle awakening to Love, and peace, how things work in the higher realms.
As we shift within
everyone within our fields shift.
Please join with us in group meditation for peace.
20:00 — 8PM — Sunday Night
Breath of Peace with Archangel Michael
(meditation starts 10 minutes in)
“When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love, then peace will reign.”
Archangel Michael
(1) Archangel Michael carries the Blue Flame of Truth, of Righteousness, of Communication.
In meditation everyday we can invoke Archangel Michael and the Blue Flame of Truth to burn away doubt, denial, and limitation, sitting and allowing the Blue Flame to expand and expand.
With this expansion in our hearts we can ask Archangel Michael:
“What is the expression of my Infinite potential?”
We are remembering, letting go, and coming to acceptance of the fact that we are Love, that we are Loved and Loveable, that we are the essence of Love.
An invocation:
I invoke Archangel Michael and the Blue Flame of Truth for greater and greater understanding and knowing of the truth of Who I Am, my Infinite potential.
April 16th, 2017
Easter Sunday Peace Meditation
Two years ago, Archangel Michael stepped forth with his Blue Breath of Peace.
He entreated us to let his Breath wash away our fear, to remove the sorrow and grief of war from our heart and lungs, to feel this in every fiber of our being.
He asked us to allow it — not to hold on — but to let his Breath pass through us.
Archangel Michael said that as it passed through us, it passed through each of us to humanity, and that we hold:
the Breath of Peace
the Blue Flame of Peace
the Blue Flame of Truth
He also said, the truth is:
there is
no violence,
no war, no abuse
that can ever be justified.
There is no room for this on Gaia.
We ask you to join us, 9PM today, wherever you are on planet in meditation — Archangel Michael’s The Breath of Peace — Who We Truly Are.
In February, Galea, Communications Officer aboard The Neptune gave us this heartening conversation about communication, Ascension, and sending compassion, on Heavenly Blessings:
“We talk about the end of galactic and intergalactic wars as if it was a date-in-time, but it was an arduous process. Think about how long it took to even institute Perro. (1) But in that there were skirmishes, there were side-skirmishes and battles – even after peace was declared – of those who wished to continue on, because all they knew was hatred and disruption and disobedience; not disobedience from the Divine or from some treaty – disobedience from their Higher Self, of not taking responsibility to be the brilliant being they were.
“And so you are seeing this on your planet. You are seeing these deviations, these skirmishes. Send the compassion, send the empathy and hold the path! You are on the ascension trajectory, you are on the path of unfoldment. Do not allow these skirmishes to distract you, because that is what it is – it is distraction and desire to attach to what no longer exists. And if we want to be true about this, what does exist except love? Everything else is an illusion.
Galea reminds us that Love is All That Is:
“And I do not say this preaching to you because when you look within, that is what is there – and it is all that is there and all that’s worth attaching to, because it is all that makes you know the truth of your being.
“We speak of Saedor (1) as a method of communication, and a method of communication that will come to pass upon your planet as well. But sweet angels, are you heart-speaking Saedor to yourself? Are you being kind and gentle and without judgment to yourself? Are you realising there is nothing to prove? Begin with your sweet self. This is how we communicate with you – and we are very anxious to have full communication.” (2)
Our galactic brothers and sisters are waiting on us, encouraging us to Love ourselves completely, to treat ourselves and each other with kindness and gentleness, compassion.
Planetary peace is within each of us — every moment of every day — as we remember Who We Truly Are.
Please join us in meditation tonight, 9PM
The Breath of Peace,
of Truth, the Blue Glow of Love.
With enormous gratitude to everyone,
above and below.
(1) Galea, Communications Officer aboard The Neptune, explaining Perro and Saedor:
“Do not revert to feeling, my beloved friends, that you have need to prove anything. When you stay in your heart, when you communicate from a place of love, of heart consciousness, then you have said all there is to say. There is no coercion when you speak either in Perro or in Saedor. This element of wishing to manipulate, control or win the other to a position that is of your preference disappears, because in truth is peace, in peace is love, in love there is no coercion, no abuse of authority, no abuse of control.”
Archangel Michael tells us peace does not need to take nations making decisions and “It does not need to take decades or years.
“What it takes is you
claiming your creator self
in sacred union with us
and deciding
right Now, ‘Enough!’
Peace is gentle.
Peace is kind.
Peace is Loving and considerate.
There is no violence
no war
no abuse
that can ever be justified
and there is no room for this
on our beloved planet.
The people of Yemen are suffering — Yemen at ‘point of no return’ as conflict leaves almost 7 million close to famine — calling on our Universal Selves to help and asking for prayers, invocations, meditations on behalf of many.
Please join in Sunday 9:00 pm, and everyday, wherever you are, anchoring peace — that internal brilliant blue glow of Love, of kindness, gentleness, consideration — in Divine partnership with Archangel Michael and All above and below.
“Let us do this together Now.”
If the meditation times are not appropriate for your schedule — know that we can jump time, forwards or backwards — from the time you are able to do the meditation, to the group time. For example: “I jump time to the group time of 9:00 PM for the Plea for Peace Now meditation.”
Another important part of peace is karmic forgiveness, forgiveness of self and others for everything.
Archangel Michael explains:
“. . . long ago we have talked about doing the Meditation for Karmic Dispensation and most of you have done this.
“What we would recommend is that you do this meditation and you take — you can choose — you can take countries or tribes or situations.
“Take them along with you to the Karmic Board, and allow them to receive the karmic forgiveness, erasure, that can take place, and finish this off rapidly.
“That will contribute mightily to the peace brigade.” (1)
In this time of Karmic Dispensation, this time of Ascension, connecting daily in meditation with Archangel Michael and his Blue Flame of Truth (2), with St. Germaine and The Violet Flame, The I Am, and with the Life Force Energy of Porlana C of our Star Brothers and Sisters, allows our heart consciousness to blossom.
Heart consciousness is conscious awareness of our sense of wholeness and our partnership with the higher realms in Love, joy, gratitude for the gift of life purpose, humility, and forgiveness of everything, peace.
(2) Archangel Michael carries the Blue Flame of Truth, of Righteousness, of Communication. In meditation everyday, we can invoke Archangel Michael and the Blue Flame of Truth to burn away doubt, denial and limitation, sitting and allowing The Blue Flame to expand and expand.
With this expansion, we can ask Archangel Michael:
“What is the expression of my Infinite Potential?”
We are remembering, letting go and coming to acceptance of the fact that we are Love, that we are loved and lovable, that we are the essence of Love.
An invocation: I invoke Archangel Michael and The Blue Flame of Truth for greater and greater understanding and knowing of The Truth of Who I Am, my Infinite Potential.
March 19th, 2017
Archangel Michael asks us to hold the vision of peace, and to be peace and harmony, Who We Truly Are in The Eternal Flow. He tells us,
“All beings yearn for peace.”
In his meditation, Plea For Peace Now, (meditation starts at 10:00 minutes in) he entreats us to put down our swords and shields — to relax, to let go of our tendency to ‘fight’ — and to allow The Gentle Breeze of Peace of His Breath, of His Essence to join with our tri-flames, to expand us, to anchor us, and then to pass through us. . .
He asks us to surrender to The Blue Breeze — for it to wash away any dregs of fear, to remove the sorrow and grief from our heart and lungs — and to feel this in every cell and fibre of our beings.
As The Blue Gentle Breeze of Peace passes through us, it is passing through each of us to humanity, and Archangel Michael says we are holding:
“The Breath of Peace, The Blue Flame of Peace, The Blue Flame of Truth, and The Truth Is there is no violence, no war, no abuse that can ever be justified. . . there is no room for this on Our Beloved Planet.
“Peace is gentle. Peace is kind. Peace is loving and considerate.”
Please join with Archangel Michael, and many, in this sacred meditation, Plea For Peace Now, Sunday 9pm wherever you are on Gaia to anchor gentleness — peaceful loving kindness — in every way.
In this time of karmic dispensation, this Time of Ascension, connecting daily in meditation with Saint Germaine, The Violet Flame, The I Am, and in meditation with the Life Force Energy of Porlana C of our Star Brothers and Sisters allows heart consciousness to blossom in The Eternal Flow — our sense of wholeness in partnership with the higher realms — our forgiveness of everything, Love, Joy and Peace.
Sanat Kumara, Our Beloved Planetary Logo and Keeper of Universal Law on lack of self-worth, misplaced righteousness, and peace: “There is a collective energy that is coming to the surface, not just in Syria. . . of inadequacy, a belief in the lack of self-worth or in righteousness, but it is misplaced righteousness.
“It is not righteousness that is in accordance and alignment with the Divine, which is Love. It is a manipulated understanding.
“So is it a power struggle? Absolutely.
“Is it violent? Absolutely.
“Does it need to come to the surface to be eradicated rapidly — not by the invasion with more violence — but with peace? Yes.
“It does because – let us use this example and this is where a practical application of this Law (Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance) comes into form, and I would ask all of you to do this with me.
There is no war above.
It is a Place of Harmony.
“It is not a place of turmoil. It is not a place of anger, frustration.
“That does not exist, therefore there is no room for it below.
“So what you see is the alignment:
as if there is a Cloud of Heaven above Syria,
and the light is pouring down,
and that light is filled with Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth,
of Justice and of Peace
and from each of your hearts,
you have the capacity to send directly
to the heart of Syria, of Egypt, Iraq, Iran,
that sense of peace
“When you become outraged at atrocity. . . it is outrageous, but when you join into that energy of drama, then you are contributing to it.
“So you have need to align with the Divine Qualities and with Divine Law, and in that way, do not underestimate your strength.
“Collectively, you have the power to stop these factions fighting in this very moment.
“You send the energy of peace, and you hold that vision, and you do not tolerate or engage in any other vision.”
If the meditation times are not appropriate for your schedule
— know that we can jump time, forwards or backwards —
from the time you are able to do the meditation, to the group time.
For example: “I jump time to the group time of 9pm for Peace Now.”