January 10th, 2012, Zennoni, one of my guides talked to me through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
Zennoni: Halion is a ray but long ago, Halion was a planet. It was a beautiful planet filled with buildings that you have never seen, crystal cities and gardens. It was very verdant, in some ways similar to Earth but different and not of this galaxy.
What happened with Halion and I was part of this, was that it evolved, we are talking a very long time ago, in your timeframe, about a million years ago. It evolved to sheer energy. There are several planets that have done this you know.
So, you think of what you are going through on the Earth plane right now with Gaia and the evolutionary process of Ascension, well, on Halion, we went through this, too, over a long period, obviously of time. Eventually, the vibration of the planet and of everybody upon the planet evolved to such a state that we released matter. We became sheer energy and we decided as a unified collective that we would travel the multiverse.
We are known as the Halion Engineers. That is why we are so good with computers, and what we do is, we help or we construct and when we say construct we mean, yes, spaceships but societies, buildings, infrastructures.
You see it is not sufficient to simply have, and this is what so many have missed, and that we can help correct, you cannot have, for example, a city filled with beautiful buildings unless there is a plan. But people tend to think of city planning as physical land use and mass but of course there is a spirit and an infrastructure of community and support that is also required.
So, we assist in the building of that, the construction of that, as well, but we love physical construction, cities of light, planets, well you would think of them as asteroids because they are not organic.
We build things and we travel the Universe but at that time when we evolved to sheer energy, I also returned to the heart of One and at that time I took on the responsibility and the joy, the honour of being your guide. I am much older than you and I am also from the future. I Am Ancient and I Am also of the Future.
More about Halion on Heavenly Blessings Radio Show:
The Halion Engineers and the Healers of Tralana