The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation is a gift of new beginnings.
Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, says this Law is the opportunity for us to forgive those who have harmed us, but even more important, for us to forgive ourselves.
It is the gift of forgiveness to our selves for not expressing and experiencing our selves as Divine.
This Law of Karmic Dispensation is a gift freely given and therefore must be freely received as well.
An Invocation
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
to wipe the slate clean of all things I have done or not done,
all karmic debt that is owed to me and that I owe
and have incurred — be forgiven, erased.
I request this karmic dispensation.
Heavenly Blessings ~ The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
with Sanat Kumara
Karmic Dispensation Meditation at 13:36
Sanat Kumara’s teachings begin at 29:16
It is important that we realize we are set free, and at the same time, Sanat Kumara asks us not to cling to old behaviour patterns.
Golden key words
Sanat Kumara recommends we say
from our heart centre:
I request
that all karmic debt
that is owed to me,
and that I owe and have incurred,
be forgiven and erased.
I Am Gratitude,
The old patterns of not apologizing, not being forgiving — not offering forgiveness to ourselves or others — not being compassionate or in gratitude, hinder our journey.
The Law of Karmic Dispensation
is the understanding that we are newborn
with the wisdom, the Love, the knowing of Who We Are.

The Mother’s Blue Diamond of Hope – the bedrock from which All emanates – for healing. and for knowing the balance of the Mother, the Father and the One
In the knowing of Who We Are,
is forgiveness, compassion,
gratitude for self/others,
peace, Love & joy
our I Am &
the I Am.
When we use the words, I Am, what we are doing is claiming and declaring our Divinity and our alignment with the I Am.
We are bringing our heart, consciousness, mental and emotional bodies, and physical body into alignment with our Universal Self which is our personal I Am.
Our Universal Self, our personal I Am, aligns with the I Am, with Divine Mind, Heart, Will, Presence.
The more we think of ourselves, act as our self within that I Am, the more we will be — peace, Love, joy — forgiveness, compassion, gratitude.
Healing occurs at the speed of Love — instantaneously, immediately — but the rate an individual chooses to incorporate Love is particular to that person.
We do not heal anyone.
We act as vessels of healing by allowing the source energy of Love, of the cosmos, of the One, added with our Love, to flow through us to that person.
The more we are in unity/community consciousness — balance — the more this transmission can take place.
What takes us out of unity/community consciousness is judgement of self or others.
Judgement is cruel, harmful, illustrates a lack of love, of compassion, of allowance, and we do not have the permission or wisdom to judge anyone.
The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation is a gift given freely by the higher realms to us, but it must be requested.
We can request this gift as many times as needed.
I request that all karmic debt that is owed to me,
and that I owe and have incurred,
be forgiven, erased.
I Am Gratitude,
On this journey, as we anchor in the higher ways of being,
situations can arise where requesting this gift
helps not only us but many.
A Daily (post this) Invocation
for the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
I invoke Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos,
and the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
to wipe the slate clean of all things I have done or not done,
all karmic debt that is owed to me, and that I owe
and have incurred — be forgiven, erased.
I request this Karmic Dispensation
on behalf of myself and on
behalf of _______.
The Golden Scales of Balance
“Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation with Sanat Kumara.” October 29, 2013,
“COL Tsunami of Love, Drought and Peace Meditations,” February, 5, 2015, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,
Greater Understanding
of the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show
Meditation 13:36
Sanat Kumara 29:16
Host Suzanne Maresca: Today we’re discussing the Universal Law of Dispensation with Sanat Kumara.
The Council of Love tells us in working with this Law that we really see the interconnection between the Universal Laws and the Divine Qualities.
Dispensation is an allowance of compassion and mercy and the Divine Quality of Forgiveness.
This topic includes how we tend to judge ourselves harshly for what we may see as our human shortcomings but the Company of Heaven makes no such judgment and in fact wants nothing more than for us to Love and appreciate ourselves as much as they Love us.
Channel Linda Dillon: Universal Law is our stepping forward into the New You and creation work, understanding who we are, how we operate, in some ways more than the other Laws.
SK reminded me that in most faiths and religious practices there is a process that is a reflection of this very Law of Dispensation, days of atonement, of fasting, in the Catholic church, confession, and redemption forgiveness – so all around us there are these examples, very human examples, even when we say to somebody when we’ve hurt them, you know, please forgive me — what we’re really asking for is this activation of this Law of Dispensation, of compassion and forgiveness.
It’s in our spiritual DNA. Instantaneous transmission, the ability to turn on our markers. and the innate knowing to call upon the Law of Dispensation is already within our fibers, within our hearts, within our knowingness.
We know if we misstep or that if we err that we can ask for help, for mercy, for compassion, and to get set back on track as it were. Sometimes we forget that.
SM: I’ve been asking for special dispensation for my ex, because he doesn’t really get these things, he’s a concrete linear thinker, but he’s a very good provider, he’s a good Dad, he’s a really good human being, so I’ve been asking the Divine Mother and the angels for special dispensation for him to have a little extra boost.
LD: This Law of Dispensation includes and speaks to the element of forgiveness and compassion, not only for what we do, but for what we don’t do.
I think particularly as lightworkers – or Loveholders as the Council likes to call us – we fall into feeling badly about ourselves, or less than, because we think we’re not doing enough, or that we’re not completely in every moment of every day fulfilling our mission and purpose.
I can speak to this up close and personal. I am completely guilty of this one. It’s an old grid.
I feel this drive to make sure that I’m fulfilling my mission and purpose, as if the Company of Heaven or the Council of Love is somehow holding a stopwatch to us, and of course they’re not.
It’s a journey and sometimes when we make these deviations that are part of the journey.
This Law teaches us to be gentle with ourselves.
SM: We are tougher on ourselves than anybody else is, and especially the Company of Heaven.
They Love us and hold us in very high regard and if we feel like we’ve done something in our lives that is shameful or not of Love, that really sticks with us.
And it seems like it marks our beliefs of Who We Are and what we can be and that we may or may not be forgivable and all that sort of thing.
It could be from some past lives, as well.
I don’t know how many of us there are who haven’t done dark things, always in service to the Light, in the past. We are here Now to integrate all those parts.
LD: That’s very well said. Yes, sometimes it’s from our past lives — the false grids of lack of self-love, lack of self-worth, the feelings of isolation, abandonment, separation, from the source, and fault, blame, shame, guilt.
We think we have done something so heinous that somehow, no matter what we do to try and make up for it, we can never really be forgiven or made whole and that’s really sad.
I think all of us at some point have been in that dark place.
It’s time to let that one go because, as they say, judgment is never of Love.
It just doesn’t come from that place, therefore it’s not a quality that’s known in the higher dimensions, and it’s certainly not a quality of the Divine.
We have no trouble clinging to these lower opinions of ourselves, but because this is the Mother’s New Time, its important to know that there is a Karmic Dispensation in place for all of us.
The last time such a huge dispensation took place
was when Jesus, Yeshua, Yeshi died,
one of the things he did as he transitioned is
he gave, bestowed this gift of Karmic Dispensation,
upon the entire planet.
What we think of as our karmic debt — everything that we owe and everything that’s ever been owed to us, not only from this lifetime but from all lifetimes — was wiped clean.
That was huge, but of course being in that transitional phase, we didn’t all take advantage of it.
That offer of Karmic Dispensation is back on the table, not in the same way, but it is being offered to all of us right now.
But it has to be requested.
So, there’s a shift here, and I think that shift is very reflective of the fact that we are in such an advanced or a higher state of partnership with the higher realms.
SM: It speaks to the fact that it’s vital that we do that, and we’re getting the extra help to make sure it happens.
LD: To make sure it happens and that we participate. So that we do it in a very conscious way so that consciously we know we’ve wiped that slate clean and it’s time to start over.
LD: What I’m going to do – what SK is asking me to do – is that what we will do is the meditation for the Karmic Dispensation.
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show ~ Meditation 13:36, Sanat Kumara 29:16
Meditation: Let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath of gold, of that bright beautiful platinum coloured gold, that very light shiny gold, and that’s the gold of Sanat Kumara, and then if you bring it down a couple of shades into that rich burnished Florentine gold, that’s the gold of Archangel Gabrielle, and that’s the gold of JOY!
So, as we begin and you relax, sinking into your chair, your bed, the floor, your car seat, wherever you are, to feel yourself letting go of the day, and your to-do list, and thank yourself, thank yourself for taking this time, for your sacred self, and to receive this Gift of Dispensation (exoneration, reprieve).
As we begin, I ask each and everyone of you to give yourself a hug, cross your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug and LOVE yourself and KNOW HOW WORTHY YOU ARE and how ready you are to accept this Gift and to implement this Law of Dispensation.
Now, let’s take a nice deep breath of magenta, the colour of COMPASSION, the colour of MERCY, the colour of Yeshua, and Lord Maitreya and the Buddha, and breathe in that wonderful magenta, that blend of blue and red.
And as you do, bring it down into your heart, and feel your heart, expanding, and feel the energy coming up from Gaia as she sends you life-force and be in your heart.
Now, let’s take another breath of blue, of the beautiful Mary Blue because what’s the point of dispensation, of allowance and forgiveness, without HOPE and RESTORATION, so bring it in.
Bring in that beautiful BLUE DIAMOND and go deeper.
And, once again, I want you to fly through that pinprick of light, the centre of your heart.
Fly through that portal to your interior chambers where we do this sacred work with Universal Law.
As you enter these chambers of gold, and you see your mission and purpose etched on the walls, your dreams and desires, your creations of what you are choosing to bring forward in this lifetime, relax and find your chair or pillow, your place in the sacred chamber of your heart where we do this work together, because all of us are One.
Today, we invoke the Law of Dispensation, and more specifically the Law of Karmic Dispensation, so this wipes the slate clean of all the things you have done or not done, of all the debt that you have owed, but more importantly that is owed to you.
So, you are cutting the cords; you are wiping the slate clean, but it is important that this Dispensation be requested.
Feel yourself standing outside a rather judicial looking building, and we do not ask that you do this alone, so feel your guides around you, and Sanat Kumara, perhaps Archangel Gabrielle, the Universal Mother, whoever you need to give you support and courage, reinforcement to ask for this Gift for yourself, this Gift that you so richly deserve.
Feel yourself going up the steps and into this building, and walking down a long hallway until you see a door with a beautiful golden plaque that says Karmic Dispensation Board.
Take a moment and BREATHE THE GOLD and BREATHE THE MAGENTA and feel your readiness.
Knock on the door and enter.
Remember to bring your friends, your guides, be modest and respectful for this is a request.
As you enter the room you see that there is a long table, somewhat like a board table, and on the opposite side of the table from thee, there are 5 beings seated.
They look serious, available, but serious.
Take a moment and look at each one of them for these are the beings that comprise the Karmic Board.
As you are doing that, you are going to feel yourself being examined, a little bit like being under the microscope.
The entire key to receiving this Gift of Karmic Dispensation is asking and requesting it FROM YOUR HEART so make sure you are in your heart.
Bring all the energy to your heart centre and the words that you say for this request are always the same, so take a deep breath.
These words are:
I request that all karmic debt that is owed to me
and that I owe and have incurred be forgiven, erased.
So, feel yourself saying this:
I request that all karmic debt that is owed to me
and that I owe and have incurred be forgiven and erased.
And look at the judges, and receive their blessing and this Gift of Wiping Your Slate Clean, and by inference, by affecting the slate of so many others, as well.
Express your gratitude, your thanksgiving.
Now, turn around, and walk out of the door with your guides and Raj.
Feel that burden that has been lifted from your heart and from your shoulders.
Hold your head up high.
Walk down the hallway and out of the building, down the steps, and back into the chamber of your heart, and give thanks.
This is a Gift of New Beginnings.
Sanat Kumara: Greetings. I Am Sanat Kumara.
SM: Welcome.
Raj: And welcome to each and every one of you.
It is a gift of new beginnings and it is a gift of forgiveness, and in this situation it is also a opportunity for each of you to understand that you may also forgive and to forgive not only those who may have harmed you or hurt you or in some way made you feel poorly, but it is also the opportunity to forgive your sweet self, and to know this gift is freely given and therefore, my friends, it must be freely received, as well.
There is no payment. There is no debt due.
It is important during this time of transition that each and every one of you be set free and not hindered by the past or even the future and this gift that has been bestowed this day does that.
So, I would ask each of you not to cling to old grievances or old hurts, to not cling to old patterns of behavior or actions or thoughts or ideations, belief systems that do not in any way serve you.
You are newborn, and yet, you are newborn with the wisdom and the Love and the knowing of Who You Are and of the journey that you have completed thus far and that you intend and will complete.
This frees you to ascend.
So often, when we have spoken to you about Ascension and about the timeliness, the choice, of Ascension you have said to us:
“Yes I am ready to go. I want to go, but I do not wish to leave my friends, my family, my dog, my cat, my horse, my chickens behind.”
Now, we understand that, and certainly your decision to go forward as a collective has been miraculous and has been celebrated throughout many Universes — far more than you know — but it is one thing to say to me:
“Raj, I want to wait 10 minutes for my friend or my beloved.”
And it is a very different thing to say:
“I cannot go because I feel a karmic tie, an obligation, a debt.”
That is gone. Those ties are cleared, and so, this is one more step that we give you to fly free.
Now, we want you — if we were to have a say in the matter — we want you to fly through that portal with everyone that you Love because it makes it more joyous.
It is freeing and you are not looking back, but dear hearts, it is time.
Now you say:
“Raj I have made my decision to ascend and to go forward.”
And so, I say to you, each of you this day, then beloved ones what are you waiting for?
We beckon you, Gaia has stabilized you, you have relinquished the old 3rd.
Come, come and be with us.
Do you have questions for me this day, dear Suzanne?
SM: I do, and as I hear Linda speaking, my heart goes out and I just appreciate the Love and the service that she’s doing in coming on the air and continuing these Universal Laws, so I hope you guys are going to take really good care of her.
Raj: We are trying.
SM: In contemplating the Law of Dispensation, what I wonder is in regards to what used to be so as opposed to what is so now; not so much having to do with karmic debt as it does with compassion.
For example, the truth as we’ve known it so far holds that only a very powerful shaman with many years of practice would be able to physically shape-shift to assume another form.
The Council of Love has represented that such things will be available to us as a matter of course when we reach higher dimensions. I have a couple of questions about that.
Is it the Law of Dispensation that works here to allow such a thing to take place, or is it a matter of course that all higher dimensional beings have such abilities?
I almost added ‘take place so easily’ but that’s an assumption. Will that be something we train for or can it be imparted through touch?
Raj: It can be imparted through touch or intent or simple telepathic transmission.
It is not simply the Law of Dispensation and, as we have suggested to you many times, the Laws work in congruence with one another.
So, in particular, what you are doing for example when you are shape-shifting or assuming different forms, you are using Instantaneous Transmission, you are using Transmutation, and you are utilizing your Intent, as well, so it is not simply one or the other.
It is the combination of several factors, several Laws.
Now, you do not sit there and say:
“I will take a tenth of the Law of Intent.
“I will take a cup of the Law of Change.
“I will take a pinch of Unification.”
No, it does not work that way.
You simply work with the Law and in accordance with the Law and let us say the Purity of Intent — that is very important; just as the purity of your intent this day to receive this gift was very important — so it is the purity to shape-shift or to bi-locate or multi-locate to be in the continuity of the higher realms in the vibration of Love, and the various expressions of Love.
For example, you would never use this ability which is freely available in the higher realms by the way.
It is not something that you need to really train for, but it is generated by the energy of Love.
The fuel of it is Love so it cannot be used, for example, in your Universe – and in these circumstances, in the human realm – be used for dark, and that is the shift.
That is the difference.
In the old 3rd when there had been beings who had achieved this capacity, there was still the opening to use it as they chose, but that is not so in the higher realms.
SM: That’s wonderful as there can be a very thin line between shamanic practice and sorcery.
Raj: Yes, but it is actually a very thick line because the purity is there.
SM: Well, that’s true so, thank you for that. That’s very exciting really.
We’ve all been getting downloads of information and it feels to me like a steady stream of light in the form of sound.
When I perceive that taking place, I wonder at what point all the new data will be activated, comprehended and used.
Is it all new information, remembered information, or a combination of both?
Raj: It is a combination of both, and it is not something that is downloaded, activated.
It is pretty much simultaneous or instantaneous.
So, what you are finding is that your capacity to think, to understand, to comprehend certain things is more readily available to you than it has been in the past.
The scope of your understanding, the lens of your understanding, and of your capacity to create has opened.
Now, will it continue to open? Yes.
SM: I really get that because it’s a very subtle thing.
We have such expectations about what these things are going to be like, like a popping instantly open so we really notice it, but sometimes these new things just get integrated into ourselves so seamlessly that we kind of lose sight of the fact that we can do these new things.
Raj: Yes, and you are quite correct in so far as are not using what you would refer to as the “pop” method because it would be abrupt and startling.
That is not to say that some of you, in fact many of you are having experiences or situations that are abrupt and startling, and the reason that happens is to give yourself confirmation.
We are really not needing confirmation at this point.
What is truly happening with the downloads and the higher frequencies is that it is increasing seamlessly as you’ve put it, and therefore it seems like a dim memory to you when you think,
“Oh I did not used to be able to do this.”
But it is forgotten basically.
SM: And we just become our beautiful mighty light-being selves, and we don’t even remember what we used to be like, and that’s okay with me.
Raj: It is okay throughout the Universe, actually.
SM: Would you please speak to the use and invocation of Universal Law having shifted along with humanity as we evolve?
I’m thinking that we’re getting this detailed information because we’re ready for it and ready to ask for it, whereas before it may have been largely unconscious and by default that this Dispensation is given.
Mostly outside of our awareness. I might call it by grace, actually.
Raj: And it is still a gift of grace but you are quite correct in assuming or understanding that this is a gift of conscious grace because before many things that were transpiring — understand these upgrades as you have called them, or these attunements, these downloads, these have been happening continuously for thousands of years, not in such a dramatic or strong frequency pattern — but certainly there have been downloads of grace, as you have put it, continually over the millennia.
Now, in the last, can we say 50 years of the human experience, the frequency has been constantly upgraded.
With the last couple of years, several years really, being a very strong intensification of the energies that are available, so what was unknown and yes, done to and for you, is no longer the case because it is being done with you.
This is the indicator, not only of your growth and spiritual evolution and maturity, but that you are in sacred partnership with us.
Yes, you are in sacred partnership with one another, as well, but you are also in partnership with us, and because this partnership has reached a level of conscious awareness then we ask you to step forward and to participate rather than to be the student.
You are the intern.
SM: Wonderful. Are we ready for some callers?
Raj: Yes, we will take some callers.
SM: Area code 604 are you with us?
Caller 604 (Kathleen): Good morning. Hi Linda, Hi Sanat. I Am Kathleen.
Could you speak to us about the words I Am?
I feel for many of us, the last years were just designed to intensely clear ourselves or the collective and the global work we are moving towards, and I feel like now I’m moving out into the community and that’s a good reason to really know I Am.
Also, I was wondering if you could, when others are making judgments how do I quickly get an understanding across so that they can see what they’re doing?
And I was wondering if the energies are high enough that we can actually heal people. If I can, say, hold someone’s hand and invoke you so that they can release the emotional energy that they’ve held onto for so many years so that they can release their pain.
Could you speak to us about this?
Raj: These are 22 questions, Kathleen (humorously).
When you use the words I Am, what you are doing is claiming and declaring your Divinity, and your alignment with the I Am.
So, it is bringing yourself into alignment – your heart, your consciousness, your mental and emotional bodies if you wish to think of it in that way, your physical body which is a very important aspect of this – you are bringing it into alignment with your Universal Self which is your personal I Am.
And then, think of it as a straight line into the connection and alignment with the I Am, with Divine Mind, Heart, Will, Presence.
The more that you think of yourself, act as yourself, be yourself within that I Am, then the more you will be.
Now, I jump to this issue of healing.
Healing occurs at the speed of Love, which is exactly what we have taught consistently – it is instantaneous and immediate.
The rate at which an individual chooses to incorporate it is particular to that person.
You do not heal anyone, but you act as a vessel of healing by allowing the source energy of Love, of the Cosmos, of the One, added with your Love to flow through you to that person.
For some it is adequate and enough and accepted that it can be done simply by holding a hand or two fingers to the heart for that matter.
For others they need more, shall we say, coaxing.
So is it possible?
It has always been possible.
This is the way in which the Magdalena and Yeshua healed.
It is the way that all what you think of as unusual or spectacular healers have worked, and it will become the norm.
The more that you are in the unity/community consciousness the more this transmission takes place.
Because, for example, if your neighbour or your child is out of sync you immediately feel it, because the unity is out of frequency, and so therefore you correct, you balance, and then you go forward.
So, this will become more and more commonplace.
Now, about the judgment.
We cannot be too strong in speaking about judgment, and there are situations where we have asked you to be the Observer, and this is not one of them.
There is no room for you to be the Observer any longer where there is judgment and you can do it in a humorous way.
You can say to the individual:
“Well, gee, this sounds like judgment to me, and you know, I don’t do judgment.
“I’m allergic to judgment.
“Judgment makes me feel sick.
“So, can we just let this go?”
And then do so.
What you are doing is you are teaching the person you are having the conversation with that there is no payoff, there is no reward, and there is no real tolerance in judgment.
It is one thing to discern,
and discernment is vitally important
in your journey,
but judgment is cruel,
and the history of cruelty
on the planet of Gaia
has come to an end.
There is no room for it.
People think that they say something casually, and it is judgmental but that it is not harmful, and that is simply not so.
It is very harmful and it speaks to a lack of love, lack of compassion, a lack of allowance.
You do not have permission or the wisdom to judge anyone.
Kathleen: Thank you so much.
Raj: You are welcome, sweet Angel.
SM: Thank you, Kathleen.
Raj: Farewell.
SM: Thank you for sticking in there. Caller 810, are you with us?
Caller 810: Can you hear me? I’m just, for an individual who’s kind of surrounded by, I’m not playing victim, but it’s not a very good support group in any area of my life, some advice, Raj?
SM: Some specific advice?
Caller 810: Yes, how do you find a good support group?
Raj: You ask for help. Yes, from us. From your beloved guides and understand, my dear friend, that also today what we have done is wiped the slate clean so you may actually feel more at loose ends because all of these ties have been cut.
All the debts, the IOU’s quite literally have been dissipated and disappeared.
Seek out the support groups that you need.
Go to the community, whether it is electronic or physical, seek out and ask for the helpful people to appear in your life quite literally and then it is very important to engage with them.
Give them a chance, take time, make the effort to get to know them.
Allow the new friendships to form.
We will help you because you need — you are not to be on the Earth alone so you need, yes need – those who are like-minded and like-hearted in physical reality.
We will assist you, but you have need to begin to seek them out, as well.
Caller 810: Thank you.
Raj: Farewell.
LD: I think, Suzi, I’ve just about had it. This is Linda again. I’m running out of steam. But I wanted to – I was listening to the chap who just called in.
And you know, sometimes we’re reticent to join, you know?
It was one of the things I’ve seen about a lot of lightworkers is that we can tend to be real loners.
That we’re so absorbed in our spiritual life that we don’t really do a lot of physical things.
But over the years I’ve found, like people joining the I Am Discourses, or the Course in Miracles groups, or the discussion groups at a unity church that is completely non-denominational, or even a twelve-step program.
But go and get what you need. Don’t hesitate, and if it doesn’t feel like a fit, then what have you lost.
One evening? It’s worth the try of putting yourself out there.
And just starting to engage and I know on the Golden Age of Gaia there’s all kinds of chats that people can really engage in, so that you don’t feel alone; and I know that’s why over the years, oh my gosh too many years to mention, that we have the Saturday conference calls with the Council of Love.
Because so often we’re isolated and when we come together – in this case on the phone – we feel like we’re not alone and we’re not crazy and we find what’s happening and I know in the chat rooms – I only know because of the Golden Age of Gaia, the Council of Love doesn’t have chat rooms – but there are places but it’s increasingly what I’m seeing is that it’s important for us to physically also be with people.
So find out what’s going on in your community and even if it means a bit of a drive, go and check it out.
Drumming circles, meditation groups, there’s lots out there if you really start to dig around.
Take a Yoga class, because Yoga class is a great place to find people who are also into other things.
It might lead you somewhere.
Take a Tai Chi class or Tae Kwon Do.
But get out there and start looking for your peeps.
SM: So Linda, I just want to say thank you for your act of Love and service and coming on the air when you feel like this. And apologies to our callers.
LD: It’s my pleasure. And next week with a normal voice, we’ll be talking again with Raj about Attraction and Repulsion. And that’s a big one because many of us know about the Law of Attraction and we’ve worked with the Law of Attraction but we have missed the flip side of that – the balance – which is the Repulsion, which is keeping things at bay that we don’t want to experience and that we don’t want the planet to experience, the collective to experience. So that should be a really interesting show.
SM: So callers, thank you for getting in the queue, sorry that we didn’t get to you. But we’re sure you understand and hope you’ll be with us next week.
LD: Yes, I’m really looking forward to seeing you all next week. I Love you all.
SM: Yes, I Love you too. And thank you to Raj and thank you to Linda and all the callers.
Have an awesome day.
LD: Thanks. Bye.
Channeled by Linda Dillon, October 19, 2013
Meditation & Notes
for the Universal
of Karmic Dispensation
Linda & Suzi Discussion
This Law is an allowance of compassion, mercy and the Divine Quality of Forgiveness.
We tend to judge ourselves rather harshly our human shortcomings but the Company of Heaven makes no such judgment and wants us to love and appreciate ourselves as much as they love us.
It speaks to Who We Are and how we operate.
In most faiths and religious practices there is are similar processes to this Law of Dispensation.
Days of atonement, fasting. . . in the Catholic church there is confession, redemption, forgiveness.
When we say to somebody when we’ve hurt them, “Please forgive me,” what we’re really asking for is this activation of this Law of Dispensation, of compassion and forgiveness.
It’s in our spiritual DNA, our innate knowing.
The Law of Dispensation is within our fibers, our hearts, our knowingness.
We know that if we misstep or that if we err, that we can ask for help, for mercy, for compassion, and to get set back on track – sometimes we forget that.
This Law of Dispensation includes and speaks to the element of forgiveness and compassion, not only for what we do, but for what we don’t do.
We can feel badly about ourselves, or less than, because we think we’re not doing enough, or that we’re not completely in every moment of every day fulfilling our mission and purpose.
It’s a Law that teaches us to be gentle with ourselves.
The higher realms Love us and hold us in very high regard.
If we feel like we’ve done something in our lives that is shameful or not of Love, that really sticks with us.
It could be from some past lives, as well.
We have played all the roles, good, bad and ugly.
We are to integrate all those parts.
The false grid of lack of self-love, lack of self-worth, those feelings of isolation, abandonment, separation from the source, fault, blame, shame, guilt.
We think that we have done something that is so heinous that somehow no matter what we do to try and make up for it, that we can never really be forgiven or made whole.
It’s time to let that go. . .
Judgement is never of Love.
Judgement is not a quality of the higher dimensions.
This is the time in our evolution to know that there is Karmic Dispensation in place for all of us.
The last time such a huge dispensation took place was when Jesus, Yeshua, Yeshi died and one of the things that he did as he transitioned, is he gave, bestowed this Gift of Karmic Dispensation upon the entire planet.
What we think of as our karmic debt — everything that we owe and everything that’s ever been owed to us, not only from this lifetime but from all lifetimes — was wiped clean.
Being in that transitional phase we didn’t all take such great advantage of it.
That offer of Karmic Dispensation is on the table (always has been) and is being offered to all of us right now.
It has to be requested.
We are in an advanced state of partnership with the higher realms.
We are getting the extra help to make sure it happens.
We are here to participate in a very conscious way so we know we’ve wiped that slate clean.
It’s a time of new beginnings.
12:36 Meditation:
Let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath of gold, of that bright beautiful platinum coloured gold, that very light shiny gold, and that’s the Gold of Sanat Kumara, and then if you bring it down a couple of shades into that rich burnished Florentine gold, that’s the Gold of Archangel Gabrielle, and that’s the gold of JOY!
So, as we begin and you relax, sinking into your chair, your bed, the floor, your car seat, wherever you are, to feel yourself letting go of the day, and your to-do list, and thank yourself, thank yourself for taking this time, for your sacred self, and to receive this Gift of Dispensation (exoneration, reprieve).
As we begin, I ask each and everyone of you to give yourself a hug, cross your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug and LOVE yourself and KNOW HOW WORTHY YOU ARE and how ready you are to accept this Gift and to implement this Law of Dispensation.
Now, let’s take a nice deep breath of magenta, the colour of COMPASSION, the colour of MERCY, the colour of Yeshua, and Lord Maitreya and the Buddha, and breathe in that wonderful magenta, that blend of blue and red and as you do, bring it down into your heart, and feel your heart, expanding, and feel the energy coming up from Gaia as she sends you life-force and be in your heart.
Now, let’s take another breath of blue, of the beautiful Mary Blue because what’s the point of dispensation, of allowance and forgiveness, without HOPE and RESTORATION so bring it in.
Bring in that beautiful Blue Diamond and go deeper, and once again I want you to fly through that pinprick of light, the centre of your heart.
Fly through that portal to your interior chambers where we do this sacred work with Universal Law.
As you enter these chambers of gold and you see your mission and purpose etched on the walls, your dreams and desires, your creations of what you are choosing to bring forward in this lifetime.
Relax and find your chair or pillow, your place in the sacred chamber of your heart where we do this work together because all of us are One.
Today we invoke the Law of Dispensation, and more specifically the Law of Karmic Dispensation, so this wipes the slate clean of all the things you have done or not done, of all the debt that you have owed, but more importantly that is owed to you.
So, you are cutting the cords.
You are wiping the slate clean.
But it is important that this Dispensation be requested.
Feel yourself standing outside a rather judicial looking building, and we do not ask that you do this alone, so feel your guides around you, and Sanat Kumara, perhaps Archangel Gabrielle, the Universal Mother, whoever you need to give you support and courage, reinforcement to ask for this Gift for yourself, this Gift that you so richly deserve.
Feel yourself going up the steps and into this building, and walking down a long hallway until you see a door with a beautiful golden plaque that says Karmic Dispensation Board.
Take a moment
and BREATHE THE MAGENTA and feel your readiness.
Knock on the door and enter.
Remember to bring your friends, your guides, be modest and respectful for this is a request.
As you enter the room you see that there is a long table, somewhat like a board table, and on the opposite side of the table from thee, there are 5 beings seated.
They look serious, available, but serious.
Take a moment and look at each one of them for these are the beings that comprise the Karmic Board.
As you are doing that you are going to feel yourself being examined, a little bit like being under the microscope.
The entire key to receiving this Gift of Karmic Dispensation is asking and requesting it FROM YOUR HEART so make sure you are in your heart.
Bring all the energy to your heart centre and the words that you say for this request are always the same, so take a deep breath.
These words are:
I request
that all karmic debt
that is owed to me
and that I owe
and have incurred
be forgiven, erased.
So, feel yourself saying this:
I request
that all karmic debt
that is owed to me
and that I owe
and have incurred
be forgiven and erased.
And look at the judges, and receive their blessing, and this Gift of Wiping Your Slate Clean, and by inference, by affecting the slate of so many others, as well.
Express your gratitude, your thanksgiving.
Now, turn around and walk out of the door with your guides and Raj.
Feel that burden that has been lifted from your heart and from your shoulders.
Hold your head up high.
Walk down the hallway and out of the building, down the steps, and back into the chamber of your heart, and give thanks.
This is a Gift of New Beginnings.
29:16 Sanat Kumara:
Karmic Dispensation is a gift of new beginnings
It is a gift of forgiveness and an opportunity for each of us to understand that we may also forgive.
To forgive not only those who may have harmed, hurt, or in some way made us feel poorly, but it is also the opportunity to forgive our self.
This gift is freely given, and therefore it must be freely received, as well
There is no payment. There is no debt due.
It is important, during this time of transition, that each and every one of us be set free, not hindered by the past or even the future.
This gift that has been bestowed this day does that.
We are not to cling to old grievances or hurts, to old patterns of behaviour, actions, thoughts, ideations, belief systems that do not serve us
We are newborn.
We are newborn with the wisdom, Love and knowing of Who We Are, and of the journey that we have completed thus far — that we intend and will complete.
This frees us to ascend. . .
Ascension timeliness, the choice of Ascension
We have said,
“Yes I am ready to go.
“I want to go, but I do not wish to leave my friends, my family, my dog, my cat, my horse, my chickens behind.”
Our decision to go forward as a collective has been miraculous and has been celebrated throughout many Universes.
But it is one thing to say,
“Raj, I want to wait 10 minutes for my friend or my beloved.”
And it is a very different thing to say,
“I cannot go because I feel a karmic tie, an obligation, a debt.”
That is gone.
Those ties are cleared.
This is one more step that we have been given so we can fly free.
They want us to fly through that portal with everyone we Love because it makes it more joyous.
We are free and we are not to look back.
It is time.
We say,
“Raj I have made my decision to ascend and to go forward”
What are we waiting for?
The higher realms are beckoning us.
Gaia has stabilized us.
We have relinquished the old 3rd.
The other side says,
“Come; come and be with us.”
Shapeshifting? Will that be something we train for or can it be imparted through touch?
It can be imparted through touch, intent or simple telepathic transmission.
It is not simply the Law of Dispensation.
The Laws work in congruence with one another.
When we are shape-shifting or assuming different forms, we are using Instantaneous Transmission, Transmutation and our intent.
It is not simply one or the other.
It is the combination of several factors, several Laws.
We simply work with the Law, and in accordance with the Law, and the purity of intent — that is very important
Just as the purity of our intent this day to receive this Gift of Karmic Dispensation was very important.
It is the purity to shape-shift or to bi-locate or multi-locate to be in the continuity of the higher realms in the vibration of Love and the various expressions of Love.
We would never use this ability – which is freely available in the higher realms – it is not something we need to train for.
It is generated by the energy of Love
The fuel of it is Love.
It cannot be used in our Universe – and in these circumstances in the human realm – for dark
That is the shift. That is the difference.
In the old 3rd when there had been beings who had achieved this capacity, there was still the opening to use it as they chose but that is not so in the higher realms.
There is a thin line between shamanic practice and sorcery?
A very thick line because the purity is there.
At what point all the new data will be activated, comprehended and used?
Is it all new information, remembered information, or a combination of both?
It is a combination of both and it is not something that is downloaded, activated.
It is pretty much simultaneous or instantaneous, so what you are finding is that our capacity to think, to understand, to comprehend certain things is more readily available to us than it has been in the past.
The scope of our understanding, the lens of our understanding and of our capacity to create has opened.
It is to continue to open.
New things get integrated into ourselves so seamlessly that we lose sight that we can do these new things?
Many of us are having experiences or situations that are abrupt and startling and the reason that happens is to give our self confirmation?
What is truly happening, with the downloads and the higher frequencies, is that it is increasing seamlessly.
Therefore it seems like a dim memory to you when you think,
“Oh I did not used to be able to do this.”
But it is forgotten basically.
We are becoming our beautiful mighty light-being selves.
We don’t remember what we used to be like and that’s okay.
It is okay throughout the Universe.
Is the use and invocation of Universal Law shifting along with humanity as we evolve?
Has it been unconscious, by default that dispensation is given, by grace?
It is a gift of grace, a gift of conscious grace – now.
Before many things were transpiring, these attunements, downloads have been happening continuously for thousands of years.
Not in such a dramatic or strong frequency pattern, but certainly there have been downloads of grace continually over the millennia.
In the last 50 years the frequency has been constantly upgraded, with the last several years being a very strong intensification of the energies that are available.
So, what was unknown and yes, done to and for us, is no longer the case because it is being done with us.
This is the indicator, not only of our growth and spiritual evolution and maturity, but that we are in sacred partnership with the higher realms.
We are in sacred partnership with one another, as well, but we are also in partnership with the higher realms.
Because this partnership has reached a level of conscious awareness now we are being asked to step forward and to participate rather than to be the student.
We are the intern.
Could you speak to us about the words I Am?
The intense clearing for self/the collective, the community work we are moving into — good reason to know I Am. . .
When we use the words I Am,
what we are doing is claiming and declaring our Divinity,
and our alignment with the I Am.
So, it is bringing our self into alignment – our heart, our consciousness, our mental and emotional bodies, our physical body which is a very important aspect of this – we are bringing it into alignment with our Universal Self which is our personal I Am.
Then think of it as a straight line
into the connection and alignment with the I Am,
with Divine Mind, Heart, Will, Presence.
The more we think of our self,
act as our self,
be our self within that I Am,
then the more we will be.
Can we actually heal people? Hold someone’s hand and invoke so that they can release the emotional energy, release their pain?
Healing occurs at the speed of Love, which is exactly what we have taught consistently.
It is instantaneous and immediate.
The rate at which an individual chooses to incorporate it is particular to that person.
We do not heal anyone.
We act as a vessel of healing
by allowing the Source Energy of Love,
of the Cosmos, of the One,
added with our Love
to flow through you to that person.
For some it is adequate and enough and accepted that it can be done simply by holding a hand or two fingers to the heart for that matter.
For others they need more, shall we say, coaxing.
So is it possible?
It has always been possible.
This is the way in which the Magdalena and Yeshua healed.
It is the way that all, what we think of as unusual or spectacular healers have worked, and it will become the norm.
The more that we are in the unity/community consciousness, the more this transmission takes place.
If our neighbour or our child is out of sync we immediately feel it because the unity is out of frequency.
So, therefore we correct, we balance, and then we go forward.
This will become more and more commonplace.
What to do when we make judgments?
There are situations where we have been asked to be the Observer.
This is not one of them.
There is no room for us to be the Observer any longer where there is judgment.
We can do it in a humorous way.
We can say to the individual,
“Well, gee, this sounds like judgment to me, and you know, I don’t do judgment.
“I’m allergic to judgment. Judgment makes me feel sick. So can we just let this go?”
And then do so.
What we are doing is we are teaching the person we are having the conversation with that there is no payoff, there is no reward, and there is no real tolerance in judgment.
It is one thing to discern, and discernment is vitally important in your journey, but judgment is cruel.
The history of cruelty on the planet of Gaia has come to an end.
There is no room for it.
People think that they say something casually and it is judgmental but that it is not harmful. . .
That is simply not so.
It is very harmful and it speaks to a lack of love, lack of compassion, a lack of allowance.
We do not have permission or the wisdom to judge anyone.
How do you find a good support group?
Ask for help. Yes, from us. From your beloved guides.
Understand that what has been done when the slate was wiped clean we may actually feel more at loose ends because all of these ties have been cut.
All the debts, the IOU’s quite literally have been dissipated and disappeared.
Seek out the support groups that you need.
Go to the community, whether it is electronic or physical.
Seek out and ask for the helpful people to appear in your life quite literally and then it is very important to engage with them.
Give them a chance, take time, make the effort to get to know them.
Allow the new friendships to form.
We are not to be on the Earth alone so we need – yes need – those who are like-minded and like-hearted in physical reality.
The higher realms will assist us but we have need to begin to seek them out, as well.
Channeled by Linda Dillon, October 19, 2013