Most of the money taken from my bank account returned when I posted Part 1!
Not all of it, though, so that leads me look again at what this reflection of fraud is, to write another post, to go deeper. . .
What does this outer fraud represent in me?
I do know we’re learning to create in alignment with the All, understanding the Divine Principals taught by the Mother, SK, the Ascended Masters and Enlightened Beings.
With this said any judgement of self/others/situations is way out of the heart space, out of Divine Alignment. SK told us we do not have the wisdom to judge anything and that all judgement needs to stop.
We have a history of violence on this planet and that violence stems from the old belief systems we hold onto within:
the bigotry – the lack of equal Love to our masculine and feminine energies, (especially our physical caregivers in early life)
the hatred – all judgement
the limitation – all feelings of separation, from anxiety, worry, broken trust to hopelessness
the control – the guilt we manipulate self and others with
I know if I’m judging – “being violent” to my self/others, that fraudulent behaviour of not loving my self/others – I’m contributing to the violence on planet; as within so without.
As we look to the without Now, and the exposure of the old behaviour, the “Cabal” the pedophilia, from bioweapons to Satanism and so much more, the tendency is to point fingers and blame.
This is not what we’re here to do at this time. We are here to forgive everything so our entire planet, all humanity, the “Cabal” within/without comes to balance; as within so without.
The fraud I’m perpetrating is not trusting what I hear in my heart. . . resisting the healing found in trusting. . . resisting surrendering deeper into my self knowing that I Am Loved no matter what has transpired on this very long journey, the good, the bad, the ugly.
The anger/fear that arises as I contemplate the past can catapult me out of my heart into my “thinking mind” so I’m not in the Divine Alignment of forgiveness of everything, compassion for self, and gratitude for all experiences.
Knowing forgiveness of everything, that place of detachment with attachment to the highest vision, compassion, and gratitude for self/others, are 6th dimensional growth patterns we are learning right Now.
From there we jump to unity consciousness, the Christ Consciousness of the 7th dimension, where we take care of everyone, especially our most disenfranchised, encouraging the ones who have hoarded the wealth to share so all are taken care of. Hoarding has no place in Nova Earth, from toilet paper to money. . .
Balancing the fraud within — coming to peace with forgiveness of self for everything — is a daily practice as the mirrors appear, those metaphors in daily life our family, friends, employment present to us (those gifts to realize our selves).
To question and contemplate those metaphors — to take the pause — is well worth our effort so we create that solid foundation of Love and peace within.
Peace is knowing my worth, that I Am Forgiveness — and Forgiven by the Mother/Father One — for everything.
Equal to forgiveness is I Am Gratitude — again to the self/Mother/Father: we are One — for the entire journey, good, bad, ugly.
I balance in my Divinity, my Love — my compassion for self/others — with that clean-up of the old belief systems, with my forgiveness, compassion, gratitude.
And with humour, patience, fortitude, joy, all the Divine Blessings and Virtues.
Time for my shenanigans, the fraud,
the judgement within to stop!