7-8pm PST Friday Zoom: Chakra Wisdom
The Blessing and Virtue of Charity with St. Francis ~ Divine Quality Zoom Series
From Heavenly Blessings radio show, April 16th, 2013, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, St. Francis shares his heart, his understandings of the blessing and virtue of charity.
St. Francis: My dear friends, my Earth allies, let us extend our compassion, our support, our healing . . . to all beings upon the planet who suffer from violence.
Let us send the healing green. . .
Let us send it directly to their heart and cocoon them in the gentle green.
But let us also send it to every soldier regardless of what flag they serve or believe they serve, who lies bleeding with their legs shot off or their arms, who wonder in the dark of the night if they will live through the day, and if they are doing the right thing.
Let us send the green, generously, to the families of those who are serving in such ways.
It is not our place to judge any being.
Yes, it is our place to be discerning, and to show the way to peace, tranquility, in the truest sense of the word, which means the sharing of all kinds of resources; spiritual, mental, physical, emotional.
Let us send the green to the mothers who do not have enough food for their children, and let us send it to the fathers who feel inadequate because they feel that they do not provide enough.
Let us send it to all the animals, and at this time I ask for particular consideration for the elephants and the rhinoceros who carry the energy of the Divine Mother, of the feminine nurturing because they are processing a great deal for the collective, not merely for the animal kingdom, but for the humans that the humans may come along with them.
Let us send the green to Gaia, directly to her heart.
And now my sweet beloveds, let us send it to each other.
Let me give you my Love, my green, my healing, my support, that you will know that you are supported and Loved, and the extension of your generosity that you give every day, from the sweetness of your being, without even thinking about it, is known and appreciated throughout the Universe.
You are cherished.
This is the meaning of charity.
It is the sharing of your sacred self, of Who You Are, and charity, in its truest sense, is a very courageous act because it is extending yourself and wanting to share, not to fix, not to change direction, but to simply share.
So the understanding of charity, as it has come to be understood as assistance is actually incorrect or incomplete, because it is the desire to simply share, and in that it is a very much the movement of charity is the movement of the Infinity.
It flows out to the person and back to you, out and back, out and back, and you are meeting in the middle of that figure 8.
And so it matters not whether you are giving to the entire planet or to your dearest friend, it is that endless flow of Love.
Join Wednesdays
Zoom Divine Qualities Series
& Tuesdays: Zoom Sending Love
5pm PST / 8pm EST
see top of this blog on the day
for Zoom links
Heavenly Blessings
Charity with St. Francis
Meditation at 15:18, St. Francis begins at 20:04 minutes
Charity Circle of One at 01:02:22 minutes
Zoom Class Recording — March 2nd — Prudence, Divine Quality Series
Thank you to St. Bernadette
& everyone above/below who joined in!
Prudence – Divine Qualities Series, Spring 2022
Zoom Recording:
Classes are by donation
More info: How Things Work in the Higher Realms
Definition of Prudence by the Divine Mother,
through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
The Soul Conversation for an Individual or the Collective
Sometimes it is difficult to speak with another in the physical human realm.
An etheric, soul conversation is a way to open up communication.
In a reading through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, Catri’anna, my principal guide, explains:
First go into meditation. Go into your heart and call forth the Higher Self (or Collective) you wish to speak with.
Tell this person (or group) of your Love, of your respect, of your understanding that you are part and parcel of the same sacred circle, and then convey message you wish to communicate.
Your conversation penetrates and floats down into the (group) mind, ego, personality.
The message will be received loud and clear so they see there are different choices that they are supported in making. Speaking from your Higher Self to the other’s Higher Self ~ offer your help ~ let them know you are there for them.
The physical 3D conversation takes place after several soul conversations, after the soul conversation is anchored. The real work has been done outside of the physical.
When one asks in a soul conversation, “What do you need?” the person you are conversing with, will always answer you. So you give it to them. Sometimes it is acknowledgement. Sometimes it is a little push. Sometimes it is more Love.
A soul conversation is the easiest and most rapid way to get results.
Here is sample wording. Feel free to adapt for different situations:
Please know that I Love you with all of my heart.
Let me tell you of my honouring, of my knowing
of your capacity to do the work you have chosen to do.
I have all the confidence in the world in you,
in your abilities, in your bright self to carry this through.
I don’t mind what you do as long as you are true
to your own sacred self and to your journey.
I offer you my help. I am here for you.
I am here for you on this journey, this unfoldment.
I have all the faith in the world in you.
What do you need? I am here for you.
For those with Loved ones struggling with addiction (here’s an example of a parent in BC Canada):
The Divine Quality of Joy, Archangel Gabrielle:
The power of healing — we have been speaking of joy, but again, the issue as a parent/spouse — it hurts when you see your Loved one go awry, and particularly if they are going awry, not in a way of clearing, but in a way of choice, of choosing an alternate path.
Now, also understand, and I remind thee that even those who are on alternate paths are still being penetrated and lifted up, and brought to the entrance point of the portal, so do not lose hope or faith.
Here is some very practical advice, the soul conversations — highly effective and potent.
Remind the individual or group in prayer, meditation:
I Am Your Friend/Parent/Spouse and I Love You.
I have Loved you forever.
I honour you.
I respect you.
I know the Truth of Who You Really Are.
I support you.
Can you come back to me?
Can you release the addiction?
Then you send him/her the Violet Flame.
It is the Flame of the I Am Presence.
This can also done in meditation:
Cup hands together,
place child/spouse within your hands,
hold a picture of her/him
& send the energy
of the Violet Flame of St. Germaine.
It will penetrate, it will reach,
it will reach, not only throughout the planet
but throughout the Universe.
Please know I Love you with all of my heart.
Let me tell you of my honouring, of my knowing
that you and I are here to be peaceful, gentle, graceful together.
I have all the confidence in the world in You,
in your abilities, in your bright self to honour this,
to change your behaviour for the comfort of everyone.
I, and many, have abhorrence of behaviour not of love.
Please be true to your sacred self, your sacred journey.
I offer you my help. I Am Here for You.
I Am Here for You on this sacred journey,
this sacred unfoldment.
I have all the faith in the world in You.
What do you need? I Am Here for You.
In the higher realms peace reigns.
We are here to create that on Earth.
Soul Conversations can be communicated
to the entire human collective.

When there are billions holding
the energy of the only acceptable reality
being peace and Love
then peace will reign.
Archangel Michael
through Linda Dillon,
channel for the Council of Love
Zoom Classes Wednesdays — March 2nd, 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Prudence
Wednesday Classes on Zoom with Kathleen
How Things Work in the Higher Realms
Topic: The Blessing & Virtue of PRUDENCE Divine Quality Series
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022, 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST
Sending Love Tuesdays — March 1st — 5pm PST / 8pm EST
Thank you to everyone joining Sending Love.
Much gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, kingdom transmuters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia, everyOne.
Sacred Tools for External Events
Here are some sacred tools to use.
We can surround areas/war zones with the Mighty Ones:
We can sprinkle Archangel Jophiel’s “Jophie Dust” from above – for both sides. It is sheer energy, for the transmutation of what is not of love, in a never-empty pouch we carry with us.
We can place Kwan Yin’s Pink Pearls in people’s hearts, and in any situation, for the transmutation of everything not of love back to the original purity. They are carried in a peridot bag.
St. Germaine’s Violet Flame is for the transmutation, as well, and we can use it below, underneath, the entire area:
Here is more info about the Violet Flame, and his recommendation to write LOVE everywhere:
When we use sacred tools we are transmuting our own lack feelings to LOVE feelings/actions so our external reality changes.
As Within
So Without
I invoke Sanat Kumara & the Universal Law of Balance
for my internal/external situations not of love
transmutation to LOVE, original purity.

Heart Chakra
7 pm Friday Night Chakra Wisdom Class: Kwan Yin & St. Germaine
The sacred tools of & Kwan Yin & St. Germaine!
The Violet Flame, the Pink Pearl & so much more. . .
Zoom Class Recording — February 23rd — St. Germaine & the Violet Flame, Divine Quality Series
Thank you to St. Germaine
& everyone above/below who joined in!
The Violet Flame – Divine Qualities Series, Spring 2022
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