When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love,
then peace will reign. (1)
Archangel Michael
Think about what I say
Love feeds and grows Love.
It is the essence of All,
and the more it is fed and nurtured,
the greater it grows. (2)
Universal Mother Mary
Project Peace & Love: LOVE POSTS
Clarity and Balance, The Highest Vision
Gratitude to Our Earth Mother, Gaia: Creating Peace On Earth For You
Uriel, His Silver Flame, The Bringer of The Future
The Violet Flame: Operation Torch For All War Within and Without
Love is Punishing + Sex is Shame = Peace Within
Expansion of Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe in the Mother’s Tsunami of Love
Archangel Raphael: Transition Generation, “Wounded and Healed”
Increased Frequency, Expanding Vibrations: How Ancient Sites & Rejuvenation Align with Love!
Archangel Uriel: Illumination Within, Claiming Our Divine Authority
Flooding in Canada: Please Send Peace and Love, 8 Minutes at 8PM
Drought Around the World: What We Can Do
Hold the sense of inner peace,
and to eradicate by giving away for the collective
that sense of the need to be right,
because the need to be right
is what leads to wars. (3)
Sanat Kumara,
Universal Logos, Keeper of Universal Law

(1) An Hour with an Angel, September 2, 2014, with Archangel Michael, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/09/07/archangel-michael-it-is-time-to-relinquish-any-feeling-less-than-love-part-22/
(2) Universal Mother Mary ~ Resurgence of the Tsunami of Love, May 13, 2017, https://counciloflove.com/2017/05/universal-mother-mary-resurgence-of-the-tsunami-of-love/
(3) Heavenly Blessings Radio Show ~ Sanat Kumara: Give and Receive, September 10, 2013, COL channel, Linda Dillon, http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2013/09/10/heavenly-blessings
transcript: Sanat Kumara, Raj, Discusses the 5th Universal Law of Give and Receive, COL channel, Linda Dillon, September 14, 2013, http://counciloflove.com/2013/09/sanat-kumara-raj-talks-about-the-5th-universal-law-the-law-of-give-and-receive/