In March 2017, St. Germaine shared tips, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, to maintain our bodies:
Beloveds, if you are not in that conversation with your body, I am pleading, guiding, directing, begging you to begin.
When St. Germaine was in form, he attended many times very elaborate banquets, and he said:
The food was often disgusting, filled with fat – what you might call empty calories!
He said he enjoyed eating some foods, but he tells us what is really important is when we make our food, to program and fill it with Love so we are nourished:
And be clear, I have no qualms about enjoying a sweet delight, a cup of wine or a loaf of bread, but the energy that is put into those things, that your body may be asking for, has to be made or programmed or filled, or all of the above, with Love.
If it is created – whether it is picked from the ground or baked into bread – if it is done in a sense of oppression, if it is done in a sense of disdain or obligation, then it does not have the Love.
And if it does not have the Love, it does not nourish you in the same way.
He says the most important ingredient is Love, that sacred union:
Oh, you may get some compounds that your body needs, but what your body really needs is the Love – is that sacred union.
He says we say:
“Well, St. Germaine, that may have been true in your time because you could go to the fields or the local baker.”
And St. Germaine says:
You can always, my beloved friends, instill the Love.
He says to to take a moment and instill our food, drink, water, ingredients, cupboards and fridge with Love:
If you have gone to one of your public supermarkets — and they are rather sterile affairs, are they not? — if you have gone to a place where you are uncertain or unclear, and even if you are clear, a very good practice, a practice that I have always recommended, is to take a moment and instill your food, your drink, your water, your ingredients, your cupboards, your fridge with Love.
I am not averse to the recommendation to put an amethyst or another stone of your choosing in your cupboards, in your fridge, in your larder, in your water – make sure the crystal is large enough that you don’t swallow it but infuse it.
Put your hands around your food and Love it.
You may call it an intention, you may call it a prayer, but really it is simply the transmission of Love because what you are saying to the entire Universe is:
“I am taking this substance that comes directly from Source – from source Gaia and source Source – patterned on the Mother, and I Am bringing it into this sacred vessel that is also patterned on the Mother, and so I want it to be of the highest frequency of Love possible.”
St. Germaine recommends the Violet Flame but he says to vary it:
So, of course I would recommend the Violet Flame, but I know there are many of you who are very preferential to the Blue Flame or the Emerald.
Vary it, because, sweet ones, there are days when your body needs the ruby and others when it needs the gold, but create the prayer, send the energy, thank the food, and then thank your body that you are giving it fuel, Love, sustenance.
And then, what does your magnificent vessel do with it?
It processes it, digests it and keeps you going.
St. Germaine says all of our machinery, anything that uses power, has been designed with the inspiration being the human form — the understanding that in order to bring forth energy it needs fuel.
He says that sometimes that fuel is simply air and water, but in most instances it is also substance:
Make a daily ritual, my friends, to hear and to Love your body, to hear what it is saying to you, what it is offering to you, and if it is saying to you,
“Please don’t eat that.
“Please take me for a walk.
“Please let me sit on the ground and look at the sky,”
and then to honour it.
St. Germaine tells us:
Your body is your creation!
As you move into this level of Love association with your body, it will transform.
I know because I have done it.
(1) “Transcript ~ St. Germaine: Love & Converse With Your Body Daily!” March 14, 2017,
St. Germaine ~ Love & Converse With Your Body Daily!