Thank you to everyone who attended the Universal Law of Transmutation class!
Joining the circle on the day, and/or viewing the recording later, our energy goes out into the Collective.
The Law of Transmutation (and Dissipation) is a way for us to transmute — change (& disappear) — old ways of being, energy not of love and situations back to original purity.
We find at the kernel of mostly everything is Love.
Also, sending Love, along with the Mother’s Clarity, is a way to transmute and transform, helping us come into alignment for our Ascension.
When we send Love — that is what the Law and what creation and healing is about — we are sending clarity to the individual, situation or collective — we are sending it with the purity of intent, purity of Love.
Much gratitude to everyone.
Here’s the recording:
Topic: Universal Law Wednesdays
The Law of Transmutation
Date: October 20, 2021
Meeting Recording:
Heavenly Blessings with Sanat Kumara:
the Universal Law of Transmutation with audio
Transmutation Ideas for Our Heaven on Earth
when eating our own food we can etherically share it with everyone who is hungry
free fridges on streets — LOAF
take an area of extreme distress, surround the Mighty Ones and their colours, invoke & multiply
I recently took laundry detergent, programmed with Love, as a donation to a foundation in our DTES, Vancouver (the poorest postal code in Canada)
prisons to therapeutic communities — Harrison Mills
interacting with lonely seniors
tiny homes for our homeless in back yards
trauma therapy being taught at Law School, Ben Perrin
ocean clean-up — Boyan Slat — the great Pacific garbage patch, river mouths