Silver Flame hand held pot of Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel Brings Us The Future
An Hour with an Angel, August 23, 2016
Archangel Uriel: Your biggest job is holding that vibration of Love. Otherwise the whole thing falls apart. . . And you proceed, not recklessly, but bravely. Will there be missteps? Yes. Will they be tragic missteps? No. Because we are on parallel, conjoined pathways.
Many of you are starting to see us very clearly, or hear us, feel us very clearly. That partnership bridge has been crossed. Now is it growing in terms of the clarity? Yes. But we are doing a cooperative, collegial, unified undertaking.
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Steve Beckow: Host, InLight Radio
January 2017, SK encouraged us to do this, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
Tender, gentle, Loving relationships. We have talked about sacred union for eons. And, all of you, especially you who are light workers, turn to the Mother and to Gabrielle and Michael, and Magdalena and Jesus and you all say,
“Please may I have sacred union?”
And, then you do not treat yourself in kind and Loving and nurturing and considerate ways. If you wish to have an assignment, let me give it to you three ways. Choose a partner.
It may be a family member. It may be a friend. It may be a stranger.
Every day engage either mentally, esoterically or actually in a kind and Loving exchange of relationship that is expressive and reflective and in alignment with how you Love and treat yourself and, in reciprocity, how you Love and wish to be treated every day.
Then formulate the same relationship with prayer, meditation, intent with your water and with your food.
If you were to do these very simple and most difficult three things — an individual, your water and your food — kind, loving, nurturing and gentle, for one month, and we — I offer you a date my friend and we were to revisit this in one month — the shift upon your planet would be unbelievable.
I do not say significant.
I say unbelievable because you would be breaking the old pattern, and erecting, constructing New, ignoring what does not serve because it does not serve. And anchoring what does serve, what fills your heart with supreme gladness in form.
That is why I am suggesting to each of you, to engage with a friend, a family member or a stranger and watch it blossom.
Watch it blossom.
Watch the old pattern smash away and the New that is underneath truly shine like the brilliant pattern of the Mother and the Father that it is.
I would be glad to help you! I invite all of you to call on me.
It is time to truly see and experience, in form, in this lifetime, in this time, the beauty of what it means to be on Gaia at this time.
Kindness is our wealth.
(1) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara on the Changes Happening to Us, An Hour With an Angel,” January 26, 2017,
In January 2013, Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, explained the connection between abundance, deep regard for ourselves, and the building of Nova Earth:
“So when you think, ‘What have I done to earn abundance, to earn ease, to earn the ability to go forward in ways that I choose and desire and co-create?’ think of what you have already accomplished.
“And in that, we do not want you to dismiss the fact that you are shifting inter-dimensionally, that you, with Gaia, are anchored inter-dimensionally in the 5th, that you are working and demonstrating and assisting the collective of humanity in the 3rd, that you are cleaning up the remnants of the old 3rd.
“So, begin there, and then let us fly together. The emphasis on what is resting within and therefore exhibited externally, in your social, political, economic, communal arena is very important.
“If you do not have regard — and I mean deep, reverent, Love and regard, value — for yourself, for yourself as you are right now in what I call this suit of clothes, regard for the larger you, the Eternal you, the Infinite you, if you do not start there with Love and reverence for yourself, how, how do you extend it out to others?
“How do you in any way, shape or form, pretend, or extend yourself in ways that are meaningful and solid?
“Because what we are discussing in terms of building and anchoring Nova Earth is firmness, not simply a passing trend or a flight of fancy; we are talking about the bedrock shift and change of what this planet is, does, exhibits, experiences, and how that is reflected through and with Gaia in you, in each of you.
“As you have heard from us, if you focus on the blessings and virtues, if you focus on the Divine Qualities, then you are insuring and becoming the truth of what you wish to experience and co-create in what you think of , emphasis on ‘think’, as the material world.
“Because, really, what is the material world? Most of it is an illusion anyway. It is simply a collection of atoms, of energy, that you are formulating into what you believe is solid form.”
Archangel Michael goes on to say institutions, old beliefs, do not have solid form:
“Institutions do not have solid form. Belief systems do not have solid form.
“They appear, and you come to believe that they do, but they do not.
“They can build edifices, office buildings, institutional buildings to represent and house these belief systems, but the institutions, the systems themselves, do not have solid form.
“So, what do they have? They have the qualities. And many of them are disintegrating, even as we speak this night, because the qualities that have formed many of your old 3rd, earthly, old earth institutions, have been based on the illusions that you no longer serve to incorporate — control and lack, all the dis-es — disease, disappointment, despair.”
Individual power to change the old becomes very powerful when we work together as a group.
“Let us speak to the formulation and the foundation of power. And we do not mean power in the sense that it has been used, as control scenarios.
“We mean power in the sense of an individual, and therefore a group, or a large collective, assuming a pathway.
“And it is a pathway of freedom, it is a pathway of self-determination, and it is pathway and a way of life, of existence, that is based on those Divine Qualities.
“So you may tire of hearing me say this. That does not matter. We are going to continue anyway, by saying that the beginning, the middle and the end of creating Nova Earth is the incorporation of these Qualities within you.
“So, throughout your day, throughout your hours of waking and sleeping, you are asking yourself,
‘Am I feeling, am I experiencing, does this feel like serenity, purity, grace, consideration, temperance, prudence, joy?’
“And if it doesn’t, and you are doing this until it is absolutely second nature, if it doesn’t feel that way, you can take a moment and say,
‘Well, what does it feel like?
‘Is it simply the old coming up for release?
‘Is it an ancient vasana?
‘Is it somebody else’s energy from the collective that I am helping to heal and cleanse?’”
“You can briefly identify, if you so choose — and I say that, it is in the choice, it is not in the necessity to identify, because quite frankly if it is not of the Divine Qualities, if it is not of the umbrella of Love, then there is absolutely no point in spending one more moment on it.
Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame
“But the human nature is such, still at this point, that you like to understand what you are up to, so go ahead, but use my Blue Flame of Truth when you are doing so, please.
“I am honoured and pleased to help you in this way.
“Then it extends person to person to person to person.
“You cannot be unkind, cruel, inconsiderate, dismissive, arrogant or trying to control another in any form of personal, inter-personal relationship, including yourself, and then say, externally,
‘How am I building Nova Earth?’ because it does not work.
“That is the foundation.
“It is the pillars.
“It is the bedrock.
“And it is getting easier and easier, not only because you continue, you know, to be flooded by the Energies of the Mother and Father.” (1)
Thank you, Archangel Michael.
Coming soon
Wednesdays on Zoom
5pm PST / 8pm EST
starting January 12th
How Things Work in the Higher Realms
with emphasis on the Divine Qualities
(1) Archangel Michael: It is Time to Declare Yourself, January 28, 2013,
Third Eye Chakra
We are not here to deny our feelings ever.
But identifying them, and understanding whence they come from – how they are connected to the past – is key.
In life we tend to create and re-create uncomfortable situations, situations that surround and corral us.
Not wanting to look at childhood trauma where boundaries have been crossed, along with suppression of the feelings connected, can be the reason why we recreate uncomfortable situations.
Part of the teachings in the Universal Law of Elimination through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, is the power of “No.”
When we recognize and say “No” to the repetitive, meaningless lessons connected to lack of self-love and self-worth, knowing we are not here to eliminate people or circumstances, we begin to understand how things work in the higher realms based on the Universal Laws of Love, of Divine Qualities, knowing and trusting our value.
To help us say “No” here’s an invocation from the Law of Elimination:
For my life, circumstances, chosen path
I call upon SK and the Law of Elimination
to eliminate that which is not for my highest good
or the highest good of everybody concerned,
the repetitive, meaningless lessons.
Always after invoking there is need to sit quietly to ‘hear’ the wisdom of the higher realms – to ‘see and feel’ the connection to the past, realizing it is about our self and our choices, not about what we ‘feel’ are the outer enemies or discordant energies.
What elimination truly means is forgiveness, forgiveness of the past – the lack of which has helped create the present.
We tend to re-create similar situations over and over until we balance the past knowing the Mother’s Forgiveness, that self-Love, and that Love for others.
Anchored in that Love uncovering, discovering self-worth, that gratitude for the wisdom gained from all experiences – good, bad and ugly, we create greater balance.
It feels counter-intuitive but blessing self, the old feelings and situations not of love, balances us so we do not create more situations not of love.
This is core responsibility work, that therefore helps the whole, family and friends to community.
In a past reading with the Arcturians through Sue Lie, I was asked to look at Victorian ways; growing up there was a fair amount of concern, family tradition around good manners connected to blame, fault, guilt and shame.
I have been ‘seeing’ where these feelings originated by invoking the Laws and listening to my guidance.
Invoking SK and the Law of Elimination, using compassion, being the Observer of the present and past situations, then being forgiveness and blessing everything, I eliminate, say “No” to what is not of love, the repetitive meaningless lessons.
The re-creation of old similar situations drops away because now my self-Love and self-worth, boundaries based in forgiveness, compassion and gratitude, are firmly established.
The Law of Elimination is connected to our 3rd eye in the middle of our forehead.
As this ‘eye’ opens, we view what is transpiring on planet from a higher perspective.
For example with this news: Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty of helping Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse girls, we begin to ‘see’ as the higher realms ‘see’ – without judgement, without reaction, without expectation – that we truly have need of change within our court and prison systems, to a more therapeutic model.
We ‘see’ that everyone, abuser and victim, is in need of trauma therapy, of knowing the Laws of Love, of our inherent value.
Non-judgement is LOVE
As we let go the old ways with Love remembering to forgive and bless self and others with the compassion of the higher realms, we will not recreate the old ways of sorrow and shame, guilt and blame, the old court and prison system.
Trusting in the Mother’s Plan (that God isn’t punishing)
understanding Her Universal Laws of Love and Divine Qualities
~ knowing our Love and worth, our value and everyone’s value ~
we create the New.
I invoke Archangel Michael:
Make it below as it is above,
that truth will and does reign,
that peace will be
Ashira of Neptune, Commander of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies:
When you wish to go down to your heart and you are having trouble with this sensation, start to feel – yes feel – how you Love yourself.
And if you do not Love yourself – if you cannot pull up that feeling – then think of what you do Love, who you Love, or what you Love.
Perhaps it is your cat or dog, perhaps it is your cousin, perhaps it is your beloved or your parent, your child.
Bring in that feeling and immerse yourself when all you are thinking about is how much you Love that other, then very simply crack open the door, and say to yourself,
“Can I allow this to overflow to me?”
And let that Love for you, seep into you – into your skin, into your pores, into your heart.
Heavenly Blessings with Ashira, March 18th, 2014
An Hour with an Angel,
November 28, 2014,
with Archangel Michael
The Mother said that she’s been waiting for our planetary alignment for 6.3 million years.
Our galactic brothers and sisters have been involved for the last 50-200 years.
Archangel Michael says when we infuse our food, water, body, clothes, the air we breathe with Divine Qualities, such as gratitude, joy and Love, we are bringing those Divine Qualities, expanding them, and anchoring them within not only our heart, but our cellular structure. [Read more…]
Lately, I have been guided to practice deeper non-judgement.
Quieting the mind — the masculine and feminine hemispheres of the brain — finding peace in the balance of no reaction, is easier said than done.
In Steve’s post, “From Field of Dreams to River of Molasses” at the bottom, in Footnote (1) is the YouTube below about 9/11:
In the early morning of December 21st, Winter Solstice, I watched this video consciously practicing non-judgement.
About half way through, I felt my body shift to sending waves of Love. . . to the beings and situations in the YouTube, the ones behind the scenes. . .
Recently, Ken, an attendee of the Sending Love Zooms, sent along this post about ‘no reaction,’ Dismantling Your Inner Critic:
“You catch it [the thought].
“You acknowledge it. . .
“And you consciously refrain from falling into an emotional reaction to it.
“Simple awareness and recognition. . .
“If you feel yourself standing up strong inside yourself. . . just kind of stare it down without any emotional or mental reaction.
“When you just see it for what it is, it will go silent.”
Thank you, Ken.
And in Tom’s latest message, Yahweh: I Do Not Hold Any Expectations, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, was this:
“I also wish to remind you, my precious son of the Infinite Love of your Father, that I Am always available to you and to work in seen and unseen ways, ways that perhaps are unknowable to humans.
“I do not hold any expectations.
“That is a human creation and as you know, one that has created a great deal of havoc, misunderstanding, hatred, greed, abuse.
“But having no expectations does not mean that I do not have a full comprehension, admiration, honor and respect not only for Who You Are, but for what you do and what you do in the many facets of your life, and that you do continue on in this shifting of the human family into a greater realization of their potential.
“Yes, as father, you are wise. And you are stalwart and there have been many times when you have simply stood back, as I do, and observed what you know is a misstep. And this has been in balance with the times when you have also extended your heart, your voice, your arms, your energy to say how about over here?”
Thank you, Tom.
Non-judgement, no reaction, no expectations. . .
As the Observer in the stillness, the deep peace, we hold the highest vision and allow everyone to create their way Home.
There is no failure.