The Mother has often referred to Her Plan for our Ascension on Earth as the Family Plan, community, taking care of each other, where none are homeless, in poverty, in lack of anything.
As we remember sacred union, the Mother’s Nurturing Love and the Love, the Knowing of the Father, heart union, heart consciousness, we are coming to Divine Alignment.
One with Mother and the Father, however we conceive of this, utilizing our Divine Authority, we are remembering our original purity.
The Mother’s Plan
Her Individual/Family Plan
Self is All
To be our creator selves, assuming the mantle of our Divine Authority,
in charge of our life, thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours, steps, environments,
in alignment with the Love, the Divine Mind, Heart and Will,
in service, sacred purpose, harmony with each other,
knowing abundance is our birthright.
We are eliminating the old beliefs, the false grids of hatred and bigotry, control and limitation, lack and separation.
Consciously doing this elimination, our sorrow and fears, our core issues, diminish, dissolve, disappear. . .
There is no control in the higher realms — the Universal Law of As Above So Below, As Within, So Without — slowly we are coming to that place of balance on Earth.
Forgiveness of self for everything, the past,
is elimination of hatred, bigotry, limitation, control.
“I forgive my self for not expressing and experiencing my self as Divine”
is peace, happiness within/without.
Speaking up about forgiveness and apologies, we become catalysts for change, bringing to the forefront the how-to for individuals to decide how to proceed, elimination of control.
Understanding prudence, the knowing when to step in, when to step back — say something or not — is an art.
Attaching to discernment of everything, detaching from the old emotions not of love, hatred, bigotry, limitation, control, separation, lack of self-worth, lack of self-love, and attaching to the highest vision of Divine Alignment, heart consciousness, is balance, the Law of Attachment and Detachment.
Invoking the Law of Transmutation for our original purity, knowing nothing is impossible with Divine Help all around and the help available from our Galactic Family, we discover sacred purpose, golden joy, balance.
From healing to free energy, nothing is impossible.
We are here now
to open our hearts to RECEIVE
the Mother’s LOVE, Her Understanding, Nurturing,
the LOVE of the Father, His Knowing
to allow, to accept,
to expect miracles

More How Things Work in the Higher Realms,
Compassion Road and Forgiveness Road posts here.
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