Often we are our shame without even realizing it.
It settles on our very expression, across our nose and into our eyes, silently affecting everything — a core issue, sorrow, fear — “I’m a disappointment.”
We become so used to shame, we’re conditioned, we don’t even notice it, but when I say the word, “shame,” I feel it.
What does it feel like?
Humiliation, indignity, discomfort, guilt, remorse, disgrace, dishonour, degradation, disrepute, pity, misfortune?
Is shame feeling disgraced, discredited, degraded, debased, stigmatized, tainted, sullied, tarnished, besmirched, mortified, embarrassed?
There are lots of words to describe our shame, human situations, incest to financial issues.
Lately I see my shame, my human experiences, from a place of greater detachment.
I have become grateful.
My intense shame, suffering,
I am so grateful for now.
I have forgiven myself.
I Am Compassion.
I Am Gratitude.
I am grateful for my years of shame — I forgive myself and am compassion for all my ‘scenic detours’ — my shame that I was too ashamed to look at.
I’m giggling as I write this. . . Huh?!
Who would have thought
we could LOVE our shame?
In this lifetime we came to create a planet of JOY.
From our shame we all know what doesn’t work.
I don’t know anyone who has had a human journey devoid of suffering.
Who hasn’t had childhood trauma, teenage trauma, years of angst?
From that place, in enormous gratitude for our suffering — our learned wisdom — we are here to create societies that work, to find our sacred purpose, our JOY.
Now is the time of action,
to LOVE our shame 🙂
We see the teachers striking, the children facing into gun violence, the #MeToo movement, #Time’sUp, 1 Billion Rising. . .
And we are just getting started.
There are homeless issues,
huge pollution issues,
gender inequality,
an opioid crisis.
We are here to
embrace our shame
and transform this planet into
the most beautiful place in the Universe.

More How Things Work in the Higher Realms,
Compassion Road and Forgiveness Road posts here.
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