Was your June 21st, Summer/Winter Solstice — depending on where we are — a normal day?
Did anything unusual happen?
I’m writing this so I remember.
Early in the day I was triggered by something, that in hindsight is quite funny, but when it happened didn’t seem that way.
The day was quite normal except for a heightened sense of awareness of discomfort. By the time evening rolled around, I was in an extreme state.
It was so intense I was awake the entire night — the past rising up — me engaging with drama I thought I had processed.
What I learned upon review of this night of elimination of deep subconscious issues including hatred, limitation and control, in opening to receive healing I give away the old, and balance occurs with my gratitude, joy.
I receive I accept I allow I give I Am Gratitude
I receive (the Mother’s Love) I accept (the Love of the Father, the knowing in the stillness)
I allow (the burning sensation) I give (away the old)
I Am Gratitude
I Am Joy
Receiving the Mother’s Love, Her Movement of Healing and accepting the Love of the Father, the conscious knowing in the stillness, I heal.
Joy is the golden flame that burns away the false grids and our core issues.
In allowing the burning sensation, from clavicle to heart chakra, I heal — with understanding there is always more to go — deeper understandings as we become Nova Being.
Feeling joy, gratitude for the lessons, is an indication of reaching a new level.
The false grids, the entrenched beliefs, and our core issues are insidious, layers and layers.
If we are triggered by anything, we are holding onto something old within, that limits Who We Are, Divine Perfection.
Devotion, constant kindness to self, gratitude for everything — as within so without — is joy.
Here is a guided fun mantra to say if triggered:
Stop (everything, sit still or lie down)
Drop (from mind to heart)
Receive (Love, accept the Love, allow the burning, give away the old)
Stop Drop Receive!
I Am Gratitude
More How Things Work in the Higher Realms,
Compassion Road and Forgiveness Road posts here.
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