Wednesday Classes on Zoom
5pm PST / 8pm EST
starting January 12th
How Things Work in the Higher Realms
with emphasis on Divine Qualities
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Meeting ID: 821 6663 7920
Passcode: 630580
Classes are by donation.
Very grateful for your prayers,
a monthly subscription or donation,
whatever feels right for you.
Everything of Love helps support me,
our ongoing volunteer work with women in recovery,
& the maintenance of Voice of Freedom & A Door To Everything sites.
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Previous classes:
~ 13 Universal Laws Explained Webinar ~
Aug 25th to Dec 8th, 2021
(class recordings, links to info)
Classes in person on Zoom,
or viewed at a later date,
are by donation.
Monthly subscriptions
are much appreciated.
The Divine Mother: You have known that this shift would take place, that this time of Ascension within your very core would take place.
Many of you are still looking to the external signs, yes they are guideposts, but sweet ones the truth of your progress, of your Ascension, of your movement is from within.

High Heart Chakra