I have a vision for our new world, Nova Earth, that I’ve been working on, adding to, as I become.
Having a vision helps keep me focussed, to not give up, no matter how difficult it may seem, to remember we are here to change, transmute and eliminate all things not of love.
I see a world where everyone gets along, working, playing together in community, in peace, Love and joy, the completion of the Mother’s Divine Plan, Her Family Plan.
An Invocation for Highest Vision
I invoke Mother/Father One, the Mighty Ones, Gaia, the Council of Love, Grener of Ashira of Neptune, Commander Ashira and the Ambassadors from 12 Galaxies here to assist with our Ascension, Sanat Kumara, St. Germaine, Jesus Sananda, the Magdalena, Saul, Matthew, Saint Bernadette, Saint Francis, Saint Theresa, Kwan Yin, the Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lao Tzu, El Morya, Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Dwjal Khul, Ranjit, Albert Einstein, Ghandi, Wakanataka, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Chief Sitting Bull, Chief Cochise, Chief Red Cloud, Chief White Cloud, Chief Joseph – Geronimo, the Fairies, Sprites and Devas, the Elementals, the Elements, the Mighty Collectives of Transmuters from the Kingdoms, all the Kingdoms, Hermes, Hercules, our Gods and Goddesses, our Guides and Guardian Angels, the Blue Lightening Angels, our Universal Selves, the Healers of Tralana, the Halion Engineers, all angels and archangels, Universal Law, Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities, and dimensional growth patterns for perfect Divine Alignment, balance in all realms, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional bodies, our institutions, situations on Gaia.
There is no struggle. There is no want. There is no need. There is simply gratitude for Gaia, for every being, for the Mother’s Clarity, Purity, Dispensation of Grace, Wonder, Awe, Her Tsunami of Love, the Tsunami of One from the Ascended Masters, and for the sheer energy, Porlana C from our Star Brothers and Sisters.
There is change, transmutation, and elimination of all belief systems not of love, individual, family and global patterns of lack and limitation, loss, abandonment, isolation, separation, loneliness, lack of self-worth, lack of self-love, all violence against Gaia, our beautiful planet, who has been terribly abused, and all women — sexual, predatory and physical violence, suppression, mutilation, killing, beating because they are women — all control, the business of war/military/prisons, all weapons factories, all weapons of war, transportation of weapons, the dark web, greed, gambling, subliminal, violent messages in music and film, drug trafficking, pedophilia, sex trafficking, human trafficking, slavery, child labour, ‘restavek’, ‘bonded labour’, all poverty, homelessness, hatred, negging, bigotry, bullying, competition, side-barring, pollution, radiation, the toxins, the disease, the chemicals that poison our land, our animals, our air, and foul our oceans, elimination of all man-made creations not of love.
Elimination of War (info from Wikipedia)
There is joy for sacred purpose, ecstasy, bliss, harmony, balance with serenity, fortitude, patience, humility, piety, devotion, apologies and forgiveness, Karmic Dispensation, truth, light and Love and the Love, knowing I Am and the I Am, compassion, tenderness, passion, kindness, strength with gentleness, gratitude, Infinite potential, wonder, awe, clarity, prudence, temperance, moderation, laughter, innocence, trust, faith, miracles, connectedness, unity, purity, wisdom, beauty, grace, true and exact expression of Divine spirit and will, charity, hope, the knowing that abundance is our birthright, freedom to make choices, gender equality within and without, the balance in understanding and knowing the Divine Blessings, Virtues, Qualities, Universal Laws, and Dimensional Growth patterns. Our tri-flames within our heart chakras are balanced.
There is perfect health, balanced bacteria within/without, pure environment within/without, pure food and water for all the kingdoms, for all beings, home-grown food, personal gardens and community gardens everywhere, oil pipelines become water pipelines, regeneration, youth and vitality.
There is sacred space for everyone, free energy, free medical with understanding and knowing of the healing power of the Divine Rays, Colours, all science working in Divine Alignment for health and everywhere needed, free education and childcare for everyone, mindfulness, and meditation practice in schools, understanding and knowing of sacred purpose, the Universal Laws, Divine Qualities and dimensional growth patterns, how things work in the higher realms.
There is Divine Right Alignment all over the internet, all social media, in the entertainment, publishing, and news industries.
There are therapeutic communities to come to balance, for females to heal, for males to heal, for those struggling with addictions. There is therapeutic rehabilitation in prison until there are no prisons. There is freedom for everyone.
There are societies structured and organized for the common good of everyone with universal social services, such as affordable day care, high quality public schools, free college (no tuition), universal health care, paid parental leave, care for the environment, societies that invest in equality of opportunity, that invest in freedom for everyone, quality of life.
There is understanding and knowing of abundance in all forms, especially spiritual currency, the Love, openness of self-worth, receptivity, our ability to give and receive, willingness to move forward, our currency of Love, deservingness, the worth to experience, to create, and play, completion. Minimum wage is raised to a living wage, and there is Universal Basic Income, sharing of money, conscious capitalism, balanced finances and governance everywhere on Gaia.
I hold for the Collective the willingness to receive.
There is Gaian global citizenship, cities of light with conscious design, no borders, freedom for everyone, Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine balance, conscious awareness of our wholeness, conscious listening to guidance/intuition, heart consciousness which leads to the joy of knowing sacred purpose, our Ascension, that God is Love, that we are Loved.
There is joyful co-creation with the Divine, community and unity, family, trust, peace, Love, joy, forgiveness, compassion, equal gratitude the feminine and masculine, kindness, tenderness, gentleness to self, therefore to everyone, self-worth and self-Love, hearts opening everywhere right Now on Gaia, completion of the Mother’s Divine Plan, Her Family Plan with Her Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe, miracles everywhere, everything in balance.

More How Things Work in the Higher Realms,
Compassion Road and Forgiveness Road posts here.
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