Please send Peace and Love to the communities in BC, Ontario and Quebec experiencing flooding, during our ongoing Project Peace and Love Meditation, 8 minutes at 8PM.
Unusual amounts of rain and melting snowpack is contributing to rivers and lakes overflowing.
On a personal note, I woke up with a bladder infection today, burning pain. To help with my healing, I flooded myself with water while feeling and looking at the pain, the false grids, and core issues connected to it.
All pain is our addiction to pain according to Archangel Michael, and he says,
“You can briefly identify, if you so choose — and I say that, it is in the choice, it is not in the necessity to identify, because quite frankly if it is not of the divine qualities, if it is not of the umbrella of love, then there is absolutely no point in spending one more moment on it. But the human nature is such, is still at this point, that you like to understand what you are up to, so go ahead. But use my Blue Flame of Truth when you are doing so, please, because I am honored and pleased to help you in this way.” (1)
In my daily life, I work in a book store, and our team has been struggling with how to address an ongoing problem of lack of gentleness and kindness in the workplace.
Yesterday it came to a head, and we addressed it as a group, because it was interfering with our forward movement together in peace and Love.
The bladder pain I experienced today, from my understanding, stems from the very old core issue of sorrow, of Divine Feminine abuse on Gaia, and old entrenched beliefs of control, anxiety, doubt, futility, that God is punishing.
Due to our lack of self-love and lack of self-worth, because of these beliefs, we can unconsciously project ways of being onto others that are not in alignment with the ways of being in the higher realms.
As we become more and more consciously aware of our Love and worth, the old ways of being diminish.
My bladder pain was my sorrow, connected to our sorrow as humanity — lack of peace, lack of forgiveness, lack of love, lack of worth — stemming from within.
Archangel Michael talks of the connection between abundance, deep regard for ourselves, and the building of Nova Earth:
“So when you think, “What have I done to earn abundance, to earn ease, to earn the ability to go forward in ways that I choose and desire and co-create?” think of what you have already accomplished. And in that, we do not want you to dismiss the fact that you are shifting inter-dimensionally, that you, with Gaia, are anchored inter-dimensionally in the 5th, that you are working and demonstrating and assisting the collective of humanity in the 3rd, that you are cleaning up the remnants of the old 3rd.
“So, begin there, and then let us fly together. The emphasis on what is resting within and therefore exhibited externally, in your social, political, economic, communal arena is very important. If you do not have regard — and I mean deep, reverent, love and regard, value — for yourself, for yourself as you are right now in what I call this suit of clothes, regard for the larger you, the eternal you, the infinite you, if you do not start there with love and reverence for yourself, how, how do you extend it out to others?
“How do you in any way, shape or form, pretend, or extend yourself in ways that are meaningful and solid? Because what we are discussing in terms of building and anchoring Nova Earth is firmness, not simply a passing trend or a flight of fancy; we are talking about the bedrock shift and change of what this planet is, does, exhibits, experiences, and how that is reflected through and with Gaia in you, in each of you.
“As you (Steve) know, as you have written, as you have shared, as you have heard from us, if you focus on the blessings and virtues, if you focus on the divine qualities, then you are insuring and becoming the truth of what you wish to experience and co-create in what you think of , emphasis on ‘think’, as the material world. Because, really, what is the material world? Most of it is an illusion anyway. It is simply a collection of atoms, of energy, that you are formulating into what you believe is solid form.” (2)
Archangel Michael goes on to say institutions, old beliefs, do not have solid form — just like I witnessed — when, we as a group at my work, stood up to lack of kindness and gentleness:
“Institutions do not have solid form. Belief systems do not have solid form. They appear, and you come to believe that they do, but they do not. They can build edifices, office buildings, institutional buildings to represent and house these belief systems, but the institutions, the systems themselves, do not have solid form.
“So, what do they have? They have the qualities. And many of them are disintegrating, even as we speak this night, because the qualities that have formed many of your old 3rd, earthly, old earth institutions, have been based on the illusions that you no longer serve to incorporate — control and lack, all the dis-es — disease, disappointment, despair.” (3)
Individual power to change the old becomes very powerful when we work together as a group. Archangel Michael has this to say:
“Let us speak to the formulation and the foundation of power. And we do not mean power in the sense that it has been used, as control scenarios. We mean power in the sense of an individual, and therefore a group, or a large collective, assuming a pathway. And it is a pathway of freedom, it is a pathway of self-determination, and it is pathway and a way of life, of existence, that is based on those divine qualities.
“So you may tire of hearing me say this. That does not matter. We are going to continue anyway, by saying that the beginning, the middle and the end of creating Nova Earth is the incorporation of these qualities within you. So, throughout your day, throughout your hours of waking and sleeping, you are asking yourself, “Am I feeling, am I experiencing, does this feel like serenity, purity, grace, consideration, temperance, prudence, joy?”
“And if it doesn’t, and you are doing this until it is absolutely second nature, if it doesn’t feel that way, you can take a moment and say, “Well, what does it feel like? Is it simply the old coming up for release? Is it an ancient vasana? Is it somebody else’s energy from the collective that I am helping to heal and cleanse?” (4)
My bladder pain was our pain.
Let’s heal this together.
Interestingly the flooding of my bladder pain with water, helped my pain go away.
Maybe we are witnessing flooding in Canada illustrating community coming together to help each other.
The water element is playing a large role in the healing of all drought on Gaia in the healing of humanity, self-worth, self-Love.
Do any of us drink enough water?
The Mother’s Water is Love.
Please send the energy of peace and Love for 8 minutes at 8PM to all humanity, in flood, in drought, wherever we are, and especially the institutions that are still operating in old ways of being.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.