How many circumstances bother us about this world? There are too many to count!
Here is a simple way not to obsess, not to worry, about what is going on “out there” — to change the focus to self, to see things from our inner higher perspective.
Change Self Within ~ Change our Outer Reality
I had an obsession with pipelines crossing Indigenous land until I asked my self:
“Why am I so upset with the pipeline companies?”
“How does this relate to in my past?”
“Where were my boundaries crossed/trespassed in this life?”
Sitting still, and asking my guides I got answers, and then I asked if this related to past lives. Bingo!
Whether you know about past lives or not, chances are if you are obsessed with something not working in the world, there is a deeper trigger.
Here’s a way to practice: Acknowledge (ask Why?). Breathe. Release. Align:
I Am Blessing Myself for my courage to be here
and all the wisdom I have gained.
I Am Blessing Everything
(Blessing helps bring everything into alignment).
I Am Forgiving – not judging, not reacting
I Am Balancing in my heart.
I Am Loving my self.
breathing the Mother’s Patterning. . .
Here’s a fun way to look at letting go with play on letters, ABRAcadabra! BE FAB!
Thank you to everyone above & below!
Overview Introduction to 13 Divine Qualities
The charts are here (scroll down).
The recording here:
Divine Qualities Series Introduction ~ January 12, 2022
Meeting Recording:
Passcode: e!+8R1+u
Ascension is an inside job 🙂
Come join in on Wednesdays.
Cloud Angel, 2am January 8, 2022 (Kathleen photo)
Transcript: Heavenly Blessings with Universal Mother Mary September 6, 2012
Universal Mother Mary: Greetings, I Am Mary.
GD: Hello, welcome.
UMM: Welcome sweet Angels of Light, Children of My Heart, Children of My Soul.
Welcome to this time of unfoldment, Bright Angels of the Dawn, Anchors of the New, Creators of the New.
You, dear hearts, go forward, whether you know it or not.
Yes, you are in the Eternal Now.
You are in the Space and Time of Love, and you are in the Space and Time of the Unfoldment of My Plan, of My Promise not only to each of you, but to My Beloved Gaia, to your Universe and to the Universe far beyond what you know.
Very often, sweet ones, you feel that things are moving very slowly and I hear your prayers.
I hear your creations, and yes you are doing well on dreaming big, but things are actually moving very rapidly, and let me be clear about what I mean when I say ‘things’ I mean energy, I mean your sweet selves.
It is not about the external reality.
Yes, that is a current manifestation that you are experiencing, much of it of your own making, but what I wish to speak to you of tonight – of course to answer your questions, your queries, and the secrets of your heart – but also what I wish to speak to you before we even begin to engage, is the changes that are transpiring deep within you on every single level, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, esoteric, it matters not.
Come join on Wednesdays,
come practice 13 Divine Qualities,
5pm PST / 8pm EST on Zoom.
Links to be posted on the day
at top of GAoG and VoF
And each of you is becoming to understand that there is no separation between these fields of your being.
The flow is Eternal and Infinite and there is no separation between you and the rest of the Universe. There never has been.
Have false walls and grids been erected and adhered to?
Yes, but they are not reality child. They never have been, and when you have turned to me, and you have said:
“Mother, I will go, I will go and I will share my heart, my Love, my life, my experience and I will allow this Unfoldment of the Promise and I will take my place in the light.”
You have known that this shift would take place, that this time of Ascension within your very core would take place.
Many of you are still looking to the external signs, yes they are guideposts, but sweet ones the truth of your progress, of your Ascension, of your movement is from within. [Read more…]
Archangel Michael: What is Balance and How to Achieve It
An Hour with an Angel, April 14, 2016
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Steve Beckow: Host, InLight Radio
AAM: Long ago, this council has said to each and every one of you that the keys to heaven, the key to returning Home, to the fulfillment of your mission and purpose is Love:
trust and forgiveness
unity, connectedness and balance
If you can look at it (our judgements) and quite literally put a smile on your face. Yes, even if to start with, you’re faking it!
Smile on the face as if you have a direct line to your heart and say,
“Oh, no. There I go again!”
This is where the tapestry of forgiveness, where that thread is woven.
When you go immediately to forgiveness and help, you will find that the return to balance is not like the continental drift, and is slow as spring coming in the arctic. It is immediate.
We are very, very busy with you.
And, it gives us the greatest joy of All.
Below is a link to a documentary detailing how a network of pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors and retailers orchestrated and perpetuated the opioid crisis that has killed over half a million people in America.
To view this video, click on the photo above.
As I watched, I saw the questions I have had about the opioid crisis diminish. This documentary puts pieces of the puzzle together.
The other thing I urge us to consider is non-judgement.
We have all contributed to the issues we face as collective today, and some of us agreed to play the role of the “bad guy” at this time to draw attention to what is not working here.
Our mastery of compassion, non-judgement, being the Observer, holding the highest vision for all of us to find that heart consciousness, is paramount for creating societies that work for everyone.
We have need of deep understanding of trauma. . . prison has need to change to therapeutic community. . . our system of control and punishment, handed down to us through organized religion, has need to change.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for — and change starts within — with our compassion for these ones that have gone so far astray, into greed. [Read more…]