Simple Steps to Healing: Ho’oponopono
I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You
by Dr. Joe Vitale
Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients – without ever seeing any of them.
The psychologist would study an inmate’s chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person’s illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.
When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself?
How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane?
It didn’t make any sense. It wasn’t logical, so I dismissed the story.
However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called ho’oponopono.
I had never heard of it, yet I couldn’t let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had to know more.
I had always understood “total responsibility” to mean that I am responsible for what I think and do. Beyond that, it’s out of my hands.
I think that most people think of total responsibility that way. We’re responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does.
The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people would teach me an advanced new perspective about total responsibility.
His name is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.
We probably spent an hour talking on our first phone call. I asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a therapist.
He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous.
Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visit.
Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office and to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal.
“After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely,” he told me. “Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed.”
I was in awe.
“Not only that,” he went on, “but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work.”
This is where I had to ask the million dollar question: “What were you doing within yourself that caused those people to change?”
“I was simply healing the part of me that created them,” he said.
I didn’t understand.
Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life – simply because it is in your life – is your responsibility.
In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.
Whew. This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another.
Yet, the truth is this: if you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is your responsibility because it is in your life.
This means that terrorist activity, the president, the economy – anything you experience and don’t like – is up for you to heal. They don’t exist, in a manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you.
The problem isn’t with them, it’s with you, and to change them, you have to change you.
I know this is tough to grasp, let alone accept or actually live.
Blame is far easier than total responsibility, but as I spoke with Dr. Len, I began to realize that healing for him and in ho’oponopono means loving yourself.
If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you want to cure anyone – even a mentally ill criminal – you do it by healing you.
I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. What was he doing, exactly, when he looked at those patients’ files?
“I just kept saying, ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I love you’ over and over again,” he explained.
That’s it?
That’s it.
Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, you improve your world.
Let me give you a quick example of how this works: one day, someone sent me an email that upset me.
In the past I would have handled it by working on my emotional hot buttons or by trying to reason with the person who sent the nasty message.
This time, I decided to try Dr. Len’s method. I kept silently saying, “I’m sorry” and “I love you.” I didn’t say it to anyone in particular.
I was simply evoking the spirit of love to heal within me what was creating the outer circumstance.
Within an hour I got an e-mail from the same person. He apologized for his previous message.
Keep in mind that I didn’t take any outward action to get that apology. I didn’t even write him back. Yet, by saying “I love you,” I somehow healed within me what was creating him.
In short, Dr. Len says there is no out there. . . whenever you want to improve anything in your life, there’s only one place to look: inside you.
And when you look, do it with love.
Note: This article on ho’oponopono is edited from the book Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale.
Dr. Len states that we are all responsible for everything that we see in our world. By taking full personal responsibility and then healing the wounded places within ourselves, we can literally heal ourselves and our world.
As related by Joe Vitale in the radio interview, Dr. Len suggests a four-stage process for this ho’oponopono work. Whenever a place for healing presents itself in your life, open to the place where the hurt resides within you. After identifying this place, with as much feeling as you can, say the below four statements:
I love you.
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
Many have found it to be incredibly profound in their lives.
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment
The Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment asks us to observe and bless everything with feeling — attaching to the truth, the expression of our heart’s desire, to the highest vision for All — and to detach from everything not of love.
The Buddha explains this Law through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, and says this is done in the constant flow of our hearts:
“You bless each person, not simply with compassion, but with the Love of your heart.
“You do not attach to either your vision or theirs.
“This is a very important understanding for humanity that has an infamous tendency to get caught up in the drama of both their own lives, and certainly of others as well.
“That is why it is so critical at this juncture that you truly learn to be the observer because when you are fully anchored as the observer you are in detachment.
“You are simply watching, and when I use the word ‘watching’ — I certainly do not simply mean with your eyes or even your etheric eyes — I mean with your heart.” (1)
The practise of being in the Infinite and Eternal flow of forgiveness and gratitude helps us detach from drama, come to balance as Nova Being.
Anchored in our hearts, in observation, and attached to the act of blessing everything — consciously breathing, feeling forgiving, sending kindness, compassion, gratitude — accelerates our own becoming and our planetary unity consciousness where we are Love and peace for everyone equally.
Saying a mantra such as the Ho’oponopono technique of, ” I Love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you” emphasizes that we are One.
In a balanced society there is no class system — no hierarchy — all are cared for.
The homeless man, the abused woman, the autistic child, the arrogant businessman, the greedy dictator — all of us — are from the same spark of Love of the Mother.
The ways of being that are not of love, held onto within, create “mirror reflections” for us — situations of lack — that are not of truth.
Lack of forgiveness and gratitude
restrict us from full potential, our freedom,
creates ill health, relationship issues, financial lack
to homelessness, drug addiction, even war between countries.
As we become consciously aware of our wholeness by examining and detaching from the old ways of being, curiously asking questions about our history — seeing the patterns of behaviour we have been unconsciously creating — we release the energy that creates havoc.
What Dr. Hew Len did for the mental patients with the practise of Ho’oponopono, we can do everyday with our selves and others, by saying simple mantras.
I Love you and myself
I forgive you and myself
I apologize to you and myself
I Am the Infinite Flow of Gratitude
I Am the Eternal Flow of Forgiveness
In the interconnectedness of everything, as we let go — forgive and come to that place of gratitude in the Infinite and Eternal flow of Love — we affect our family, friends, where we work, everywhere we “are,” all humanity.
Dr. Hew Len had great success, working “inside-out” — healing himself to heal the patients from the “outside-in” — an entire hospital.
Imagine what thousands of lightworkers can do!
We are helping humanity, like Dr. Hew Len helped his patients, healing ourselves within with detachment from the old, then attaching to the highest vision, being and sending the energy of peace and Love everywhere.
In the Infinite and Eternal flow of L o v e,
attaching to forgiveness and gratitude,
detaching from everything not of love
creates Nova Being and Nova Earth,
planetary unification and unity
balance within and without.

Scales of Balance
Suggested Practice
Daily Invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Laws of Intention,
Balance, Change, Unification, Unity, Transmutation,
Instantaneous Transmission, Dispensation,
Attraction and Repulsion, Elimination
and Completion and Continuity
for forgiveness of everything
to create peace on Gaia.
I’ve found with, a consistent daily meditation practice alongside Universal Law invocations, comes greater understanding and knowing how to let go, to embody the new by holding the highest vision of balance, gender equality within and without, Divine Alignment, for our collective Ascension.
During Your Meditation Time:
Sitting in St. Germaine’s Violet Bonfire
or bringing his Torch of the Violet Flame
into the heart space, observing, listening
for inspiration, the ‘how-to’ steps,
keys to forgiving everything.
P e a c e within
creates peace without,
as within s o w i t h o u t,
the Universal Law of Balance,
how things work in the higher realms.
8 Minutes @ 8 PM (wherever you are on Gaia):
Listening to Archangel Michael’s
Plea for Peace Now! Meditation
with his Mighty Blue Breath.
In the months after Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now and Archangel Uriel’s Meditation for Drought were channeled by Linda Dillon, a small group and I have been gathering on Skype to listen.
Embedded within these meditations is magical expansion. . . Consistency, again, is key.
If guided please
share on social media.
The more of us participating,
finding that place of peace within,
the faster we manifest PEACE ON GAIA.
“When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love,
then peace will reign.”
Archangel Michael
To see all the posts go to:
All There Is Is Love and Peace and scroll down
(1) Transcript: “Buddha, the Wayfarer, Explains the 6th Universal Law of Attachment/Detachment,” September 29, 2013, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,
Audio: Heavenly Blessings radio show ~ “Buddha Law of Attachment/Detachment”: meditation, truth of heart’s desire 11:51, the Buddha 31:38