Thank you to all the wonderful enlightened beings, masters among us, sending out messages of hope. Tara, Marianne, Eckhart and even Pluto, the dog, are lifting spirits around the world. And for the rainbows!
Thank you to the children painting rainbows on windows.
Yay for our Gaian community!
Tara Brach
Marianne Williamson
Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart quotes from the Bible, the New Testament, a parable from Jesus:
Everyone who listens to these words of mine and does them will be like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the wind blew and beat against the house, but it did not collapse. It had been set solidly on rock. . .
Eckhart says Jesus’ teaching help us find the Kingdom of Heaven within, not anywhere else. . . that is accessible to everyone.
Eckhart extends an invitation to go deeper so we don’t we suffer unnecessarily, that Now is an opportunity to realize we are much deeper than we’ve known before. . . a new state of consciousness.
Pluto, Sending Compassion to Italy
Rainbows on Windows
The Heartwarming Reason People
are Putting Rainbows in their Windows
During Coronavirus Crisis
By Robert Cumber, The Star, March 20, 2020
It can be particularly hard for children, some of whom will struggle to comprehend why they can no longer see their elderly grandparents or their friends at school.
With schools across the UK closing and people being urged to step up social distancing, communities are rallying round to bring a little brightness to young ones amid the gloom.
People have begun placing rainbows in their windows to cheer up children during the coronavirus pandemic.
They have begun placing rainbow drawings and paintings in their windows for children to look out for while they are out walking.
The heartwarming idea is believed to have originated in Italy, which has so far been worst hit by COVID-19 out of any European country, but it is rapidly spreading.