Saturday, on my drive to Fort Langley to work as a reader at the metaphysical store, TAP Spirit, there was smoke, not so much that vision of the traffic was obscured, but the sun, sky, and distant mountains were.
The wild fires far south and east of the city have been voracious; wind is blowing smoke.
The morning sun was a bright golden ball.
A few years ago, Vancouver was blanketed with smoke, and a very fine sooty dust from fires in our interior to the north, but it was nothing like reports of the American fires coming in. . . I’m so sorry.
In our shift to Divine Right Alignment — remembering, creating the ways of Love, as we learned with our Universal Logos, Sanat Kumara, and the Law of Balance — the process seems to involve breakdown.

Sanat Kumara’s Golden Scales of Balance
We were taught balance within creates balance without,
but as with most healing, it can be a process.
As well as the Golden Energy of SK, there are many on the other side we can call upon for help. The Mother’s Blue Diamond Energy of Hope, another way to balance, is very powerful.

The Mother’s Blue Diamond Energy of Hope for Balance with everything
Asking Her to come, to contemplate the Blue Diamond together within, and etherically place blue diamonds everywhere there is chaos, we release the old energy not of love and bring balance to the whole.
Receiving, allowing, accepting, giving away
— forgiving, the Blue Diamond way —
coming to gratitude, we shift.
Please join in.
It’s an inside job
to a climate of Love.