Cities around the world are quieting down, pollution is lessening.
I never imagined, in my wildest dreams, that a virus would help create this.
As I sit here, it’s rush-hour, and there’s no noise.
What else is happening? Are really deep emotions arising?
For me sorrow from past lives is coming up and the fear of ruin, financial, and of failure on other levels.
Have I failed to understand the basic principles of Ascension? Of balance? What is this virus?
The Buddha explained what a virus is in 2016, through channel for the Council of Love, Linda Dillon, saying:
“Judgment is very much the cancer of humanity — yes, a virus.
“And it may start out as a slight sniffle or a hiccup, but the end result as the virus grows both within you and externally – because what is within is always without; that is the Law – is that it causes devastation.
“It causes the eradication of worth, of connection, and certainly the elimination of any sense of community.”
Coronavirus has caused devastation – ruin on many levels, anxiety, separation – individual to Divine, and the fear of failure as a collective community (even of Ascension failure – failure to understand the Law of Balance, As Above So Below, As Within So Without).
However, as the 6th dimensional growth pattern teaches us, from chaos comes creation, and as I investigate this on the internet, I hear and see we are creating.
Personally, I’ve been asked to make masks, and have sewn some for my friends. . . and I’ve certainly been going deeper into what doesn’t feel like love within.
As a collective we are demonstrating greater kindness and care for our elderly, and great gratitude nightly for our hospital workers — I hear pots and pans are banging, singing, as I write.
Our collective monetary worth is beginning to balance as finances flow from our governments to the people.
Even a safe supply of drugs is being shared with our addicted in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. (700,000 opioid deaths later in North America, and now because of a virus, those struggling in Vancouver are receiving clean drugs, and then hopefully more access to the recovery services so desperately needed).
And from the mandatory quarantines, creative new community is springing up online.
Who would guess all this would come from a virus?
Now maybe, in the stillness, more will be able to uncover their sacred purpose, and from there create community where countries and nations get along. I feel so hopeful!
Peace and joy within = peace and joy without.
Let’s create a world that works for everyone.
As Within So Without
(1) The Buddha on Judgment, the Virus – What is Within is Always Without – That is the Law,
In these changing times I’m offering readings by Skype, Messenger, or phone.
I share my work with Universal Law,
Divine Qualities, the Violet Flame, I Am statements,
and dimensional growth patterns
to create a place of peace within
and discover the joy of sacred purpose.
I have also created my own deck of cards
to facilitate this process (and use the Tarot, as well)
to help uncover and eliminate blockages with
forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude.
I thank you if you are interested in a session.
Please contact me through my About page here.