Thank you to everyone who attended the Universal Law of Intent class!
Joining the circle on the day, and/or viewing the recording later, our energy goes out into the Collective. Much gratitude 🙂
Here’s the recording:
Passcode: g8YaVGN.
(Link to the 3 recordings: Introduction, Sacred Purpose & Intent)

Sanat Kumara, Our Universal Logos and Keeper of Universal Law
For an overview of this lesson, here’s the link (scroll down past footnotes, lots of info):
Also, a post to explain more about being gender equality within:
Hope & Joy in the Balance of What’s Right & Just
Invocation to memorize and repeat, for creation of peace within, activation of regeneration. . .
I invoke the Universal Law of Intent that all fear,
all limitation, all feelings of inadequacy
be eliminated right Now.
Morning, noon and night, and in between. Now let us talk about this. Let us break it down into, shall we say, big intention and smaller intention, personal intention and global intention.
Now there is also a – I was going to say habit but I am saying – addiction, because it has really reached that point and this is a flashing yellow caution light for lightworkers and loveholders. So please heed what I have to say.
Global intentions, collective intentions are beautiful and sacred and holy and when you come together in global intention miracles happen. We have seen this. And you will certainly see more of it.
But do not ever think, feel or believe, my family and friends, that somehow global intentions are more important, more valid, more worthy than the personal whispers of your heart.
That is why I have started today by talking about the peace within you and the anchoring of that ‘truly knowing’ within you.
So when you are setting intentions, we do recommend every morning. There needs to be time. And if you think you do not have the time, you are deceiving yourself, you are fooling yourself and you are robbing yourself. You take the time, whether it is an hour or ten minutes or five minutes, to set your intention, not only for your family, the planet and the galaxy and the universe, but also for your sweet self – for your day, for what you are working on.
So, from that sense of peace comes the expression of hope, of what you intend. Not only to draw in. Attraction and repulsion is but one Universal Law. But you express – not only to all of us, not only to your circle of guardians, but to your sacred self – what you intend to experience.
So, it can be small, “I am going to work today and I have a big meeting. And, I wish to be heard and seen for the brilliance of my ideas, for what I have to contribute. I wish to be seen for who I am. And I wish to be a cooperative team player.”
And then you intend, “Things have been rocky with my children and I know in accordance with the Mother’s Plan and unfoldment that we are intended to see each other, to be in peace relationships. So I intend that that will be harmonious. And in accordance with that, my intention is that I will behave kind and loving. Not permissive, but accepting and expansive today in relationship with my children. So help me do that.”
You see there is the joining of forces when you are expressing that intention. And then we would love to see you, of course, express world peace. But it starts with the personal. You cannot be praying and intending and hoping for world peace and have your home front a battleground or have your internal self out of harmony, out of balance, having an internal battleground. It will never work.
So, it starts with you. And then, yes, by all means, move to the grander intentions. And do it in conjunction with your community – whatever your community is. Whether it is a temple or a community center or a coffee klatch. Intend it and do it.
And, know that we are joining with you to do this. That is what intention is. It is setting out. It is sending the spiritual, telepathic, electronic, light wave communication to say, “This is what I want. This is how I choose to express and experience love.”
And, it is very proactive. It is not simply sitting in a chair or on the sofa watching TV saying, “I intend to win the lottery.” No, you have need to take action that is in alignment with your intention. And sometimes, sweet angels, the action is sitting on the couch perfectly still. So, you have to pay attention to the guidance. But it is in accordance with what you want.
And then we would love to see you take action and to again express intention at a midpoint in your day. So sometimes you would set your little watches or your phones that have such remarkable capabilities these days, and you would say, you know, at twelve o’clock or one o’clock or two o’clock or whatever the middle of your day is, take a few moments, not only to visit with us, not only to visit with your intentions – to check in. How is it going? But to check in with your sacred self, because sometimes there is need for a little reset or an expansion.
So your business meeting is completed and you are feeling pretty good. And you think, “Well, I’ve done it.” When you go to the middle of the day and reset, it gives you a chance to expand what just happened, so that the rest of your day is not simply in time out or not being fully present and aware, but expanding that energy of that intention – of being seen, of having harmonious conversations, of being a team player.
And then at the end of the day, and particularly – we will take ‘thank you’ whenever we get it – but particularly at the end of the day.
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