Heavenly Blessings, September 2016
St. Francis Of Assisi ~ What Makes You Feel Joyous?
“What makes you feel joyous?”
It’s such a simple question, and yet it’s a question that’s being ignored by so many. …
But when I encourage you to be the instrument and your Instrument of Love, that is what I am talking about when I am asking you to find your joy, to be your joy.
Because when you’re really there, when you’ve gone into the silence, out the other side, circled around, gone back in, stayed there and bi-located outside – that’s when you’re making the change in this, what you feel is this density but it’s not.
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host
[Meditation from 13:10 to 20:02]
St. Francis: Greetings, I Am Francis.
Suzi: Welcome.
St. Francis: And you may call me Frank! [Laughter]
Welcome, my beloved friends. And I bow and I thank you for the honour of being with you, of sitting and talking, of walking, and of simply sharing our hearts, our space and our beings together. [Read more…]