Surrendering to Love, with forgiveness, compassion and gratitude for the past, we are reassuring our ego — we are relaxing — and the vibrations in our fields expand.
According to Ashira (1) Commander of the United Forces of the Outer Galaxies, UFOG when we think of our time-line in terms of a ruler, we, on Earth, have tended to give ourselves about three inches out of a foot, and it’s very static.
It is high/low, high/low, high/low, with the old ways of being of anger, fear, sorrow, shame and so on, creating a life typically less than 100 years.
In the higher realms the beings take the whole ruler, the whole twelve inches and it is long, long, waves creating a state of ecstasy, bliss, harmony, balance, and a much longer lifespan. . .
The vibrations and frequencies, the waves of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, Tsunami of One, and Galactic Porlana C is helping the vibrations in our fields expand into the longer wave pattern of clarity, purity, grace, wonder and awe. . . of kindness to self.
Our expansion is Infinite gentleness for self/others.