We invite everyone to join us nightly, 8PM — wherever you are on planet — holding the highest vision of peace, Love, harmony, balance, joy, freedom.
The more enlightened a society we become, the more socially responsible we are, and truly joyful.
The Council of Love tells us through channel, Linda Dillon, in her book, The New You, Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness, joy is:
“To be fully thankful, grateful and One with the gift of life purpose and spirit. To be a reflection of the perfection of the creation of self and All.
“To live in and remain with the heart for All time.”
As more and more women step into leadership positions the ways of community, truly taking care of each other, emerges.
With the rise of the Divine Feminine and the ways of Love, bullying of all kinds will cease.
Below are four encouraging posts and how the quality of joy, the 5th dimensional growth patterns, and the Universal Law of Give and Receive help us to construct the new.
How You Could Save a Life in 10 Seconds
By Ashleigh Wilson, Saturday November 18, 2017, UpLift
“Peter could perhaps be described as your ‘typical nerd’–he stood at least a head below the other boys in our year, wore his shorts far higher than was socially acceptable, and his pale skin reflected the amount of time he spent inside the library. When he wasn’t studying, Peter could be found watching David Attenborough documentaries, which, despite growing up in Australian suburbia, had given him a slight English accent.
“I never really spoke to Peter, though I knew of him well. Everyone did. It was hard to ignore the crowd of students that would gather at lunch to watch as Peter was humiliated by those considered ‘cool.’ It seemed to the bystanders, who gathered in the circle, that the torture of Peter was some kind of show. They would munch on an apple, stuff their faces with chips or sip on a coke, as if they were simply watching TV, unable to interfere in the cruelty right in front of their eyes.
“Although I never watched Peter’s torment, I was no better than those who did. As the bell rang for lunch, Peter would push past me, his back hunched defensively, as he rushed to the refuge of the library before his tormentors caught up to him. I could have turned around and told the bullies to leave him alone, I could have even just sat with Peter so that he wasn’t alone. But I didn’t.
“My self-conscious teenage self thought, at best, my efforts would be useless, and at worst, I would be chucked in the same boat as Peter, finding myself in the centre of that vicious circle. . .”

There are other effective ways to intervene, even if you can’t step in physically.
What You Can Do
“One of the outcomes of the recent #MeToo outbreak on social media was the need to stop placing the onus on victims to solve the problem of sexual harassment and assault. After all, they have suffered enough, why should they have to be responsible for fixing society’s problem? The same could be said for the victims of bullying. If you witness harassment of any kind, it is your responsibility to take action.
“While obviously directly confronting the bully is usually best, it is often not that easy. But there are more indirect ways you can help if you witness someone, whether adult or child, being tormented.
“Dr Laura Martocci, author of the acclaimed book, Bullying: The Social Destruction of Self, outlines 10 concrete ways you can help:
- Make eye contact with the victim or some other gesture to show solidarity.
- Distract and/or redirect the attention of aggressors.
- Connect to other bystanders through body language, and support those looking to be proactive.
- Avoid being a gossip-monger: The less you contribute to re-hashing the incident, the faster chatter will move on to other topics.
- Curtail gossip or turn the conversation in a sympathetic direction.
- Make eye contact with the victim beyond the immediate spectacle of shaming.
- Risk telling an aggressor to ‘chill,’ or to just ‘walk away’.
- Be prepared to be a pro-active witness: Film the interaction, or, in the case of cyberbullying, take screen shots. Either might be needed by victims.
- Anonymously get word to a sympathetic supervisor or authority figure.
- Turn laughter back on itself, defusing the situation: Say ‘Why are you still bothering with this drama (laugh)?’ or ‘Seriously? Dude, that’s pathetic.'”
A Different Kind of Outsider
By Susan Milligan, November 24, 2017, U.S.News
“Democrats are winning at the state level by reinventing the idea of the citizen legislator.
“For many Americans, the new Democratic face in the state legislature may be a former favorite teacher. Or perhaps the nurse practitioner who helped care for a loved one. It might be the journalist whose work was seen on local TV, or maybe an elder in the church.
“Democrats – skewered in congressional and state legislative races in 2010 and beyond by Republican ‘outsider’ candidates promising to shake up the status quo – are winning down-ticket races this year with a different kind of outsider, one that recalls the citizen legislator of yore. Instead of offering up lawyers, businesspeople and professional politicians who make up the majority of state legislators nationwide, Democrats are picking up seats with candidates drawn from voters’ everyday lives.
“‘Teachers are ordinary people. And we live in a world where we should have a government of the people. Who better to represent the people than a teacher?’ says Cheryl Turpin, a science teacher elected earlier this month to the Virginia House of Delegates. Turpin, who captured one of at least 15 seats Democrats picked in this month’s elections (three races are still under official review), will serve with newly-elected teacher Schuyler VanValkenburg and former teacher Wendy Gooditis (herself the daughter and granddaughter of teachers). VanValkenburg, notably, teaches government to high schoolers.
“In other races, Democrats have run (and won with) a nurse practitioner, a cybersecurity expert, a Georgia software expert who is also an elder in his church and a social worker who came to America from Peru as a single parent. The field helped Democrats flip 32 state legislative seats from red to blue in special elections and off-year, general elections on Nov. 7. Republicans have flipped just a single contested seat.”
This Territory in Canada Just Doubled
the Number of Women Elected to Government
By Jackie Marchildon, November 1, 2017
“With a mix of new and returning members, Nunavut’s Legislative Assembly will now include more women than ever before.

Iqaluit’s Elisapee Sheutiapik
“Many will remember when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he had appointed a gender-balanced cabinet at the federal level, ‘Because it’s 2015.’ It seems now that the want for female representation in government is taking hold across the country.
“The number of women elected in Nunavut has doubled since 2013 when only three women were elected.
“When given equal opportunities, women can act as powerful agents of change, and the female perspective make can make a great difference in how governments and communities function as a whole.”
Avaaz did WHAT with our donations?!
From the About page on their website:
“Avaaz—meaning ‘voice’ in several European, Middle Eastern and Asian languages—launched in 2007 with a simple democratic mission: organize citizens of all nations to close the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want.
“Avaaz empowers millions of people from all walks of life to take action on pressing global, regional and national issues, from corruption and poverty to conflict and climate change. Our model of internet organising allows thousands of individual efforts, however small, to be rapidly combined into a powerful collective force. (Read about results on the Highlights page.)
“The Avaaz community campaigns in 15 languages, served by a core team on 6 continents and thousands of volunteers. We take action — signing petitions, funding media campaigns and direct actions, emailing, calling and lobbying governments, and organizing ‘offline’ protests and events — to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people inform the decisions that affect us all.”
A look back at some of the incredible things the community of Avaaz made possible in 2017.
Here are 2 among many. . .
This reserve happened because 55,000 people took an amazing leap of hope and trust to donate to Avaaz. Many take this leap each year and are changing the world in beautiful and jaw-dropping ways!
A global seedbank to fight back against chemical agriculture! Now any farmer anywhere can source a wide variety of plants for free, giving them an alternative to genetically modified seeds.
A note from the Avaaz team:
“Some people worry that the nonprofit sector can be wasteful and slow. But Avaaz moves at lightning speed. Our movement has won awards for its effectiveness, and our campaigns are held up all over the world as shining examples of people power in action.
“When Nelson first shared his vision with the Avaaz team, of that Maasai-managed nature reserve — we knew right away that Avaazers would love it. Not just because brilliant ideas like these are infectious, but because the optimism and solidarity and generosity of this community is one truly remarkable constant in these crazy times.
“Thank you, so much, to everyone in this movement, for being who you are, and doing what you do.”
With respect and gratitude,
Ricken and the whole Avaaz team
November 22nd, 2017
Avaaz is only five years old,
but has exploded to become the globe’s largest
and most powerful online activist network.
— The Guardian
Joy, 5th Dimensional Growth Patterns,
and the Universal Law of Give and Receive
Joy is the truth of Who We Are.
It is within us, as are the growth patterns of the different dimensions.
Traits of the fifth dimension, as Albert Einstein explains, are Lovingkindness, consideration, (1) the Eternal flow of gratitude, the balance of the Universal Law of Give and Receive, (2) and joy.
Archangel Gabrielle helps us to understand this through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
“Let go the things that do not serve you. . . old belief systems.
“Step away from drama and conflict. Those things compromise your state of joy.
“There is a village in South Africa, a very simple community. At first blush one could say they don’t have anything. They are living in huts and don’t wear much clothing, yet they were identified as some of the happiest, joyous people on Earth because they had community.
“There is such great love in their lives. Their simple lives have such richness, connection to their sacred selves, each other and to Gaia.” (3)
Joy is a quality, a constant state of being, just like grace.
It is our essence, our core, our spark
that we can build into a bonfire.
Joy is gratitude.
It is clear and gentle, the truth of everyone’s being, a strong, viral, healing energy that moves at en-light-ening speed.
This does not mean that as we witness the disintegration of the old 3rd dimension, we will not feel pain, but with expanded awareness of our wholeness, the ways of social responsibility — our truth — we find that wellspring of joy within, that ocean of golden radiance to drink, to call upon, to nourish us.
Archangel Gabrielle tells us:
“You are not joyful about poverty, despair, or hunger. Angst, despair, or disappointment never resolve or raise the vibration of the very thing you are upset about. When you hold the joy and bring the light, not ‘Pollyannaish’ or in denial, then you are truly in your creative force.
“The tribe in South Africa does not spend the time in angst and despair there may be a drought coming or perhaps the well four villages over is dry. They have learned to cope, to share the joy, to raise the vibration. And when they do, the water comes.”
One of the blessings of joy is understanding that if someone close to us loses their joy — with our knowing of joy and our ability to be joy — we can help restore the one affected, to their joy, their balance.
Joy brings the light to situations,
not in denial, but in truth.
Holding the truth of joy,
we raise the vibration
of angst, despair, disappointment,
of the old ways of being.
Joy is the golden flame
that burns away the old ways of being.
With practice, as we align with our Divinity, our wholeness, our well-spring of joy becomes contagious!
When we say, “I Am Joy,” what we are doing is claiming and declaring our Divinity, our alignment with the I Am of the higher dimensions.
We are bringing ourselves — our heart, consciousness, mental and emotional bodies, physical body — into alignment with our Universal Self, which is our personal I Am.
We can think of it as a straight line into the connection and alignment with the I Am, with Divine Mind, Heart, Will, Presence, our joy.
The colour of joy is deep, olde gold, burnished gold. Gold heals all parts of our body and our bodies, our sacred field.
Archangel Gabrielle tells us to spend ten minutes daily in joy — doing whatever brings us outrageous joy (4) — and if we have something we wish to heal, she says:
“Fill yourself with my golden elixir for it will permeate every cell, every pore, every organ, your blood, everything, and it renews you.
“Joy is the anti-aging agent of the century and it makes you beautiful and radiant because there is nothing more beautiful than joy.” (5)
We are joy when we live in the heart, in the balance of giving and receiving, of gratitude, incorporating the fifth dimensional growth patterns of patience, stamina, humour and wisdom.
Being the quality, the constant state of joy — fully thankful, grateful, with the gift of life, purpose, and spirit — we find our sacred purpose, the path of Ascension, Nova Being, Nova Earth.
An Invocation
I invoke Archangel Gabrielle, Sanat Kumara, and Albert Einstein
the blessing, virtue, quality of joy, the Law of Give and Receive,
fifth dimensional growth patterns to let go the old with ease,
to embrace the new, Love and community, freedom, peace.
(1) Albert Einstein on the Fifth Dimension, page 66, The New You, Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness, by Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love
(2) The Universal Law of Give and Receive
(3) Archangelle Gabrielle on Joy, page 224, The New You, Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness, by Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love
(4) Linda speaking to Suzanne at the beginning of Heavenly Blessings, “St. Germaine: We’re At the Finish Line!,” November 23, 2017, http://inlightuniversal.com/heavenly-blessings-st-germaine-were-at-the-finish-line/
(5) “Archangel Gabrielle Speaks to the Divine Quality of Joy and Shares a Practical Tip to Stay There,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, March 12, 2013, http://counciloflove.com/2013/03/aa-gabrielle-speaks-to-the-divine-quality-of-joy-and-shares-a-practical-exercise-to-stay-there/
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2013/03/12/heavenly-blessings, meditation 12:35, Archangel Gabrielle 25:22