Clarity is one of the components of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love.
Clarity helps us come to balance so that we are able to hold the highest vision for All.
With clarity and balance we understand and know Who We Are, Infinite and Eternal.
For example, to be practical, when I see an individual in disarray, possibly homeless on the street, instead of feeling helpless, with clarity I access my understanding and knowing in balance.
I torch the person sleeping in the alcove just off the sidewalk
with St. Germaine’s Violet Flame.
As I do this, I understand I am also torching myself.
That person is me.
We are One.
I am compassion within and without, and I am triggered by this situation.
I feel sorrow and ask questions. Why? How is this connected to the past?
The false grids and my core issues hold duality in place.
With clarity — letting go of my old beliefs, and understanding of my mental emotional constructs — I find my centre, my balance.
With clarity my wounding is healed, and that healing flows to everyone.
The action of torching creates conscious awareness of our wholeness for everyone on Gaia, all humanity.
The clearer I am within, the greater the effect without, with everyone around me and around the planet.
Forgiving ourselves for everything within, without judgement, our reality in the without balances and heals, we create Nova Earth.
Forgive within,
take actions to forgive in the without.
No judgement within.
no judgement without.
Gratitude within,
gratitude without.
As within,
So without,
As above,
So below.
Heaven on Earth.
Everything is forgiven.
We are gratitude,
clarity and balance,
community and unity,
our highest vision.
I invite you to join with me
8 minutes at 8PM.