Chief Sitting Bull invites us to get in touch with our totems, our spirit animals
I do not simply come to speak of totems this day, but I have asked for this subject because it is the starting point for you to begin to accept, to nurture and to honor those you share this planet with and it is important. It is one way for you to begin to acknowledge that you are not alone.
Suzanne Maresca: Good morning and welcome to another exciting edition of Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and myself Suzanne Maresca, sitting in for GD.
Today we’ll be talking about totem animals, a subject close to my heart and one that I’m surprised to discover that even seasoned light workers may not be aware of.
Our guest to discuss this fascinating topic is Chief Sitting Bull, who I’m very excited to be able to speak with. Sitting Bull is a wonderful resource for this kind of information.
Cross-culturally those who live closest to the earth enjoy a special relationship and understanding with our animal family and I’m looking forward to hearing the perspective of one who lived it.
Until a few days ago I never would have dreamed of having a conversation with Sitting Bull. I haven’t had any detailed memories come into my awareness about past lives yet, but my heart knows that I’ve had many in North America as a tribal member.
When those feelings come up, along with them comes an energy of loss, like those days were filled with wonder, grace and beauty and I want that feeling again. It’s a memory of living in true community and I think that’s what we’re rapidly moving into again.
Heavenly Blessings Radio Show ~ Animal Totems with Chief Sitting Bull
Good morning, Linda!
LD: Good morning, Suzy, and what a wonderful introduction. Yes, this is a little bit of a change of pace or direction for us after finishing our series on the Divine Qualities, and the Chiefs are back.
So it will be very interesting to have an updated conversation with Sitting Bull and see what the Council of Elders, in terms of the Native American tradition, what they have to share with us about their wisdom and their insights. Not only just into our animal spirit friends and our actual animal friends, but in terms of even a broader perspective of what’s going on.