Steve’s all time favourite, An Hour With An Angel radio show with Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law and our Universal Logos.
Sanat Kumara on the Purpose of Life, the Universal Law, and the Longing for Liberation
At 11:30 minutes Steve asks: . . . who created the Universal Law? Could you discuss that with us?
Sanat Kumara: The Divine Mother — and I would never presume to correct the Mother! — but the Divine Mother brings forth ways of creation, of movement, of action, in which we come to know and experience the unknowable, that we can find that place of union between movement and stillness, between all and nothing.
So the Universal Law, as you think of it, as we all think of it, is a way for us to come to know, to understand, to create, and to be closer in alignment, in union, with All That Is.
So it was a method or a tool of creation.
Michael has spoken to you about Divine Plan, and in a lesser way, though we do not mean this in any way to be demeaning, about rules of engagement.
And in some ways that is how Universal Law has been come to be understood, but it was not that that the Mother was bringing forth when you think of her womb, her movement, her conjoining out of the stillness into the Universe.
It was a way for us to understand and to be in closer Divine Union.
So even in the very beginning, the alignment of will was such that there was a will in the Oneness, in the All, in the Source, to be known and to have what creations came forward throughout many Universes, to understand, and ways in which to be able to work their way back.
So you can think of Universal Law — and I try to use language that is completely understandable, not only to you, my beloved Steve, my beloved Graham, and my beloved Linda, but to all of our listeners; I try to use language that will make common sense to each of you — so it was a guide, a road map, a way in which to know the unknowable.
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SB: All right. Well, we’ve talked about the purpose of life. We’ve just introduced the notion of Universal Law.
If we could bring a third notion into this I think it would be very helpful, and that’s the notion of what came out of this Divine Plan.
What is the Divine Plan? We could probably sense it from what you’ve said so far, but could you be explicit about it, please?
SK: And I am assuming that you are thinking primarily about the Divine Plan as it applies not only to our realm, my realm, but to the realm of Gaia and the human experience as well, because, as you know — or perhaps you do not all know — the Divine Plan is very dynamic.
It is not something that is set in stone, although in many ways it is etched throughout the universe.
Yes, we know that is a contradiction, but that is [its] nature.
So let us talk about the Plan in terms of what makes sense for Earth and for the human existence, and for what we have been doing together within this Universe.
So this includes us of the ascended realms, and it also includes your star brothers and sisters and many of the angelic and the archangelic realm.
So it is not simply exclusive to the human realm.
It also, I might add, includes all the kingdoms and all the realities.
So the Divine Plan, the original plan — let us put it that way — was the creation of this form, this life-form, this expression of One, of All, of Mother/Father All, to be having the experience of Love.
But it was further defined that they would have this element because, of course, it was a curiosity on the part of some, and then we would have to go further into what we would refer to as Divine History.
But it was considered a desirable aspect to grant and to have the element of free will, of choice, of alignment, so that the experience could be, in each unique expression, self-directed.
Now, when the Gaia volunteered for this undertaking as well, it was understood that this planet would be a place of Love.
This was the Divine Plan.
The Divine Plan was for this humanoid, human collective, and everybody else, to have this experience of Love, of joy, of peace, and, yes, of the ability to have free will and choice, to align in whatever way they were wishing to experience that form, and so to be able to travel.
Now, in the beginning, it was what you think of as veils between dimensions, but the sphere within which Gaia was operating was a twelve-dimensional sphere, simply because it had so much diversity, choice, wonder, awe, and potential to experience a whole variety of things.
Now the beginning point of that experiment, of that expression, was to have physicality, as you have said, to have form.
This was not simply unique to Earth, but the Divine Plan part for Earth was for it to be a place for a physical experience of Love, and all of the relevant experiences related to that.
But it was not intended, and it was not part of the Divine Plan, that you would be stuck in that form.
This became an expression of your free will, of human will — well, I can only say — gone awry.
But the Divine Plan has always been that, regardless of how far you wandered, that you would still recover and learn from the experience — because we do not judge within our realm; it is not considered, oh, this was right, this is wrong.
That is not the way that we conceive or operate — but that there would be an awakening, and yes, a great awakening.
But this has happened in stages, and that there would be a return to Love, to awareness, and in that awareness, and in that Love, would be the recapturing or the re-embracing, the re-claiming of your Divinity, of your ability to be multi-inter-dimensional beings — as is the whole planet, by the way — and that you would have the reconnection not only to the Love that is the energy and the substance, the essence, of All, but that you would have the reconnection to the Love That You Are.
And in that reconnection to the Love That You Are, that that would create even a grander awakening and opening, and that you would see and come to understand the connection to your fellow human beings, the collective, and, through that, that truly there is no such thing as separation, and through that, that there is only unity.
And therefore the expression of what you choose to create in your multi-dimensional self would return and become an expression of what the Divine would create.
So even within what I would refer to as the Divine Plan, there was this flexibility for you to strike.
Now because of that wandering, there has been a great deal, more than you probably can conceive of, of assistance that has been brought forward and that was put in place and has been in place for a very, very long time, millions and millions of years, to assist you in that unfoldment and in that evolution, as you — each of you and all of you — evolve back to the One and into the Light, into the Love.
So your question is then,
“Lord, are you saying to me that the dissolution of the human race into these false grids, into these false paradigms, was this part of the Universal Plan?”
And I say, no, it wasn’t.
But the granting and the creation of free will allowed for that flexibility.
Now, you have many — particularly in what you think of as your religious texts — mythologies and stories about the lost soul, or the ones that wander away from the light, and how they are brought back to the light.
And the reason that you have these stories is because it is a gentle reminder that has been inspired within the human imagination and mythology, and the history as well, the actual fact, so that you would remember the potential, and the choice, of what you often think of as redemption, of the potential to return back to Who You Really Are.
Now let us suggest to you, it is not a requirement of Source, of One, that you be of the Light to complete what is already eternally and infinitely complete.
But it is the Creation, it is the Divine Plan that you will be complete, that you will find and rediscover this wonderful sense and knowing and depth of wholeness, because it is Who You Are.
That is why we have worked so diligently with her [Gaia].
And I use the word “work” because it is a word that you understand.
But let me be clear, my friend, that the work that my Lady (Sanat’s Lady Venus) and I, and all of the ascended ones, and all of your star brothers and sisters, all of the archangels, all of the Company of Heaven, all of the Council of Love, the work that we do is not work at all!
Have there been times when we have looked and perhaps have shaken our heads, wanting you to come closer, knowing what the eventual unfoldment would be?
Of course.
And there have been many ways in which we have taught and guided you, whether you have known it or not, in order for that to happen.
So even when there were times when there were individuals or collectives trapped in the quagmire of illusion, we would still send the inspirations and the reminders and the redirection, so that you would see that lighthouse, so that you would remember that what you were doing was simply a detour and an illusion and not the truth of who you were, individually or collectively.
And what has happened and what is definitely part of this Divine Plan, and the Universal Plan for this area, is that so many of you who have incarnated and returned to Earth….
There is an emphasis on karma a great deal upon your planet, and often you will think, well, I am here to correct or work out some karma.
But so many of you simply returned because you knew, in alignment, that you would be the agents and the catalysts of change, that you wished to be in form once again, in this human form, in this expression of Divinity, at a time when that remembrance and awakening would occur, because so many of you had witnessed the density of the wandering.
And there had been suffering and pain and experiences of darkness and loss.
That is also why so many of you are abhorrent of darkness.
It is because you have experienced it on both sides.
And it is not to be judged.
It is only to be embraced.
It is only to be Loved.
When you see a child that is playing with fire, and they set themselves mistakenly on fire, do you scold that child?
No! You scoop them up.
You save them.
You tend to them.
You heal them.
And that, in each of you who are listening, that was your decision, your piece of your plan within the Divine Plan.
Is it complex? Yes.
But in other ways if you let your mind go of all the ifs, ands, and buts — and we know that you have difficulty with this, because we have traveled that journey — but if you can, then you will see that this expression of Divine Plan, and within the Divine Plan the expression of Universal Law as a way to understand and know Divine Plan, is actually very simple.

Joy is the gratitude for sacred purpose & hope is the bedrock from which All emanates, the Mother/Father One, emerald LOVE