Zoom Recording:
Info for these classes from:
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show
thru Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love
with show host, Suzanne Maresca.
Zoom Recording:
Info for these classes from:
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show
thru Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love
with show host, Suzanne Maresca.
Thank you to everyone who joined in the first class. It was fun to be back in the energy of sharing the Divine Information again. We will be going over the slides one by one on Friday, 7 pm PST. Bring comments and questions.
Zoom recording:
Info for these classes from:
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show
thru Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love
with show host, Suzanne Maresca.
Remembering to be like deer,
in the stillness, One with everything.
See this blog, on the day,
for info & the Zoom link
Crow is a symbol of Sacred Law – this one came in close.
Recently my daughter had her day in court to determine whether a Protection Order would be lifted for her and her daughter, and for the calculation of drug tests for her former partner and supervised visits with their child.
I encouraged our Sending Love group to surround the courtroom with Love, the Universal Laws, etc. on the day she was in court and I did some deep meditations into the Oneness, the fairness, the Karmic Dispensation. . .
But no matter the evidence my daughter presented about the abuse and violence she endured, the judge ordered that the Protection Order be gone. . . and this was a woman judge.
The number of women murdered fleeing domestic violence is staggering. Why would a judge lift her Protection Order?
My daughter is considering going back into a Transition House for her and her child’s safety, but is there more to this on a spiritual level?
Are we here to fully embrace that we are etherically protected, that there is no separation, there is no veil between us and the other side? Is there no need of a physical Protection Order in this case?
Archangel Michael told me, through Linda Dillon, November 29th, 2011:
I will stand in front of you and I will stand behind you. I will stand next to you and beside you. Of course we will defend you.
All you have need to do is nothing, or you can call my name and I will be there. You can think my name and I will be there.
Or you can do neither and I will be there, so yes, I will protect you.
In my life I have been protected from dying but not from suffering some pretty extreme abuse.
Another saying the other side likes to mention is:
Everything is in Divine Order.
Are we here to experience the physical abuse and then turn around and do something about it? My daughter has been offered a job in politics.
She has experienced first hand: extreme abuse in her relationship, transition/safe housing (where she was stalked by a sex trafficker), being on a 6 month wait list for social housing (currently she is living with me) and now the court system.
Is this what the other side considers mission and purpose, going in for the experience, and then choosing with our free will to elevate ourselves and then be the change?
From the court experience my daughter and I have run the gamut of emotions from raging anger to hopelessness — and maybe that was the point — for us to feel these old feelings, to get them up and out.
Our feelings create our situations and there are layers to the old feelings.
Sanat Kumara has said our main Ascension job is to eliminate the old feelings for Gaia.
Our job/our joy is to be fully awake and aware
~ I Am Fully Awake and Aware ~
and to know we are loved and cared for by our guides
~ I Am Loved and Cared For, Safe and Free ~
The hopelessness grid has plagued me for much of my life so my focus right now has been invoking the Universal Law of Repulsion for the old feelings of “never enough” and Attraction for the truth of the New, the Law of Elimination, that deep compassion for all playing the roles and the Law of Completion, connected to the Violet Flame, balance – Love for the masculine and the feminine within.
The Divine Mother says none of us are here to suffer.
My hopelessness has led me to believe ‘that nothing can be done. . . this Ascension process is so slow. . . get me out of this hell-hole. . . what am I doing here?’
But when I embrace the sun/the Divine Father Energy streaming in the window and see the sky/the Divine Mother’s Blue (even though there is a haze of wildfire smoke) and see the beauty and strength of my granddaughter and daughter who have endured so much in the name of this Ascension, I know that everything is in Divine Order, that they are protected – both of them are out of a horrendous situation – and now are free to create from that place of gratitude, joy from that freedom, peace and Love.
As we work on ourselves, letting go of the old belief systems, that chaos that was our within — our lack of self-love and self-worth — is very apparent in our external environment at this point of our Ascension and also the hope of our new world, Nova Earth.
Below is a film outlining issues in Canada from availability of “harm reduction” drugs called “safe supply” (nothing safe about them), to not enough treatment centres – therapeutic communities, to our law system allowing repeat offenders out on bail, to our prisons and recovery centres being revolving doors instead of a place to deeply mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually heal and learn skills to navigate living in community.
This film illustrates how important it is to keep doing our inner balancing work so our outer reality reflects back to us as Love and worth, our Ascension, evolved society.
As Within So Without.
Several years ago after volunteering at a therapeutic community weekly here, just outside of Vancouver, in Surrey (an hours’ drive from where I live) – John Volken Academy – I envisioned one for women, and for women with children, with added ideas, and put it on paper.
At the end of this film it shows how Alberta is building 10 therapeutic communities for people struggling with addiction, called the Alberta Model — a dream come true!
(Photo Illustration/CBC News)
When we think of concussions, we tend to think of sports, and over the past decade, athletes and advocates have helped us understand the seriousness of concussions, leading to more research, new safety protocols and standards for sports-related concussion treatment.
Now, a new campaign launched by the YWCA Metro Vancouver in partnership with former NHL player Trevor Linden, says it estimates that for every NHL concussion, thousands of women in Canada (let’s not forget, around the world) suffer the same injury because of intimate partner violence.
When California was in drought, we meditated for rain with Archangel Uriel, through Linda Dillon.
This year please send rain, Love and do the same meditation with Uriel (see below) for the wildfires in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and around the world.
With the Divine Feminine rising within everyone, and without on the planet, a new perspective of Mary Magdalene has emerged lately through the ancient texts.
Diana Butler Bass’s sermon went viral:
And then, of course, we have the information through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love.
Below is Jesus explaining his relationship with the Magdalena, and the Magdalena, herself, speaking about what an honour it is to be here in form at this time and the importance of being out in our communities. . .
Most nights before falling asleep, I do the 13th Octave Initiation that Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, shared in June 2012, on Heavenly Blessings radio show.
It’s a lovely way to end the day, drifting across the Universe as a bubble of Love to meet James, the Apostle of Love, to going over the Rainbow Bridge with family, friends, all of us, up the lower chakras into the heart, into the feelings of the Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities from our Circle, and then up our golden Ascension Spiral with Archangel Gabrielle as a small child, to sit on the Father’s Knee for deeper understanding of our worthiness, How Things Work for our forward movement into the Heart of the Mother, the Love, the Oneness – where there is no separation, no matter what we have done or not done.
This extraordinary gift from the higher realms is a soothing way to deepen Divine Alignment.
Sometimes I fall asleep, tired from child-minding, as the meditation plays on. . .
The energy and Love of our own ‘small child’ within is a key to our Ascension.
My granddaughter is that purity, as are all of us, but it is especially noticeable in the newly arrived on planet.
Their purity is the white light of the higher realms, that Love, that state of Loving Everything without judgement.
Catri’anna, my principal guide, had this to say about judgement in one of my early readings through Linda Dillon:
There is no such thing as mistakes.
The only mistakes humans make is in judgement,
when they judge themselves or others to be less than,
when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.
As our Ascension progresses, the more we stay in that alignment with the 13th Octave, our Divinity, that place of knowing there is no separation between any of us — no matter what has transpired — we remember and create peace in our lives in physicality on planet,
From the peace found in perfect health to lustrous relationships to balance in all our societal systems, we are here to create with our hearts, knowing our Love and worth, that Oneness.
And of course, there is prudence, mastering when to step in and when to step out of situations. We are not here to put our selves in danger (unless that is our mission).
Witnessing my daughter navigating the legal and social systems lately, seeing the frameworks that have been put in place to protect women and children — don’t get me wrong there is a way to go — seeing what has been accomplished is encouraging.
The more we are balance within, the more we see that balance reflected back to us. . . as within so without.
Here is Jesus, through Linda Dillon, welcoming us to the 13th Octave Initiation, into that conscious awareness of our purity.
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show with Transcript
Jesus Sananda’s welcome at 19:44 minutes
13th Octave Initiation at 24:48 minutes
Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law in his teaching of the Universal Law of Balance, As Within So Without, As Above So Below says we never left the Spark of Our Divinity at Home:
Let us be very clear, you never left the Spark of Your Divinity at Home. That is not possible. . . and neither has anybody else, even if they’re lost in the darkness and behaving in atrocious ways, it does not matter.
Their Spark of Divinity is still within them and always has been, but in this incarnation, and we are not simply speaking for a select few, we are speaking for all of you because this is the Time of Ascension of Gaia, Ascension of the Kingdoms, Ascension and completion of this chapter for humanity as well, and everybody is on high alert and standing by for this completion.
So, as you came, we have told you — you are not simply ‘Masters-in-the-Making’ — you have brought the totality of your mastery in a wonderful diversity of ways to the planet.
So, you are fully the reflection, the embodiment of that Spark of Love that you are above, say in Heaven, and certainly the totality of your being, as you are in the, what you think of as the higher dimensions.
You do not lack anything.