Everyday we create and destroy on many levels.
We make food and eat it; our bodies assimilate and eliminate. We create clutter, then de-clutter. We construct and repair relationships, sometimes destroy them.
Everyday — until we master being in bliss — we tend to judge our selves/others, consciously, unconsciously and subconsciously.
On a recent trip to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, I listened to my self say something about every being who walked by on the sidewalk outside the car I was sitting in. I found a dialogue going on about clothing, cleanliness, drugs.
I asked my self, “Where does this come from?” and got my answer. Has it eliminated the judgement? Nope, but I’m much more conscious of it, how destructive it is.
Judge another and I’m really judging my self — I’m not seeing our shared Divinity.
Sanat Kumara said we do not have the wisdom to judge anyone or thing. In his teaching of the Law of Karmic Dispensation, he said:
“What takes us out of unity/community consciousness is judgement of self or others.
“Judgement is cruel, harmful, illustrates a lack of love, of compassion, of allowance, and we do not have the permission or wisdom to judge anyone.”
Someone wrote in about one of our women world leaders. It brought to mind when I do readings I often talk about past lives, how we have all played the good, the bad and the ugly roles for a reason, by choice.
Lao Tzu taught us, when he explained the blessing and virtue of humility, that:
“We demonstrate lack of humility — lack of integrity — when we blame others or ourselves, feel the need to control, manipulate, make moralistic judgements, have hidden agendas, are envious, greedy, jealous or dishonest.”
It’s comforting to know this is but another lifetime on Gaia, albeit a completion one, an Ascension one.
Our higher selves and guardians, with us 24/7, are creatively helping us remember everyone’s Divinity, and patiently sharing how to destroy, to transmute everything not of love back to original purity within, for our without.
we will truly remember our Oneness,
that balance of compassion, humility, bliss and ecstasy,
that community, within and without – the Love,
destruction/creation for the highest good,
the physics of as within so without.