Recently a family member came to me extremely triggered by an event that happened long ago.
We had a phone conversation followed by an email. In my reply to the email I was able to re-iterate, and explain how I have managed change so I most often do not react to external events in the present, now.
In my Zoom classes, Wednesdays and Fridays, we are studying the solar plexus chakra, the 5th dimension and the Divine Quality of Joy with Archangel Gabrielle, channeled messages from the Council of Love, through Linda Dillon.
Archangel Gabrielle’s wisdom, and that of the host, GD (below), and my conversation with family relates to remembering Who We Truly Are, that internal state of constant joy, gratitude for life purpose.
Here is part of the email reply:
The way I learned, in meditation from my circle, to eliminate triggers quite rapidly, was to ask:
How is this situation, I’m externally concerned about, connected to my past?
The next step, sit still, to heart listen to guidance.
My guidance has, over and over, told me the triggers represent something in self to look at and in this instance “abuse of power” is the over-riding theme.
So, what figure, in the past, “abused power?” That is the person to do the work around.
And the work I learned is to surrender into our Divinity, the flow of Source Energy through us, the Mother’s Forgiving and Forgiveness, to always be in the flow (the trigger represents someone who is “unforgivable” or some action that is “unforgivable” but we have all been involved, especially with “abuse of power” with our many lifetimes here, so the trigger tends to be a reflection of self) — so in the Divine Flow of the Mothers Forgiving and Forgiveness, we are that for All.
I Am in the Flow of the Mother’s Forgiving and Forgiveness . . .
In the flow there is automatic compassion, non-judgement — truly we do not have the wisdom to judge anyone — nearly everyone of us on planet has “abused power” in this or other lifetimes.
I Am in the Divine flow of Compassion . . .
I often say, “Be like a tree.”
A tree quietly observes everything and is not attached to drama, within or without, and is nicely rooted to the planet in community with the other trees.
It draws up the water energy, the Flow of the Mother from below and opens to the sunLight of the Father.
A tree draws in the carbon dioxide (a metaphor for the old issues and belief systems) and sends out oxygen (LOVE).
Facing into, breathing in the old feelings, we transmute them like a tree.
Deeply knowing we are in the flow of the Love of Source, of Mother/Father One, we naturally transmute the old, just like a tree so we can send out LOVE.
We are moving, as we ascend to the higher dimensions, into community, remembering our Love and kindness for everyone, just as we are in the higher realms.
The final part is to be in the gratitude of the Father for the situation.
How to find gratitude for “abuse of power?”
These ones we tend to blame are our greatest teachers – great opportunities to get into the flow.
Gratitude/joy shifts us so we see “our greatest teachers, our triggers, the ones we point the finger at and blame” closer to Who We Truly Are – the Joy, the Love – the thank You.
I Am Gratitude Joy for. . . a constant practice . . .
& our natural state of being is LOVE
& JOY, gratitude for life purpose.
GD talks below about The Lion King
and Archangel Gabrielle explains:
The illusion is just that, an illusion to help us see ourselves — it’s never out there, but inside of us — triggers are usually a reflection of self, an opportunity for us to get in the flows of forgiving and forgiveness for ourselves, for our own “abuse of power” in this lifetime and other lifetimes.
When we are in that Divine Flow
of the Mother’s Forgiving & Forgiveness
— the shift can be rapid —
we can walk anywhere & be peace.
Then how someone is operating in the world,
is not our issue, because we have
truly forgiven our self.
In that state
we focus on creating
balance within, Nova Being
& therefore, without, Nova Earth.