The Universal Law of Elimination Class
When we consciously align with the Divine in daily undertakings, conduct, desires, aspirations and creations, we find the Laws of Sacred Purpose, Intention, Balance, Change, Give & Receive, Attachment & Detachment, Unification, Unity, Transmutation, Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation, Karmic Dispensation, Attraction & Repulsion, and Elimination, all inter-relate to help us create balance within and without.
Topic: Universal Law Wednesdays – the Law of Elimination
Time: Wednesday, December 1, 2021,
5pm PST / 8pm EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 8630 8565
Passcode: 736722
Sanat Kumara: Universal Law of Elimination
It takes an old anchored compassionate wise soul
to be able to venture into your world and to truly see
this is all part of the wonderful mixture, the mélange
that the Mother has created, and bless it All.
Light as a Feather with Porlana C,
the Law of Elimination & Soul Conversations

planetary balance begins within