Did you know the botanical meaning of the word corona?
It is the cup-shaped or trumpet-shaped outgrowth at the center of a daffodil or narcissus flower.
And its origin, in mid 16th century from Latin, is ‘wreath, crown’.
When I think of the word crown, I imagine leadership. And trumpet? A blast of sound from Archangel Gabrielle and Her Golden Trumpet of Truth!
In our external reality I’m seeing changes I did not know how they’d be achieved happening before our eyes. . . from monetary support for the people flowing out from our governments. . . to a safe drug supply for our most vulnerable.

Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
In our Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, the poorest neighbourhood in Canada:
The federal government has given the green light for a safe supply of drugs for Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside residents in light of the COVID-19 crisis, according to Mayor Kennedy Stewart.
“We must tackle the poisoned (fentanyl/carfentanil crisis) drug epidemic — something that has already cost us more than 1,000 lives,” said Stewart during a news conference, where a wide variety of measures were announced to help residents of the Downtown Eastside from contracting or spreading the illness linked to the novel coronavirus.
“The federal government has taken all measures required for this to be operational,” said Stewart. “Now we’re just waiting for the provincial guidelines.” (1)
And more:
In B.C., the extraordinary circumstance of having two active public health emergencies – COVID-19 and an overdose crisis caused by a toxic supply of drugs – made safe supply a reality.
Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry said the move is particularly aimed at supporting people in places such as Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.
“These guidelines enable us to provide a safe supply for people and to ensure that they’re able to comply with our public health advice around isolation or quarantine, should that be required,” she said.
The move is made possible by recent changes to the federal Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and provincial prescribing guidelines. Together, they allow prescribers and pharmacists to prescribe individualized take-home supplies of drugs, colloquially called “carries,” and pharmacists to deliver medications and extend or refill prescriptions over the phone. (2)
Blessings to all the care workers
and everyone with Loved ones suffering.
My heart is with you.
Yesterday I was at my place of work. The owner decided to open – for our center to be a place of calm with social distancing – and a woman came in and talked about her father being in Lions Gate Hospital with coronavirus.
She explained in a joyous, sacred way, how thankful she was that he was through the worst of it, but that, also, his spiritual awakening had begun, because of it.
The man, in the post below in Italy, had a similar experience; in his isolation and sickness he found gratitude and appreciation:
Rossi is very grateful towards those who treated him.
“My thanks go to all the doctors and nurses of the hospital’s infectious diseases unit, they are the true heroes of this battle. Every day they work in extreme conditions, psychologically under pressure and with the constant fear of contracting the virus and of not being able to return home to their families,” he said.
This Italian coronavirus patient says his days in the hospital were passed in great solitude with no family members nearby and no one to support him. He said the experience has changed his life and taught him to appreciate the small things he took for granted: “living, breathing, a walk, a hug, a glass of wine, freedom.” (3)
Is our time of quarantine
helping us find the blessings
in the little things, too?
Myself, I Am discovering new levels of understanding of community within.
Often, I’ve felt I didn’t belong, from family to friends, and I created situations where this old belief perpetrated itself over and over, and I would say, “Look – see?”
My “I’m unforgiveable” tactics included – “I’m different,” I’m separate,” “I’m bad” – subconscious, unconscious belief systems from this lifetime and past incarnations on Earth.
No, those beliefs are not Divine within or without in our communities. The beings in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside are not “bad” but our beliefs perpetrate that. . .
Now, thankfully, with more understanding:
I Am Forgiveness, I Am Peace
I Am/WE ARE LOVE, Compassion
We are living in extraordinary times and
together in community we create new societies.
I Am Forgiveness of self, I Am EQUAL LOVE for everyone,
especially for my physical Mum, and my physical Dad.
I Am Compassion for the many issues I created.
I Am Compassion for my sorrows & fear of
the bigotry, hatred, limitation, control.
From chaos can come creation.
As Within, So Without.
I Am Gratitude
for life purpose.

(1) Safe supply of drugs for DTES residents given green light, says Vancouver, March 26, 2020, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/vancouver-dtes-residents-covid-march-26-1.5511149
(2) Pandemic pushes B.C. to move forward on safe take-home drug supply strategy, March 26, 2020, https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-pandemic-pushes-bc-to-move-forward-on-safe-take-home-drug-supply/
(3) Italian Patient Describes What It’s Like to Have COVID-19, March 26, 2020, https://www.voanews.com/science-health/coronavirus-outbreak/italian-patient-describes-what-its-have-covid-19