In a recent Universal Law Zoom class, I explained how Higher Law, Universal Law is the framework of operations from the Mother/Father One.
What I have come to realize is our physical body is the framework.
We carry the energy of the Mother/Father One within.
The blue of the Mother on our right side, the yellow/gold of the Father on our left.
The throat chakra is a point of Oneness, forgiveness of everything masculine and feminine, the Law of Karmic Dispensation.
The right hemisphere of the brain carries Divine Masculine attributes, wisdom and protection, while the left, Divine Feminine creativity, especially for the creation of peace on Gaia.
Now is time for the Divine Feminine to rise to help create peace where there is discord on Gaia.
We are anchoring the framework of the Mother and the Father in equality, in Love on planet and it begins with consciously understanding this concept is present in our physical bodies.
We are gender equal in our framework — the masculine and feminine in our body — coming to understand we can open to equality, heart consciousness in our heart chakra.
Any pain in the body is an indication we are holding onto the old belief systems, hatred of the feminine or masculine, that can go back to how we view our early caregivers, namely our mother and/or our father.
Come to equal forgiveness and gratitude for all our experiences, and we balance in compassion, Love in the heart — no more pain within or without on planet — our physical body the framework of operations from the Mother/Father One.
There is a reason, St. Francis, in his teaching,
the blessing and virtue of charity said,
“Eat Green!”
Blue and yellow/gold create green.
Blue is associated with the harmonious flow of the Mother Energy – water,
yellow/gold with the brilliance of the Father Energy – sunlight.
Sunlight and water help create the green in nature.
Balance in the green
in compassion and Love,
the creation of joy and peace within/without.
Peace – freedom from all fear.
Joy – gratitude for sacred purpose.