November 2017, Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos, talked to us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, about gender equality and how to achieve this with the use of Universal Law.
As lightworkers gifted with information of how things work in the higher realms, we are coming to understand when we invoke Universal Law, we are working on all levels at once, from personal to family, friends, community to countries and nations.
With the elimination of the entrenched beliefs and the transmutation of our fears and sorrows within, we are addressing the issue of gender inequality, at the same time.
As within, so without.
Balance ourselves, balance the world.
Balance within is gender equality.
Below are several posts I found from around the world, illustrating our progress with gender equality.
I discovered that Sweden is one of the world’s highest ranking countries for gender equality, that Bollywood stars are speaking up about sexual misconduct in their film industry, and that Minnie Driver told The Guardian that men “simply cannot understand what abuse is like on a daily level.”
I learned that more than 300 female actors, directors, screenwriters and other entertainment industry people have launched a new campaign for gender equality in workplaces across the U.S. and that #MeToo has joined forces with Unicef USA to create #HerToo for the girls and women who suffer in silence.
Finally, I found a story of a woman who uncovered journals that her mother had kept hidden, filled with incredible daily angst, illustrating the importance of speaking up, of not keeping secrets about how we truly feel. . . the war in the silence.