An invitation to join
Mondays 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST
(see Sacred Insights Blog for Monday’s Zoom link)
for B A L A N C E
on G A I A
individuals, families, communities,
countries, nations coming to a place of
forgiveness, compassion, gratitude within,
Please share far and wide. . .
Prayer for
Balance on Gaia
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for Nova Earth News
Observing our Planetary Shift to Right Alignment and the Sharing of Wealth
Transforming the Toxicity of the Old Belief Systems to Bliss, Harmony, Balance
Increased Frequency, Expanding Vibrations: How Ancient Sites & Rejuvenation Align with Love!
Expanding our Vibrations using Infinity Energy Raises the Frequency of Humanity
8 Minutes at 8PM: Erasing Borders
with Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael asked us to erase the borders on Gaia October 2013 :
“I request on behalf of the Mother and the Company of Heaven, I wish you to begin to erase borders.
“And you can see it as a child’s exercise, to take out of a map and with the child’s pencil eraser begin to erase the borders. But do it all over Gaia.
“Begin to erase the borders.” (1)
The UNHCR’s annual “Global Trends” study found that a staggering
68.5 million people worldwide had been forcibly displaced by the end of 2017.
Please join us seeing the disappearance of the borders on Gaia.

Child refugees in a makeshift tent camp on the Island of Samos. Photograph: Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP/Getty Images
Vital Support for Refugee Mothers
Two years ago, Melie Dechamplagne, helped create the not-for-profit organization Canada Caring, which provides refugee mothers with much needed essentials.
While delivering these products to refugee camps, Melie got to know the stories of the refugees and how they once lived ordinary lives.
She encourages us to push ourselves out of our comfort zone and ask ourselves the question:
“What if this was me?”

Rohingyas in Bangladesh

Migrants in Italy

Trump wall prototypes, October 2017
Please join erasing
all borders on Gaia
8 Minutes at 8PM
Archangel Michael:
“What has also occurred — and this is particularly true of the United States of America, which was founded by St. Germaine as a country of freedom! And it has become the most insular, isolated country in terms of these belief systems of accessibility.
“You see this with your refugees — and this is what we call them — from the south. And we do not simply mean Mexico; we mean all of Latin America, where there are many, many very cruel dictatorships and absurd poverty. And so they migrate to the land where opportunity and freedom was supposed to live.
“So this paradigm of rigidity is being challenged and broken down; this belief that there are enemies at every portal. So whether it is New York and the interrogation of everybody who looks as if they are not blue-eyed blondes. If they look Muslim they are interrogated. If they look Islamic they are interrogated. If they are in Arizona and they look Hispanic, they are interrogated.” (2)
An Invocation
I invoke the Divine Mother, the Mighty Ones,
St. Germaine, Sanat Kumara, Star Brothers and Sisters,
all Universal Law, Divine Qualities, Blessings and Virtues
for the elimination of every border on Gaia,
the elimination of the old paradigm of rigidity,
the feeling that there are enemies at every portal,
old insular, isolated, belief systems of inaccessibility.
Please join
breaking down
these old paradigms
(1) “Archangel Michael Talks About How Lightworkers Are Breaking Through ‘Old 3D Paradigms’”, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, October 2, 2013,
(2) same as above
8 Minutes @ 8 PM September 13, 2018:
LOVE for Hurricane Florence
September 2018, Hurricane Florence is spinning wildly off the Atlantic Coast. People are being strongly encouraged to leave the danger zone. Many brave souls, often due to financial issues, are courageously staying, facing the storm.
On the surface, in our Earthly realm, it’s not practical to be in close with unpredictable winds and rain, destruction and flooding.
Patriarchal control, the beliefs that God is punishing, of bigotry, hatred, and limitation, create great imbalances within/without, dis-ease, sorrow.
A daily relationship with God, knowing the balance of the Mother and the Father, eliminates the belief in separation, of a punishing God, and many find physical protection in the LOVE, the miracle of the balance within.
Standing back, trusting in the Divine Plan, observing without emotional attachment, and sending LOVE into all situations not of love, especially patriarchal control, is a way to integrate the old with the New, to diminish the damage, years of patriarchal control upon Gaia.
Sending LOVE to everyone
in and around Hurricane Florence
TheMother’s Blue Movement, self-Love
and the Golden Love, the Balance of the Father, self-worth,
is the Emerald LOVE of the 13th Octave,
sacred partnership within.
8 Minutes @ 8 PM September 10, 2018:
Holding the Highest Vision
I set a timer on my phone, a daily reminder to sit down, sit still, and visualize for 8 minutes at 8 PM, my highest self and the societies, the planet, a world in balance.
Encouraging everyone to do this as often as we can. . .
Holding the highest vision for our selves and others, ways of being within and realities without, is a powerful tool to create Nova Earth, demonstrate our mastery.
Sending the Divine Mother’s Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe,
an Infinity sign of energy in the balance of give and receive,
out to the world, friends, family, helping accelerate our own becoming.
From heart to heart to heart, a way to be the highest vision,
in gratitude, reverence, devotion to the Mother.
8 Minutes @ 8 PM August 25, 2018:
Holding the Highest Vision
I set a timer on my phone, a daily reminder to sit down, sit still, and visualize for 8 minutes at 8 PM, my highest self and the societies, the planet, a world in balance.
We are encouraging everyone to do this as often as we can.
Holding the highest vision for our selves and others, ways of being within and realities without, is a powerful tool to create Nova Earth, demonstrate our mastery.
My principal guide, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love told me a few years ago:
There is no such thing as mistakes.
The only mistake humans make is in judgement,
when they judge themselves or others to be less than,
when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.
The Buddha, when he taught us the blessing and virtue of compassion and the Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment, said compassion is not fixing or changing anything, but with discernment attaching to information gathering without judgement, then detaching from everything not of love, and attaching to the highest vision.
Join us 8 Minutes @ 8 PM holding the highest vision, the Mother’s Divine Plan.
Let’s look at some of the news of people holding the highest vision.
More Proof
that the Future of Fast Food is Meat-free
By Adele Peters, August 22, 2018, Fast Company
Walking past Next Level Burger, a new restaurant that will open in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighbourhood on Friday, it isn’t immediately obvious that it’s not a typical fast food restaurant. But if you walk inside, someone will inform you that everything on the menu is plant-based.
8 Minutes @ 8 PM August 22, 2018:
Holding the Highest Vision
I set a timer on my phone, a daily reminder to sit down, sit still, and visualize for 8 minutes at 8 PM, my highest self and the societies, the planet, a world in balance.
We are encouraging everyone to do this as often as we can.
Holding the highest vision for our selves and others, ways of being within and realities without, is a powerful tool to create Nova Earth, demonstrate our mastery.
Archangel Michael, in a personal reading with Steve about setting deadlines, said they help us with:
“The sense of immediacy for action, of stepping forward, of whether it is an external action or what you would think [of as] internal, meditation, visualization, it matters not.”
We thank you for joining us, 8 Minutes @ 8 PM, doing this.
Below are links to inspiring actions.

Be Kind: Finkelstein Sisters Inspire Kindness
in Napa County Through Second Annual Walk
By Samie Hartley, August 18, 2018,
Thank you to Petra for sending this wonderful news.
“Hundreds of supporters gathered in Yountville to walk to the Veterans Home of California on Saturday in support of Be Kind Napa.
“Hundreds of supporters walked through the streets of Yountville on Saturday morning to spread a simple message: be kind.
“The Be Kind Napa movement, spearheaded by Talulah and Ruby Finkelstein of Napa – ages 11 and 9 respectively – continued its mission to make the world a kinder place with the second annual Be Kind Walk that took demonstrators from the steps of the Yountville Community Center to the Napa Valley Museum at the Veterans Home of California – Yountville property nearly a mile away.”
Read more here.
Leading the Resistance: 32 Organizations
This post written by Divya Kunapuli for everyaction, in 2017 contains a list of nonprofits,”doing their part in building a better tomorrow.”
“The last few days have been equal parts terrifying, challenging, and complicated.
“There’s a long fight ahead, but for issues that stir you, one simple, positive thing you can do today is give – your time, money, voice, or attention – because so many organizations need your urgent support.
“At EveryAction, we live and work by the motto “Build the World You Want.” No matter how much you give or to whom, the important thing is to support those organizations whose tireless work is striving for a world you want to live in.
“To that end, we’ve put together a list of nonprofits doing their part in building a better tomorrow. This list is by no means exhaustive and many of these nonprofits do intersectional work that falls under multiple issue areas, but we hope offers a good place to get started.”
Read more here.
Together, These 5 Kids Have Already Raised
Literally Millions of Dollars for Great Causes
This post, also written in 2017, is by Gabriella Canal for Global Citizen.
“The most innovative solutions to the world’s biggest problems don’t always have to come from grown-ups.
“In fact, sometimes the biggest ideas come from the smallest humans.
“Around the world, child philanthropists are proving just how easy it is to spread goodness through simple, creative acts.
“They’re helping the homeless, starting nationwide anti-bullying campaigns, garnering support for the environment from celebrities, and raising millions in the wake of natural disasters — and still finding a way to finish their homework on time.
“These little problem-solvers are working to make a better world and showing exactly what it means to be a Global Citizen.”
Read more here
Chris Smith: Sonoma County’s Pothole Bandits
Pick a New Most Miserable Road
By Chris Smith, The Press Democrat, August 18, 2018
Thank you again to Petra for sending this along.
“No one knows better than the Pothole Bandits that cratered, cracked, washboardy roads rattle teeth and punish automobile suspensions throughout Sonoma County.
“These two safety-minded vigilantes have picked a new favorite as the worst local road of them all.
“The Pothole Bandits, you may know, are a retired couple who patrol county roads and streets on a motorcycle.
“Upon spotting a deep, dangerous pothole or other asphalt hazard, Peter Babcock and Lauren Roy stop. They pull out orange spray-paint and stencils.
“And they paint warning circles around the potholes. They also provide additional notice-of-peril to motorcyclists, bicyclists and drivers by painting arrows and skulls-and-crossbones on the approaches to the holes and fissures.”
Read more here.

Jean-Yves Duclos, minister of families, children and social development, wants to reduce the rate of poverty in Canada by 20 per cent from 2015 levels by the end of the current decade, which would require almost 850,000 fewer people living in poverty in 2020 compared to five years earlier. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
Liberals Vow to Lift 2 Million Canadians
Out of Poverty by 2030 With No New Spending
CBC News, Posted: August 21, 2018
Thank you to Len for sending this one along.
The Liberal government says it’s possible to pull more than two million people over the poverty line by 2030 without committing to any new spending or policy promises.
Instead, Social Development Minister Jean-Yves Duclos pointed to a list of already announced federal programs to reach that goal.
Duclos was in Vancouver Tuesday to unveil the Liberal’s anti-poverty plan, called “Opportunity for All — Canada’s First Poverty Reduction Strategy.”
It calls for a reduction in the rate of poverty by 20 per cent from 2015 levels by 2020 and by 50 per cent by 2030.
That would mean about 2.1 million people would no longer live under the poverty line within 12 years.
Read more here.