A Love letter to my Self
Dear Heart, Self,
I LOVE you.
I apologize to you for the entrenched belief that I have been consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously holding, that “God is punishing.”
I see now:
I Love you, my Self
I forgive you, my Self
I apologize to you, my Self
Mother/Father One never meant for life to be a struggle, to think that I needed to plan for disaster, for lack.
I see now, lack of love within creates the perception of lack.
Lack of apology and forgiveness to you, my Self, and others creates lack within/without.
Flowery language can explain what is transpiring on planet now, but what am I truly feeling within, what is my heart saying?
What is heart listening?
If I sat still and truly examined how I feel, what would I find?
Oppression, control, judgement, separation anxiety, worry – broken trust, doubt, futility, disappointment, sorrow, shame, exhaustion, fear of ruin, fear of failure, fear of defeat — lack of self-worth and lack of self-Love — is that how I feel?
What is lack of self-love and lack of self-worth? What is judgement of self and fear?
In the present moment, Now, what am I feeling?
Am I feeling the LOVE that is all around me?
Am I in bliss, in ecstasy, in joy knowing sacred purpose helping create the New, in rejuvenation?
How do I get there, to that feeling bliss, the LOVE, the joy of sacred purpose?
This is our Nova Earth — living in the heart — heart consciousness.
As within, so without. As above, so below.
Jesus, when he walked the Earth, knew this. He taught this.
Anyone who has experienced near-death relays this; they come back to Earth and all they speak of is LOVE.
What is LOVE? Absolutely no judgement of self?
What is PEACE? The state of no fear?
I understand the value of pain but am I compassion?
Where is “God not punishing,” where apologies and forgiveness are the Way of LOVE, the Return of LOVE?
I LOVE you, Self.
Universal Mother Mary:
The Universal Law of Completion and Continuity
“The decision to leave what you know as the old Third Dimension behind is a personal decision.
“Now, you have touched upon something very important – critical – that I wish to speak to. Why is it that some of you are already feeling that sense of detachment, of being the observer, of knowing the connection, of feeling the unity, of multiplying and amplifying my gift of clarity, and feel pretty much ready to let go of that cord to the old Third so that you are not experiencing the angst, the anger, the fear, the discouragement, the disappointment in ways that you have in the past, that the struggle is a struggle. Because that is a big piece of the old Third – that we wish to dismiss.
“It was this belief in struggle, which is contrary to everything I have ever created.
“Now why is it that some of you are ready to simply let go of that cord? Because you have decided, in your own journey, that you are ready to, that you can work and be in the fullness of your capacity in the higher realms.
“Now you may on occasion be reaching back. But even as you reach back, what I suggest today is that you will be reaching back into the pure Third that I have recently created, not the distorted old Third.
“So can there be an experience of physicality? We are not eliminating the Third Dimension; that would be contrary to my Creation. The circle of life that you and Linda have referred to includes the fullness of the clock. We are not taking 3 off the clock. We are cleaning it up.
“So can you have an experience of physicality in and out as you choose? Yes. But it is from a different place of existence and knowing. When I created the Third in the very beginning, it was a place of play where you could assume being a tree, a butterfly, a mountain range, a goat, and you could do it for five minutes or five years or five millennia – it matters not.
“But you were free to pop in and out. And what happened with the distorted Third was you forgot that. And everything became a struggle. Well, that is not the Creation that I have put in place. So yes, some of you are already ready to let go of that cord. Some of you are bi-locating fully… Holding the energy for those who are in the process of decision.
“And then there are those that are still caught in the quagmire of the old distorted Third. But all are being prepared. Some resist. That is the option of free will. But it is really kind of absurd when you think of it, my daughter. The solidity of the old Third has always been a conundrum. Why would anyone choose fear, pain, misery, mayhem?
“Yes, the addiction is strong. But all of it is but an illusion. That is why we are going to speak to you about false grids as well.
“I am determined that my children, from China, to India, to Africa, to Haiti, to New York City, to the West Coast – everybody – will be fully informed of what a false grid is and be free to exercise the choice to abolish, eliminate, escape from these illusions. Because they are not of Love and they are not of my Creation. And frankly, child, I am tired of them.” (1)
Suggested Practice
Daily Invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Laws of Intention,
Balance, Change, Unification, Unity, Transmutation,
Instantaneous Transmission, Dispensation,
Attraction and Repulsion, Elimination
and Completion and Continuity
for forgiveness of everything
to create peace on Gaia.
I’ve found with, a consistent daily meditation practice alongside Universal Law invocations, comes greater understanding and knowing how to let go, how to embody the new.
During Your Meditation Time:
Sitting in St. Germaine’s Violet Bonfire
or bringing his Torch of the Violet Flame
into the heart space, observing, listening
for inspiration, the ‘how-to’ steps,
keys to forgiving everything.
P e a c e within
creates peace without,
as within s o w i t h o u t,
the Universal Law of Balance,
how things work in the higher realms.
8 Minutes @ 8 PM (wherever you are on Gaia):
Listening to Archangel Michael’s
Plea for Peace Now! Meditation
with his Mighty Blue Breath.
In the months after Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now and Archangel Uriel’s Meditation for Drought were channeled by Linda Dillon, a small group and I have been gathering on Skype to listen.
Embedded within these meditations is magical expansion. . . Consistency, again, is key.
If guided please
share on social media.
The more of us participating,
finding that place of peace within,
the faster we manifest PEACE ON GAIA.
“When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love,
then peace will reign.”
Archangel Michael
To see all the posts go to:
All There Is Is Love and Peace and scroll down
(1) “Transcript: Universal Mother Mary Discusses the Law of Completion and Continuity on Heavenly Blessings, December 3, 2013,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/12/03/universal-mother-mary-discusses-the-law-of-completion-and-continuity-on-heavenly-blessings-december-3-2013-2/
More How Things Work in the Higher Realms,
Compassion Road and Forgiveness Road posts here.
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