AHWAA, Steve Beckow, April 12, 2012
Gaia tells us that she was born from the heart of One as an archangel. . .
GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with An Angel, with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, and Geoffrey West of Greenprint for Life. I’m GD.
Our guest today is Gaia. So, with that I’ll pass it on to you, Geoffrey.
Geoffrey West: Thank you, very much, Graham, and blessings to all!
Just before you begin Gaia, I would like share with you a small piece of my Greenprint For Life. In my work, I wrote a series of apologies to help open the doors for healing. I wrote these apologies to different groups, and one of these apologies is for you Gaia:
As a galactic/global sovereign human sharing this precious planet Gaia, I acknowledge that I have made choices to participate in ways of living that have been harmful to you and to all life upon you.
To you, Gaia, to our natural environment and to all plants and animals that have suffered as a result of these choices, I offer my sadness and compassion.
I ask for forgiveness, that from this moment forward can we begin a new relation of healing and growing in oneness, to restore you to your original pristine beauty with clean air, water and abundance for all.
I am sorry, Please forgive me. I forgive myself. Thank you. And I love you.
Welcome, Gaia.
Gaia: Welcome, dear heart. I am Gaia, beloved friend, Earth mother. It is almost humorous when you say that some may be skeptical about my sentience or my being, but before we discuss that, beloved Geoffrey, I not only accept your apology, I bring it to my heart and I cherish it. I thank you for it.
There is part of me that could say, “Oh, do not worry, there is no need.” But that is not so, because I also know that your intention is clear, and that you speak on behalf of many. Your awakening to the fact that we are in partnership, that we have been in sacred partnership for a very long time—it warms me. It encourages me that all the kingdoms, including the human collective, go forward with me in this unfoldment of the Mother, (1) with this restoration of love on Earth. So thank you for your unique and warm welcome.
I wish everyone who listens with us this night and who listens to this recording to come and to sit with me in my heart, in my being. Yes, you are upon my surface, and always I have held you there. It’s not simply the laws of gravity, it is the Law of Love that unites us as one, that unites all kingdoms as One upon this planet, Terra Gaia.
I am the spirit of Gaia. I am the soul of Gaia. And my journey has been long. And I am pleased to begin my homeward bound journey. But come with me, my beloved friends, go through your carpet, your tile, your foundation, the floors of your building—it matters not; come down through the soft earth, through the granite, through the rock, come down through the gaseous layers or through the waters and oceans. Come and sit with me for this conversation. Sit at my council fire. Sit with the keepers of my flame, who are Earth keepers and brothers and sisters of the stars and far beyond.