Sending Love Monday Meditation
6 pm PST / 9 pm EST
Meeting ID: 815 1304 7217
Passcode: 764295
Meeting ID: 815 1304 7217
Passcode: 764295
Topic: The Blessing & Virtue of Awe, Divine Quality Series
Wednesday, February 9th, 2022, 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST
I heard Archangel Michael give an analogy once, to see ourselves filling with Love, balloons of Love, and that each balloon has a pinprick with a slow steady stream of LOVE leaving all the time for everyOne. . .
LOVE is emerald green, and green is blue and yellow, PEACE and JOY. . . water energy and the sunLight, that our breath is both moisture/water Mother Love and sunLight, the Light of the Father. . .
Archangel Jophiel says everyOne is AWESOME, full of wonder, innocence and purity, so our balloons are filled with AWE, too – everyOne’s.
I Love that the pinprick of Love, slowly streaming out of us, is for everyOne. . . the Love doesn’t discern between a beloved child and a “hated” leader. . . the streaming Love is for EveryOne. . .
Jesus taught us fortitude is not about being right, that that return to the heart is knowing there is no difference between the Heart of One and our heart; in the Heart of One there is equal Love for the Father and the Mother — Dad and Mom — everyOne.
Lao Tzu in his teaching of humility reminded us that we don’t want to emanate I’m holier than thou, that we have played many roles on Earth, many many lifetimes – victim, perpetrator, everything in between. . . and with humility we see everyOne’s value of self; our Ascension is to extend LOVE to EveryOne. . .
The Buddha taught us we have “thousands of opportunities every day to practice compassion with yourself and with others.”
But what do we do thousands of times a day?
We take 17 – 30,000 breaths and have 50 – 70,000 thoughts.
The Buddha recommended we hold the higher vision while taking sensible action going forward, not contributing to the chaos and the mayhem, but holding the higher vision.
And finally, the Divine Mother tells us:
“Many of you are still looking to the external signs, yes they are guideposts, but sweet ones the truth of your progress, of your Ascension, of your movement, is from within.“
I invite you to come join
Sending Love on Mondays
& the Divine Quality Series on Wednesdays
Zoom links at the top of blog
All by donation.
Each blessing and virtue is Infinite and Eternal, the perfect balance of the Mother’s Blessing, Ability, Vibration, Movement, and the Father’s Virtue, Sense, Frequency Born of the Stillness.
Archangel Jophiel, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, expands our understanding of awe — how awe is an integral part of Divine Creation — the awesome wonder of ourselves, of everyone and everything, of what is possible!
We know we are here to create a new planet — to Love ourselves and to Love each other — to create new societies, new cities of light, within and without, Nova Being and Nova Earth, and we have been told to dream big, to build on those dreams, and then to grow them again and again and again, to create new paradigms, new patterns for the future.
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show ~ The Blessing and Virtue of Awe with Archangel Jophiel
Meditation at 12:21, Archangel Jophiel begins at 36:54 minutes
Working with Archangel Jophiel this week, for our next class, he’s showing me how when we see things from the perspective of awe that wonder and innocence, purity (Loving everyone like a child does) – there is no failure.
This planet has a history of failure around Ascension; with awareness of awe — how awesome everyone is — we let feelings of failure go.
Archangel Jophiel says (and I am seeing these words as colours):
Everything is unfoldment. . . blue water movement feminine, yellow sun-light masculine makes the green of Nature, the Love, that gender equality, our balance within/without for humanity.
Each of us is made up of feminine (water) and masculine (light), that Love within.
EveryOne is Awesome — the Light of the Divine Masculine, that sun-light.
Awe is the colour of golden saffron.
Everything is unfoldment. . . change is inevitable, everything always evolves. . . that’s how things work.
Focusing on what excites us the most — what makes our heart sing! — helps everything and especially our planetary balance with Nature.
Emanating nature, radiating LOVE,
that perfect balance of singing & dancing
breathing (moisture) & the (sun) light of blessing
helps everything balance into Love, for our Ascension.
Doing what makes your heart sing! helps everything. . . balance.
Archangel Jophiel says seeing everything as awesome, there is remembrance of our ability to create from our state of innocence and purity, that wonder.
Remember when you found everything exciting as a child?
Find that feeling again and we are there 🙂
Thank you to Jesus, everyone above/below who joined in!
Meeting Recording:
Divine Quality Series, Charts (scroll down)
(dragonfly, left side of site)
13th Octave Meditation with Jesus
The Dimensions & Patterning of the Universe with Albert Einstein
Universal Law Invocation for Preparing/Activating Food:
I invoke Sanat Kumara, Gaia, the elementals
and the Universal Law of Give and Receive
so that this food and water I am preparing
is activated to its full potential for myself and who I Am serving
and therefore all food and water on the planet are activated to full potential.
I Am the Eternal Flow of give and receive, kindness, and gratitude.
This is so all receive the blessings. Everything in creation is codes, and the core code is Love, so when we receive the blessings from Gaia, from the elementals, from the food itself, the Love is flowing. If something has been sitting on the shelf for a day or two, it is reactivated to its full potential.
The joy creating a meal is a million-fold greater and when the food is served, whether it is to self, family, a pet, it is a gift because it is in alignment with the Law.
I am receiving, I am giving, I am receiving,
I am giving gratitude, I am receiving back gratitude,
I Am the Eternal Flow.
Topic: The Blessing & Virtue of Fortitude, Divine Quality Series
Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST [Read more…]
Jesus Sananda: I step forward this night to welcome you into the 13th Octave, a sacred prayer and ritual that has been gifted to humanity in preparation for this time of Ascension…that you will anchor completely and wholly in the Heart of Love, in the Power of Creation.
But this, dear one, is to unite your being, your essence and your soul within the Heart of One so that that conscious awareness, your sense of wholeness is completely aware.
And in doing this you also receive all the gifts of the 13th Octave…
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show ~ The 13th Octave Initiation
up the Golden Spiral with Archangel Gabrielle
Meditation at 2:04, the 13th Octave explanation begins at 10:26
Jesus Sananda is at 19:44, the Initiation begins at 24:48 minutes
There is much hatred/judgement directed at our prime minister in Canada. At the trucker rally many voiced this, carried posters and flags; even, a helicopter flew overhead emblazoned underneath.
If the Universe is a series of mirrors. . . if we are all here to ascend together, as brothers and sisters, honouring equally the masculine and feminine within. . . what does this say about us?
Some of us are here, playing the difficult role as catalyst, to remind us to let go the old ways, and catalysts can be mirrors of the soul.
In past lives we have all played these roles; as our ascended selves we are here to do the deeper work, to Love everyone, so the old ways dissolve – as within so without.
As masters of compassion, of non-judgement, is how we create our new systems and societies – balanced governance.
Who in this life reminds us of Trudeau? Mother, father, sister, brother, wife, husband? Who is that someone we had/have difficulty with?
Time to courageously forgive, bless, Love, honour self/everyone
to create with fortitude that balance, hope for All.
Join Mondays on Zoom to send Love to self/everyone.