In a few words how could we describe Nova Earth?
My question is, “How are we to MASTER living in community, every connection?”
I know we can do this with understanding of Universal Law – As Within So Without, BALANCE.
In a few words how could we describe Nova Earth?
My question is, “How are we to MASTER living in community, every connection?”
I know we can do this with understanding of Universal Law – As Within So Without, BALANCE.
Poem by Ali AlNakeeb, Sana’a – Yemen
When I was a soldier, the war was at the height of its violence, and the destruction was done in that beautiful city, which replaced its magical white clouds with black clouds expressing tragedy and pain.
Yes, I have passed this city before and I sat under the shade of trees and enjoyed the green mage and I still remember that tree created by God and won my admiration.
While the fire of the war was burning and I was participating in it I passed that city, which I considered beautiful. [Read more…]
We don’t have to over-function anymore,
to handle things in ways that are not of love.
We can step out of the pain of the past
into the safety of the present moment.
When stress arises to ask our selves,
“AM I in the present moment?”
remembering to breathe.
FORGIVING our selves
A Door To Everything Society is a group of women that came together just over two years ago, concerned about the addiction issues young people face with drugs and alcohol nowadays.
On the board of the Society, in the picture above from left to right, are Jayne De’Ath, me (Kathleen Willis), Linda Marshall, and Kim VanSickle with her dog, Beauty.
The more we meet as a circle (understand the false grids, the entrenched beliefs, and our core issues of sorrow, shame, anger and fear) and the more we forgive — physically and etherically forgive everything — this group’s sacred purpose emerges.
As Creator Self we hold the mantle of our Divine Authority in charge of our life, our thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours, steps and environments in alignment with the Love – Divine Body, Mind, Heart, Will – in service, sacred purpose, harmony with each other.
1. Physical Body — DIVINE FEELINGS
In early life most of us experience some kind of trauma that we spend the rest of our life untangling — our core issues interact with the entrenched old belief systems — feelings not of love can settle into our tissues interfering with our original soul design, our physical form.
Nova Being, Ascended Being is regenerating to original soul design, but it can take action on our part for this to happen. [Read more…]
When triggered, we can unconsciously sink into the drama of the situation, often for hours.
With conscious awareness of the false grids of bigotry, hatred, limitation, control and our core issues of sorrow, shame, anger/fear, there is no need for lengthy processing.
As the Keeper of the Violet Flame, St. Germaine urges us to torch everything not of love — in meditation and daily life — within/without.
St. Germaine, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love says, with the energy of the Violet Flame, which can be the Bonfire, the Torch or the Single Flame, we can change a Universe, let alone a planet, or an individual.
The Violet Flame helps us to make peace with our fears, our ego, forgive everything within/without.
Within the action of torching is understanding of ‘the old,’ and the knowing to let go everything that is not of love.
When we take the higher condition of the Divine Flame, we see our core issues and the false grids are situational responses, beliefs and constructs, limitations, fears that we are not Loved enough or cared enough or powerful enough.
How the Violet Flame Works
We can call on St. Germaine with the Violet Flame and torch issues not of love we see in our external reality.
If we are treating our selves without complete Love — with even a speck of unkindness within, judging our selves — this becomes apparent with our conscious awareness so we can let go with forgiveness, compassion, gratitude for all our lessons.
We change our external reality by changing our selves,
how we treat our selves within.
The colours of our tri-flame:
I Am Love I Am Worth I Am Balance
As within so without.
Violet is all the colours.
Bringing the energy of the Sacred Flame to our sorrows and fears, the doubt, whatever is not of love, dissolves our core issues and the entrenched beliefs – the illusion.
The Violet Flame is inspiration, transmutation, transformation, transubstantiation, forgiveness of self, others, situations, fire within for the burning away of all karma, past, present and future.
It is passion, freedom, healing and creation.
What I have come to understand, to know — deeply embedded in the tri-flame in the heart chakra — self-Love, self-worth, balance.
I will share here, if I may.
I Am Forgiveness for my masculine and feminine energy within and for masculine and feminine beings without, everyone on my sacred path, all my lifetimes, the entire journey. I Am Love I Am Worth I Am Balance.
I Am Compassion for my masculine and my feminine energies within and for masculine and feminine beings without, everyone on my sacred path, all my lifetimes, the entire journey. I Am Love I Am Worth I Am Balance.
I Am Gratitude for my masculine and my feminine energies within and for masculine and feminine beings without, everyone on my sacred path, all my lifetimes, the entire journey. I Am Love I Am Worth I Am Balance.
There is simply ecstasy, bliss, harmony, balance.
I first met Rocky, a two year old pup, after he found his forever home. The two young children in his new family, six and seven at the time, were quite excited to introduce Rocky to me and I certainly loved meeting him! He was a beautiful white boxer, full of personality!
Although after that first meeting I only saw Rocky occasionally throughout the years, the two sisters, students in my Hebrew School, kept me apprised of his various antics. Oh there were the usual things such as tearing up toilet paper but also the times the girls asked that we send Healing Light to Rocky. As part of our weekly prayers the students send Light to those in need and they often choose animals. I don’t remember all of those occasions for Rocky but I do remember the times he ended up at the vet after eating bags of flour, bubblegum and a box of chocolate!