Photo Credit: Unsplash
Not too long ago, Adam lost his best friend to addiction. He wants to do everything he can to help others and has educated himself on how best to help a loved one struggling with addiction.
In the post below he presents tips and advice based on what he’s learned. Please help us spread this important message. Thank you, Adam.
August 1st, 2018, by Adam Cook
A Beginner’s Guide to
Overcoming Substance Abuse
Substance abuse and addiction affect millions of people over the course of their lifetimes. Many can overcome these issues by practicing healthy habits, reaching out to friends and family, or simply avoiding temptation. Others may have to seek professional help or inpatient treatment. The following article outlines some beginner tips and strategies for overcoming substance abuse.
Avoid Temptation
The most obvious answer to substance abuse may be to simply avoid the problematic substances. Removing yourself from people and situations associated with substance use will support your recovery. Depending on the nature of your addiction and the situations which trigger use, you may want to spend less time with friends who use, avoid bars and clubs where alcohol is served, and carefully consider the use of addictive prescription drugs. Supportive, substance-free communities such as sober living homes might also be an option to consider. A sober living environment with like-minded individuals who are also on the journey to recovery may help provide the structure needed to maintain sobriety.
How to Talk to Your Kids About Fentanyl

It’s important to talk to kids about drugs and alcohol when they’re young. A University of Alberta expert recommends starting to talk about the subject with kids as young as seven years old.
Start with these three messages. Then focus on the delivery.
By Lesley Young, March 29th, 2018
There’s no magic pill for talking to your kids about drugs—a conversation that is more important than ever given all kinds of street drugs are being laced with fentanyl, a new deadly entry to the market.
“Sometimes parents don’t talk to their kids about drugs because they believe they’ve taught them to make good choices. For other parents, there’s ignorance about the risk, especially when it comes to fentanyl,” said Troy Janzen, an educational psychologist at UAlberta. “They don’t know the opioid is everywhere, and that the amount of two grains of sand can kill you.”
Of the 343 people who died from fentanyl overdoses in Alberta in 2016, roughly 10 per cent were under the age of 19. The overall number of overdose deaths in all categories is likely higher but currently unknown due to data backlogs, said Elaine Hyshka, an assistant professor and addiction specialist with UAlberta’s School of Public Health.
She said talking to your kids about drug use, and establishing strong bonds with them, are an important determinant in whether the children will ultimately engage in risky behaviours like drug use.
March 25, 2018
#MeToo and Time’s Up Founders
Explain the Difference Between
the 2 Movements — And How They’re Alike

Costume designer Ane Crabtree attends the Costume Designers Guild Awards at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on February 20, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. Christopher Polk – JumpLine/ Getty Images
By Alix Landgone, Updated March 22, 2018, Originally published March 8, 2018
Thursday, March 8 is International Women’s Day, but 2017 and 2018 could each arguably be called the year of women.
The groundbreaking anti-sexual assault and women’s empowerment movements #MeToo and Time’s Up upended the public conversation about women’s issues around the world, and elevated the global consciousness surrounding the obstacles women encounter in their daily lives, both personal and professional.
The #MeToo movement has become a worldwide phenomenon, searched for on Google in 196 countries in the past year. The culture shift has been palpable — for the first time ever, the world has been put on notice that these once-fledgling women’s movements were not to be ignored. And people started to listen.
March 7, 2018
Eve Ensler: One Billion Rising
March 7, 2018, One Billion Rising
The Vagina Monologues, a play written in 1995 by activist Eve Ensler opened up something we had never seen before, a very public conversation about women’s sexuality and strength, but also of violence, abuse and rape.
Now performed around the world after first running Off-Broadway for 5 years, then touring the US, it has been translated into more than 45 languages.
What Eve found astonishing, was that women lined up after the shows to share their stories of maltreatment, pain and shame.
No stranger to this herself:
“Ensler suffered violence as a girl growing up in Scarsdale, New York. Behind the white-picket-fence façade of her upper-middle class home, her alcoholic father abused her.” (1)
With the success of The Vagina Monologues she felt she had to do something.
Ensler saw the play as a way to champion change so she, along with a group of women sharing the same interest, created V-Day, a global movement to stop violence against women and girls.
The Vagina Monologues to this day is a undertaking to end patriarchal control, the suppression of the feminine.
March 6, 2018
Anneke Lucas:
Liberation Prison Yoga
The Mission of Liberation Prison Yoga:
Liberation Prison Yoga is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to serve prisons and jails, bringing trauma-conscious yoga programs to incarcerated women, men, LGBTQ, youth, staff, and those whose lives are affected by incarceration; to train yoga instructors to work inside the prison system; and to educate the public about trauma-conscious yoga.
Founder and Executive Director Anneke Lucas started creating programs in different facilities in 2011, bringing along yoga teachers, social workers and psychologists, training them to apply the specific trauma conscious approach our teachers share in the prison and jail settings.
Each class comprises of yoga and meditation. Liberation Prison Yoga programs may also include discussion, free-flow writing or other healing modalities.
The effectiveness of yoga and mindfulness practices have been amply proven, but few studies have been done inside the prisons.
Currently, Liberation Prison Yoga, together with the NYC Department of Corrections and the NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation, is conducting a study to measure the effectiveness of the Liberation Prison Yoga programs conducted at Rikers Island, New York.
Let’s be the quiet revolution – moving towards integration
instead of isolation, healing instead of punishment,
and peace amid unrest – inside ourselves,
and inside the prisons.
Anneke Lucas
March 1, 2018
Facts About Incest
Karen Langlotz is right. There is very little information about incest.
The post below, from back in January 2013, has some eye-opening facts about incest we should all know.
David McNew: “Child sexual abuse impacts more Americans annually than cancer, AIDS, gun violence, LGBT inequality, and the mortgage crisis combined.
“One in three-to-four girls, and one in five-to-seven boys are sexually abused before they turn 18, an overwhelming incidence which happens within the family.”
David encourages us to:
“Please reread the statistics in this post, share them with people you know, and realize that each and every one of us needs to pressure the government, schools, and other systems to prioritize this issue.
“Incest is the single biggest commonality between drug and alcohol addiction (the opioid crisis), mental illness, teenage and adult prostitution, criminal activity, and eating disorders.”
America Has an Incest Problem
People are rightly horrified by abuse scandals at Penn State and in the Catholic church. But what about children who are molested by their own family members?
By David McNew, Reuters, January 24, 2013
Last year offered plenty of moments to have a sustained national conversation about child sexual abuse: the Jerry Sandusky verdict, the BBC’s Jimmy Savile, Horace Mann’s faculty members, and a slew of slightly less publicized incidents. President Obama missed the opportunity to put this issue on his second-term agenda in his inaugural speech.
Child sexual abuse impacts more Americans annually than cancer, AIDS, gun violence, LGBT inequality, and the mortgage crisis combined—subjects that Obama did cover.
Had he mentioned this issue, he would have been the first president to acknowledge the abuse that occurs in the institution that predates all others: the family. Incest was the first form of institutional abuse, and it remains by far the most widespread.
Here are some statistics that should be familiar to us all, but aren’t, either because they’re too mind-boggling to be absorbed easily, or because they’re not publicized enough. One in three-to-four girls, and one in five-to-seven boys are sexually abused before they turn 18, an overwhelming incidence of which happens within the family. These statistics are well known among industry professionals, who are often quick to add, “and this is a notoriously underreported crime.”
Incest is a subject that makes people recoil.

The Mother’s Blue Diamond energy of hope, clarity, Love
February 27, 2018
Karen Langlotz: Incest Education
Incest is insidious and pervasive.
It doesn’t receive the attention or the air time, that goes into campaigns to stop unhealthy behaviour, such as smoking.
There’s no groundswell to educate and prevent or stop incest.
Incest happens all the time, every day, creating harm and extreme damage to the family as well as the community.
I know of no campaign to stop incest, to educate children on what actions to take if it happens, or to report it safely.
That “stranger danger” is BS when it comes to incest, to being violated by those who are supposed to protect and love.
Incest’s never ending harm needs to be hammered home.
Some of us recover, but we remember, and are affected for life. Incest’s damage can be crippling when trying to recover.
January 13, 2018
My Name Is Brooke Axtell
and I Was Sex Trafficked at Age 7 – in the US
By Brooke Axtell, Global Citizen, December 12, 2016
This post is the first in a series called “Real Women Real Stories,”a social project designed to promote awareness of the often unseen hardships women face in different professions and places around the world.
The project highlights women who fight their battles and are persistent on achieving what they have set out for.
At the 2015 Grammy Awards, Brooke collaborated with pop singer Katy Perry and President Obama to address the issue of gender violence.
After the President highlighted the White House “It’s On Us” campaign, she was invited to speak.
Brooke encouraged those struggling with the pain of abuse to reach out for help. But what she didn’t share that night was how her history of early sexual assault and child sex trafficking prepared her to accept partner violence as an adult.
CARE Norway, Published on Dec 4, 2015
1 in 3 women worldwide will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, usually from a male partner (WHO).
www.kjaerepappa.no, #DearDaddy
After #MeToo: Healing From the Trauma of Sexual Assault
Within two weeks, 94 percent of women survivors will experience PTSD. #HealMeToo wants to give them a place to share and recover.
January 9, 2018
Building Nova Earth:
Gratitude, Joy and Charity
In the higher realms there is no hierarchy as St. Francis, channeled by Linda Dillon, reminds us:
“As you often hear us say on this side, there is no hierarchy – and there is no hierarchy in form either.
“Just as the animal kingdom has attended to each of you, fed you, physically, emotionally, spiritually, so it is your responsibility as humans to do the same for them… and the flowers and the trees and the mountains and the stones – and each other.” (1)
In the Eternal flow, the Love, we naturally take care of each other.
There is no such thing as lack of self-worth, lack of self-love, or not being attended to.
Everyone and everything is worthy.
By extending gratitude to self and others,
we expand our self-worth and self-Love.
January 6, 2018
Building Nova Earth:
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
and Global Shifts
Universal Law is a creation of the Mother to help us align with the Divine Mind, Heart, and Will — how things work in the higher realms — the knowing of a higher level of ethics and lovingkindness.
When we align with our sacred purpose, we align with the Eternal flow in the balance of joy, peace, Love, the higher vibrations and frequencies of sheer energy.
Our Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, Sanat Kumara, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells us:
“Do not limit yourself and this purpose. This sacred mission is the core of Who You Are and who you have always been, so enjoy it.
“Enjoy this information and this knowing, and allow, and if it’s a term such as pathfinder or healer or artist or communicator, ask for expansion of that knowing.” (1)
We are witnessing a global shift to right alignment with the Love.
In the discovery of collective sacred purpose — our joyful and peaceful collective Ascension — we are embracing higher ways of being and assisting the Mother in the restoration of Her Plan of Love, the rebirth of humanity in Divine Alignment.
The teachings of the Council of Love tell us all energy that emerges from the Heart of One has sacred purpose, expression and direction — every atom, every subatomic particle — everything throughout the Universe has sacred purpose.
As we move into the higher realms of consciousness, we are coming to understand heart consciousness, heart knowing, Divine Sacred Purpose.
When we invoke the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose, we are asking for clarity of our purpose, clarity of our expression in this lifetime, for alignment with the Love.
When we are in alignment with our sacred purpose, the feeling is of being in the flow, in harmonious Divine Creation, in joy.
An Invocation
for the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
I invoke Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos,
and the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
for clarity of sacred mission and purpose.
Often we find obstacles along our journey that help us release everything within our being that is not of love, such as all gender inequality within and without.
These obstacles are gifts, keys, to help us become consciously aware of the blockages, the entrenched beliefs not of love, and our sorrows and fears, so we may move into the flow truly knowing Divine Sacred Purpose.
We can feel — our ego can feel — afraid, but when we reassure, Love and appreciate our ego, mental and emotional bodies, we begin to operate in the higher vibrations and frequencies, and the bringing of our ego into balance occurs, so we can be the embodiment of our sacred purpose.
Feeling and letting go the old ways of doubt, judgement, anxiety, worry, anger, fear, limitation, with trust and forgiveness — understanding the false grids or entrenched old beliefs, and our core issues or mental emotional constructs not of love — moves us into the flow of our Divine sacred purpose and into the energy of peace, Love, and joy.
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose helps us to discover, to know the essence, the uniqueness of who we have chosen to be, our mission, our purpose, our plan within the Mother’s Divine Plan.
Below are 3 posts — Thank you, Janine — celebrating shifts to right alignment, gender equality and healing.
Ottawa women raising funds to help growing humanitarian crisis in Yemen
How Chickens and Goats Caused Likelihood of Child Marriage to Plummet by 90%
Building Nova Earth 12-09-17: Gender Equality
Michelle Obama, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Akshay Kumar, Arunachalam Muruganantham, and Pravin Nikam — what do they all have in common?
The articles below show their passion for gender equality, for the rights of girls and women. Four of them are men.
Maybe you’ve never heard of Akshay Kumar, Arunachalam Muruganantham, and Pravin Nikam?
Aksay is one of the biggest names in Bollywood, set to star in a movie about the sanitary product invention of Arunachalam.
Pravin is known as the “Period Man of Pune.” He likes to wander the countryside raising awareness and as he says, “Talk about periods everyday.”
With the Mother gifting us Her Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe, we are witnessing Nova Earth coming into being before our eyes. . .
Trusting in Her Divine Plan and honouring the guidance and sacred purpose of every individual on Gaia, gender inequality will become a distant memory.
With Love and care for self and others in our communities, and the simplicity and beauty of inner and outer action steps, we are Nova Being creating our Nova Earth.
Canada’s 1st Inuk Heart Surgeon Hopes More Inuit Kids Will Pursue Their Passions
Sister Writes Empowers Struggling Women To Turn The Page
Building Nova Earth: 12-01-17
Bullying, Suicide, Death in the Indigenous Community,
and Profound Advice from a Refugee
Apologies, Reconciliation, and Sheilah Martin, New Supreme Court Justice in Canada
Tearful Justin Trudeau Apologizes to Residential School Survivors
November 24, 2017 the Prime Minister of Canada made an overdue sincere apology to the Indigenous peoples who attended residential schools in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1949 to 1979.
An elated yet sorrowful, Tony Obed, who accepted the apology on behalf of his people said:
“Today is happy but it’s sad. I’m in awe that I’m here right now on this stage. This is real.
“This is really happening after 10 years, fighting, going to court, testifying,” and a long life of pain. Read more. . .
The Secret Path is a remembrance of the overlooked national disgrace of the residential schools in Canada put together by frontman, Gord Downie, of the band The Tragically Hip, with the blessings of the Wenjack family, the sisters of the young boy, Chanie, who this story is about.
Movie length is approximately 60 minutes, with a panel discussion at 59:45, contemplating the road to reconciliation.
One of Chanie’s sisters, Pearl Wenjack: “I think my greatest hope is that the rest of the world see what went on in Canada (at the residential schools) but to not stop there, to continually heal that what ever happened — continually heal — and to do everywhere, everything, that you can to bring that about.”
Building Nova Earth: 11-25-17
(Gratitude, The Ocean Cleanup Project, the Universal Law of Intent)
Soup Restaurant Teams With Family Farm to Serve Farm-to-table Freshness
Building Nova Earth: 11-22-17
(Yahweh, the Opioid Epidemic, Julia Rucklidge & the Role of Nutrition, Gaia, Sacred Purpose)
Building Nova Earth: 11-18-17
(Peace, Angelina Jolie & the UN, the Opioid Crisis, Letting Go: Trust+Forgiveness=the Love)
Good design is about clean air and water, not a Louis Vuitton bag, says Daan Roosegaarde
This $40,000 super-skinny home can fit inside a parking space
Living Light is an off-grid lamp powered by photosynthesis
Building Nova Earth: 11-11-17
(Global Citizen, Robotic Furniture, Tetris Table, London Car-less Street, Uber Flying Taxi)
30 Days of Hygge: the Ultimate Mindfulness Practice
The ‘Pangolin Men’ Are Protecting The World’s Most Trafficked Mammal
BIG design kindergarten in New York City for WeWork
A large part of London’s busiest shopping street may soon ban cars
Penda proposes “radical future-living concept” with recyclable modular dwellings
Uber signs contract with Nasa to develop flying taxi software
Tetris Table by People’s Industrial Design Office slots together in different formations
A new Jeff Bezos-backed warehouse farm will grow enough produce to feed over 180,000 people per year
12 photos of prisons from around the world that defy American stereotypes of ‘hard time’
How Inmates, Scientists, and Government Workers Are Teaming Up to Save a Butterfly
The Woman Aiming to Get 50 Million Americans Into the Worker-Owner Economy
Collective Evolution: AMAZING 5 Day Challenge
Jenny Bowen: Angel Mother for Orphans in China
Tim Brod: Highland Honey’s King of the Bees
Tesla Restores Power to Puerto Rican Children’s Hospital — And That’s Not All
Hong Kong: End ivory, not elephants!
Megumi Saruhashi: Music Soul Studio
Corey Feldman: Making a Movie About Child Abuse in Hollywood
Netherlands to Build Roads With Recycled Plastic From the Ocean
Ex-Addicts Assisting Homeless Clean-up
5-Year-old Empties Piggy Bank to Buy Milk For Classmate – and Raises Money to Buy Hundreds More
Teen Prodigies Create App That Could End School Lunch Hunger
John Legend Puts Thousands Towards Seattle School Lunch Debt
Homelessness Statistics and Solutions
2 BC seniors live in a van and struggle to make ends meet
John Volken Therapeutic Communities for Addiction
John Volken Therapeutic Communities, in Canada and the US, help addicts bring their lives to balance and purpose with connection and support.
Their comprehensive 2 year program focusses on humility, work, learning, service, self-sufficiency, responsibility, forgiveness, and accountability. Read more. . .
Can gardening transform convicted killers and carjackers? Prison officials get behind the bloom.
Eight designs that aim to alleviate the ongoing refugee crisis
Elon Musk’s car tunnel gets an elevator next week He started digging in the SpaceX parking lot.
Celebrities Pick Up Where Political Leaders Drop the Ball — a Song for Puerto Rico
Prosperity, an amazing movie!
Conscious Business: Studio Movie Grill, TerraCycle, GameChangers, Agricultural Capital Management, New Resource Bank
Designs in EDIT’s Prosperity for All Exhibition tackle “world’s greatest problems”
This 14-year-old’s School Project Sparked a Mission to Feed America’s Hungry
Rev. Dennis Shipman: Operation Safe Water Ghana
Marianne Williamson on Unity: Moving from Vision to Action
Riane Eisler: The Center for Partnership, Strong Kindness
WeAgree.life — 7.7 Billion People Agreeing to Achieve Humanity’s Peace
10 Minutes Meditation in Heart of New York City
Sanat Kumara: Project Kindness
11 Ways to Raise Kinder Humans
Peter Russell: How One Simple Thing Can Change the World — A Physicist’s Message for Humanity — author of the bestselling book, The Global Brain, From Science to God, a revolutionary futurist, he bridges science and spirituality with his potent ability to distill the spiritual significance of our current times.
“We are all the same kind, and kindness is recognizing this…We could completely change the world by doing this one thing, by simply being kind in our relationships.”
World’s Largest Air Purifier Transforms Chinese Smog Into Actual Diamonds
Stephen & Kathleen Gyllenhaal: IN UTERO
Shaw: Meet our Outstanding Canadians, celebrating the people who, each and every day, make a positive difference, a better place for kids, in their community, their city, and their country
Sutton Garner: Outstanding Young Canadian, In 2015, at the young age of 11 years old, Sutton Garner learned thousands of kids in Calgary who count on school nutrition programs during the school year don’t have the same access to a free meal during the summer. As a result, kids can potentially be starving their bodies and minds of necessary nutrition, compromising their physical, emotional, and social development, and delay their academic performance.
Sutton jumped into action and with the help of her mother, she founded I Can for Kids Foundation. With her passion, energy, and commitment to helping kids, I Can for Kids has quickly become an essential service in Calgary to help children and youth get the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow over the summer, and have a healthy start to their school year. In 2016, Sutton and her team delivered 30,000 meals to hungry kids across the city, over triple from the previous year.
Joe Roberts: The Push For Change, In 1989, Joe Roberts was living under a bridge, homeless on skid row. Today he is an advocate, author, and the Executive Director of The Push for Change. Through The Push for Change, Joe Roberts is currently walking across Canada pushing a shopping cart to raise awareness and money to prevent youth homelessness in Canada. Joe started his 24 kilometre a day walk on May 1, 2016 in St. John’s NL and is finishing on September 30, 2017 in Vancouver.
Shaw: Powering ideas, big and small, across Canada, a national, travelling exhibition that will introduce kids to the greatest thinkers in physics and the work that is helping us to understand the natural world
Doctors Without Borders (MSF – Medecins sans Frontieres), Canadians on Mission: Meet the field workers who helped MSF make a lifesaving difference in 2016
Lama Tsultrim Allione: The Rise of Women in Buddhism, retreat centre in southern Colorado, Tara Mandala, dedicated to the twenty-one Taras; all various aspects of the enlightened feminine.
Global Meditation Project: Rain For Areas in Drought
June 16th, 2017
Rain for Africa and all places in drought
Rubbing palms, snapping fingers, the rustling of the leaves, raindrops. . . Enjoy.
With much thanks to Tom for sending along.
The Mother’s Dream of Love for everyone, everywhere.
Please join with me visualizing rains of renewal
wherever needed around the globe, throughout the day,
and join with many, 8 minutes at 8PM daily,
to bask in the Mother’s Love.
May 27th, 2017
Here’s a call out to meditate for all drought on Gaia – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – focusing on judgment and other forms of cruelty, within and without.
How do we claim Divine Authority with our false grids,
entrenched beliefs, our fears, especially judgement?
Archangel Uriel asks us to allow what has always been within us to illuminate our actions, our thoughts, our feelings, Who We Are, our plan. He wants us to remove obstacles with his Silver Flame.
Here he describes the gentleness and yet strength of that spiritual ray:
“The Silver Flame is gentle and brilliant. I call it ‘luminous’ because it is the Flame of Illumination. …
“I, sweet ones, am gentle. That does not mean a lack of strength; quite the contrary. You and we are beyond strong, and when you are in the strength of purpose and knowing and alignment, what happens? It allows you, it requires you, it brings forth gentleness.” (1)
He encourages us with our weekly Gentle Rain of Love Meditation to illuminate ‘our dark corners’ with the silver bubble and Flame:
“The Silver Flame. . . to bring illumination not only to the planet, not only to human beings, but wherever there is darkness, shadows, uncertainty – and my beloveds, I mean that in the various corners of your heart and your life.
“Most of you – and I would almost wish to say ‘all of you’ – have corners or nooks or crannies that while you would not identify it as darkness – and neither would we, by the way – there are areas of your life that you perhaps have ignored or that you avoid or that you don’t want to revisit.
“What I offer you from the depth of my being is my Silver Flame of Illumination to go and to bring the gentle silver light to these areas, to these parts of yourself or to parts of these situations – which is truly just part of yourself – that you may have avoided or simply not wished to look at.”
How do we do this? Uriel makes it easy for us:
“You say to me, ‘Well, Uriel, why are you even suggesting that I do that?’ I am suggesting it, sweet ones, so that you no longer have to give one iota of energy to that area that you are trying not to look at, that everything is an open book to thee. And in that, no energy has to go into concealing.
“I am not suggesting that you need to lay yourself, your life and every action or inaction you have ever taken out to the public. I am talking about a sacred contract between you and I.
“I am the Archangel of the Future – and the future contains freedom, illumination, enlightenment, so there is no space, there is no room for any sense of hiding. I am not necessarily talking about denial; that is a stronger barrier of not looking, not choosing to explore. But each of you have areas that perhaps you would just prefer to ignore or overlook.”
He offers his help to walk through the areas we’d prefer to overlook:
“Take my hand, as I take yours – use the other hand for the Silver Flame and I will do the same – and together we will wander into these areas so that you may fully understand the beauty of what you have learned, the beauty of how you survived and continued on as brilliant lightworkers and loveholders. Let us show you, with you, not some grand revelation but gently, together, who you really are – because you are phenomenal.” (2)
A way to test if we have ‘hidden’ false grids and core issues is to observe what triggers us in the without. . .
Are we judging a political situation?
Does cruelty to animals effect us deeply?
Are we critical of a family situation?
If we are judging an ‘external situation’ more than likely there is an insidious internal judgement of self occurring.
Uriel is asking us to pause, to look within, to destroy in the most positive of ways, bring to awareness, eradicate with help what is not of truth, what is not of love, what is not of enlightenment and illumination. We can do this by calling on Uriel, his Silver Flame. We can also call on Sanat Kumara (Sanat Kumara and Universal Law) and the Divine Mother (the Mother and resurgence of Her Tsunami of Love).
Many are here to help us. Uriel, SK, Michael, Raphael, Gabrielle, St. Germaine, Jesus, the Magdalena, the Mother are all here to assist us in overcoming our fears, our addiction to pain. This is part of their mission and purpose.
Recently a new manager at work gave me a nickname I didn’t like. Unloving nicknames hurt us.
Claiming my Divine Authority and with help from another, I asked – and the other asked – that I not be called that.
How did I feel after that? I felt fantastic and walked out of there with the biggest grin on my face.
Divine Authority does not mean we’re doing any of this alone. We can ask for help in claiming our Divine Authority – our divinity.
It also doesn’t mean that we ignore our discomforts, large or small.
And it doesn’t mean that we be hostile. Both the other woman and I made our requests with Love rather than hostility.
Spiritual maturity, in my opinion, lies in knowing we’re divine and aligning with Love.
The future, with the fullness of our individual plans and the Mother’s Plan, is being anchored into this very moment where we breathe in and out.
Uriel with his Silver Flame, the Mother with Her Tsunami of Love, many are here to help us to claim our Divine Authority, our freedom.
An Invocation
I invoke Uriel and his Silver Flame, the Mother and Her Tsunami of Love, Sanat Kumara and the Universal Laws of Change, Transmutation and Elimination for all false grids, entrenched beliefs, especially all cruelty, all judgement within, without.
(1) http://counciloflove.com/2017/05/archangel-uriel-divine-authority/
(2) Loc. cit.
May 20th, 2017
A call out to meditate 15:15 (3:15PM) Saturday,
Rain of Love with Uriel, for all drought on Gaia.
Thank you for remembering.
As we become consciously aware of our wholeness,
our inner and outer realities change.
There are many ways to shift old ways of being, that are not of love, to Love.
Discerning — information-gathering — where there is drought within and without, we effect change by invoking, meditating, visualizing, sending energy, along with taking a stand in our personal daily lives for peace and Love.
Drug abuse/extreme addiction to pain is prevalent upon Gaia.
Worth billions in illegal trade, the major drugs – methamphetamines (meth), cocaine and heroin – have been wreaking havoc individually and collectively for years.
Another narcotic, fentanyl, about 100 time more toxic than morphine, is being mixed with cocaine and heroin, imported, and sold illegally with tragic consequences.
Here are some facts about fentanyl according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police website (1):
“Fentanyl has been mixed with other drugs such as heroin and cocaine.
“It has been used in tablets made to look like prescription drugs.
“Overdoses have occurred where individuals were not aware they were consuming fentanyl.
“It is odourless and tasteless, and therefore hard to detect.
“It is often found in powder, pill, liquid and blotter form.
“2 milligrams of pure fentanyl (the size of about 4 grains of salt) is enough to kill the average adult.
“Unintentional exposure to pure fentanyl – touching or inhaling – can cause serious harm including death.
“Fentanyl-related deaths have been increasing in Canada.” (1)
The following is information I’ve gathered about the drug trade occurring on the planet.
If you choose to read it, I ask that you do so from a place of non-judgement and forgiveness of everything — as the observers we’ve been asked to be — by the Council of Love.
“Methamphetamine. . . has become one of the most popular — and profitable — illicit substances in nearly every corner of the world. From Australia and Asia to Africa and North America, meth is the poster drug for the global narco economy.
“The quantities of meth confiscated by authorities over the past decade reflect its rise. According to the UNODC {the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime}, global meth seizures nearly quadrupled from 24 tons in 2008 to 114 tons in 2012. Meth seizures in Mexico increased from 341 kilograms in 2008 to 44 tons in 2012. In Australia, meth seizures soared by more than 400 percent in a single year, climbing from 426 kilograms in 2011 to 2,269 kilos in 2012.” (2)
“In 1998, the last time the UN held a special gathering to discuss drug policy, the stated goal was ‘eliminating or significantly reducing the illicit cultivation of the coca bush, the cannabis plant and the opium poppy by the year 2008.’ Even in hindsight, at least part of that goal doesn’t seem entirely out of reach: Just a handful of Andean nations — Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia — are responsible for virtually the entire global supply of cocaine.” (3)
Where there has been a decrease in South American cocaine production, there has been an increase in other areas, in heroin production:
“Opium poppies can be found in nearly every region of the world, but they were introduced to Mexico in the late 1800s by Chinese immigrants. The plant it is now grown primarily by impoverished campesinos in mountainous parts of the states of Guerrero and Nayarit, and in the so-called Golden Triangle, a lawless region on the frontiers of Sinaloa, Durango, and Chihuahua. The Sinaloa Cartel controls most of the heroin production, and the organization has started to move from producing lower-quality ‘black tar’ heroin to higher-grade ‘China white’, which is more lucrative and prized by consumers in the northeastern US.
“For years, Colombia was the leading supplier of ‘China white’ in the US, but poppy production has steadily declined in the country over the last half-decade. Bargent, the Colombia-based organized crime expert, said Mexicans have stepped up to meet the American demand.
“The UNODC {the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime} attributes the recent surge in heroin addiction in the US to ‘changes in the formulation of OxyContin, one of the main prescription opioids that are misused, as well as an increase in the availability of heroin and a decrease in its price in some parts of the country.’” (4)
Often fentanyl addiction can start with a prescription for painkillers, such as Oxycontin.
At the bottom of this post is a video describing the tragic death of a young person who was prescribed Oxycontin after a bad fall.
As it was stated above, fentanyl is also cut into heroin and cocaine by the traffickers and dealers.
Below is what happened in Estonia, why fentanyl addiction escalated there:
“The problem began in the late 1990s as hard times came to large swaths of Russia and its former satellites after the fall of communism. Although Estonia as a whole was charting a promising course, some areas of the country – such as the northeast – were hit hard by the collapse of its industrial base.
“It was an environment ripe for drug dealers to exploit. By 1999, between 15,000 and 20,000 people in the country of 1.3 million were hardened heroin addicts, fed by a reliable supply from the poppy fields of Afghanistan. Most were male, and most were under 25.
“The following year, when the Taliban imposed a ban on opium, the supply to the former Soviet republics was cut off. To fill the void, dealers began production and street distribution of synthetic opioids. ‘China White’ and ‘White Persian’ – street names for fentanyl and its molecularly similar cousin 3-methylfentanyl – were pushed to users who could no longer get heroin.
“Almost immediately, there was an epidemic of overdose fatalities.
“In 2002, 105 fatal overdoses from illicit drugs were reported – 90 per cent caused by fentanyl. Over the next 10 years, the toll topped more than 1,000, again almost all from fentanyl or 3-methyfentanyl, giving the country the highest overdose death rate per capita in the European Union. In 2012, when 170 deaths were reported, it became among the highest fatal overdose rates in the world.” (5)
“Globalization has led to an explosion of drug trafficking. More than 420 million shipping containers traverse the seas every year, transporting 90 percent of the world’s cargo. Most carry legitimate goods, but authorities cannot inspect them all, and some are used to smuggle drugs — or just as importantly, the chemicals used to make meth and cheaply process coca leaves and opium poppies into cocaine and heroin. Airplanes, submarines, speedboats, trucks, tunnels — taken as a whole, the systems used to move illegal drugs around the world comprise a logistics network likely bigger than Amazon, FedEx, and UPS combined.”
“One recent development has seen more Afghan heroin — an estimated 35 metric tons per year — shipped across the Indian Ocean to parts of East and Southern Africa. The UNODC said it’s also becoming more common for heroin smugglers to use their networks to smuggle hashish, methamphetamine, and other illicit goods.
“To a certain extent, there has also been a shift in the focus of the trafficking routes themselves,” the UNODC wrote. ‘There is increasing evidence that routes traditionally used for smuggling one type of drug are now being used for smuggling other drug types.’”(6)
Below are shipping routes the drug cartels use (7) :
meth shipping routes
cocaine shipping routes
heroin shipping routes
I propose we Rain Love — with forgiveness of everything and non-judgement — on these routes the drug cartels use while asking for Divine help to eradicate all energy not of love, especially oppression, control.
Calling on, invoking, Uriel (8), one of The Mighty Ones, inserting his Silver Flame into all this old energy, listening to his Rain of Love Meditation, is a way to remember the Wonder of Who We Truly Are.
15:15 (3:15PM)
Letting go of judgement within and forgiving everything creates a planet of Love and peace.
Conscious awareness of our wholeness is understanding, remembering, knowing we are Divine Sparks of the Mother.
As we let go of old ways of being, our vibration (Divine understanding) expands, our frequency (Divine knowing) increases, and we help many to remember Who They Are with the peaceful, Loving energy of our fields.
Hearts open with joy, in gratitude, in service, on behalf of the Mother and Her Divine Plan for the Ascension of humanity on Gaia.
An Invocation
I invoke Uriel, his Silver Flame, Rain of Love, to understand and know Who I Am, eradicating all old ways of being not of love.
(1) Royal Canadian Mounted Police website:http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/what-is-fentanyl
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Estonia: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/estonias-cautionary-fentanyl-tale-for-canada/article30512811/
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) https://voiceoffreedom.ca/uriel-his-silver-flame-the-bringer-of-the-future/
May 13th, 2017
A call to meditate, 15:15 (3:15PM) Saturday, Rain of Love for all drought on Gaia.
Thank you for remembering.
Thank you to everyone above and below.
There are many areas in extreme drought on Gaia from Florida to Africa, Yemen, and India.
One of the ways we can help is to understand and know ourselves, to shine the Silver Flame of Uriel that lights up the darkness, no matter if it is within or without.
As we come to understand and truly know ourselves, we affect the physical climate around us, our families, everyone in our energetic fields, in the interconnectedness of All.
Uriel is one of The Five Mighty Ones and he identifies himself, through the Council of Love, as The Bringer of The Future.
In April 2012, Uriel came to talk to us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
“Greetings. I Am Uriel. Welcome dear friends and thank you for inviting me, for yes it is a time when I step forward to assist with the Ascension of humanity, with the Ascension of Gaia, with the anchoring of truth, with the acceptance of clarity. I am the Bringer of the Future; I am the Bringer of the Now. I do not wish so much to speak about who I am, for the channel has addressed that, but what I do wish you to know is that I work with the Silver Flame.
“And yes, it is the Silver Flame of Spirit, of what you would think of in many ways as the Holy Spirit. My dominion is over ‘will’, much the same as Michael works with peace, Gabrielle with joy, communication and creation; although I will say that I work very clearly with creation as well. And we will work together in the creation of the Cities of Light. I wish this day, my beloved friends, my brothers and sisters I am not a distant Archangel, I am the brother that stands next to you. And I am the brother that has stood next to you every time you have cried in despair or dismay for help from God. I am the one that comes and not only listens to your plea but answers your prayer.” (1)
Uriel carries The Silver Flame to help light our way through the darkness, our confusion, to know the totality of our being:
“I wish to give you my Silver Flame. It is the gift of my essence, of my being, distilled into a flame. Where you will usually feel me when you are working with me is just slightly behind your right-hand shoulder, as if I am peeking over your shoulder, one hand on your shoulder to comfort you, to guide you, and to let you know I am with you.
“My Silver Flame is to light your way through darkness. You say ‘But Uriel, I do not wish to engage with the darkness’ and you are quite correct, you do not need to. But, my beloved friends, let me explain what I am talking about. There are many times when the darkness is of your own heart and certainly of your own mind, your mental body and yes your emotional body. There are many dark corners that you have not dared to look into. And I wish to help you do so, so that you will know that there is nothing there that can harm or hurt you or make you ever feel less than.
“I want you and I invite you to know the totality of your being. There are many references in spiritual literature to your shadow self. What does this mean? It means the areas that you have chosen or judged that you do not wish to embrace or look at. Dear heart, that is absurd. There is not one speck of you that is not of the Light of One.” (2)
He gives us his Silver Flame, embeds it in our hands that we may look, within and without, at the entrenched beliefs, the false grids, to extinguish the fires of fear, of lust, of guilt or pain, and physical pain as well:
“So I give you my Silver Flame, I embed it, and I will do this in a moment, in your hands that you may carry it like a tiny oil lamp; that you may look, not only within, but without, and see also into others and into other environments, into darkness that is present on your world.
“One of the major areas that you, as a collective, are working on right now is the disintegration, the elimination of the old false grids of the beliefs of old earth, of lack, of limitation, of loss, of death, death is an illusion, of destruction, of despair, of guilt, of greed, of lust, of cruelty, of control; all of these have need to be eliminated. Now it is particularly true that when you are looking at these belief systems – and you may call it whatever you wish vasanas, mis-aims, glamours, it matters not – when you are looking at them within you, or within your field, there is a tendency, my beloved ones, to not shine, or not want to shine too bright a light.
“In that way my Silver Flame is perfect for it is subtle, it is soft, it is gentle, but it is completely pervasive. It will burn through anything and it will also act as a fire extinguisher; it will extinguish the fire of fear, the fire of lust, the fire of guilt or pain, physical pain as well. (3)
Uriel entreats us to share his Silver Flame with everyone, so no one is afraid and so that we see the wonder of Who We Are. He invites us to shine it into our political systems:
“Share my Silver Flame, ignite it in people’s hearts so that they will see the wonder of love, put it in their emotional or mental bodies so that they can see the shadows and not be afraid; they can see the wonder of who they are. Place the Silver Flame in your political systems; it will be soft enough that they won’t react, so it is pervasive in that way. Use it and call on me because the future is now. Thank you so much, my beloved friends. Thank you.” (4)
An Invocation
I invoke Uriel, his Silver Flame, and The Universal Laws of Intent, Change, and Transmutation for all situations not of love on Gaia, within and without.
(1) http://counciloflove.com/2012/04/archangel-uriel-is-the-guest-on-heavenly-blessings-3-29-12-and-gifts-us-with-his-silver-flame/
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
May 11th, 2017
Please send peace and Love to the communities in BC, Ontario, and Quebec experiencing flooding, during our ongoing Project Peace & Love Meditation, 8 minutes at 8PM.
Unusual amounts of rain and melting snowpack is contributing to rivers and lakes overflowing.
On a personal note, I woke up with a bladder infection today, burning pain. To help with my healing, I flooded myself with water while feeling and looking at the pain, the false grids, and core issues connected to it.
All pain is our addiction to pain according to Archangel Michael, and he says,
“You can briefly identify, if you so choose — and I say that, it is in the choice, it is not in the necessity to identify, because quite frankly if it is not of the divine qualities, if it is not of the umbrella of love, then there is absolutely no point in spending one more moment on it. But the human nature is such, is still at this point, that you like to understand what you are up to, so go ahead. But use my Blue Flame of Truth when you are doing so, please, because I am honored and pleased to help you in this way.” (1)
In my daily life, I work in a book store, and our team has been struggling with how to address an ongoing problem of lack of gentleness and kindness in the workplace.
Yesterday it came to a head, and we addressed it as a group, because it was interfering with our forward movement together in peace and Love.
The bladder pain I experienced today, from my understanding, stems from the very old core issue of sorrow, of Divine Feminine abuse on Gaia, and old entrenched beliefs of control, anxiety, doubt, futility, that God is punishing.
Due to our lack of self-love and lack of self-worth, because of these beliefs, we can unconsciously project ways of being onto others that are not in alignment with the ways of being in the higher realms.
As we become more and more consciously aware of our Love and worth, the old ways of being diminish.
My bladder pain was my sorrow, connected to our sorrow as humanity — lack of peace, lack of forgiveness, lack of love, lack of worth — stemming from within.
Archangel Michael talks of the connection between abundance, deep regard for ourselves, and the building of Nova Earth:
“So when you think, “What have I done to earn abundance, to earn ease, to earn the ability to go forward in ways that I choose and desire and co-create?” think of what you have already accomplished. And in that, we do not want you to dismiss the fact that you are shifting inter-dimensionally, that you, with Gaia, are anchored inter-dimensionally in the 5th, that you are working and demonstrating and assisting the collective of humanity in the 3rd, that you are cleaning up the remnants of the old 3rd.
“So, begin there, and then let us fly together. The emphasis on what is resting within and therefore exhibited externally, in your social, political, economic, communal arena is very important. If you do not have regard — and I mean deep, reverent, love and regard, value — for yourself, for yourself as you are right now in what I call this suit of clothes, regard for the larger you, the eternal you, the infinite you, if you do not start there with love and reverence for yourself, how, how do you extend it out to others?
“How do you in any way, shape or form, pretend, or extend yourself in ways that are meaningful and solid? Because what we are discussing in terms of building and anchoring Nova Earth is firmness, not simply a passing trend or a flight of fancy; we are talking about the bedrock shift and change of what this planet is, does, exhibits, experiences, and how that is reflected through and with Gaia in you, in each of you.
“As you (Steve) know, as you have written, as you have shared, as you have heard from us, if you focus on the blessings and virtues, if you focus on the divine qualities, then you are insuring and becoming the truth of what you wish to experience and co-create in what you think of , emphasis on ‘think’, as the material world. Because, really, what is the material world? Most of it is an illusion anyway. It is simply a collection of atoms, of energy, that you are formulating into what you believe is solid form.” (2)
Archangel Michael goes on to say institutions, old beliefs, do not have solid form — just like I witnessed — when, we as a group at my work, stood up to lack of kindness and gentleness:
“Institutions do not have solid form. Belief systems do not have solid form. They appear, and you come to believe that they do, but they do not. They can build edifices, office buildings, institutional buildings to represent and house these belief systems, but the institutions, the systems themselves, do not have solid form.
“So, what do they have? They have the qualities. And many of them are disintegrating, even as we speak this night, because the qualities that have formed many of your old 3rd, earthly, old earth institutions, have been based on the illusions that you no longer serve to incorporate — control and lack, all the dis-es — disease, disappointment, despair.” (3)
Individual power to change the old becomes very powerful when we work together as a group. Archangel Michael has this to say:
“Let us speak to the formulation and the foundation of power. And we do not mean power in the sense that it has been used, as control scenarios. We mean power in the sense of an individual, and therefore a group, or a large collective, assuming a pathway. And it is a pathway of freedom, it is a pathway of self-determination, and it is pathway and a way of life, of existence, that is based on those divine qualities.
“So you may tire of hearing me say this. That does not matter. We are going to continue anyway, by saying that the beginning, the middle and the end of creating Nova Earth is the incorporation of these qualities within you. So, throughout your day, throughout your hours of waking and sleeping, you are asking yourself, “Am I feeling, am I experiencing, does this feel like serenity, purity, grace, consideration, temperance, prudence, joy?”
“And if it doesn’t, and you are doing this until it is absolutely second nature, if it doesn’t feel that way, you can take a moment and say, “Well, what does it feel like? Is it simply the old coming up for release? Is it an ancient vasana? Is it somebody else’s energy from the collective that I am helping to heal and cleanse?” (4)
My bladder pain was our pain.
Let’s heal this together.
Interestingly the flooding of my bladder pain with water, helped my pain go away.
Maybe we are witnessing flooding in Canada illustrating community coming together to help each other.
The water element is playing a large role in the healing of all drought on Gaia in the healing of humanity, self-worth, self-Love.
Do any of us drink enough water?
The Mother’s Water is Love.
Please send the energy of peace and Love for 8 minutes at 8PM to all humanity, in flood, in drought, wherever we are, and especially the institutions that are still operating in old ways of being.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
May 6th, 2017
Please join in the meditation, Rain of Love, with Archangel Uriel and many, above and below, for all suffering drought on Gaia — 15:15 — (3:00PM) local time, wherever you are.
Thank you for remembering.
Change, within and without, is constant.
In the African town of Bukavu, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, a community called the City of Joy was created in 2011 to nurture and help female survivors of violence.
“Conceived, owned, and run by local Congolese, the City of Joy has flourished since it first opened its doors in June 2011, healing women from their past trauma through therapy and life skills programming while providing them with the essential ingredients needed to move forward in life – love and community.
“Serving 90 survivors of gender violence aged 18 to 30 at a time, City of Joy is now in its 6th year of operation and has graduated 759 women leaders in nine classes.” (1)
City of Joy is a project of V-Day, a global activist movement to end violence against women.
Here is more information and a map to see where it is located:
When we look to the weather in Democratic Republic Congo, we see it is raining:
However in this post, DRC Faces Power Shortage Caused by Drought, it says that the Congo is one of many African countries facing extended drought, and that water levels, in the Congo River (one of the longest and deepest rivers in Africa), are at the lowest level for the last 100 years.
Voice of America, “Hunger Across Africa”, states that drought and conflict have put millions on the verge of famine across Africa.
This map shows evapotranspiration, the process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporationfrom the soil and other surfaces and by transpiration from plants. (The red shows where there is severe drought in Africa.)
The news of drought in Africa and around the planet is very sad and disturbing, but as lightworkers we know that by joining together in group meditation, holding the vision for Nova Earth and being the change, Nova Being, we can effect change on all levels, from spiritual, mental, emotional to the physical.
Looking to the weather in the past week, just as it has been raining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, it has also been raining in The Horn of Africa:
Here is a daily link to view: The Horn of Africa and Yemen
The more we are peace and Love, in our daily lives, the more we do affect the whole.
Please join with us — Rain of Love — Saturday, 15:15, (3:15 PM) wherever you are, for all drought.
Poem To The Water Element
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
St. Germaine
If the group meditation time does not fit your schedule — know we can jump time, forwards or backwards — from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time.
For example:
“I jump time to the group time of 15:15 (3:15 PM) for Rain of Love.”
(1) About the City of Joy: http://drc.vday.org/about-city-of-joy/
April 29th, 2017
Please join us in meditation with Archangel Uriel for all areas suffering drought — Rain of Love — 15:15 (3:15 PM) your time, wherever you are on Gaia.
Remember — set a reminder on your phone!
Below is a list of areas we can meditate for on Saturday:
Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, and northeast Nigeria: The world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since the end of the second world war with more than 20 million people in four countries facing starvation and famine, a senior United Nations official has warned.
Somalia declared a national emergency, and South Sudan has acknowledged full-on famine. In the two nations, almost 8 million people could starve. The United Nations says that it needs to raise upwards of $4.5 billion by July in order to avert widespread starvation in East Africa and the Horn of Africa.
Ethiopia braces for the worst drought in decades, with an estimated 5.6 million people requiring emergency aid.
Last year in mid-February, Kenya declared a national disaster amidst government projections that 1.3 million citizens were in need of immediate assistance.
In the last 2 weeks there has been significant moisture around The Horn of Africa:
Saturday 29 April, precipitation in Africa
Boko Haram: In Africa’s Lake Chad region, Nigeria, countless people are without food, water, or shelter, the area where 500 children went missing 2014.
Southern Africa is experiencing drought, as well – Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.
10 of India’s 29 states — 330 million people, a quarter of India’s population –- have been affected by a combination of failed rains, contaminated supplies, and water mismanagement.
Brazil has been suffering from severe drought for several years now, and impacts extend to Colombia and Venezuela, which are suffering from water shortages, lost hydroelectricity, and agricultural failures.
The worst drought in decades in Southeast Asia has cut flows in the Mekong, so much that salt water is moving up the river, damaging rice production and affecting fishing communities. Read the link above for a success story in Vietnam, flowing with change.
In the United States, southern California has only a tiny patch of severe drought, and small areas of moderate and abnormally dry — no more extreme drought!! Showers turned on at local beaches!
Florida, Alabama and Georgia have severe to moderate drought. As of April 23, topsoil moisture stood at 64 percent in Florida. Tropical downpours (2-8 inches) were reported last weekend (!) in southeastern Florida, providing some localized drought relief.
We can help by being present for the meditation on Saturdays, understanding and knowing our false grids and core issues, and whenever we think about water, puddles, rain, etc. sending Love/rain to the areas in drought.
We can visualize rain falling/sending Love/saying the poem out loud that St. Germaine (1) gave us — when having a shower or bath, washing the car, doing the dishes — share the bounty, the Love, all around the planet.
We demonstrate co-creation with Gaia, the water element, our Star Brothers and Sisters, when we ask for their help, and also when we stand for:
forgiveness of self,
peace and Love,
holding this energy
for all humanity.
Doing this
we change the world.
Please join us
Rain of Love with Archangel Uriel
All there is is Love and peace.
We are One family.
(1) St. Germaine’s poem:
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
P.S. On April 22, 2017, cities across the globe joined for an unprecedented gathering of people standing together to acknowledge and voice the critical role that science plays in each of our lives.
Thank you, Albert Einstein, Star Brothers and Sisters, scientists and humans on Gaia!!
610 satellite marches around the world!!
April 15th, 2017
Join with us 3:15 pm (15:15) Saturdays and 9 pm Sundays wherever you are on Gaia, in meditation, Rain of Love and Plea for Peace Now! with our brothers and sisters in Yemen, Syria, South Sudan, Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa, the Congo, everywhere on Gaia there is lack of rain, lack of peace.
Please remember. Set a reminder on your phone.
Thank you for all your meditations!! It has been raining everyday for a few hours for the last week in South Sudan and Ethiopia:
Click on the arrows in the bottom left corner of the picture to see the movement of the moisture. Thank you, dear water element, for co-creating with us!
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
The Council of Love has been urging us to be the gentle, compassionate observers, within and without, with our selves, family, and friends, at home, in our communities and especially as we witness what is transpiring globally.
As we continue facing into our fears — that continuous ongoing clearing, letting go — we can ask to receive more and more Porlana C for our Divine alignment, service, purpose, greater understanding and knowing of our roles in the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan.
With all that is happening, the practice of forgiving and forgiveness also comes to the forefront. Archangel Michael told us one of the fastest ways to peace is by taking ourselves, and by taking groups, to the Karmic Board.
Below is information about a group we could take to the Karmic Board. Thank you, Lynn, for bringing this to our attention:
Information that has been kept secret continues to come forward, global secrets, family secrets.
We heal in the Eternal Flow of the Mother’s Love, knowing Her Infinite and Eternal Forgiveness of Everything, and our Infinite capacity to stay in the heart of forgiving.
With this, strong foundations for Nova Earth, are created.
The Council of Love, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, created Rain of Love and Plea for Peace Now to help heal and eliminate our spiritual drought, to help us build the New.
When we are Archangel Michael’s Blue Breeze of Peace, we are the peaceful warriors, so needed for our creation of the new societies, institutions, communities for Nova Earth.
When we call in the soft gentle rains with Archangel Uriel, the elements, the Kingdoms, the gods and goddesses, the devas, the water sprites, the Healers of Tralana, Mother Maree in India, our Divine and galactic friends, Star Brothers and Sisters, Archangel Raphael, Sanat Kumara, the Halion Engineers, the rocks, the trees, the flowers, the Mother, we are not only healing the physical drought but also the spiritual drought of humanity.
Our spiritual alignment with the Blue Breeze of Peace and Rain of Love are dissolving what is not of wholeness helping to create a lush Gaia of Love and peace once again.
As we consistently talk to the element of water, and do the meditations, we are helping to rebalance Gaia’s climate with our own mastery while holding the vision of Love and peace, abundance and sharing, for each and All.
As we become One
with our own unique abundant spiritual self,
we become One with All.
Thank you to All, above and below,
for joining with us in meditation,
the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan,
Her Family Plan
Rain of Love (meditation starts at 6 min) — 3:15 pm (15:15) Saturdays
Plea for Peace Now! (meditation starts at 10 min) — 9pm Sundays
If the group meditation times do not fit your schedule — know that we can jump time, forwards or backwards — from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time. For example: “I jump time to the group time of 15:15 for Rain of Love.”
Links of interest
Circle of Blue:
International Weather Forecasting
April 10th, 2017
Thank you to everyone for your Love and peace meditations — talking to the water element, calling out, praying and asking for help from all our unseen friends — over the weekend!
It rained in parts of South Sudan and Ethiopia — there were 3 hours of precipitation!
Circle of Blue website states:
“Conflict and drought have left 27 million people in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen without safe drinking water. Ongoing fighting in South Sudan is causing food insecurity and water scarcity even in relatively peaceful regions of the country.” (1)
Here is a map picture with purple areas showing where it rained:
Thank you so much to all who are participating, above and below!!
Please keep going, talking to the water element daily (2), asking for help from the GF and UFOG, our galactic friends, the Council of Love, our Guides and Guardians, our Universal Selves for the many suffering in this region and all over Gaia, but especially across the middle of Africa, Yemen and Syria. . .
Nova Earth is a co-creation with our unseen friends.
As we look within and clear our suffering,
with forgiveness, peace and Love,
our external reflection
becomes One
in peace
(1) Hotspots H2O, April 4: Conflict and Drought Leave 27 Million Without Clean Water
(2) St. Germaine, November 2014, urged us to talk daily to every molecule of water, saying:
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
He said when we do this we’re going to see positive proof of how truly powerful we are — not just in bringing forth our own abundance but in creating the beauty of harmony in partnership — and not just with the elements and Gaia herself but with our human community around the globe.
A great big thank you to all meditation groups
for your dedication and perseverance.
April 8th, 2017
Join with us 15:15 pm Saturdays and 9 pm Sundays wherever you are on Gaia, in meditation, Rain of Love and Plea for Peace Now! and especially with the millions suffering severe drought in Yemen and the Horn of Africa.
Please remember. Set a reminder on your phone.
Our consistency, and increasing sense of clarity, helps create the change, personally, and on a global scale.
Truth is clarity.
With the Mother’s Gift of Clear Blue Clarity, hunger, war, spousal abuse, child abuse disappears — all lack disappears — all lack of self worth and lack of self love vanishes.
The Mother and the Mighty Ones,
Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel and Gabrielle,
join their energy with ours in sacred union
in Rain of Love and Plea for Peace Now!
Knowing of the Mother’s Family Plan and with Her Gift of Clarity, we are fully capable to rainLove, be the Blue Breeze of Peace, within and without, and especially with the ones who are suffering in Yemen and the Horn of Africa: South Sudan, Somalia, northeast Nigeria where they are facing starvation and famine.
A post in The New York Times, March 27th, 2017 states:
“One powerful lesson from the last famine in Somalia, just six years ago, was that famines were not simply about food. They are about something even more elemental: water.
“Many more Africans may soon need it. Sweltering days and poor rains so far this year have left Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania parched and on the edge of a major food crisis.”
The Mighty Ones, our Guides, Guardians, Gaia and the water element work in tandem with us in wondrous ways helping us to create Love and peace everywhere needed.
We can post the archangels around our space and ask, pray, meditate for help.
We can talk to the water element. November 2014, St. Germaine urged us to talk daily to every molecule of water, saying:
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
He said when we do this we are going to see positive proof of how truly powerful we are — not just in bringing forth our own abundance but in creating the beauty of harmony in partnership — and not just with the elements and Gaia herself but with our human community around the globe.
Mastering our inner climate — becoming more Loving, gentle and peaceful — helps balance the weather and all situations on Gaia.
Being the Gentle Rain of Love, the Blue Breeze of Peace, and speaking out loud to the water element, we connect to the All breaking through old barriers of isolation, separation and repression of expression.
Circle of Blue: Water News
Fews: Famine Early Warning System
With gratitude to the Council of Love,
Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love,
the Company of Heaven, Star Brothers and Sisters,
Suzanne Maresca, host, Heavenly Blessings radio show,
Steve Beckow, host, An Hour With An Angel, Golden Age of Gaia
An Invocation for Love and Peace for All Gaians:
I invoke Mother/Father One, the Mighty Ones, Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos, St. Germaine Keeper of The Violet Flame, our Star Brothers and Sisters and the Universal Laws of Change, Transmutation and Unification for all on Gaia.
April 1st, 2017
Join us 15:15 Saturdays wherever you are on Gaia in meditation: Rain of Love.
Please remember. Set a reminder on your phone.
A senior United Nations official, Stephen O’Brien, says the world is facing the largest humanitarian crisis since the end of WWII with over 20 million people in Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, and northeast Nigeria facing starvation and famine.
Drought and conflict are entwined in these areas.
As we meditate for rain and peace, Saturday 15:15 and Sunday 9pm, please join us in praying, asking for help, from the unseen realms — our Divine and Galactic friends — for all places where there is suffering, within and without.
As we give away all ways of being that are not of love, lack of self worth and lack of self love, and open to receive with greater and greater ability to hold more and more Love, Who We Truly Are, balance in all realms emerges.
Giving away and receiving — give and receive — creates balance, within and without.
Our ways of being in daily life affect All.
The Mother has told us all prayers, even the smallest whispers, are heard.
May our mastery of Love, joy, peace, balance
be our reflection everywhere.
Thank you so much to all participating — above and below — Rain of Love.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to each of you,
and a special thank you to Linda Dillon
for the meditations.
If the group meditation times do not fit your schedule — know that we can jump time, forwards or backwards — from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time. For example: “I jump time to the group time of 15:15 for Rain of Love.”
Links of interest
Circle of Blue:
Superb data for California (be sure to scroll to see info, use Firefox for best viewing):
Up-to-date global precipitation:
All There Is Is Love and Peace
March 25th, 2017
Thank you so much to all participating, above and below, for the elimination of drought, lack and limitation globally. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and a special thank you to Linda Dillon for all her amazing work.
It has been raining and it is raining around the planet!
Archangel Uriel tells us, “Drought — spiritual, emotional, physical, mental — is not of love,” and he entreats us, “My friends, with me, I ask each of you:
“Throw out your arms
and gather unto you
every molecule of moisture,
of water that is upon this planet,
and that is designed in its sacred purpose
to be the gentle rain of renewal.
Feel this gentle water come within your core,
within your heart, and let it fill you. . .
E x p a n d
Let me help you become
the Wonder of Who You Are,
“Feel it, not only restore the very ground, quenching the thirst of Gaia, but washing away, not merely the physical dust and debris, but the lack and illusion.
“You are invoking
and we have supplied
the alignment with Universal Law.
You have claimed your role as our partners
in this Creation Of Love,
in this Creation Of Joy.”
Join with us Saturday, 3:15 pm, wherever you are, in meditation for rain for Gaia and so much more. . .
As Archangel Uriel says,
“The Future Is Now.”
March 18th, 2017
Thank you so much to all participating — above and below — for rain and peace on Gaia, and especially Linda Dillon.
Our meditation for gentle global rain for areas of drought — done in partnership with Archangel Uriel, Gaia and the Water Element, our Star Family, the Ascended Masters and the Enlightened Ones — is for the elimination of all lack and limitation everywhere on Earth.
Archangel Uriel entreats us, in this meditation, to be gentle. . . :
“Feel yourself encircling Gaia, holding her, in gentle embrace, in this silver bubble of the purest water, the gentlest energy of Love.
“You may take some of the energy from the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, but we do not create this day torrential downpours, we create always lovingly, gentle restoration.
“We open the floodgates of the Heart, but not the floodgates of storm and of destruction.
“We are in the phase — you and we are stepping forward as the re-constructors — the restorers of Earth, of Nova Earth, of Gaia, and how all beings, all beings experience life upon this sacred archangel.”
Gathering with the energies of the sacred waters of Gaia — bringing gentle restoring rains to areas of drought in southern California, the western Carolinas, northern and central Alabama, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, South America, Australia, the Middle East — we are washing away thoughts, feelings, ways of being, that are not of love, uniting heart-to-heart-to-heart around the globe.
As we meditate and visualize the expansion of our creator selves as re-constructors, as restorers of Earth in alignment with Universal Law, we are in partnership with the Healers of Tralana, Archangel Raphael, Sanat Kumara and the Halion Engineers.
This meditation helps us remember our partnership with the unseen realms, and our alignment with Universal Law.
Our guidance, our circles, the higher realms are here to help us with the reconstruction, the restoration work we are all tasked with during this remarkable Ascension of Gaia.
We welcome you to join with us in this sacred meditation.
Below are maps of Earth showing where it is raining — showing where Gaia, the Water Element, the Mighty Ones, our Star Family, the Ascended Masters, all who are helping, are working in partnership with us — assisting in the elimination of lack and limitation.
Archangel Uriel, Bringer of The Future, tells us, “You are mighty, and you are strong, and you are gentle, and you are joy! Go with my Love always, and do this meditation, as we refresh and renew our Beloved Gaia.”
The Future Is Now
If the meditation times are not appropriate for your schedule — know that we can jump time, forwards or backwards — from the time you are able to do the meditation, to the group time. For example: “I jump time to the group time of 3:15 for Gentle Rains For Global Drought.”