Come join with us sending Love. . .
Kathleen is hosting this regularly on Mondays:
Zoom call starting at 4:45pm PST / 7:45pm EST – sending healing green Love around the world for 30 minutes at the top of the hour (wherever you are).
We found that 8 minutes, then 15 minutes was not enough, hence we will be trying 30 minutes for sending.
Also, we decided unless there is a specific event where our energy of sending is needed, we are sending to what we each feel drawn to. . .
From the Universal Law of As Above So Below, As Within So Without, Balance with Sanat Kumara:
Above is a place of harmony.
It is not a place of turmoil, anger, frustration. That does not exist.
Therefore there is no room for it below.
What the higher realms want us to envision is the alignment — as if there is a cloud of Heaven above Earth — with the Light pouring down filled with Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth, Justice, and Peace.
From each of our hearts we have the capacity to send directly to the heart of war that sense of peace, of forgiveness.
The key to war
is to send the peace,
the forgiveness, the Love.
When we become outraged at atrocity — it is outrageous, but when we join into that energy of drama anywhere, then we are contributing to it — we have need to align with the Divine Qualities of Peace, of Forgiveness, Compassion, of Divine Law and in that way not to underestimate our strength.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 8911 8351
Passcode: 563481
And if anyone would like to stay around
for a discussion after, I’m happy to do that.

As Within So Without, As Above So Below, Balance
Albert Einstein on Sending Love,
How the Breath is Our Life Force to Create
Albert Einstein: “In the exhale, you are sharing
the Essence of Who You Are all over this planet.”