The false grids are entrenched beliefs, small phrases we unconsciously and subconsciously repeat to ourselves, related to the insidious belief “God is punishing.”
They are phrases are not of love, that we believe from a traumatic childhood experience, and are the reason why we create physical suffering, pain, aging.
Our core issues are mental/emotional constructs, small phrases, related to, “I’m a disappointment (to the Mother)” which is absolutely not true. The Mother forgives everything.
These unconscious and sub–conscious core issues, phrases, create our mental, emotional suffering. These short statements beginning with “I” are our sorrow, shame, depression, exhaustion, anger, fear. . . .
Over the last couple of years I’ve been Divinely Guided to understand the false grids and our core issues and how they interact, using the Tarot as a method to understand the concepts of them.
Posted below are explanations of some of my card spreads to show how easy and fun this is to do, a way to conscious awareness of wholeness.
I use Angeles Arrien’s The Tarot Handbook, and the Thoth Tarot Deck, designed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris. I also use The Sedona Deck Oracle by Kathleen Gabriel, and Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson.
For more information about the false grids and our core issues:
St. Germaine’s Violet Flame and the I Am: Eliminating the False Grids
St. Germaine’s Violet Flame and the I Am: Transforming Our Core Issues
Understanding the Concepts of the False Grids and our Core Issues
When pulling cards:
I invoke the Mother, Sanat Kumara and the Universal Laws of Change, Transmutation and Elimination for the false grids and my core issues.
I also can invoke St. Germaine and the Violet Flame for freedom, or Archangel Michael with his Blue Flame of Truth for my Infinite potential, or Archangel Raphael with his Emerald Flame of Love, or Archangel Uriel with his Silver Flame to understand what I have hidden away, not wanted to look at, and for conscious awareness of my wholeness.
I use I Am. . . statements to change the entrenched beliefs and my core issues.
I Am Forgiveness I Am Compassion I Am Gratitude
I Am Peace I Am LOVE I Am Joy
I invoke Archangel Gabrielle to fill in my sacred grid
with her Gift of Golden Elixir, healing,
knowing my sacred purpose,
joy, gratitude for self,
golden balance.
April 17th, 2018
Understanding the Mother’s Plan. . .
7 Lizard, the unexpected
(U) 20 Mouse, Details
(U) 5 of Wands, Strife, (U) Magic
(U) 5 of Disks, Worry
8 of Wands, Swiftness, 6 The Lovers
Yesterday I was inspired to ask and delve into, “What is the Mother’s Plan?”
Collective Ascension for the entire planet, all 7 + billion of us? A grand statement. . .
What I found was 7 Lizard, the unexpected!
It is very simple — (U) 20 Mouse, Details, as in Jamie Sams Medicine Cards, “all good things come to those willing to work towards wholeness” — the Mother’s Plan.
There is no (U) 5 of Wands, Strife, separation anxiety, no (U) Magic, no (U) 5 of Disks, Worry, broken trust, in the Mother’s Plan.
The Mother’s Plan is 8 of Wands, Swiftness, a way to wholeness, relationship with self, gender equality, equal Love for our masculine and our feminine energies within, balance, forgiveness, PEACE, compassion in alignment with the LOVE, 6 The Lovers, creating harmony, JOY, within and without.
What I discovered:
The Mother’s Plan is for us to be our creator selves, in PEACE,
assuming the mantle of our Divine Authority, in charge of our life,
thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours, steps, environments,
in alignment with the LOVE, the will, the Divine Mind,
in JOY, sacred purpose, harmony with each other.

April 7th, 2018
Understanding lack of LOVE. . . a card picture with (U), up-side-down, being the opposite meaning of a card:
26 Squirrel, Gathering
11. Cathedral Rock, strength and beauty
(U) Queen of Swords, (U) 4 The Emperor
(U) 12 The Hanged Man
Ace of Swords, Queen of Disks
Being 26 Squirrel, Gathering, “storing wisdom and caring in an untroubled heart,” as Jamie Sams says in her book, Medicine Cards, there is power, 11. Cathedral Rock, strength and beauty, in that.
Lack of clarity, forgiveness (U) Queen of Swords, lack of leadership, compassion (U) 4 The Emperor, not breaking old patterns in gratitude, (U) 12 The Hanged Man, judgement, is lack of forgiveness/PEACE, compassion/LOVE, gratitude/JOY for self or others.
Any kind of lack — from health to finances — illustrates we are not in the flow of LOVE, our currency of LOVE, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude for self and others.
Understanding lack of LOVE is in the expanded awareness of Ace of Swords.
With this understanding of lack we can course correct and build of new ways, new worlds, Nova Earth, Queen of Disks with the knowing of forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, wisdom and caring, keys to Nova Being, our currency of Love, the Infinite and Eternal flow.
April 6th, 2018
Facing into our shame is part of our transformation, our freedom, from the old ways of being.
Here are cards to illustrate, with (U), up-side-down, being the opposite meaning:
Rain, gifts
30 Rabbit, Fear
Knight of Cups, (U) 6 of Cups, Pleasure
(U) Princess of Swords
(U) Queen of Disks, (U) 8 of Disks, Prudence
The higher realms shower us with gifts, Rain, gifts, daily, to help us understand our fear, 30 Rabbit, Fear.
Looking at my fear, I found shame.
Who doesn’t have something they feel ashamed about? An early childhood trauma, family issues, addiction issues, financial issues, the list goes on. . . What is our shame?
When we look to our external reality, shame manifests as homelessness, extreme addiction, war, refugee crisis. . . We all contribute to a global picture of disarray, in the interconnectedness of everything, when we do not look at our own shame.
Shame is an underlying feeling that is insidious.
Often we are ‘our shame’ day in, day out, without even realizing it.
We can help bring everything to balance by embracing our shame — with forgiveness and compassion for all our experiences, coming to a place of gratitude for our selves and others — the entire journey to Now.
Facing into our shame, we are the Knight of Cups, the Holy Grail — forgiveness, compassion, gratitude for all our experiences, especially our shame — transforming (U) 6 of Cups, Pleasure, no healing, (U) Princess of Swords, no cutting away our moods, our shame, (U) Queen of Disks, no building of new societies that work, and (U) 8 of Disks, Prudence, no wisdom.
From our suffering comes wisdom.
The time is now to end our suffering in shame.
As within so without.
Peace within, peace without.
Peace is forgiveness for all our experiences.
March 31st
Building Nova Earth. . . with societies that work.
(U) 5. Airport Mesa, masculine energy
40 Dolphin
10 of Wands, Oppression, Prince of Disks,
3 Empress
(U) 6 of Cups, Pleasure, (U) 6 of Disks, Success
Not loving the masculine (U) 5. Airport Mesa, masculine energy parts of our selves, the old belief system, “God is punishing” is not the pattern of the Mother, 40 Dolphin, the breath.
With our breath we are here to anchor and reflect the Divine Father and the Divine Mother, their wisdom, their LOVE, their forgiveness of everything, their PEACE, their gratitude for all of us, their JOY, BALANCE.
Control, Oppression, of the builders of new worlds, the Princes and the ones that understand love with wisdom, the Empress, equals no healing,(U) 6 of Cups, Pleasure, no success,(U) 6 of Disks, Success.
Tri-flame not balanced.
Healing is: all parts of our selves equally Loved and forgiven, the Father, Self, the Mother, original triangle.
We are learning to forgive all patriarchal control within — old belief systems that do not work — and at the same time to say ENOUGH, do something about it without.
We are here to build societies that care for everyone, the addicted, the homeless, the disenfranchised, to stand for equality for everyone.
We are the ones we have been waiting for and right now the children are leading the way in America:
Fight for Gun Control Heads to Town Halls After March for Our Lives
And in Iran men are choosing to stand for equality, peace, Love, joy, our birthright:
These Iranian Men Are Wearing Hijabs to Fight for Gender Equality
February 13th
Another card spread illustrating why there is more work to do for peace on Earth. . .
(U) 8. Prickly Pear, diversity
(U) 24 Crow
(U) 2 of Wands, Dominion, 7 The Chariot
(U) 16 The Tower
2 of Swords, Peace and 4 of Swords, Truce
From the work with forgiveness for the last 21 Days, I see the cards explaining how lack of Love, no apology, (U) 8. Prickly Pear, diversity and no forgiveness (U) 24 Crow with family and friends, countries and nations, creates lack of balance (U) 2 of Wands, Dominion with forward movement with self/stillness and others/action 7 The Chariot, no reconstruction — as within (U) 16 The Tower so without for the state of our world peace 2 of Swords, Peace and Love 4 of Swords, Truce.
(U) 24 Crow shows us how suppression = no expansion. Jamie Sams author of Medicine Cards explains:
“Divine Law is honouring harmony that comes from a peaceful mind, an open heart, a true tongue, a light step, a forgiving nature and a love for all living creatures. Honour the past as your teacher, honour the present as your creation, and the future as your inspiration.
“Refusing to honour the shifts in your reality (with apologies and forgiveness for self and others) can cause emotional pain. An implosion of energy is apparent when rebellion surfaces. Contrary (up-side-down) Crow speaks of broken law. The law of expansion is broken by suppression. This may apply to a situation, an old habit, a person you have given your authority to, or your own fears. It is always your own creation so call on Crow and shift that creation to your new reality.”
for all Gaians on GAIA
February 10, 2018
A card spread with a strong message: there is no magic, no Love, no peace, when there is abuse of power, no apology, no forgiveness, no forward movement, no Divine Understanding and Knowing of our sorrow, our sacred purpose valour.
Cards upside-down, the opposite of their meaning, add another level to the messages.
(U) 12 San Fransisco Peaks, sacred magic
(C) 35 Horse
(U) 0 The Fool, (U) 7 The Chariot
(U) 10 of Swords, Ruin
(U) 15 The Devil, (U) 7 Wands, Valour
There’s no peace, no Love, no magic (U) 12 San Fransisco Peaks, sacred magic with abuse of power, no compassion — no apology, no forgiveness — no unification for the family of humanity, (C) 35 Horse.
No courage,(U) 0 The Fool, no forward movement with lack of action/stillness, apologies/forgiveness, (U) 7 The Chariot, no Divine Understanding and Knowing of sorrow (U) 10 of Swords, Ruin, no sure-footedness, no gratitude, no joy (U) 15 The Devil for sacred purpose, (U) 7 Wands, Valour
Apologies and forgiveness,
gratitude for everything,
valour, sacred purpose
creates peace on Gaia.
February 9, 2018
A card spread illustrating lack of love and self-worth — no apology and no forgiveness — on this planet.
Cards upside-down, the opposite of their meaning, add another level to the messages.
(U) 4. Red Canyon, ancient and future energies
22 Beaver
(U) 2 of Cups, Love, (U) 5 of Cups, Disappointment
Prince of Disks
3 of Swords, Sorrow and (U) Queen of Swords
The sorrow of the past (U) 4. Red Canyon, ancient and future energies continues to build 22 Beaver with no apology, lack of self-love (U) 2 of Cups, Love and no forgiveness, lack of self-worth (U) 5 of Cups, Disappointment.
The old ways continue, Prince of Disks, of sorrow, fear of judgement of self, so there is no cutting away (U) Queen of Swords of the old.
Lack of apologies and forgiveness, lack of self-love and self-worth, create more lack, sorrow:
February 8, 2018
A card spread illustrating how there is no strength in lack of apology, forgiveness, gratitude. . .
Cards upside-down, the opposite of their meaning, add another level to the messages.
(U) 9. Juniper, stand strong
(C) 16 Raven
(U) 7 of Disks, Failure, 1 The Magus
(U) Princess of Cups
(U) 3 of Wands, Virtue and (U) 6 The Lovers
Cards upside-down, the opposite of their meaning, add another level to the messages.
The strength of (U) 9. Juniper, stand strong is not present with our lack of apology, forgiveness, gratitude, (C) 16 Raven, smoky confused messages.
Fear of failure, “no apology, no forgiveness” (U) 7 of Disks, Failure communication, clarity of 1 The Magus illustrates attachment to drama (U) Princess of Cups (rather than detachment), no balance — no forgiveness and gratitude — (U) 3 of Wands, Virtue leads to difficulty with relationships (U) 6 The Lovers.
Lack of apology and forgiveness leads to all kinds of disarray:
January 17, 2018
Today an illustration of the oppressive “rape culture” on this planet appeared in my cards:
(U) X. Oak Creek, feminine energy & intuition
14 Dog
(U) 2 of Swords, Peace, 4 The Emperor
(U) Ace of Wands
Queen of Disks, 5 of Wands Strife
Our feminine energy is not in Divine Alignment when we are loyal to old belief systems of oppression, patriarchal ways of being that do not honour the Divine Feminine, so the card is up-side-down,(U) X. Oak Creek, feminine energy & intuition.
14 Dog, in Jamie Sams, Medicine Cards, asks us to look at how readily our sense of loyalty is countermanded by our “need for approval” and are we being authentic to ourselves?
Up-side-down, (U) 2 of Swords, Peace out of alignment — no apology, no forgiveness — from beings in position of leadership, 4 The Emperor.
With this type of oppression it is difficult to transmute, to transform our planet, therefore (U) Ace of Wands, up-side-down.
Queen of Disks (who would like to build a new way) finds it difficult because of separation anxiety, 5 of Wands Strife. Often the one who has been abused is threatened or dismissed.
With the #MeToo movement, thankfully this is all changing. Girls and women are standing up and saying, “Enough!”
Thank you, Archangel Michael, for your Plea for Peace Now! Meditation.
Thank you, Archangel Uriel, for your Meditation for Drought,
to end all spiritual drought, all lack and limitation.
With the ancient knowledge of The Tarot, we become our own alchemists.
We can transform our pain into beauty and self-worth, each day choosing to leave the old behind, creating the new by practising authenticity with our own innate courage.
Being the Love, forgiving ourselves and others, our suffering transforms into wisdom.
A consistent daily practise of meditation, invoking Universal Law, calling upon the power of the I Am, the sacred flames and their Keepers, aids our ability to integrate and transmute the old — to come to peace — harmony, balance, joy.
I Love you and myself
I forgive you and myself
I Am Forgiveness of Everything

The Sacred Spiral of the Mother’s Eternal Flow of Love and Forgiveness
December 30, 2017
Yesterday, in late afternoon, I was sitting in my chair in meditation when something wonderful happened.
There was a burning sensation from my sternum to just above my heart, then my heart started to pulsate with strong waves of energy.
I can’t really say how long it lasted. It seemed like a long while. I remember surrendering into it, allowing it. . .
When the beating slowed down, I could feel and see some resentments — worry and judgements, female to female, female to male — with a tight sensation around my jaw.
The feeling of tightness was pulled off and then all I felt was this beautiful Love for everyone, everything.
The cards I pulled today illustrate what happened:
10. Oak Creek, feminine energy and intuition
10 Turtle
(U) 4 Swords Truce, (U) 2 Cups Love
(U) Ace of Wands
5 Disks Worry, 9 Swords Cruelty
(10. Oak Creek) Feminine energy and intuition being anchored on planet at this time is to help with gender balance during our Ascension.
The Mother, 10 Turtle, according to Jamie Sams, Medicine Cards, “is the personification of goddess energy and the Eternal Mother from which our lives evolve.”
Balancing give and receive, going within, honouring all parts of our selves, knowing Love is protection, taking our time with our creations — not rushing — and giving gratitude for all help, especially to Gaia, Mother Earth is what Turtle teaches us.
When my heart pulsated and opened yesterday, the peace, (U) 4 Swords Truce and Love, (U) 2 Cups Love of the Mother came in in waves and transmuted, (U) Ace of Wands worries, 5 Disks Worry, and judgements, 9 Swords Cruelty. . . leaving me in a sea of Love and peace.
I have been working on apologizing and forgiving in person and by email in the without and now I see we can also do this within.
Our feminine side can apologize to and forgive — I Love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you — our masculine side and vice versa. We can talk female to self or male to self within, as well, apologizing, forgiving our selves for everything.
This creates peace, gender equality, a balanced tri-flame within for our Ascension journey.
As within, so without.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you
to the Mother, Gaia, the Mighty Ones, my circle, my guides.
December 29, 2017 – My Journey to the Middle East
A month ago I said, “Much happening in the world” and lately, also around me. . . I apologize for not posting weekly. Where did more than a month go?
Here are my cards with some of them upside-down (U):
Upside-down (U) 9. Oak Creek Canyon, moving to another level
36 Lizard, DREAMING
(U) Knight of Cups, 3 of Disks, Works
(U) 7 The Chariot
2 of Cups, Love and 18 The Moon
Yesterday, December 28th, I journeyed to the Middle East to check up on my aspect that Archangel Michael asked us to post there. The cards are illustrating part of my adventures there.
It was as if I was reaching upside-down, anchoring higher dimensional ways, into the Middle East, hence the upside-down (U) 9. Oak Creek Canyon, moving to another level card.
Jamie Sams, in her book Medicine Cards, explains 36 Lizard, DREAMING as ability to go into the “shadow. . . where dreams live.” Lizard says, “Dreaming is going into the future,” going “where future lives.”
Etherically journeying, I was dreaming the future — PEACE — for the Middle East.
Two aspects and I did Ho’oponopono — I Love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you — over and over, in different countries in the Middle East, between ourselves and with others who joined us, and especially for Gaia, for conflict and war, personal and collective.
We were creating PEACE, the Holy Grail (U) Knight of Cups, 3 of Disks, Works, (U) 7 The Chariot, within and without, even lying flat out on the Earth.
My “Middle East” within: I felt and saw a situation in early childhood that I have had difficulty seeing and feeling. Going to the Middle East etherically, I was able to finally get deep enough to access the associated feelings.
Feel to heal. . . and elimination of doubt with trust. . . and love, 2 of Cups, Love
Archangel Raphael tells us “doubt. . . this is the cancer of the human race.”
Everything is/was in Divine Order.
From my chair, journeying to the Middle East, I wasn’t planning on apologizing and forgiving. It just happened, an amazing way to anchor peace within and future peace without, authenticity of 18 The Moon.

Writing Love with St. Germaine and the Violet Flame Torch in the Middle East.
All there is is Love and peace.
November 23, 2017
Much happening in the world. . . We can be in observation mode more easily the more we let go — trust and forgive all our judgements — able to detach from energy that not of love.
Here are the cards for today:
10. Oak Creek, feminine energy & intuition
35 Horse
7 of Cups, Debauch, 14 Art
Prince of Swords
17 The Star, Ace of Swords
Feminine energy & intuition, community-mindedness, balance, is coming to the fore with the power of Horse, the highest vision for all.
With trust, and forgiveness of all our judgements, we integrate – 14 Art, old ways of being – 7 of Cups, Debauch, and cut away – Prince of Swords, detach from that energy not of love.
We are 17 The Star, balance, and Ace of Swords, clarity — “diamond consciousness” — when we trust and forgive, within and without, and are able to hold the highest vision of Love and peace for all.

The Mother’s Gift of Her Nurturing Blue Diamond
October 27, 2017
There are prototypes of the wall between Mexico and the US in the news. The more we let go of all our issues within, especially the belief in separation and control, humanity can heal, and operate as One in community.
Here are the cards for today:
5. Airport Mesa, masculine energy
Contrary 9 Butterfly
Ace of Cups, 4 of Wands, Completion
10 of Disks, Wealth (Joy)
4 of Swords, Truce, 10 of Wands, Oppression
Old paradigm masculine energy is associated with control and fear.
Contrary (up-side-down) Butterfly has a very simple message — change!
Butterfly represents courage, says Jamie Sams in Medicine Cards, “The new world demands that you use your newfound wings — and fly!” Fly with change. . .
Ace of Cups is our “emotional integrity, the open heart, the spiritual heart” according to Arrien Angeles, The Tarot Handbook:
“The rainbow represents the reflection of emotional feelings from such a base of integrity that there is no dichotomy between what’s being experienced inside and what’s being reflected outside.”
As within so without, Love with wisdom. She also says:
“The trusting heart does not push or use effort to make things happen, and the trusting heart does not resist or protect itself, or hold back. Love with wisdom is the capacity to trust without over-extending oneself emotionally or overprotecting oneself emotionally.”
4 of Wands, Completion — “the wheel itself represents completion and new beginnings. . . wholeness and individuation.” We are One. Self is All.
10 of Disks, Wealth (Joy!) — Angeles Arrien writes that this card is: “Wealth on every level of consciousness, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, and physical wealth, which is made tangible in the external reality. By utilizing communication, healing and inspirational gifts, we can manifest abundance in a tangible way.”
I look at this card as Joy! Sacred purpose emerging. . .
4 of Swords, Truce with 10 of Wands, Oppression — peace within, forgiveness of oppression, control. When I/we can truly forgive what has happened, I/we can be at peace with all control issues.
Angeles says: “Truce is the opportunity to move through conflictual issues. . . that need to be resolved. In order for negotiation or conflict-resolution to be successful, there are four peaceful principles that come from native traditions which is referred to as the four-fold way.
“In order for truce to be experienced, one must: first, show up; second, pay attention; third, tell the truth,; and fourth, not be attached to the outcome. When one is able to show up, pay attention, tell the truth and not be attached to the outcome — the results are renewal and regeneration from a very deep spiritual level.”
We can do that with all oppression within/without on Gaia.
Join us erasing all borders on Gaia
October 14, 2017
In our outer reality we have Harvey Weinstein’s behaviour on front page news. This is good news that the facts are coming to the surface to be cleared, that women are speaking up.
Behaviour not of love, ‘power-over behaviour’ whether it is happening to the Divine Feminine, people in a country, prisoners in the prison system, addicts on the street — all behaviour not in Divine alignment, not of love — is the sorrow of humanity.
In the higher realms there is no control. There is Divine Alignment with Love, loving kindness.
Here are the cards for today:
12. San Francisco Peaks, sacred magic
52 Black Panther, Embracing the Unknown
7 of Cups, Debauch, 11 Lust
Prince of Cups
4 The Emperor, Princess of Cups
In the sacred magic of the unknown, Black Panther, there are no addictions.
There is no debauch, 7 of Cups Debauch, no depression, sorrow, fear or ennui, no addiction to pain, shame, conscious wrong-doing, lack of self-love, lack of self-worth.
In a society in Divine Alignment, women can be in their lustre, 11 Lust, beauty without fear.
Prince of Cups, Mastery of Emotional Desire, is the “willingness to move forward and simultaneously let go”. . . knowing self-Love, self-worth, balance, Divine Alignment with Mother/Father One.
The Emperor is also “the capacity to let go and move forward. . . the courage to risk and try the unfamiliar or initiate creative and new approaches without fear or resistance,” the ability to dismantle old ways of being within.
Looking within we find ‘power-over’ ways of being that we are not aware of, judgement of self — feelings not of love — that create the outer reality.
Letting go of the old ways,
being Loving to ourselves,
societies of Love,
As within, so without.
The Princess of Cups is Mastery of Emotional Objectivity, “emotionally secure. . . able to communicate feelings, desires, and concerns in realistic and meaningful ways. . . with firm conviction not to abandon oneself emotionally,” knowing boundaries within and without.
Love is.
The intrepid females stepping forward explaining what happened with Harvey Weinstein are stating the facts, making it clear this is not acceptable, and it is not acceptable anywhere for any female. They are saying, “Enough!”
Thank you, courageous ladies. At the same time, we have need to understand, let go, of everything not of love within us, and come to a place of self-forgiveness, forgiveness of others, gratitude:
The more Loving we are within,
the more Loving our outer reality becomes.
Nova Earth is Loving, gentle community where we are kind to each other, the ways of the old institutions falling away. . .
October 5th, 2017
Beautiful fall weather. . . clear blue skies. . .
3. Boynton Canyon, viewpoints
44 Hummingbird
4 of Wands, Completion, 7 of Wands, Valour
Queen of Swords
3 of Wands Virtue, 10 0f Disks, Wealth
Hummingbird can fly in any direction — up, down, backwards, forwards — for different viewpoints 🙂 and they can, according to Jamie Sams, Medicine Cards, “give us the medicine to solve the riddle of the contradiction of duality.”
The 5 Tarot cards here illustrate work I have done relating to the false grids and my core issues.
Here is what Angeles Arrien says in her book, The Tarot Handbook:
4 of Wands, Completion, “ability to look at the self and external situations holistically; looking at all aspects of the self and seeing how they make a whole, how things come together. . . reflected in the symbol of the wheel,” 7 of Wands, Valour, “deepening character from life’s experiences,” Queen of Swords, “determination to cut through anything unnatural, mental clarity,” 3 of Wands, Virtue, “looking at the self from a place of maximum integrity, honesty and no compromise,” 10 0f Disks, Wealth, “communication of information.”
Lately I have been asking to understand the inter-connectedness between myself and the DTES of Vancouver.
If we are One with everything, how have I contributed to the the disarray in the DTES — the incredible addiction, self-mutilation issues, the opioid crisis (in 3 years 2224 people have died in BC), lack of food, homelessness — with my unconscious behaviour?
The very simple phrases I created from early childhood trauma — “I’m bad, I’m mad/sad, I want out” — can be the same phrases that a severe addict is saying, too.
These phrases, the false grids (beliefs that “God is punishing”) and our core issues (beliefs that we are a disappointment) are powerful, so powerful we can create a living nightmare, a life of addiction, homelessness, disarray. . . We are masterful creators!
As servants of the Mother, here to “bust the system” of the false grids and our core issues — by going deep into the self, and finding what we are unconsciously and subconsciously saying — understanding of those phrases sets us free.
Invoking the Sacred Beings, the Sacred Flames, the Universal Laws, and using the I Am statements, we can change not only how we feel internally about ourselves, but the external reflection and all we are connected to.
Hummingbird symbolizes joy, sacred purpose. Author and channel for the Council of Love, Linda Dillon, in her book, The New You, Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness, writes joy is:
“To be fully thankful, grateful, and One with the gift of life purpose and spirit. To be a reflection of the perfection of the creation of self and All. To live in and remain with the heart for all time.”
Once we understand the false grids and our core issues, our joy emerges, sacred purpose.
The Council of Love has recommended we help the ones in the most need first. . .
A new day is dawning, Nova Earth.
The Mother speaking to us of the Universal Law of Change:
“Now understand also, change – and this applies to your physical question – change is also sequenced and sequential.
“Now what does this mean? Certain things, physical as well as esoteric or spiritual, have need to be put in place first before other things can be put in place. Use the example of building a house. You do not put on the roof first.
“No, first you build the foundation. You build the foundation in your communities. You do it by having good neighbours and by sharing with like-minded people.
“They do not need to be aware of the fullness of what is happening. What they need to be aware of is your Love, that you think that they are fabulous. And they will live up to that. They will change towards the vision you are holding.
“Why do they do so? Because what you are saying is, ‘I know what you are. You are a child of creation, of the Mother, and you may do things that you are acting out because of fear or lack or limitation or simply because you have engaged the darkness of your own being. But I know what you are capable of. I know the truth of you.’
“So you are building that foundation. Not only within yourself, but within your community, within your neighbours, within your family. And you hold that vision.
“You don’t just hold it as something that is amorphous and untouchable, unreachable. You work together to manifest what is joyful and pleasurable, what feels solid and dependable and buildable.
“And from there, you sequence. Well if we have begun to say hello to each other and acknowledge each other, then perhaps the next point in that sequence is actually trusting each other enough to have a conversation or perhaps to do something together. You build. That is what you are doing.”
(“Transcript: Universal Mother Mary Discusses the Law of Change, September 3, 2013, Part 2/2,” Sept. 6, 2013, through Linda Dillon, at
September 17th, 2017
The Law of Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation is an incredible gift for us at this time of Ascension on Earth.
Thank you to our Divine Mother for this wondrous Law, to Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, our Planetary Logos, for teaching us the framework of Universal Law, and to St. Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame, for helping us understand and know the I Am.
Rain, gifts
C16 Raven MAGIC
3 The Empress, Ace of Cups
17 The Star
2 of Swords Peace, 21 The Universe
Working with the Universal Laws, the Violet Flame, and the I Am Ascension tools — the Rain card illustrates this beautifully — these tools are ‘raining’ down on us, are within the Love in our hearts. . . our knowing within.
Invoking the Laws, sitting still, meditating with the Violet Flame or any of the Flames, understanding the false grids, the entrenched ‘I’ beliefs, and our core issue ‘I’ phrases, we change the world.
We unconsciously create our reality
from the false grids and our core issues
or can consciously create
with the Laws, the Flames,
with the I Am.
Archangel Michael says it does not take, “Nations making decisions” in his Plea for Peace Now! meditation.
We are the Creator Beings that are changing the world. . . Understanding the phrases we have running and changing them to “I Am ______ ” phrases, we change our reality, create our Nova Earth.
Contrary Raven medicine tells us “healing cannot take place” unless we “clear the smoke”.
When we “seek the other realms of imagination and awareness” — the Laws, the Flames, the I Am — we are using “the magic to aid the entire family of Earth.”
We create our Nova Earth with 3 The Empress, Love with wisdom,
Ace of Cups, understanding and knowing the Holy Grail,
BALANCE with the Laws, the Flames, the I Am,
with apologies, forgiveness of everything,
knowing 17 The Star, our worthiness,
and creating 2 of Swords Peace,
21 The Universe, Nova Earth.
Angelic sunrise, 7:37:53 September 17, 2017
As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without
September 15th, 2017
Balance is the watchword of the Divine Plan, and within that is rebirth of the Divine Feminine, in balance with the Divine Masculine.
Yesterday, the Society, A Door To Everything, that formed around me last summer, opened a bank account. We have been meeting and planning, honing our mission, seeing great imbalance in the global opioid crisis and wondering how we can help. . .
The Tarot cards today are:
10. Oak Creek, feminine energy & intuition
1 Eagle, SPIRIT
4 The Emperor, 15 The Devil
2 of Disks Change
9 of Disks Gain, 10 of Wands Oppression
With the rise of feminine energy, we see circles of women forming, discovery of sacred purpose, planetary balancing in co-creation with the Divine.
“Eagle medicine is the power of Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine,” says Jamie Sams in her book Medicine Cards. “It is the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of Earth.”
Eagle teaches us that Loving all parts of ourselves, within and without, is the adventure of healing/balancing everything in co-creation with the Divine.
“. . . that dance that leads to flight involves the conquering of fear
and the willingness to join in the adventure
you are co-creating with the Divine.”
With, as Angeles Arrien says in, The Tarot Handbook, the service-oriented leadership of 4 The Emperor, “vision. . . without fear or resistance,” and the sure-footedness of 15 The Devil, the goat, “principle of mirth/humour at what bedevils us,” the feminine energy balances, humanity balances.
The Divine Feminine is slowly but surely transmuting, 2 of Disks Change, balancing, by following what has “heart and meaning” with organization and systemization, hitting “the mark, the bull’s eye,” 9 of Disks Gain, overcoming our fear of 10 of Wands Oppression, control, within and without.
As I have faced into my lack of self-love, lack of self-worth, sorrow, depression, exhaustion, anger, resentments, fears, I have found peace in forgiveness, understanding the phrases that make up the false grids and my core issues, knowing my I Am, and I am no longer willing to hold back, limit, not fully express myself.
As we come to this place, we are coming to know Who We Truly Are — our Universal self anchors closer in service to the Divine Mother, Her Divine Plan, sacred purpose — with limits and boundaries firmly in place.
personal balance = circle balance = planetary balance
circles working together for the good of the whole
as within, so without, as above, so below
September 11th, 2017
On this historic day, and now in the aftermath of hurricanes and other tragic global situations, comes a card spread reminding us of the incredible courage and Love, community, humans demonstrate when facing seemingly insurmountable odds.
11. Mingus Mountains, indirect source (Beauty, my friend’s dog, chewed the corner of the top card — an auspicious card.)
48 Wild Boar
10 of Swords Ruin, Queen of Cups
6 The Lovers
Princess Disks, 2 of Wands Dominion
From indirect sources, such as extreme weather, tragedy, personal situations, we discover the courage to face into our sorrows and fears.
Wild Boar medicine teaches us, according to Jamie Sams in Medicine Cards to, “confront human weaknesses and change them into strengths. . . Courageously standing tall, without running from situations that life presents, is powerful medicine indeed.”
Out of Ruin, 10 0f Swords — facing and overcoming our sorrows and fear with LOVE — comes emotional balance, Queen of Cups, relationship balance, community, 6 The Lovers, mastery of creative power, birth of new forms, Princess Disks, harmony and balance, within/without, 2 of Wands, Dominion.
Thank you, beloved circle, for this card spread.
September 2nd, 2017
11. Century Plant, look upwards
3 Elk, stamina
3 The Empress
3 of Swords Sorrow, 10 of Swords Ruin
The Magic Card! and Knight of Wands
When we consciously put ourselves into the Magic of 13th Octave daily, the higher dimensional ways become our constant state of being.
The Elk speaks to pacing myself and calling on the medicine of my sisterhood, the comradeship of my gender who have had similar experiences, a sense of community.
3 The Empress, Love with wisdom, community of sisterhood to air 3 of Swords Sorrow and 10 of Swords Ruin with the Magic of the transmuter Knight of Wands to hold the highest vision for friends, family, community.
When there is no judgement within or without, we transform. Our sorrow becomes possibility, our joy in another reflection, and ruin and failure but a journey to greater wisdom. . .
with the alchemy, the Magic,
of St. Germaine’s Violet Flame,
the I Am,
to hold the highest vision for Nova Earth.
August 27th, 2017
Gifts yesterday!
Rain, gifts
26 Squirrel, Gathering
5 Wands Strife, Knight of Swords
Queen of Disks
4 of Cups Luxury, Queen of Wands
Gifts, the gathering of wisdom and caring, Squirrel medicine, Love and worth, is our freedom. “. . . apply this [understanding and knowing] to your fears about the future and they [fears] will vanish,” says Jamie Sams, in Medicine Cards.
Anxiety, 5 of Wands, the concept of this false grid, this entrenched belief in separation — that we are alone and “God is punishing” — can colour everything. We cannot fly fast, Knight of Swords, build Nova Earth, Queen of Disks, heal, 4 of Cups, or know, Queen of Wands.
When we understand the original phrases, the entrenched beliefs, we created from our earliest traumatic incident, we fly!
I finally understand that it is
a triangle of the concepts of the false grids,
with the three entrenched beliefs, phrases, I created,
from an incident in early childhood that create a life that doesn’t work.
Thank you to my circle for this incredible gift!
Building, healing, and knowing become our joy, our sacred purpose, when we understand the original triangle, the concept of the false grids and the phrases we created, and same with our core issues 🙂
August 18th, 2017
A day of completion and new beginnings!
11. Cathedral Rock, strength and beauty
Contrary 6 Snake, Transmutation
4 of Wands Completion, 17 The Star
Prince of Disks
3 of Swords Sorrow, 7 of Wands Valour
11. Cathedral Rock looks like 2 beings, 2 rocks in the middle, relationships. I have been practising deeper listening, observing, while in the presence of another, yet fully present, being fluid and flexible especially when seeing my inner work to be done — working on my relationship with self — Love, forgiveness of self, of everything.
I have been saying I would like, ‘to flow like water everywhere, not triggered by anything!’ C6 Snake, Transmutation, in Jamie Sams’ Medicine Cards says, “Release the outer skin of your present identity. . . find a new rhythm, as your body glides across the sands of consciousness, like a river winding its way toward the great waters of the sea. . . know that the single droplet that you represent is being accepted by the whole.”
4 of Wands, Completion, and new beginnings! The Star, “an opening for light” as Angeles says in The Tarot Handbook, “the externalized expression of internal balance and clarity.”
Prince of Disks: Time to build with little things! My non-profit group will be meeting soon to discuss next steps. . .
3 of Swords shows me there is always more. . . There is sorrow in my life. I haven’t reached the level of healing I would like to be at, but as the Mother’s Plan unfolds, all concepts of our core issues, sorrows and fears, will become a distant memory. This card shows me there is work to do in my personal reality and our greater external global reality. One reflects the other.
Everything heals with balance.
My final card, 7 of Wands, Valour, illustrates when we have “the courage to stay by what we value, things will unfold like the lotus blossoms, renew and regenerate” as explained by Angeles Arrien.
August 12th, 2017
Today I’m posting 2 spreads.
I asked for the first spread below to help me understand the second one.
Here are my interpretations of this one and the one below:
9. Oak Creek Canyon, moving to another level
Contrary (up-side-down) 1. Eagle
8 of Swords Interference, 3 of Cups Abundance, Knight of Cups, 2o The Aeon, 9 of Cups Happiness
I move to another level when I really understand and know the Love, how deeply we are loved by the Mother, Great Spirit.
The concept of the false grid of doubt interferes with everything from: abundance of all kinds, what we feel service is, our discernment, to our happiness. Archangel Raphael says doubt is the cancer of humanity.
13. Mesquite, tenacious individuality
8. Otter, Woman Medicine
Knight of Swords, 4 of Swords Truce, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords, 1 The Magus
I have been consciously working with forgiveness, apologies, forgiving everything for a few years now. Lately, during 8 minutes at 8PM, I have been taking groups to the Karmic Board, but what has happened is deeper and deeper forgiveness of self.
Everything has sacred purpose and as we reach new levels our service to the Mother — our joy — unfolds in miraculous ways.
The Mother does not, on any level, wish us to experience dis-ease. We embarked on a journey to find our joy — our wondrous service to Her — to be joy in human form.
When we can see the concepts of the false grids, and the small sentences, wording we say to ourselves, the entrenched beliefs, and ask for them to be lifted by Archangel Michael then filled in with Archangel Gabrielle’s golden elixir of joy, and understand our concepts of core issues, sorrows and fears, so they diminish — we fly — our sacred purpose unfolds within.
The Knight of Swords illustrates I am flying towards peace within, 4 of Swords Truce, forgiveness of everything, Ace of Cups, the Holy Grail, Loving, trusting self as the Mother Loves us, the pink of our tri-flame, flying towards Ace of Swords, greater clarity, and 1 The Magus, mastery through communication.
There is always more. . . with perseverance and the woman medicine of Otter — community, sharing, unity — as Jamie Sams says in her book, Medicine Cards: “the finer qualities of woman. . . striven for in both men and women a unity of spirit can be achieved. . . keeping a Hawk-eye on ego (not allowing the doubt to interfere) and maintaining trust” we move along our paths creating Nova Being, Nova Earth.
sun rays this morning
August 5th, 2017
Today is Saturday and from The Sedona Deck Oracle I pick 12. Piñon Pine, patience.
From the Medicine Cards I turn over Goat. A while ago, I wrote Goat, on one of the 7 blank cards in the deck.
The Tarot cards are Princess of Disks, Princess of Wands, 3 of Cups, Abundance, 5 The Hierophant, and 7 The Chariot.
Here is my interpretation:
These cards are illustrating patience, my patience, and patience from the other side, as I figure out what is going on — what growth pattern I am learning 🙂
The Goat is humour with what bedevils us! When we are willing to look at our internal false grids and core issues, and external reflections, ‘bedevilments’, we come to balance.
With consistency and discipline — step-by-step — sure-footedness of Goat, we find our centre, peace, joy, Love, balance.
Often when we reach new levels, the sacred inner and outer work can be repeated, with greater conscious awareness of wholeness.
I have been going back into the past, apologizing and forgiving at a deeper level, than previously.
Princess of Disks represents Mastery of Creativity and Birth of New Forms in Angeles Arrien’s, The Tarot Handbook. I am birthing the New: Nova Being.
Princess of Wands is represented by Angeles as Mastery of Spontaneous Expression and Liberation.
As I forgive, I liberate myself from the concepts of the false grids, and my core issues, my sorrow and fears that restrict my freedom.
3 of Cups, Abundance — feelings of forgiveness — communicating forgiveness!
5 The Hierophant symbolizes I am learning, and teaching, the knowing of forgiveness, trusting my child-like curiosity, and as Angeles so perfectly says, journeying “the mystical path with practical feet,” inner and outer, sure-footed like a goat.
7 The Chariot is represented in Angeles’ book as Principles of Change, Movement, Combination of Stillness-Activity which illustrates what happened for me yesterday.
After a meeting that was ‘bedevilling’, I sat patiently (!) as energy moved in and around me.
The insights came, the clarity of the Mother — Who I Am — capable of forgiving everything just like the Mother.
With clarity, there are usually action steps to take.
I took some action steps of forgiving within and without, knowing there is always more. . . stillness/movement of The Chariot. . .
When I forgive all separation,
lack of self-love, lack of self-worth,
the human entrenched beliefs, the false grids,
especially ‘God is punishing’,
and my core issues,
my sorrow and fears,
I help myself and others
with inter-connectedness of All.
My Daily Invocation
I invoke the Divine Mother and the Law of Dispensation
for my gentle forgiveness of everything,
peace within, peace without,
for my compassion,
my balance.
A Journey to Joy
Finding Sacred Purpose
July 28th, 2017
Family party yesterday! I am intending to publish this daily and as you can see I haven’t. It is proving too much for me. I apologize again.
Consistency is really important in the elimination of the concepts of the false grids and our core issues, and I encourage everyone doing this work, to do it daily.
I will begin again, without judgement of self, and also ask within, find a way to make this work, writing explanations, maybe once a week. . .
Here is today’s card spread from our Sacred Divine Mother:
From The Sedona Deck is 1. Bell Rock, possibilities!
The Medicine Card today is 10 Turtle. Jamie Sams and David Carson tell us, “In Native American teachings, Turtle is the oldest symbol for planet Earth. It is the personification of goddess energy, and the eternal Mother from which our lives evolve. We are born of the womb of Earth, and to her soil our bodies will return. In the honoring of the Earth, we are asked by Turtle to be mindful of the cycle of give and take, to give back to the Mother as she has given to us.”
Turtle teaches us “the fine art of grounding”, placing focus — intention — on thoughts and actions, “slowing to a pace that assures completion.” Perfect for me. The poem, so beautiful, with this card reads:
Turtle. . . Great Mother,
Feed my spirit,
Clothe my heart,
That I may serve you too.
Here is my interpretation of the Tarot cards:
3 of Wands, Virtue: Divine Alignment of mind, heart and will means for me to be constantly taking conscious steps to wholeness, extending apologies to those I have hurt, being constantly forgiving of my unconsciousness and of everything, in gratitude/Love to Gaia, Mother/Father One, our Star Family, my physical human family, discovering more and more of my sacred purpose — peace, Love, joy.
19 The Sun: To me The Sun is the joy, the jubilation, we feel — sacred purpose in collaboration with others — creativity bringing forth the New!
Prince of Swords: I think this card is Who We Are. We can cut away the old by eliminating the concepts of the entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and our core issues to find our peace, joy, Love and therefore our sacred purpose.
Ace of Disks: This card represents, according to Angeles Arrien, The Tarot Handbook, internal and external success, the highest of the manifestation cards. I feel we can have this internal success, and therefore external success, reflections, when we eliminate the entrenched beliefs that are not of love and understand our core issues, and also by taking the steps of forgiveness in gratitude.
Perfect health and relationships, knowing and feeling an abundance of the Divine Qualities is in our Now, aided by the Mother and Her Tsunami of Love.
Ace of Swords: In Angeles’ book, this card represents “diamond consciousness.” I see this as our Christ Consciousness, 7th dimensional balance, unification, unity.
By taking conscious steps, Divine Collaboration, human collaboration, the tri-flame in our heart centre balances. We come to balance — as within, so without, as above, so below — in forgiveness and gratitude. No war within, no war without.
Thank you, Mother. I Love you.
July 26th, 2017
I apologize for my lapse in the daily Tarot spreads. I am in the process of reorganizing, prioritizing my focus. Today, to begin again, I asked for a simple understanding for us, and was guided not to include a Medicine Card in this spread.
The first card from The Sedona Deck is 6. Javalina, choice.
The Tarot cards from left to right are Ace of Wands, 10 of Swords, Ruin, 10 Fortune, Ace of Disks, and 11 Lust.
My interpretation:
Ace of Wands is conscious awareness of our wholeness, Who We Are, the committment to burn away, to eliminate the false grids, the entrenched beliefs, and to understand our core issues, everything that is not of love
10 of Swords is fear of ruin — relationship, financial, for our safety, even fear of implementing a creative idea — a state of mental despair, may be a repeating pattern of behaviour not of love that is ‘moving’. This card represents the work to understand our old fears, our core issues, so they release their hold on us, so we find our balance, our centre, where everything of Love is.
10 Fortune, the Eternal Flow, wheel of expansion, abundance/Love, breakthrough, where there is always change, there is always more. . .
Ace of Disks is internal and external success on all 4 levels — mental, emotional, spiritual, physical — highest of the manifestation cards
11 Lust, (lust comes from ‘lustre’) We find our lustre, our strength, with trust in ourselves to overcome our old fears, to let go, to eliminate the false grids, the entrenched beliefs, to understand our core issues, to forgive, to be gratitude, so Who We Truly Are shines through, Love and peace, balance, knowing our sacred purpose.
Always it is a choice, as the Javalina card indicates, to do this work of understanding and knowing Who We Are.
What I have found is the deeper I go — to understand and eliminate my ‘addiction to pain’, the false grids, and to understand and overcome my fears, my core issues — the more balanced my external reflection becomes.
What I understand and know internally manifests externally. Who We Truly Are can shine! My understanding of my sacred purpose expands, relationships and how I choose to situate myself, comes into greater balance.
Much gratitude to my guidance for this card picture!
July 17th, 2017
There are 2 sets of cards for today as I had questions about 2 very different events.
The first set had 3 of the false grids, a cause for celebration! Even though there is discomfort and sleeplessness, it is a huge opportunity for old energy to be gone for good, the letting go of the strangle-hold of triangular energy.
The first set: 7. Lizard, the unexpected, and then 18 Lynx, Secrets, show that I was taken by surprise.
The Tarot cards of 5 of Cups, Disappointment, 5 of Disks, Worry, 7 Chariot, 10 of Wands, Oppression, and 18, The Moon, give me a clear picture.
My interpretation:
Disappointment, Worry and Oppression in the Tarot are the false grids that I invoke Archangel Michael with his Blue Flame of Truth for understanding. These 3 false grids form a triangle of energy that I do not wish to carry any longer, that have created much illusion for me.
The disappointment, here, is emotional, physical separation, abandonment, no apology/no forgiveness, me holding the subconscious grudge. Because I was unconscious of how this energy manifests, similar situations of often extreme discomfort repeated over and over in this life.
The worry, here, is what I perceive as broken trust, communication. The oppression is control, punishment, and separation.
The Eternal Flow of Change, The Chariot, is the Love that includes forgiveness of everything.
I can choose with The Moon to delve into the past and see the repeating patterns, where the triangular false grid energy manifests dis-ease, discomfort. Seeing the repeating patterns is my understanding.
I invoke Archangel Michael to lift the false grids
of disappointment, worry, and oppression,
and for Archangel Gabrielle to fill in my grid with her Golden Joy,
conscious awareness of my wholeness.
With The Moon, we recognize our freewill choice, to decide to heal. With choice we can hold on to old ways of being, or release, let go, the false grids that no longer serve us, so we become the totality of Who We Are.
I sit still, for a long while, as the old energy is lifted. The old grids feel like hard stringy toffee being pulled from my upper and lower teeth, jaws, roof of my mouth and throat. When the process is complete there is celebration. Each celebration is unique.
I encourage and applaud all who do this work.
Much much gratitude to Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabrielle.
The Second Spread
This second spread illustrates listening, 4. Raven, in detail, 20 Mouse, to another.
20 The Aeon reminds us to be discerning with each other. When looking to the past, to forgive ourselves for all judgements.
Old grids and issues in relationships, when communication is swift and direct, 8 of Wands, with compassion can be transformed, Queen of Wands, from fear of failure, 7 of Disks, mentally understanding and letting go, cutting away old ways of being, the Prince of Swords, to discover Who We Truly Are.
Myself and another each spent quite some time apologizing, forgiving, anchoring forgiveness, for events of the past. We took turns, listening, hearing, stating, “You are forgiven” or “Your apology is heard and accepted” for our unconscious and even sub-consciousness behaviour, on and off planet.
Again, I so encourage this work. Understanding and knowing Who We Are is a constant state of forgiving.
July 16th, 2017
Generally the cards tell me a picture of the day before. These cards illustrate the healing — the coming to greater balance — I felt from more apologies I extended out, forgiving and forgiveness, past, present.
The top card is 8. Prickly Pear, diversity. The second card is 2. Hawk, messenger. The Tarot cards are 8 Adjustment, 6 of Cups, Pleasure, 4 of Swords, Truce, Ace of Disks, and Prince of Cups.
My interpretation:
We are unique messengers in this time of Ascension, our coming to balance, Adjustment, within is our healing, Luxury. We come to peace within, Truce, with the highest manifestation, Ace of Disks, of emotional balance Prince of Cups, the more (I have noticed) I am forgiving, by extending apologies for what has transpired, and being the forgiveness.
Peace within creates peace in the without, individually and Universally.
April 2015, Universal Mother Mary through Linda Dillon, talked to me of “the power of forgiveness and compassion.”
She said, “Apologies, receiving a genuine again, ‘I’m sorry,’ when someone says that truly from their heart, it is a request for forgiveness, and so in the person receiving the apology, it is not only the transmutation — and what I would call the rectification of an injury — it is an expansion of the receiver to then from a higher realm grant forgiveness and feel compassion.”
For the past 2 years I have been asking for apologies, and extending forgiveness, and lately more and more, extending apologies for my past behaviour, not only in this life, but through my guides, my I Am into the past and to The I Am.
I am finding there is always more,
new levels of conscious awareness of our wholeness.
I am very grateful to my circle,
for helping me to see this picture through the cards.
July 15th, 2017
Today the cards are really interesting! Thank you to my circle for the understandings, especially to St. Germaine.
The top card is VIII. Thunder Mountain, let it bounce off.
The Medicine Card, in the middle, is 44 Hummingbird, contrary (up-side-down).
The Tarot Cards I pulled from left to right are 5 of Swords, Defeat, 20 The Aeon, 14 Art, 8 Prudence, and the Ace of Cups.
I learned today that some of the false grids and core issues have an opposite reflection, that we can find our joy, our sacred purpose by exploring our pain, what hasn’t worked, how this can be illustrated by the cards.
Here is my interpretation:
We can detach from old energies, “let it bounce off”, by journeying into our sorrow, finding understanding, then acting, often by apologizing/forgiving, acknowledging our sorrow, our fears.
Fear of defeat — moving forward by clearing/apologizing/forgiving — can be overcome from a place of balance, The Aeon, by facing into the what disturbs us, Art, to find our artistry, wisdom, prudence, which helps our heart centre open where our joy, our purpose, our service is.
We discover Who We Are facing into our sorrow, and overcoming our fears.
In this case I felt my sorrow and fear in my teeth and throat. With more understanding of what to apologize for, and apologizing so it is heard whether it is to another or at the Karmic Board, the old energy transmutes to joy — there is integration of the old creating the New — the Art card and Ace of Cups.
A beautiful gift early this morning,
joy within and joy without.
For the last 2 years I have been Divinely Guided along a journey of apologizing, forgiving and forgiveness, and felt a miraculous transmutation of ‘the old’ to joy.
Nova Earth,
the new balanced reality we all desire, free from all war and chaos,
could we create it with apologies and forgiveness,
within and without?
July 14th, 2017
Today the picture from my cards is one of hope. Much gratitude to my guidance, the Mother, my circle.
The first card, at the top, is Roadrunner, trust and knowledge.
The one in the middle, up-side-down, is 20 Mouse, Scrutiny. These cards have two messages, depending on which way the card turns over. I have learned not to judge the messages, criticize myself — to read them in balance — find what resonates, the message from my guidance.
The words in Jami Sams book, Medicine Cards, that pop out are: “all good things come to those willing to work towards wholeness”, that the details are important.
The Tarot cards above are 6 of Swords – Science (of the mind), Ace of Cups, 3 of Cups – Abundance, 21 The Universe, and 20 Aeon.
How I interpret this message:
The mind, 6 of Swords, is coming to balance (those details of Mouse) heart consciousness, Ace of Cups, Love with wisdom, trust without over-extending, 3 of Cups, the abundant communicating heart, joy that radiates out creating 21 The Universe — Universal Love — from that place of balance, self-trust.
20 Aeon is looking at our history, the whole, the overview without judgement, in forgiveness and gratitude, giving birth to the New.
Coming back to the scrutiny of the Mouse, from my understanding and work, our compassion for each other, reaching out that helping hand in kindness, sharing, and nurturing is our Nova Being and Nova Earth.
Our work to wholeness can be apologizing for our unconsciousness, being in that constant state of forgiving everything, especially ourselves, that Yeshua speaks of — Loving our neighbours as ourselves — taking the time to pause, to understand the reflections, the past lives, the false grids and our core issues we see, and taking the Loving action within and without.
I am thankful for the information of the Aeon card. Yesterday, an aspect of myself, made herself known and asked to apologize for events that had transpired in her life that effected our fellow humans years ago. We did this together in front of Steve. My aspect and myself are so grateful that Steve heard us.
How we feel in this life can be directly related to what has happened in the past.
Lack of self-worth and lack of self-love can be discovered and let go
by invoking our Divine Guidance, the Flames, using cards,
then pausing to ask where it arises from
and taking the Loving action.
There is a fentanyl crisis, world-wide. Many are dying. Why? Could it be related to our inner state of being?
As we come to balance, let go our addiction to pain — lack of self-worth and self-love — our outer reality will reflect our conscious wholeness, that inner peace and Love.
Apologies and forgiveness, compassion, builds our new reality for everyone.
July 13th, 2017
Each day I use cards from 3 decks. I pull and place them as I have above. The placement of the cards is a picture that helps me to put into words what is transpiring in my life.
The top card, Desert Breeze, force, is from The Sedona Deck Oracle.
In a reading, May 2012, with Archangel Gabrielle through Linda Dillon, I was told I can be a force. I am learning to be ‘the force’ of compassion, forgiving and forgiveness, kindness, with tenderness, gentleness.
As Steve and I are daily doing Project Kindness with Sanat Kumara, this card is reminding me, being ‘the gentle force’ of kindness we change the world.
The second card from Jami Sams’ Medicine Cards, 51 Jaguar, symbolizes Integrity/Impeccability, with its medicine being to “devour the unclean aspects of human behavior”. The Law of Intent comes to mind, where SK says how important it is that every thought, every action be in Divine Alignment, in balance.
Jaguar medicine teaches us “that personal integrity allows for mistakes, embraces forgiveness, and humbly makes self-directed corrections allowing a rebalanced spirit to triumph.”
I am reminded of past experiences taking steps to apologize, coming to forgiveness of everything, and now doing the same again but with greater expansion as I reach new levels, ‘ever-lightening my load of old ways’ to become Nova Being.
The small poem in the book sums up:
Sacred Jaguar teach me. . .
To wear my power lightly,
To walk with impeccability,
To approach life with compassion,
And to live up to the integrity of my human potential.
The Tarot cards from the Thoth Tarot Deck, designed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris, today are 10 of Swords – Ruin, 12 The Hanged Man, the Queen of Swords, 3 of Wands – Virtue, and 10 of Cups – Satiety.
As I look at them they form a picture:
I see my core issue fear of ruin, that that pattern is breaking, with the clarity of the Mother, with the quality of virtue, integrity, apologies and forgiveness, that mind, heart and will are working together to create joy, balance.
The way the cards are positioned creates a message to interpret.
I feel from the message in the cards, with help from Isis, St. Germaine and the Violet Flame and Archangel Uriel and his Silver Flame, that I should deeply apologize again with all my heart to all beings I have hurt in this lifetime, and in certain past lifetimes, and to Gaia. I’m so very sorry.
Over the coming days I will ask where there is deeper work of apologizing to be done, more forgiving and more forgiveness of self.
I will read Angeles Arrien’s The Tarot Handbook for information pertaining to each of the Tarot cards and I will meditate for greater understanding and knowing from my guidance, apologizing and forgiving, Love and peace.
With the clarity from the cards it is much easier to understand and know the false grids and my core issues, receive messages, to see what I have to let go, and the action steps to take to come to balance. There is always more. . .
This morning ritual of pulling cards I have found invaluable.
I am in huge gratitude to my guidance, my circle,
for all their teachings, helping me navigate
this process of Ascension to balance.