3 short videos, with thanks to RFK Jr for bringing freedom of speech to the forefront, that greed and abuse of power be eliminated so we can all walk in freedom. [Read more…]
3 short videos, with thanks to RFK Jr for bringing freedom of speech to the forefront, that greed and abuse of power be eliminated so we can all walk in freedom. [Read more…]
Being the Observer with Our Hearts
The Buddha: We simply sit, and in our energy we bless each being that passes by.
Now, what do I mean by this?
I mean that you bless each person, not simply with compassion, but with the Love of your heart.
You do not attach to either your vision or theirs.
This is a very important understanding for humanity that has an infamous tendency to get caught up in the drama of both their own lives, and certainly of others, as well. [Read more…]
Last week I was at WISH, a shelter for sex workers in Vancouver. I tend to go there once a month to sit with whomever would like a card reading, even the staff on their breaks.
Liz came in first. She smelled really badly and was high. Her head kept falling and resting on her arms as she zoned out. Her cards reflected trauma and addiction but also her strength, her beauty, her possibility, how family is so important to her. [Read more…]
Sending Compassion Works Miracles
The Buddha: Compassion (1) has no need for approval, and this is a difficulty that so many lightworkers struggle with, because often their journey is lonely.
You think I do not know this?
That is the wayfarer because I walk and I wander the planet alone. I may walk with you for a while but I am alone and I am you at the same time. [Read more…]
Clarity of Intent
Sanat Kumara: It isn’t something that you do for 10 minutes a day. Now, you may take 10 minutes at the start of your day to anchor the clarity of intent.
(I have an app that I have typed these intentions into. It’s called Morning!)
So, you set the intent, but you carry that around like an amulet around your neck, all day long, each and every day, and you have carried your intention for this and every lifetime for eons, so it is already embedded deep within you. [Read more…]
I pray that I don’t give up, pray that I do my best
Pray that I can lift up, pray my brother is blessed
Praying for enough, pray Virgilio wins
Pray I judge nobody and forgive me my sins
I pray we make it, pray my friend will pull through
Pray as I take it unto others, I do
Praying on your love, we pray with every breath . . .
Sanat Kumara, the Law of Sacred Purpose (1)
I am pleased to step forward in this way and to serve you, yes, to tutor you, to teach, but also primarily simply to help you remember because, dear hearts, all of this information, this deep fundamental knowing, has been anchored within thee for eons. [Read more…]
Forgiveness is something that all of you would do well to embrace.
Forgiveness means letting go of judgement, plain and simple.
You can forgive yourselves. You can forgive others. You can forgive your governments. You can forgive the mass murderers, the genocidal leaders. You can forgive them all because doing so frees you from holding onto the weight of their judgement. [Read more…]
The Universal Law of Change taught to us by Universal Mother Mary through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, helps us understand that our core, our essence, Who We Are, is never-changing, yet we are ever-changing.
That is the Law of Change,
ever-changing, yet never-changing.
Lately, I have been watching YouTubes of political candidates hurting each other. My practice, after I free myself from freezing in fear, in old trauma, is to send Love — to wrap situations in magenta, like the Buddha taught us to do in the Blessing and Virtue of Compassion, to sprinkle Jophie Dust, the way Archangel Jophiel said to do in the Blessing and Virtue of Awe, and to drop Kwan Yin’s Pink Pearls into hearts . . . [Read more…]
From the Blessing & Virtue of Beauty through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love
The Magdalena: You cannot say: ”Oh, when I arrive in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th then I will see the beauty.” No, it is seeing it today! It is seeing it in your home, your family, in your community, in everything.
When we speak of Nova Earth, what we speak of so often are the Divine Qualities, the blessings and virtues.
They are not racy. They are not glamorous. [Read more…]
Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji in Rishikesh, India: I heard a story of a college professor in New York who gave his business economy students the assignment of going into a slum and finding ten children each to interview.
Then, the university students had to prepare reports on each of the ten children they had interviewed.
The final item of the assignment was for the students to rate each child’s chance of success in the world.
So, the students all completed their assignments.
With twenty students in the class, the professor ended up with 200 papers on 200 different children living in a slum area.
Every single report ended with the last question, ‘What are this child’s chances of success in the world?’
Each had the same answer: ‘This child has no chance.’ [Read more…]