The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment helps us step back from drama, to let go all emotions that do not serve us.
But what is letting go?
Letting go, for me, is being in the Mother’s Flow of Love, our currency of LOVE, readily apologizing, forgiving our selves or another for the past, being compassion and offering gratitude.
We let go with our currency of Love, Lovingkindness.
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment teaches us:
to attach to information gathering, discernment
to detach, let go, from all thoughts, emotions, actions that are not of love, with apologies and forgiveness, humility and compassion, in gratitude and Lovingkindness
to attach to holding the highest vision for everyone and everything
As within so without
Lovingkindness reigns
for all of us brothers and sisters
Here is a beautiful group in New Zealand, The Free Store, what they did on Easter Weekend:

The Free Store group on Easter Weekend in St Peter’s Church, Wellington, feeding many. . .
Feasting at the Banquet Table
April 5, 2018, The Free Store Newsletter
Easter weekend culminated in a beautiful feast shared with nearly 100 friends, new and old, from all corners of our community.
The Free Store is typically closed on public holidays – since nearly all of our food suppliers are closed – but this Easter Monday we decided that we were going to throw a banquet and celebrate!
We cleared out the stage of St Peter’s Church (where The Free Store is based) and filled the space with trestles.
It was an open-table meal and the invitation evidently spread throughout the neighbourhood.
We had families, lonely individuals, immigrants, the elderly, students, those living on the streets/in their cars. There were Māori, Iraqi, Tongan, Pākeha, Chinese and more.
There were people from next door and those that had come from far away.
Under dim lights surrounded by magnificent and intimate architecture we sat around tables together.
We ate roast lamb, chicken curry, pizza, mashed potatoes, butternut squash and chickpea curry, yummy salads and hokey pokey ice cream for dessert.
Everyone was fed abundantly!
I was the last to serve up a plate for myself and I even got a little bit of everything!
Aside from the food there was heaps of opportunity to build connections with new faces and deepen relationships with old friends.
We met a new family who brought their two young children and didn’t know that they could come to The Free Store on a “regular night”.
We have put their name down on the “family list” so that they can take food earlier without lining up. They have started coming to the store regularly this week and are appreciative of the support!
We met a young woman from out of town who came straight from Wellington hospital where her cousin’s baby had just died during premature labour at just 19 weeks.
She needed to get out of the hospital and stumbled on The Free Store’s Facebook page. She showed up and helped serve dinner to everyone.
We were astounded by her humility and service during a time of grief for her whānau.
We got her contact details and the next night our team delivered a hamper of food to them at Ronald McDonald House.
From the beginning until the end so many people put their hands to work to make the evening possible.
Preparing food, welcoming people, sharing a karakia before we ate, serving food, cleaning dishes, vacuuming and rearranging furniture.
Our feast was beautiful, rich and real.
The good, bad and the sad. Death for some, new life for others.
But lives were overlapping, forming strong bonds as stories wove together.
This is our community. This is our family.
Read about The Free Store here.
More How Things Work in the Higher Realms,
Compassion Road and Forgiveness Road posts here.
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