Non-judgement is LOVE
Thank you to everyone who attended the last class of this series,
the Universal Law of Completion & Continuity!
Universal Mother Mary, the Law of Completion & Continuity
through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
Are there a million and three interpretations of these Laws and Values? Yes, because they are unique to you, but let us also suggest to you, just like us, that you are constant while you are also never-changing and ever-changing.
That is part of the delight of experience and existence, and it is not merely, dear heart, about incarnation and reincarnation; for in each incarnation, in each travel that you have undertaken, there is significant shift in every single breath, every thought, every emotion, every action that you experience and take.
Nothing in the Infinite Creation of Eternity is constant,
and everything is constant, because everything is created from Love.
That is the only essence;
that is the only substance;
that is the only fiber there is.
So everything that takes form comes from Love,
comes from My Heart and My Essence.
Topic: Universal Law Class Recording
Law of Completion & Continuity
Date: December 8, 2021
Meeting Recording:
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Conscious Eating for Many
Multiplying the Feeling of Fullness
to our Brothers & Sisters who are hungry. . .
invoking the Law of Change for the highest and best on Gaia.
When eating Green Food
invoking and intending change:
I Am Love,
I Am Charity, I Am Compassion
Blue Food: I Am Forgiveness of Everything,
I Am Peace, I Am Hope
Yellow Food: I Am Gratitude,
I Am JOY! I Am My Sacred Purpose
Archangel Gabrielle’s Golden Elixir
clarifies us and
brings us joy inside & out,
lubricates limbs, joints, restores our organs
multiplied to everyone. . .
Soul Conversations to Help Bring EveryOne into Alignment
I invoke the Law of Intent
to see with eyes of Peace & Joy,
to be a reflection of Love & Harmony,
Sacred Purpose in the Balance of Give & Receive.
Sanat Kumara, The Importance of the Universal Laws, page 238, through Linda, on the starting point, the Law of Purpose, and the finishing point – the full circle of these Laws:
The Universal Laws are simply the Laws of this Universe. They are the understanding of how your Universe works and operates, but the basis of all of these Laws is Love.
There cannot be a Universal Law that does not have its foundation in Love. That is the core and the substance of the multiverse, of the omniverse.
I wish to speak to you about the Law of Purpose. The Law of Purpose is the Law that commands and requires and gives each of you the freedom to be in alignment with your sacred self and to be the embodiment of your sacred self.
Many of you have thought of this and seen a glimmer of this in your desire, in the political movements upon your planet for self determination, for freedom, but this is a precept.
It is a Law
that when you choose to align
and exercise the freedom,
to be the totality of Who You Are,
to be the full expression of your Divinity
and to embody that,
then it is the Law
that the energy must follow this decision,
this choice.
There is a great deal of discussion upon the planet about free will and about the nature of free will and that this is a free-will zone.
We would never have it otherwise for this is a unique quality; but the biggest element of free will is the choice, the decision to be the freedom of your being.
Once you do this, once you invoke this Law
— yes through intent, through stillpoint
and bringing it forward through action —
then you are commanding,
demanding the Law
to allow you
the freedom to do this.
Many of you are stuck, my dear hearts, and that is why I am being so emphatic about this.
You think that you are controlled by the old paradigms. Well, of course, you are not and they fade rapidly, but you also have these ideas, and we call them ideas, ideations, belief systems, that you are restricted by what you believe is your mission and service and purpose.
But the very Law of Purpose
is the Law of Freedom
for you to be the Totality of Who You Are.
It is not time-lagged.
It is immediate.
As soon as you claim that freedom
then It Is So.
Now you may have some mental and emotional adjustments to do and I will help you with this, for, yes, you have been in shackles a long time, so the idea of complete freedom for some of you is terrifying.
You really aren’t quite sure what to do with it, and that is why we ask you, we invite you to dream, and we invite you to dream big.
There is nothing small about any of you.
You have been birthed from the Heart of One.
You are a mirror of the Divine.
Yes, you have assumed form, and you have assumed form during this miraculous time of Ascension.
So you say to me “SK, how do I invoke the Law of Purpose. How do I invoke the freedom to be the entirety of my sacred self?”
You do so humbly, but you do so joyfully.
You do so in thanksgiving and awe,
but you do it simply by invoking the Law,
by going to that place within your heart,
of formulating the intent that you are living in alignment,
in perfect alignment with the Law of Purpose.
It is your freedom ticket, dear hearts.
It always has been.
Now this is a Law that does not simply apply to you or to your planet or to the collective of the human race. It applies Universally. I have declared this long ago and I Am the Embodiment of My Sacred Self. All the Ascended Masters are.
And what are you except masters?
The Mother has referred to you as her Ascension Angels and this is a beautiful term that captures and reflects to you, your potential. So what I am doing, before I go any further, I am making a solemn commitment to each of you.
If you are not certain how these Laws that I am discussing with you work, then call me.
Invoke my name. Invoke my energy. Invoke my wisdom.
I Am Here to help the planet fulfill all of your dreams and the Dream of the Mother.
I will help you with these Laws. I will show you the way.
I will reveal the Laws to you as you are ready, as you are prepared.
So I do not ask you to run before you can walk but
this sacred Law of Purpose,
it is a starting point,
and it is a finishing point
because it is the claiming of Who You Are.